Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 683 - 692, 02.01.2012
Mümtaz Yılmaz
Reyat Yılmaz
- A. Sendonaris, E. Erkip and B. Aazhang, .User cooperation diversity. Part I. System description., IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. , no.11, p. 1927-1938, Nov. 2003
- A. Sendonaris, E. Erkip and B. Aazhang, .User cooperation diversity. Part II. Implementation aspects and performance analysis., IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. , no.11, p. 1939-1948, Nov. 2003
- M. Janani, A. Hedayat, T. E. Hunter, and A. Nosratinia, .Coded cooperation in wireless communications: Space-time transmission and iterative decoding., IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 362 . 371, Feb. 2004.
- H. Imai and S. Hirakawa, .A new multilevel coding method using error correcting codes., IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-23, pp.371.377, May G. Ungerboeck, .Channel coding with multilevel/phase signals,. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-28, pp. 55.67, Jan. 1982.
- N. Seshadri and C.W. Sundberg, "Multilevel trellis coded modulations for the Rayleigh fading channel", IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. , no.9, p. 1300-1310, Sep. 1993
- V. Mahinthan and J. W. Mark, "A simple cooperative diversity scheme based on orthogonal signaling ", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, vol. 2, p. 1012- , 13-17 March 2005
- R. H. Morelos-Zaragoza et.al., "Multilevel coded modulation for unequal error protection and multistage decoding- PartI: Symmetric Constellations", IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. 48, no.2, p. 204- , Feb. 2003
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 683 - 692, 02.01.2012
Mümtaz Yılmaz
Reyat Yılmaz
- A. Sendonaris, E. Erkip and B. Aazhang, .User cooperation diversity. Part I. System description., IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. , no.11, p. 1927-1938, Nov. 2003
- A. Sendonaris, E. Erkip and B. Aazhang, .User cooperation diversity. Part II. Implementation aspects and performance analysis., IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. , no.11, p. 1939-1948, Nov. 2003
- M. Janani, A. Hedayat, T. E. Hunter, and A. Nosratinia, .Coded cooperation in wireless communications: Space-time transmission and iterative decoding., IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 362 . 371, Feb. 2004.
- H. Imai and S. Hirakawa, .A new multilevel coding method using error correcting codes., IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-23, pp.371.377, May G. Ungerboeck, .Channel coding with multilevel/phase signals,. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-28, pp. 55.67, Jan. 1982.
- N. Seshadri and C.W. Sundberg, "Multilevel trellis coded modulations for the Rayleigh fading channel", IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. , no.9, p. 1300-1310, Sep. 1993
- V. Mahinthan and J. W. Mark, "A simple cooperative diversity scheme based on orthogonal signaling ", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, vol. 2, p. 1012- , 13-17 March 2005
- R. H. Morelos-Zaragoza et.al., "Multilevel coded modulation for unequal error protection and multistage decoding- PartI: Symmetric Constellations", IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. 48, no.2, p. 204- , Feb. 2003