e-ISSN: 2587-2087
Founded: 1965
Cover Image

İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy is published regularly and continuously three times a year. It is an open access, peer-reviewed journal for the publication of original articles, short reports, letters to the editor and reviews in English on all aspects of the pharmaceutical sciences.

Ever since the Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy Istanbul University published its first volume as İstanbul Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Mecmuası in 1965, the journal aimed firstly a reflection the scientific performance of the Faculty of Pharmacy, İstanbul University. It is the first Pharmacy Faculty Journal in Turkey. A half a century landmark for a small scholarly journal is certainly an event to be honored.

Review articles are invited by the Editorial Board. Authors intending to write review articles should consult and send an outline to the Editorial Board.

2024 - Volume: 54 Issue: 3