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Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksi: Ülkeler Arası Bir Karşılaştırma

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 157 - 180, 30.01.2023


Dijitalleşmenin finansal sistem üzerinde giderek artan etkisi ve toplumun hemen her kesiminin finansal sisteme katılımını ve erişimini kolaylaştıran akıllı telefonlar gibi teknolojik cihazların oldukça yaygın kullanımı, bu çalışmada Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksini (DFKE) oluşturmak ve ülkeler arasında karşılaştırma yapmak için motivasyon unsuru olmuştur. Çalışmada, OECD’nin birleşik endeks oluşturmak için kullandığı metodoloji takip edilerek, 2017 ve 2021 yılları için hesapladığımız DFKE üzerinden, verilerine ulaşılabilen 75 ülkenin DFK düzeyleri ve gelişimleri güncel veriler ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Genel olarak üç yıl içinde, DFKE’ye dahil olan tüm ülkelerin endeks değerlerinde bir artış olduğu veya ülkelerin endeks değerini koruduğu görülmüştür. Ele alınan yıllar arasında, DFKE’nin üst sıralarında yüksek gelir seviyesine sahip ülkeler yer alırken; alt sıralarda genellikle düşük gelir seviyelerine sahip az gelişmiş ülkeler yer almaktadır. Çalışmada ayrıca, endeks’de ele alınan 75 ülkenin DFKE değerlerini gelir düzeylerine göre karşılaştırmak amacıyla ülkeler, Dünya Bankası gelir grubu sınıflandırılması baz alınarak; yüksek gelir, üst-orta gelir, orta gelir ve altındaki ve alt gelir grubundaki ülkeler olmak üzere dört gruba ayrılmıştır. Üç yıl içinde, tüm gelir gruplarındaki ülkelerin ortalama endeks değerleri arasında önemli bir fark olmadığı ve endeks değerlerinde çok küçük bir artış olduğu görülmüştür. Bu süreçte, orta gelir grubu ve altındaki ülkelerin ortalama DFKE değerlerini, yüksek gelir grubundaki ülkelere göre 0.02, üst-orta gelir grubundaki ülkelere göre ise 0.01 gibi çok küçük bir farkla yükselttikleri görülmüştür.


  • Albayrak, A.S. (2006). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri. Asil Yayın google scholar
  • Arora, R.U. (2010), Measuring Financial Access. Griffith University, Griffith Business School, Discussion Papers Economics, 1-24. google scholar
  • Aziz, A., ve Naima, U. (2021). Rethinking digital financial inclusion: Evidence from Bangladesh. Technology in Society, 64, 1-10. google scholar
  • Bulut, E. ve Akyüz G.Ç. (2020). Türkiye’de Dijital Bankacılık Ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 42, Sayı: 2, 223-246. google scholar
  • Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion (CAFI), (2018). Growing with Pain: Digital Financial Inclusion in China. Beijing, 1-121. google scholar
  • Demirguc-Kunt, A. (2010). Measuring Access to Finance...One step at a time. Access to Finance. W. Bank. Washington, World Bank. access-finance%E2%80%A6one-step-time google scholar
  • Evans, O. (2018). Connecting the poor: the internet, mobile phones and financial inclusion in Africa. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, 20(6), 568-581. google scholar
  • Goel, S. ve Sharma, R. (2017). Developing a Financial Inclusion Index for India. Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2017), Procedia Computer Science, 122, 949-956. google scholar
  • Gupte, R., Venkataramani, B. ve Gupta, D. (2012). Computation of financial inclusion index for India. International Conference on Emerging Economies - Prospects and Challenges (ICEE-2012), Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 37, 133-149. google scholar
  • Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., ve Anderson, R.E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. Pearson New International Edition. google scholar
  • Ifediora, C., Offor, K.O., Eze, E.F., Takon, S.M., Ageme, A.E., Ibe, G.I. ve Onwumere, J.U.J. (2022). Financial inclusion and its impact on economic growth: Empirical evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10:1, 2060551, 1-27. google scholar
  • International Finance Corporation (2017). Digital Financial Services: Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Market Banks. EM Compass Report, No 42, August. International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank. google scholar
  • Policy Analysis Laboratory (PAL). (2020). Digital Financial Inclusion, Economic impacts and policy recommendations that can be created financial technologies through inclusion. 1-40. google scholar
  • Izaguirre, J. C., Lyman, T., Mcguire, C. ve Grace, D. (2016). Deposit Insurance and Digital Financial Inclusion. World Bank Publications. 1-4 google scholar
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (Ed.) (2018). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri. Dinamik Akademi, 8.Baskı. google scholar
  • Kumar, C. ve Mishra, S. (2011). Banking Outreach and Household level Access: Analyzing Financial Inclusion in India. 13th Annual Conference on Money and Finance in the Indian Economy, 1-33. google scholar
  • Lyman, T. ve Lauer, K. (2015). What is Digital Financial Inclusion and Why Does it Matter?. CGAP, https://www. (20.07.2022) google scholar
  • Manyika, J., Lund, S., Singer, M., White, O. ve Berry, C. (2016). Digital Finance For All: Powering Inclusive Growth in Emerging Economies. McKinsey Global Institute. google scholar
  • Nicoletti, G., Scarpetta, S. ve Boylaud, O. (1999). Summary Indicators of Product Market Regulatıon With an Extension to Employment Protection Legislation. OECD, Economics Department Working Papers, 226, 2-86. google scholar
  • OECD. (2008) “Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators Methodology and User Guide”, 1-162. google scholar
  • Ozili, P. K., (2018). Impact of Digital Finance on Financial Inclusion and Stability. Borsa Istanbul Review, 1-27. google scholar
  • Sarigul, H. (2021). An Index of Financial Inclusion by Regions and Provinces in Turkey. The Journal of Accounting and Finance, (90), 79-100. google scholar
  • Sarma, M., Road, L. ve Pais, J. (2008). Financial Inclusion and Development: A Cross Country Analysis. Annual conference of the human development and capability association, New Delhi. google scholar
  • Sarma, M. (2010). Index of Financial Inclusion. Discussion Papers in Economics, Centre for International Trade and Development, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, 1-29. google scholar
  • Sarma, M. (2016). Measuring Financial Inclusion for Asian Economies. Financial inclusion in Asia. Palgrave. google scholar
  • Shen, Y., Hu, W. ve Hueng, C.J. (2021). Digital Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth: A Cross-country Study. International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the internet of Things, 2020, Procedia Computer Science 187 (2021) 218-223. google scholar
  • Tatlıdil, Hüseyin. (1996). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analiz. Ankara. google scholar
  • World Bank (2009). Banking the poor measuring banking access in 54 Economies. Washington, DC: World Bank. google scholar
  • World Bank (2012). Financial Inclusion Strategies Reference Framework. curated/en/801151468152092070/pdf/787610WP0P144500use0only0900A9RD899.pdf (20.07.2022) google scholar
  • World Bank. (2018). Financial inclusion is a key enabler to reducing poverty and boosting prosperity. World Bank Publications. inclusion google scholar
  • Yorulmaz, R. (2018). An analysis of constructing global financial inclusion indices. Borsa Istanbul Review, 18-3, 248-258. google scholar
  • google scholar

The Digital Financial Inclusion Index: A Cross-Country Comparison

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 157 - 180, 30.01.2023


The increasing impact of digitalization on the financial system and widespread use of technological devices such as smartphones that facilitate participation and access to the financial system in almost every segment of society have been this study’s motivating factor for creating a Digital Financial Inclusion Index (DFII). By following the methodology the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development used to create a combined index, the study examines the DFI levels and developments of 75 countries whose data can be accessed over a DFII calculated for the years 2017 and 2021 in comparison with current data. Within three years, the index values of the countries included in the DFII are seen to have increased or remained the same. High-income countries are seen to rank at the top of the DFII while the less developed countries with low income levels are found at the bottom. In addition, in order to compare the DFII values of the 75 countries covered in the index according to their income levels, the study divided the countries into four groups based on the World Bank income group classifications of high-income, upper-middle-income, lower-middle-income, and low-income brackets. Within three years, no significant difference was seen to have occurred between the average index values of countries in each income group, with very small increases occurring in their index values. In this process, lower-middle income countries increased their average DFII values by a very small margin of 0.02 compared to the high-income countries and of 0.01 compared to the upper-middle-income countries.


  • Albayrak, A.S. (2006). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri. Asil Yayın google scholar
  • Arora, R.U. (2010), Measuring Financial Access. Griffith University, Griffith Business School, Discussion Papers Economics, 1-24. google scholar
  • Aziz, A., ve Naima, U. (2021). Rethinking digital financial inclusion: Evidence from Bangladesh. Technology in Society, 64, 1-10. google scholar
  • Bulut, E. ve Akyüz G.Ç. (2020). Türkiye’de Dijital Bankacılık Ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 42, Sayı: 2, 223-246. google scholar
  • Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion (CAFI), (2018). Growing with Pain: Digital Financial Inclusion in China. Beijing, 1-121. google scholar
  • Demirguc-Kunt, A. (2010). Measuring Access to Finance...One step at a time. Access to Finance. W. Bank. Washington, World Bank. access-finance%E2%80%A6one-step-time google scholar
  • Evans, O. (2018). Connecting the poor: the internet, mobile phones and financial inclusion in Africa. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, 20(6), 568-581. google scholar
  • Goel, S. ve Sharma, R. (2017). Developing a Financial Inclusion Index for India. Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2017), Procedia Computer Science, 122, 949-956. google scholar
  • Gupte, R., Venkataramani, B. ve Gupta, D. (2012). Computation of financial inclusion index for India. International Conference on Emerging Economies - Prospects and Challenges (ICEE-2012), Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 37, 133-149. google scholar
  • Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., ve Anderson, R.E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. Pearson New International Edition. google scholar
  • Ifediora, C., Offor, K.O., Eze, E.F., Takon, S.M., Ageme, A.E., Ibe, G.I. ve Onwumere, J.U.J. (2022). Financial inclusion and its impact on economic growth: Empirical evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10:1, 2060551, 1-27. google scholar
  • International Finance Corporation (2017). Digital Financial Services: Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Market Banks. EM Compass Report, No 42, August. International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank. google scholar
  • Policy Analysis Laboratory (PAL). (2020). Digital Financial Inclusion, Economic impacts and policy recommendations that can be created financial technologies through inclusion. 1-40. google scholar
  • Izaguirre, J. C., Lyman, T., Mcguire, C. ve Grace, D. (2016). Deposit Insurance and Digital Financial Inclusion. World Bank Publications. 1-4 google scholar
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (Ed.) (2018). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri. Dinamik Akademi, 8.Baskı. google scholar
  • Kumar, C. ve Mishra, S. (2011). Banking Outreach and Household level Access: Analyzing Financial Inclusion in India. 13th Annual Conference on Money and Finance in the Indian Economy, 1-33. google scholar
  • Lyman, T. ve Lauer, K. (2015). What is Digital Financial Inclusion and Why Does it Matter?. CGAP, https://www. (20.07.2022) google scholar
  • Manyika, J., Lund, S., Singer, M., White, O. ve Berry, C. (2016). Digital Finance For All: Powering Inclusive Growth in Emerging Economies. McKinsey Global Institute. google scholar
  • Nicoletti, G., Scarpetta, S. ve Boylaud, O. (1999). Summary Indicators of Product Market Regulatıon With an Extension to Employment Protection Legislation. OECD, Economics Department Working Papers, 226, 2-86. google scholar
  • OECD. (2008) “Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators Methodology and User Guide”, 1-162. google scholar
  • Ozili, P. K., (2018). Impact of Digital Finance on Financial Inclusion and Stability. Borsa Istanbul Review, 1-27. google scholar
  • Sarigul, H. (2021). An Index of Financial Inclusion by Regions and Provinces in Turkey. The Journal of Accounting and Finance, (90), 79-100. google scholar
  • Sarma, M., Road, L. ve Pais, J. (2008). Financial Inclusion and Development: A Cross Country Analysis. Annual conference of the human development and capability association, New Delhi. google scholar
  • Sarma, M. (2010). Index of Financial Inclusion. Discussion Papers in Economics, Centre for International Trade and Development, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, 1-29. google scholar
  • Sarma, M. (2016). Measuring Financial Inclusion for Asian Economies. Financial inclusion in Asia. Palgrave. google scholar
  • Shen, Y., Hu, W. ve Hueng, C.J. (2021). Digital Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth: A Cross-country Study. International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the internet of Things, 2020, Procedia Computer Science 187 (2021) 218-223. google scholar
  • Tatlıdil, Hüseyin. (1996). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analiz. Ankara. google scholar
  • World Bank (2009). Banking the poor measuring banking access in 54 Economies. Washington, DC: World Bank. google scholar
  • World Bank (2012). Financial Inclusion Strategies Reference Framework. curated/en/801151468152092070/pdf/787610WP0P144500use0only0900A9RD899.pdf (20.07.2022) google scholar
  • World Bank. (2018). Financial inclusion is a key enabler to reducing poverty and boosting prosperity. World Bank Publications. inclusion google scholar
  • Yorulmaz, R. (2018). An analysis of constructing global financial inclusion indices. Borsa Istanbul Review, 18-3, 248-258. google scholar
  • google scholar
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Tuğba Güz 0000-0003-1644-7803

Gülden Poyraz 0000-0002-8324-6270

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ocak 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Güz, T., & Poyraz, G. (2023). Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksi: Ülkeler Arası Bir Karşılaştırma. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(1), 157-180.
AMA Güz T, Poyraz G. Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksi: Ülkeler Arası Bir Karşılaştırma. JEPR. Ocak 2023;10(1):157-180. doi:10.26650/JEPR1180972
Chicago Güz, Tuğba, ve Gülden Poyraz. “Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksi: Ülkeler Arası Bir Karşılaştırma”. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi 10, sy. 1 (Ocak 2023): 157-80.
EndNote Güz T, Poyraz G (01 Ocak 2023) Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksi: Ülkeler Arası Bir Karşılaştırma. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi 10 1 157–180.
IEEE T. Güz ve G. Poyraz, “Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksi: Ülkeler Arası Bir Karşılaştırma”, JEPR, c. 10, sy. 1, ss. 157–180, 2023, doi: 10.26650/JEPR1180972.
ISNAD Güz, Tuğba - Poyraz, Gülden. “Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksi: Ülkeler Arası Bir Karşılaştırma”. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi 10/1 (Ocak 2023), 157-180.
JAMA Güz T, Poyraz G. Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksi: Ülkeler Arası Bir Karşılaştırma. JEPR. 2023;10:157–180.
MLA Güz, Tuğba ve Gülden Poyraz. “Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksi: Ülkeler Arası Bir Karşılaştırma”. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 157-80, doi:10.26650/JEPR1180972.
Vancouver Güz T, Poyraz G. Dijital Finansal Kapsayıcılık Endeksi: Ülkeler Arası Bir Karşılaştırma. JEPR. 2023;10(1):157-80.