Following global crisis in 2008, many economists commented on reasons of the crisis. This study tries to estabilish a relation between structural problems of world economy and the crisis. In this framework, it is asserted that inefficiency of international monetary system in the face of imbalances globalization process produced in world economy is an important reason of the crisis. Although crisis is a multidimensional problem, this study reveals that the fact that the lack of mechanisms in international monetary system to control global liquidity and imbalances or to force countries to do so is an important factor bringing about and deepinning the crisis.
Ceylan Cengiz ve diğ. (2011). Küreselleşmenin Sektörel Etkileri. Araştırma Projesi.
İstanbul: İTO. Yayın No. 2010-98
D’Arista Jane. (2009). The Evolving International Monetary System. Cambridge Journal of Economics. No. 33. 633-652
Dooley M., D. Folkerts-Landau, and P. Garber. (2009). Bretton Woods II Still Defines The International Monetary System. Pasific Economic Review. 14:3. 297-311
Dorrucci E. And Julie McKay. (2011). The International Monetary System After the Financial Crisis. ECB Occasional Paper Series No. 123
Hieronymi, O. (2009). From “Global Finance” to The Crisis of Globalization. Globalization and The Reform of The International Banking and Monetary System. (Ed. Otto Hieronymi). Palgrave MacMillan. Hampshire/New York.
Huwart, J.Y. and L. Verdier (2013). Economic Globalisation: Origins and Consequences, OECD Insights, OECD Publishing.
Schulmeister, Stephan (2000). Globalization Without Global Money: The Double Role of Dollar as National Currency and World Currency. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. Spring, Vol. 22, No. 33
Stiglitz, J. E. (2010). The Stiglitz Report: Reforming The International Monetary and Financial Systems In The Wake of The Global Crisis. The New Press. New York/London
2008 yılında yaşanan küresel krizin ardından, krizin sebepleri konusunda birçok yorum yapıldı. Bu çalışma, dünya ekonomisinin yapısal meseleleriyle kriz arasında ilişki kurmaya çalışmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, küreselleşme sürecinin dünya ekonomisinde meydana getirdiği dengesizlikler karşısında uluslararası para sisteminin etkisizliğinin krizin önemli bir sebebi olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. Her ne kadar kriz çok boyutlu bir mesele olsa da uluslararası para sisteminin küresel likiditeyi ve küresel ödemeler dengesizliklerini kontrol altına alacak ya da ülkeleri buna zorlayacak mekanizmalara sahip olmayışının krizi ortaya çıkaran ve derinleşmesine sebep olan bir faktör olduğu bu çalışmayla ortaya konulmaktadır.
Ceylan Cengiz ve diğ. (2011). Küreselleşmenin Sektörel Etkileri. Araştırma Projesi.
İstanbul: İTO. Yayın No. 2010-98
D’Arista Jane. (2009). The Evolving International Monetary System. Cambridge Journal of Economics. No. 33. 633-652
Dooley M., D. Folkerts-Landau, and P. Garber. (2009). Bretton Woods II Still Defines The International Monetary System. Pasific Economic Review. 14:3. 297-311
Dorrucci E. And Julie McKay. (2011). The International Monetary System After the Financial Crisis. ECB Occasional Paper Series No. 123
Hieronymi, O. (2009). From “Global Finance” to The Crisis of Globalization. Globalization and The Reform of The International Banking and Monetary System. (Ed. Otto Hieronymi). Palgrave MacMillan. Hampshire/New York.
Huwart, J.Y. and L. Verdier (2013). Economic Globalisation: Origins and Consequences, OECD Insights, OECD Publishing.
Schulmeister, Stephan (2000). Globalization Without Global Money: The Double Role of Dollar as National Currency and World Currency. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. Spring, Vol. 22, No. 33
Stiglitz, J. E. (2010). The Stiglitz Report: Reforming The International Monetary and Financial Systems In The Wake of The Global Crisis. The New Press. New York/London