Biased approaches to Bos11ia11 historiography in general, strong 11atio11alist sentiments and excessive i11terpretatio11s of certain phenomena have produced a number of disagreements berween scholars. This refers especially to the Bosnian religious histOIJ'· The purpose of my paper is twofold. It examines modem hisroriography of the early Ottoman Bosnia, and attempts to open some new venues to the study of the encounters berween difl'erent religious co1111111111ities and their representatives. /11 the first two centuries of Ottoman rule, the attitude of Ouoma11 center towards co1fessio11al structure of Bosnian society, is a result of political, economic and social circ11111 sra11ces 011 one hand, and the result of the Ottoman strategy of accepring some local i11 stit11tio11s and including some 11011- Muslim elements into the milita1J1 class 011 the other. My paper consists of an overview of the co11fessio11al structure in Bosnia, and an analysis of the relationship be/ween !he two churches (Catholic and Orthodo:>.) in the Balkans, focusing on the encounter between Ottoman State, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians.
Gene/de !30.\'/la 1arih('ili{~ i11 e 611 yargr/1 yakla 111rlar , gii\ lii 111illi hiss1)1a/ ve 1111111;;1 e11 hir vaka iizeri11e 111iifi·i1 yor11111/ar i/i111 ada111/an aras111da pek r;:o k ihtila./ yamt111aktad1r. lfo ozel/ikle Bos11a'11111 di11 tarihi ko1111s1111a atfedi/111ektedir. /311 ral1~·11w111da iki hede( giizeti/111 ektedir. /111rnda erke11 Os111a11/1 Bosnas111111 modem
tarih\ iligi i11 cele11111ekte 1•e .fark/1 din/ top/11/11k/ar ile 011/ar111 te111silcileri ~rasmdaki nukadeleler iizerinde yaptlan ara~t1r111alara yeni mekanlar a9tl111aya 9ah~ilmaktad1r. Osmanli idaresinin ilk iki y iizytl111da Osman/1 merkezinin Bosna toplumumm din/ yap1s111a kar~1. 11111111111, bir yanda siyasi. iktisadl ve sosJ1al ~art/arm sonucu, diger yanda Osmanli'11111 bazt yerel miiesseseleri benimseme ve asker/ s1111f i9ine gayrimiislim unsurlan dahil etme stratejisinin so1111c11d11r. <;a!i~ma Bosna'da itikadi. yap1ya gene! bir bak1 1 ve Balkanlarda iki kilise (Katolik ve Ortodoks) arasmdaki ili kilerin a11alizi11i i9ermekte, aynca Osmanh Devleti, Katolik ve Ortodoks kiliseleri aras111daki miicadeleler iizerinde yogun/a~mak ad1r.
Bosna Osmanli yonetimi dini top/11/11klar1 tarih9ilik genelle~meler
Birincil Dil | İngilizce |
Bölüm | Araştırma Makalesi |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 14 Ağustos 2014 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2009 Sayı: 15 |