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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 105 - 145, 15.12.2013


Angajman kuralları kavramı uluslararası hukukta kuvvet kullanmanın yasaklanması ve

uluslararası gerilim ve çatışmaların nükleer savaşa dönüşebilme ihtimalinin belirmesi ile

birlikte ortaya çıkmış ve askeri bir harekatta, harekatta yer alan unsurlara politik direktifler

vermeyi, sınırlamalar getirmeyi mümkün kılan bir mekanizmadır. Angajman kuralları yetkili

mercilerin silahlı gücün kullanacağı kuvvetin kapsamını ve derecesinin ne olacağına dair

politik direktiflerini en başta birlik komutanlarına verilmesini sağlayan ve böylece silahlı

kuvvetlerin demokratik kontrolünün sağlanmasını da mümkün kılan bir mekanizmadır.

Politik mülahazalar dışında hukuk kuralları ve harekat gereksinimleri angajman kurallarının

kapsamının belirlenmesinde etkilidir. Angajman kurallarının etkinliği uygulanabilir,

anlaşılabilir, taktiksel olarak makul ve hukuki açıdan yeterli olmasına bağlıdır. Diğer

yandan, angajman kuralları meşru müdafaa halinde kuvvet kullanmayı düzenlemediğinden

birliğin bekası açısından, angajman kurallarının sınırlamaları dışında, meşru müdafaa

kapsamında kuvvet kullanma halinin ne zaman başladığı önem arz etmektedir.


  • Kitaplar
  • AKSAR, Yusuf; Teoride ve Uygulamada Uluslararası Hukuk II, 1. Bası, Ocak 2013.
  • ASLAN, Muzaffer Yasin, Teoride ve Uygulamada Savaş Suçları, Ankara, 2006, s. 86.
  • FINDLAY, Trevor; The Use of Force in UN Peace Operations, Oxford University Press, 2002.
  • GÜNDÜZ, Aslan; Milletlerarası Hukuk: Temel Belgeler, Örnek Kararlar, 5. Bası, Kasım 2003.
  • HÄUSSLER, Ulf; Ensuring and Enforcing Human Security: The Practice of International Peace Missions, Wolf Legal Publisher, The Netherlands, 2007.
  • PAZARCI, Hüseyin; Uluslararası Hukuk, Ankara, 2003.
  • SHAW, Malcomn N.; International Law, Fifth Edition, 2003.
  • Askeri Yayınlar ve Diğer Basılı Yayınlar
  • Australian Defence Force ADDP 06.1 Rules of Engagement. Canberra: DOD, Australia, 2002.
  • CFJP-5.1, Use of Force for CF Operations, 2008, Chapter II, s. 2.1-2.11, yayına internetten erişim için bknz. Readings/B-GJ-005-501-FP-001_e.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • Department of Defence Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 08 November 2010. Yayına internettten ulaşmak için bknz. http://www.dtic. mil/doctrine/new_pubs/jp1_02.pdf (03 Ocak 2013).
  • FM 27-10, Legal Support to Operations, Headquarters, Department of the Army, 1 Mart 2000, yayına internetten erişim için bknz. http://www.loc. gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/legal_support_operations.pdf (3 Ocak 2013); JSP 398: United Kingdom Compendium of National Rules of Engagement, London: UK DND, 2000.
  • Legal Support to Military Operations, 2011, yayına internetten erişim için bknz. (3 Ocak 2013); Longman Dictionary of Contemperary English, New Edition, 2003.
  • NATO Legal Deskbook, 2. Edition, 2010, yayınına internetten erişim için bknz. file/_WFS/LEGAL%20DESKBOOK%20FINAL%20version%20-%20 22%20SEPT%202010.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • Operational Law Handbook, The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center & School, Charlottesville, Virginia, 2011, yayına internetten erişim için bknz. 2011.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • ROE Vignettes Handbook, No:11-26, May 2011; JP 1-04. Rules of Engagement (ROE) Handbook for Judge Advocates, Centre for Law and Military Operations (CLAMO), 1 May 2000.
  • Sanremo Handbook on Rules of Engagement, Sanremo, November 2009.
  • Makaleler
  • BLOKKER, Niels; Is the Authorization Authorized? Powers and Practice of the UN Security Council to Authorize the Use of Force by ‘Coalitions of Able and Willing’, EJIL, Vol. 11, No. 3 (2000), s.541-568, http://www. (31 Ocak 2013).
  • FAIX, Martin; Rules of Engagement – Some Basic Questions, and Current Issues, Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, Vol. 1, 2010, s. 133-145.
  • FOURNIER, Sylvain; NATO Military Interventions Abroad: How ROE are Adopted and Jurisdictional Rights Negotiated, XVth International Congress of Social Defence entitled: ‘‘Criminal Law between War and Peace: Justice and Cooperation in Criminal Matters in International Military Interventions’’ Toledo, Spain - September 2007, bildiriye internetten erişim için bknz. SylvainFournier.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • GRUNAWALT, Richard J.; The JCS Standing Rules of Engagement: A Judge Advocate’s Primer, Airforce Law Review, Vol. 42, 1997, s. 245-257.
  • JETER, Paul E.; What Do Special Instructions Bring to the Rules of Engagement? Chaos or Clarity, The Airforce Law Review, Vol. 55, 2004, s. 378-411.
  • LORENZ, F. M.; Rules of Engagement in Somalia: Where They Effective?, Naval Law Review, Vol. 42, 1995, s. 62-78.
  • MARTINS, Mark. S. (Maj.); Rules of Engagement for Land Forces: A Matter of Training, Not Lawyering, Military Law Review, Vol. 143, Winter 1994, s. 3-160. Dergiye internetten erişim için: DOCLIBS/MILITARYLAWREVIEW.NSF/20a66345129fe3d885256 e5b00571830/9efcb669c9aff55185256e5b00579183/$FILE/MLR%20 27-100-143%2019940101.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • MAXWELL Mark David (Maj.); Individual Self-Defense and the Rules of Engagement: Are They Mutually Exclusive?, Military Law and Law of War Review, Vol. 41, 2002, s. 40-53.
  • McCLUNG, Kevin J. (Col.); Law of Land Warfare and Rules of Engagement: A Review of Army Doctrine and Training Methodologies, U.S. Army War College (research paper), belgeye internetten erişim için http://www.dtic. mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA423617 (3 Ocak 2013).
  • MERIAM, John J. (Maj.); Natural Law and Self-Defense, Military Law Review, Vol. 206, 2010.
  • PHILLIPS, Guy R.; Rules of Engagement: A Primer, Army Lawyer, 1993, s. 4-27.
  • ROWE, Peter; The Rules of Engagement in Occupied Territory: Should They Be Published?, Melbourne Journal of International Law, Issue 2, Vol. 8, 2007, makaleye internetten erişim için bknz. (7 Ocak 2013).
  • ROWE, Peter; The United Nations Rules of Engagement and the British Soldier in Bosnia, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 43, No. 4 (Oct., 1994), s. 946-956.
  • SEIFERT, Karen P.; Interpreting the Law of War: Rewriting the Rules of Engagement to Police Iraq, Minesota Law Review, Vol. 92, 2007-2008, s. 836-882.
  • SHEARER, Ivan; Rules of Engagement and the Implementation of the Law of Naval Warfare, Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce, Vol. 14, 1987-1988, s. 767-778.
  • STEPHENS, Dale (Ltc.); Rules of Engagement and the Concept of Unit Self Defense, Naval Law Review, Vol. 45, 1998, s. 126-151.
  • WATSON, Hugh Stanton; Armed Conflict and Humanitarian Intervention International Standard Rules of Engagement, Australian International Law Journal, 2000, s. 174.
  • WILLIAMS, Winston S. (Maj.); Training the Rules of Engagement for the Counterinsurgency Fight, Army Lawyer, Vol. 42, 2012, s. 42-48.
  • WOLUSKY, G. Anthony; Combat Crime: Rules of Engagement in Military Court-Martial, Military Law & Law of War Review, Vol. 38, 1999, 91- 118.
  • Raporlar/Araştırmalar
  • Authority, Command and Control in UN Peacekeeping Operations, Policy, Ref. 2008.4, United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations- Department of Field Support, February 2008.
  • BURTON, Michael A.; Rules of Engagement: What is the Relationship Between Rules of Engagement and the Design of Operations?, School of Advanced Military Studies U.S. Army Command General Staff College, 1987, rapora internetten erişim için bknz. aGetTRDoc?AD=ADA184917 (3 Ocak 2013).
  • CLANCY, Scott; Rules of Engagement: An Architecture for the Battlespace of Today Ex New Horizons, Canadian Forces Command, MDS Research Project, 30 April 2004, clancy.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • GUINDON, P.; Rules of Engagement, Canadian Forces College Advanced Military Studies Course 1 Research Essay, 27 October 1998, http://www. (4 Şubat 2013).
  • MARTINEAU, François (Col.); Rules of Engagement in Ten Questions, Doctrine # 4, September 2004; yayına internetten erişim için bknz. version_us/doctrine/art6.pdf (03 Ocak 2013).
  • Policy Paper on Authority, Command and Control in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, Ref. 2008.4, United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations Department of Field Support , 2008; belgeye internetten erişim için bknz. http://www.peacekeepingbestpractices.unlb. org/PBPS/Library/Authority,%20Command%20and%20Control%20 in%20UN%20PKOs%20FINAL%20SIGNED%2015%20Feb%2008. pdf (03 Ocak 2013).
  • Selected United States Rules of Engagement, Vietnam Era, Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce, Vol. 14, 1987-1988, s. 795-828.
  • İnternet Siteleri/Gazete İnternet Sayfaları
  • Angajman Kuralları Nedir?, Ankara Strateji Enstitüsü, (4 Ekim 2012), (3 Ocak 2013).
  • BM Sözleşmeleri: Birleşmiş Milletler Anlaşması (BM Şartı), http://www. (31 Ocak 2013).
  • Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, Türk Dil Kurumu, (03 Ocak 2013).
  • Habertürk İnternet Sitesi, ‘Gazabımız Şiddetlidir’, http://www.haberturk. com/gundem/haber/753923-gazabimiz-siddetlidir (3 Ocak 2013). Headquarters Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, http://www.jfcbs. (07 Ocak 2013).
  • International Institute of Humanitarian Law, aspx?pageid=page1 (03 Ocak 2013).
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff, Staff#National_Security_Act_of_1947 (03 Ocak 2013).
  • Mumcu, Özgür; Nedir Bu Angajman Kuralları, Radikal Gazetesi, 27.06.2012 tarihli köşe yazısı, yazıya internetten erişim için bknz. oryID=98 (3 Ocak 2013).
  • NATO Military Command Structure, aspx (07 Ocak 2013).
  • Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin Barışı Destekleme Harekatlarına Katkıları, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri Genel Kurmay Başkanlığı, iliskiler/4_1_turkiyenin_barisi_destekleme_harekatina_katkilari/ konular/turk_silahli_%20kuvvetlerinin_barisi_destekleme_harekatina_ katkilari.htm (08 Şubat 2013).
  • Türkçede Batı Kökenli Kelimeler Sözlüğü, Türk Dil Kurumu, http://www. (03 Ocak 2013).
  • United Nations Security Council, Security Council Resolutions, Resolutions Adopted by Security Council in 1950, documents/resolutions/1950.shtml (31 Ocak 2013).
  • United Nations Security Council, Security Council Resolutions, Resolutions Adopted by Security Council in 1990, documents/resolutions/1990.shtml (31 Ocak 2013).
  • United Nations Security Council, Security Council Resolutions, Resolutions Adopted by Security Council in 2001, documents/resolutions/2001.shtml (31 Ocak 2013).
  • United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, en/peacekeeping/about/dpko/ (03 Ocak 2013).


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 105 - 145, 15.12.2013


The concept of rules of engagement was introduced as a mechanism, following the prohibition

of use of force and emergence of the possibility that international tensions and

conflicts might lead to a nuclear war, to give political direction to military forces and limit

their action in a particular military operation. The rules of engagement is such a concept

that provides the respective authorities to give their political directives on the level and

scope of the force to be used by the military forces at the very beginning and thus facilitates

the democratic control of the military forces. Other than political considerations

legal and military considerations are deceived on the scope of rules of engagement. The

effectiveness of the rules of engagement is very much dependent on their being practical,

understandable, tactically sound and legally sufficient. On the other hand, since the use of

force in self-defense is not governed by the rules of engagement, it is critical for the force

protection purposes when the use of force outside the boundaries of rules of engagement,

in other words under self-defense, starts.


  • Kitaplar
  • AKSAR, Yusuf; Teoride ve Uygulamada Uluslararası Hukuk II, 1. Bası, Ocak 2013.
  • ASLAN, Muzaffer Yasin, Teoride ve Uygulamada Savaş Suçları, Ankara, 2006, s. 86.
  • FINDLAY, Trevor; The Use of Force in UN Peace Operations, Oxford University Press, 2002.
  • GÜNDÜZ, Aslan; Milletlerarası Hukuk: Temel Belgeler, Örnek Kararlar, 5. Bası, Kasım 2003.
  • HÄUSSLER, Ulf; Ensuring and Enforcing Human Security: The Practice of International Peace Missions, Wolf Legal Publisher, The Netherlands, 2007.
  • PAZARCI, Hüseyin; Uluslararası Hukuk, Ankara, 2003.
  • SHAW, Malcomn N.; International Law, Fifth Edition, 2003.
  • Askeri Yayınlar ve Diğer Basılı Yayınlar
  • Australian Defence Force ADDP 06.1 Rules of Engagement. Canberra: DOD, Australia, 2002.
  • CFJP-5.1, Use of Force for CF Operations, 2008, Chapter II, s. 2.1-2.11, yayına internetten erişim için bknz. Readings/B-GJ-005-501-FP-001_e.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • Department of Defence Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 08 November 2010. Yayına internettten ulaşmak için bknz. http://www.dtic. mil/doctrine/new_pubs/jp1_02.pdf (03 Ocak 2013).
  • FM 27-10, Legal Support to Operations, Headquarters, Department of the Army, 1 Mart 2000, yayına internetten erişim için bknz. http://www.loc. gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/legal_support_operations.pdf (3 Ocak 2013); JSP 398: United Kingdom Compendium of National Rules of Engagement, London: UK DND, 2000.
  • Legal Support to Military Operations, 2011, yayına internetten erişim için bknz. (3 Ocak 2013); Longman Dictionary of Contemperary English, New Edition, 2003.
  • NATO Legal Deskbook, 2. Edition, 2010, yayınına internetten erişim için bknz. file/_WFS/LEGAL%20DESKBOOK%20FINAL%20version%20-%20 22%20SEPT%202010.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • Operational Law Handbook, The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center & School, Charlottesville, Virginia, 2011, yayına internetten erişim için bknz. 2011.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • ROE Vignettes Handbook, No:11-26, May 2011; JP 1-04. Rules of Engagement (ROE) Handbook for Judge Advocates, Centre for Law and Military Operations (CLAMO), 1 May 2000.
  • Sanremo Handbook on Rules of Engagement, Sanremo, November 2009.
  • Makaleler
  • BLOKKER, Niels; Is the Authorization Authorized? Powers and Practice of the UN Security Council to Authorize the Use of Force by ‘Coalitions of Able and Willing’, EJIL, Vol. 11, No. 3 (2000), s.541-568, http://www. (31 Ocak 2013).
  • FAIX, Martin; Rules of Engagement – Some Basic Questions, and Current Issues, Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, Vol. 1, 2010, s. 133-145.
  • FOURNIER, Sylvain; NATO Military Interventions Abroad: How ROE are Adopted and Jurisdictional Rights Negotiated, XVth International Congress of Social Defence entitled: ‘‘Criminal Law between War and Peace: Justice and Cooperation in Criminal Matters in International Military Interventions’’ Toledo, Spain - September 2007, bildiriye internetten erişim için bknz. SylvainFournier.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • GRUNAWALT, Richard J.; The JCS Standing Rules of Engagement: A Judge Advocate’s Primer, Airforce Law Review, Vol. 42, 1997, s. 245-257.
  • JETER, Paul E.; What Do Special Instructions Bring to the Rules of Engagement? Chaos or Clarity, The Airforce Law Review, Vol. 55, 2004, s. 378-411.
  • LORENZ, F. M.; Rules of Engagement in Somalia: Where They Effective?, Naval Law Review, Vol. 42, 1995, s. 62-78.
  • MARTINS, Mark. S. (Maj.); Rules of Engagement for Land Forces: A Matter of Training, Not Lawyering, Military Law Review, Vol. 143, Winter 1994, s. 3-160. Dergiye internetten erişim için: DOCLIBS/MILITARYLAWREVIEW.NSF/20a66345129fe3d885256 e5b00571830/9efcb669c9aff55185256e5b00579183/$FILE/MLR%20 27-100-143%2019940101.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • MAXWELL Mark David (Maj.); Individual Self-Defense and the Rules of Engagement: Are They Mutually Exclusive?, Military Law and Law of War Review, Vol. 41, 2002, s. 40-53.
  • McCLUNG, Kevin J. (Col.); Law of Land Warfare and Rules of Engagement: A Review of Army Doctrine and Training Methodologies, U.S. Army War College (research paper), belgeye internetten erişim için http://www.dtic. mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA423617 (3 Ocak 2013).
  • MERIAM, John J. (Maj.); Natural Law and Self-Defense, Military Law Review, Vol. 206, 2010.
  • PHILLIPS, Guy R.; Rules of Engagement: A Primer, Army Lawyer, 1993, s. 4-27.
  • ROWE, Peter; The Rules of Engagement in Occupied Territory: Should They Be Published?, Melbourne Journal of International Law, Issue 2, Vol. 8, 2007, makaleye internetten erişim için bknz. (7 Ocak 2013).
  • ROWE, Peter; The United Nations Rules of Engagement and the British Soldier in Bosnia, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 43, No. 4 (Oct., 1994), s. 946-956.
  • SEIFERT, Karen P.; Interpreting the Law of War: Rewriting the Rules of Engagement to Police Iraq, Minesota Law Review, Vol. 92, 2007-2008, s. 836-882.
  • SHEARER, Ivan; Rules of Engagement and the Implementation of the Law of Naval Warfare, Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce, Vol. 14, 1987-1988, s. 767-778.
  • STEPHENS, Dale (Ltc.); Rules of Engagement and the Concept of Unit Self Defense, Naval Law Review, Vol. 45, 1998, s. 126-151.
  • WATSON, Hugh Stanton; Armed Conflict and Humanitarian Intervention International Standard Rules of Engagement, Australian International Law Journal, 2000, s. 174.
  • WILLIAMS, Winston S. (Maj.); Training the Rules of Engagement for the Counterinsurgency Fight, Army Lawyer, Vol. 42, 2012, s. 42-48.
  • WOLUSKY, G. Anthony; Combat Crime: Rules of Engagement in Military Court-Martial, Military Law & Law of War Review, Vol. 38, 1999, 91- 118.
  • Raporlar/Araştırmalar
  • Authority, Command and Control in UN Peacekeeping Operations, Policy, Ref. 2008.4, United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations- Department of Field Support, February 2008.
  • BURTON, Michael A.; Rules of Engagement: What is the Relationship Between Rules of Engagement and the Design of Operations?, School of Advanced Military Studies U.S. Army Command General Staff College, 1987, rapora internetten erişim için bknz. aGetTRDoc?AD=ADA184917 (3 Ocak 2013).
  • CLANCY, Scott; Rules of Engagement: An Architecture for the Battlespace of Today Ex New Horizons, Canadian Forces Command, MDS Research Project, 30 April 2004, clancy.pdf (3 Ocak 2013).
  • GUINDON, P.; Rules of Engagement, Canadian Forces College Advanced Military Studies Course 1 Research Essay, 27 October 1998, http://www. (4 Şubat 2013).
  • MARTINEAU, François (Col.); Rules of Engagement in Ten Questions, Doctrine # 4, September 2004; yayına internetten erişim için bknz. version_us/doctrine/art6.pdf (03 Ocak 2013).
  • Policy Paper on Authority, Command and Control in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, Ref. 2008.4, United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations Department of Field Support , 2008; belgeye internetten erişim için bknz. http://www.peacekeepingbestpractices.unlb. org/PBPS/Library/Authority,%20Command%20and%20Control%20 in%20UN%20PKOs%20FINAL%20SIGNED%2015%20Feb%2008. pdf (03 Ocak 2013).
  • Selected United States Rules of Engagement, Vietnam Era, Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce, Vol. 14, 1987-1988, s. 795-828.
  • İnternet Siteleri/Gazete İnternet Sayfaları
  • Angajman Kuralları Nedir?, Ankara Strateji Enstitüsü, (4 Ekim 2012), (3 Ocak 2013).
  • BM Sözleşmeleri: Birleşmiş Milletler Anlaşması (BM Şartı), http://www. (31 Ocak 2013).
  • Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, Türk Dil Kurumu, (03 Ocak 2013).
  • Habertürk İnternet Sitesi, ‘Gazabımız Şiddetlidir’, http://www.haberturk. com/gundem/haber/753923-gazabimiz-siddetlidir (3 Ocak 2013). Headquarters Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, http://www.jfcbs. (07 Ocak 2013).
  • International Institute of Humanitarian Law, aspx?pageid=page1 (03 Ocak 2013).
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff, Staff#National_Security_Act_of_1947 (03 Ocak 2013).
  • Mumcu, Özgür; Nedir Bu Angajman Kuralları, Radikal Gazetesi, 27.06.2012 tarihli köşe yazısı, yazıya internetten erişim için bknz. oryID=98 (3 Ocak 2013).
  • NATO Military Command Structure, aspx (07 Ocak 2013).
  • Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin Barışı Destekleme Harekatlarına Katkıları, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri Genel Kurmay Başkanlığı, iliskiler/4_1_turkiyenin_barisi_destekleme_harekatina_katkilari/ konular/turk_silahli_%20kuvvetlerinin_barisi_destekleme_harekatina_ katkilari.htm (08 Şubat 2013).
  • Türkçede Batı Kökenli Kelimeler Sözlüğü, Türk Dil Kurumu, http://www. (03 Ocak 2013).
  • United Nations Security Council, Security Council Resolutions, Resolutions Adopted by Security Council in 1950, documents/resolutions/1950.shtml (31 Ocak 2013).
  • United Nations Security Council, Security Council Resolutions, Resolutions Adopted by Security Council in 1990, documents/resolutions/1990.shtml (31 Ocak 2013).
  • United Nations Security Council, Security Council Resolutions, Resolutions Adopted by Security Council in 2001, documents/resolutions/2001.shtml (31 Ocak 2013).
  • United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, en/peacekeeping/about/dpko/ (03 Ocak 2013).
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm İncelemeler

İsmail Pamuk

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Pamuk, İ. (2013). RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: A REVIEW OF ITS DEFINITION, SCOPE AND PRACTICE. Milletlerarası Hukuk Ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni, 32(2), 105-145.
AMA Pamuk İ. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: A REVIEW OF ITS DEFINITION, SCOPE AND PRACTICE. Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni. Aralık 2013;32(2):105-145.
Chicago Pamuk, İsmail. “RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: A REVIEW OF ITS DEFINITION, SCOPE AND PRACTICE”. Milletlerarası Hukuk Ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni 32, sy. 2 (Aralık 2013): 105-45.
EndNote Pamuk İ (01 Aralık 2013) RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: A REVIEW OF ITS DEFINITION, SCOPE AND PRACTICE. Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni 32 2 105–145.
IEEE İ. Pamuk, “RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: A REVIEW OF ITS DEFINITION, SCOPE AND PRACTICE”, Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni, c. 32, sy. 2, ss. 105–145, 2013.
ISNAD Pamuk, İsmail. “RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: A REVIEW OF ITS DEFINITION, SCOPE AND PRACTICE”. Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni 32/2 (Aralık 2013), 105-145.
JAMA Pamuk İ. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: A REVIEW OF ITS DEFINITION, SCOPE AND PRACTICE. Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni. 2013;32:105–145.
MLA Pamuk, İsmail. “RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: A REVIEW OF ITS DEFINITION, SCOPE AND PRACTICE”. Milletlerarası Hukuk Ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni, c. 32, sy. 2, 2013, ss. 105-4.
Vancouver Pamuk İ. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: A REVIEW OF ITS DEFINITION, SCOPE AND PRACTICE. Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni. 2013;32(2):105-4.