In this paper, by using two-variable network functions, the explicit characterizations
of lossless ladder networks with lumped and distributed elements are aimed. The explicit
two-variable descriptions of some special classes of lossless ladders networks of low-pass,
high-pass, band-pass and band-reject types are presented. The explicit formulas define the
mixed elements networks under consideration are obtained up to a certain complexity. At
the end of this study, the application of the proposed method in the design of two-stage
microwave FET amplifier is illustrated with an example.
Bu çalýþmada, kayýpsýz, iki-kapýlý devrelerin iki-deðiþkenli saçýlma fonksiyonlarý
yardýmýyla oluþturulmasý problemi ele alýnmýþtýr. Bu amaçla, sýnýrlý bazý karma, toplu ve
daðýlmýþ elemanlý iki-kapýlý devre topolojileri incelenerek, ele alýnan devreyi tanýmlayan
saçýlma parametrelerine iliþkin açýk formüller türetilmiþtir. Bu makalede, elde edilen açýk
formüller, 11.7-12.2 GHz band aralýðýnda, MGF2124 mikrodalga tranzistorlerini içeren çift
katlý mikrodalga kuvvetlendirici tasarýmýna uygulanmýþtýr.
Keywords: Two-variable functions, scattering parameters, ladder networks, explicit formulas.