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Twin Bond and Separation-Integration Process in Identical Twin Adolescents

Yıl 2019, , 1 - 22, 28.06.2019


The purpose of this study is to deeply investigate the experience of twin bond and separation-integration processes in monozygotic (identical) twin adolescents. To be a healthy individual in the context of twin psychology, healthy separation-integration and healthy twin bond process are required. These two processes are both related to and significantly affected by each other. Moreover, twins’ seperation-integration and twin bond process are defined as one of the most problematic areas in literature. Studying these two processes together is important for twins to develop healthy identities. Healthy identity development is also significant for individuation of twins. In this study, three femalefemale and three male-male monozygotic twins, obtained through the snowball sampling method, were interviewed. The closed-ended questions and semi-structured interview questions were prepared by the researcher and asked to each twin seperately. The interpretive phenomenological analysis method was used and separation and integration, twin bond and twinship paradox superordinate themes emerged. The main themes of parental attitudes, similarities and shared experiences, and role conflict were emerged under the separation and integration superordinate theme; separation anxiety, twin loss anxiety and dependence of self on the twin pair were emerged under the twin bond superordinate theme; and individualization efforts and competition emerged under the twinship paradox superordinate theme. The superordinate themes, main themes and subcategorieswere discussed in light of the literature. Suggestions to future researchers and implications are also provided.


  • Adelman, M. B. ve Siemon, M. (1986). Communicating the relational shift: Separation among adult twins. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 40(1), 96-109.
  • Ainslie, R.C. (1997). The psychology of twinship. New Jersey: Jason Aranson Inc.
  • Akerman, B. A. ve Suurvee, E. (2003). The cognitive and identity development of twins at 16 years of age: A follow-up study of 32 twin pairs. Twin Research, 6(4), 328-333.
  • Beck, C. T. (2002). Releasing the pause button: Mothering twins during the first year of life. Qualitative Health Research, 12(5), 593-608.
  • Broderick, D. (2012). Fraternal twins and bereavement: A qualitative study exploring the grief experience of fraternal twins during adolescence and older (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, San Diego.
  • Case, B. (1996). Exploring twin relationship: Is being a twin always fun? Oregon: Tibbutt Publishing Co.
  • Cassell, S. (2011). Examining the twin bond: A look at the psychological development of twins and the differences in individuality and identity differentiation between fraternal and identical samesex twins (Honors Program bitirme projesi). Erişim adresi: object/1011capstones%3A161
  • Çilesiz, S. (2011). A phenomenological approach to experiences with technology: Current state, promise, and future directions for research. Educational Technology Research and Development, 59(4), 487- 510.
  • Cohen, D. J., Dibble, E. ve Grawe, J. M. (1977). Fathers’ and mothers’ perception of children’s personality. Archives of General Psychiatry, 34, 480-487.
  • Colpin H., Munter A. Nys, K. ve Vandemeulebroecke, L. (2000). Pre and postnatal determinants of parentingstress in mothers of one year-old twins. Marriage Family Review, 30(1), 99-107.
  • Conlon, J. L. (2009). One-whole or one-half: A case study of an identical twin’s exploration of personal identity through family perceptions (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Iowa State University, Iowa, USA.
  • Conway, D., Lytton, H. ve Pysh, F. (1980). Twin-singleton language differences. CanadianJournal of Behavioral Science,12(3), 264-27 1.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Damato, E. G., Anthony, M. K. ve Maloni, J. A. (2009). Correlates of negative and positive mood state in mothers of twins. Journal ofPediatric Nursing, 24(5), 369-77.
  • Diskin, S. (2001). The end of the twins: A memoir of losing a brother. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press.
  • Ellison, M. A. ve Hall, J. E. (2003). Social stigma and compounded losses: quality-of-life issues for multiple-birth families. Fertility and sterility, 80(2), 405-414.
  • Estrin, E. M. (2012). Individual doubles: A look at twinship and attachment theory. (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi), Counseling Psychology, Pacifica Graduate Institute, MI, USA.
  • Fotheringham, J. (2000). Identical twin women: Their experience of twinship (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Educational Psychology, The University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewon, Canada.
  • Friedman, J. A. (2008). Emotionally healthy twins: A new philosophy for parenting two unique children. Boston, Massachusetts: Da Capo Press.
  • Friedman, J. A. (2014). The same but different: How twins can live, love, and learn to be individual. Los Angeles: USA Rocy Pines Press
  • Glazebrook, C., Sheard, C., Cox, S., Oates, M. ve Ndukwe, G. (2004). Parenting stress in first-time mothers of twins and triplets conceived after in vitro fertilization. Fertility and Sterility, 81(3), 505-511.
  • Golombok, S., Olivennes, F., Ramogida, C., Rust, J. ve Freeman, T. (2007). Parenting and the psychological development of a representative sample of triplets conceived by assisted reproduction. Human Reproduction, 22(11), 2896-2902
  • Goshen-Gottstein, E. R. (1980). The mothering of twins, triplets, and quadruplets. Psychiatry, 43, 189–204.
  • Hay, D. A. (2006). Ergenlik çağındaki ikizler ve ortaöğretim. Ö. Akbaş (Çev.), İkizler ve üçüzler psikolojisi (221-261) içinde. İstanbul: Morpa.
  • Hay, D. A. ve O’Brien, P. J. (1984). The role of parental attitudes in the development of temperament in twins at home, school and in test situations. Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae: Twin Research, 33, 191–204.
  • Hay, D. A. ve Preedy, P. (2006). Meeting the educational need of multiple birth children. Early Human Development, 82, 297-403
  • Hirt, E. J. (1981). Separation–individuation in twins: An objective assessment (Doktora tezi). Erişim adresi:,uid
  • Klein, B. (2003). Psychological profiles of twinship: Not all twins are alike. Wesport, CT: Praeger.
  • Klein, B. (2012). Alone in the mirror: Twins in therapy. NewYork: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Lander, I. (2008). Using family attachment narrative therapy to heal the wounds of twinship: A case study of an 11-year-old boy. Child Adolescence Social Work Journal, 25, 367-383.
  • Lawson, D. M. ve Brossart, D. F. (2004). The association between current intergenerational family relations and sibling structure. Journal of Counselling and Development, 82, 472-482.
  • Leonard, L. G. ve Denton, J. (2006). Preparation for parenting multiple birth children. Early Human Developmet, 82, 371-378
  • Lutz, K. F., Burnson, C., Hane, A., Samuelson, A., Maleck, S. ve Poehlmann, J. (2012). Parenting stress, social support, and mother-child interactions in families of multiple and singleton preterm toddlers. Family Relations, 61(4), 642-656.
  • Malmstrom, P. M. ve Poland, J. (1999). The art of parenting twins: The unique joys and challenges of raising twins and other multiples. NY: Ballantine Books.
  • Malmstrom, P. ve Silva, M. (1986). Twin talk: Manifestations of twin status in the speech of toddlers. Journal of Child Development, 13, 293–304.
  • McEvoy, K. A. (1986). A description of the nature and quality of female fraternal twin relationships in childhood, adolescence and adulthood (Doktora tezi). Erişim adresi:,uid
  • Miliora, M.T. (2003). Losers and winners within an intertwine dyad: A case of a twinship, selfobject relationships of a twin. Clinical Social Work Journal, 31(3), 263-274.
  • Novotny, P. P. (1994). The joy of twins and other multiple births: Having, raising, and loving babies who arrive in groups. New York: Crown Publishers.
  • Olivennes, F., Golombok, S., Ramogida, C., Rust, J. ve Team, F. U. (2005). Behavioral and cognitive development as well as family functioning of twins conceived by assisted reproduction: findings from a large population study. Fertility and Sterility, 84(3), 725-733.
  • Oliver, B. R. ve Plomin, R. (2007). Twins’ early development study (TEDS): A multivariate, longitudinal genetic investigation of language, cognition and behavior problems from childhood through adolescence. Twin Research Human Genetics, 10(1), 96-105.
  • Pearlman, E. M. (2000). Raising twins: From birth through adolescence. NY: Harper Resource.
  • Pearlman, E. M. ve Ganon, J. A. (2000). Raising twins: What parents want to know, and what twins want to tell them. New York: Harper Resource.
  • Pector, E. A. (2002). Twin death and mourning worldwide: A review of the literature. Twin Research, 5(03), 196-205.
  • Plomin, R., Lichtenstein, P., Pedersen, N. L., McClearn, G. E. ve Nesselroade, J. R. (1990). Genetic influence on life events during the last half of the life span. Psychology and Aging, 5(1), 25.
  • Pogrebin, A. (2010). One and the same: My life as an identical twin and what I’ve learned about everyone’s struggle to be singular. New York: Anchor
  • Sandbank, A. C. (Ed.). (2006). İkizler ve üçüzler psikolojisi. Psikolojisi dizisi. (Ö. Akbaş, Çev.). İstanbul: Morpa Kültür Yayınları A.Ş. (Orijinal eser basım tarihi: 2004)
  • Santrock, J. (2012). Yaşam boyu gelişim. (Galip Yüksel, Çev.). Ankara: Nobel. (Orijinal eser basım tarihi: 1997)
  • Schave, B. ve Ciriello, J. (1983). Identity and intimacy in twins. New York: Preager.
  • Schroeder, C. (1989). Separation-individuation and identity in college-aged twins (Doktora tezi). Erişim adresi:
  • Segal, N. (2000). Enwined lives: Twins and what they tell us about human behavior. New York: Penguin Putnam
  • Segal, N. L. ve Russell, J. M. (1992). Twins in the classroom: School policy issues and recommendations. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 3(1), 69-84.
  • Showers, J. ve McCleery, J. T. (1984). Research on twins: implications for parenting. Child Care Health Development, 10, 391-404.
  • Siemon, M. (1980). The separation-individuation process in adult twins. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 34(3), 387-400.
  • Tavşancıl, E. ve Aslan, E. A. (2001). İçerik analizi ve uygulama örnekleri. İstanbul: Epsilon
  • Vandell, D. L., Owen, M. T., Wilson, K. S. ve Henderson, V. K. (1988). Social development in infant twins: Peer and mother–twin relationships. Child Development, 59, 168–177.
  • van der Zalm, J. E. (1999). Having twins, the experience of mothers (Doktara tezi). Erişim adresi:
  • Wilson, R. S. (1975). Twins: Patterns of cognitive development as measured on the wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence. Developmental Psychology, 11(2), 126.
  • Withrow, R. ve Schwiebert, V. L. (2005). Twin loss: Implications for counselors working with surviving twins. Journal of Counseling and Development, 83(1), 21-28
  • Woodward, J. (2006). Working therapeutically with lone twins. Therapy Today, 17(4), 35-37.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. (9. Genişletilmiş Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Yüksel, P. ve Yıldırım, S. (2015). Theoretical frameworks, methods, and procedures for conducting phenomenological studies in educational settings. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 6(1), 1-20.

Tek Yumurta İkizi Ergenlerde İkiz Bağı ve Ayrışma-Bütünleşme Süreci

Yıl 2019, , 1 - 22, 28.06.2019


Bu araştırmada tek yumurta ikizi ergenlerin ikiz bağı ve ayrışma-bütünleşme sürecine yönelik deneyimlerinin derinlemesine araştırılması amaçlanmaktadır. İkiz psikolojisi bağlamında sağlıklı birey olabilmek için, sağlıklı ayrışma ve bütünleşme ve sağlıklı ikiz bağı gerekmektedir. Bu iki süreç hem birbirleri ile ilişkilidir hem de birbirlerinden önemli düzeyde etkilenmektedir. Aynı zamanda, alan yazında ikizlerin en çok problem yaşadıkları alanlar olarak da tanımlanmaktadır. Bu iki sürecin beraber incelenmesi de ikizlerin sağlıklı kimlik geliştirmeleri için önemlidir. Sağlıklı kimlik gelişimi de ikizlerin bireyselleşme süreçleri noktasında önemlidir. Bu araştırmada kartopu örnekleme yöntemi ile ulaşılan üç kadın-kadın, üç erkek-erkek tek yumurta ikizleri ile görüşme yapılmıştır. Araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan kişisel bilgi formu ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme soruları her bir ikiz eşine ayrı ayrı sorulmuştur. Araştırmada yorumlayıcı fenomenolojik analiz yöntemi kullanılarak yapılan analizlerde, ayrışma ve bütünleşme, ikiz bağı ve ikizliğin paradoksu üst temaları ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrışma ve bütünleşme üst teması altında ebeveyn tutumları, benzerlikler ve ortak yaşantılar, rol karmaşası ana temaları; ikiz bağı üst teması altında ayrılık kaygısı, ikiz kaybı korkusu ve benliğin ikiz eşine bağlı olması ana temaları; son olarak ikizliğin paradoksu üst teması altında bireyselleşme çabaları ve rekabet ana temaları ortaya çıkmıştır. Üst temalar, ana temalar ve alt kategoriler alan yazın ışığında tartışılmış, gelecek çalışmalara ve çalışmacılara önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Adelman, M. B. ve Siemon, M. (1986). Communicating the relational shift: Separation among adult twins. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 40(1), 96-109.
  • Ainslie, R.C. (1997). The psychology of twinship. New Jersey: Jason Aranson Inc.
  • Akerman, B. A. ve Suurvee, E. (2003). The cognitive and identity development of twins at 16 years of age: A follow-up study of 32 twin pairs. Twin Research, 6(4), 328-333.
  • Beck, C. T. (2002). Releasing the pause button: Mothering twins during the first year of life. Qualitative Health Research, 12(5), 593-608.
  • Broderick, D. (2012). Fraternal twins and bereavement: A qualitative study exploring the grief experience of fraternal twins during adolescence and older (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, San Diego.
  • Case, B. (1996). Exploring twin relationship: Is being a twin always fun? Oregon: Tibbutt Publishing Co.
  • Cassell, S. (2011). Examining the twin bond: A look at the psychological development of twins and the differences in individuality and identity differentiation between fraternal and identical samesex twins (Honors Program bitirme projesi). Erişim adresi: object/1011capstones%3A161
  • Çilesiz, S. (2011). A phenomenological approach to experiences with technology: Current state, promise, and future directions for research. Educational Technology Research and Development, 59(4), 487- 510.
  • Cohen, D. J., Dibble, E. ve Grawe, J. M. (1977). Fathers’ and mothers’ perception of children’s personality. Archives of General Psychiatry, 34, 480-487.
  • Colpin H., Munter A. Nys, K. ve Vandemeulebroecke, L. (2000). Pre and postnatal determinants of parentingstress in mothers of one year-old twins. Marriage Family Review, 30(1), 99-107.
  • Conlon, J. L. (2009). One-whole or one-half: A case study of an identical twin’s exploration of personal identity through family perceptions (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Iowa State University, Iowa, USA.
  • Conway, D., Lytton, H. ve Pysh, F. (1980). Twin-singleton language differences. CanadianJournal of Behavioral Science,12(3), 264-27 1.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Damato, E. G., Anthony, M. K. ve Maloni, J. A. (2009). Correlates of negative and positive mood state in mothers of twins. Journal ofPediatric Nursing, 24(5), 369-77.
  • Diskin, S. (2001). The end of the twins: A memoir of losing a brother. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press.
  • Ellison, M. A. ve Hall, J. E. (2003). Social stigma and compounded losses: quality-of-life issues for multiple-birth families. Fertility and sterility, 80(2), 405-414.
  • Estrin, E. M. (2012). Individual doubles: A look at twinship and attachment theory. (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi), Counseling Psychology, Pacifica Graduate Institute, MI, USA.
  • Fotheringham, J. (2000). Identical twin women: Their experience of twinship (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Educational Psychology, The University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewon, Canada.
  • Friedman, J. A. (2008). Emotionally healthy twins: A new philosophy for parenting two unique children. Boston, Massachusetts: Da Capo Press.
  • Friedman, J. A. (2014). The same but different: How twins can live, love, and learn to be individual. Los Angeles: USA Rocy Pines Press
  • Glazebrook, C., Sheard, C., Cox, S., Oates, M. ve Ndukwe, G. (2004). Parenting stress in first-time mothers of twins and triplets conceived after in vitro fertilization. Fertility and Sterility, 81(3), 505-511.
  • Golombok, S., Olivennes, F., Ramogida, C., Rust, J. ve Freeman, T. (2007). Parenting and the psychological development of a representative sample of triplets conceived by assisted reproduction. Human Reproduction, 22(11), 2896-2902
  • Goshen-Gottstein, E. R. (1980). The mothering of twins, triplets, and quadruplets. Psychiatry, 43, 189–204.
  • Hay, D. A. (2006). Ergenlik çağındaki ikizler ve ortaöğretim. Ö. Akbaş (Çev.), İkizler ve üçüzler psikolojisi (221-261) içinde. İstanbul: Morpa.
  • Hay, D. A. ve O’Brien, P. J. (1984). The role of parental attitudes in the development of temperament in twins at home, school and in test situations. Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae: Twin Research, 33, 191–204.
  • Hay, D. A. ve Preedy, P. (2006). Meeting the educational need of multiple birth children. Early Human Development, 82, 297-403
  • Hirt, E. J. (1981). Separation–individuation in twins: An objective assessment (Doktora tezi). Erişim adresi:,uid
  • Klein, B. (2003). Psychological profiles of twinship: Not all twins are alike. Wesport, CT: Praeger.
  • Klein, B. (2012). Alone in the mirror: Twins in therapy. NewYork: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Lander, I. (2008). Using family attachment narrative therapy to heal the wounds of twinship: A case study of an 11-year-old boy. Child Adolescence Social Work Journal, 25, 367-383.
  • Lawson, D. M. ve Brossart, D. F. (2004). The association between current intergenerational family relations and sibling structure. Journal of Counselling and Development, 82, 472-482.
  • Leonard, L. G. ve Denton, J. (2006). Preparation for parenting multiple birth children. Early Human Developmet, 82, 371-378
  • Lutz, K. F., Burnson, C., Hane, A., Samuelson, A., Maleck, S. ve Poehlmann, J. (2012). Parenting stress, social support, and mother-child interactions in families of multiple and singleton preterm toddlers. Family Relations, 61(4), 642-656.
  • Malmstrom, P. M. ve Poland, J. (1999). The art of parenting twins: The unique joys and challenges of raising twins and other multiples. NY: Ballantine Books.
  • Malmstrom, P. ve Silva, M. (1986). Twin talk: Manifestations of twin status in the speech of toddlers. Journal of Child Development, 13, 293–304.
  • McEvoy, K. A. (1986). A description of the nature and quality of female fraternal twin relationships in childhood, adolescence and adulthood (Doktora tezi). Erişim adresi:,uid
  • Miliora, M.T. (2003). Losers and winners within an intertwine dyad: A case of a twinship, selfobject relationships of a twin. Clinical Social Work Journal, 31(3), 263-274.
  • Novotny, P. P. (1994). The joy of twins and other multiple births: Having, raising, and loving babies who arrive in groups. New York: Crown Publishers.
  • Olivennes, F., Golombok, S., Ramogida, C., Rust, J. ve Team, F. U. (2005). Behavioral and cognitive development as well as family functioning of twins conceived by assisted reproduction: findings from a large population study. Fertility and Sterility, 84(3), 725-733.
  • Oliver, B. R. ve Plomin, R. (2007). Twins’ early development study (TEDS): A multivariate, longitudinal genetic investigation of language, cognition and behavior problems from childhood through adolescence. Twin Research Human Genetics, 10(1), 96-105.
  • Pearlman, E. M. (2000). Raising twins: From birth through adolescence. NY: Harper Resource.
  • Pearlman, E. M. ve Ganon, J. A. (2000). Raising twins: What parents want to know, and what twins want to tell them. New York: Harper Resource.
  • Pector, E. A. (2002). Twin death and mourning worldwide: A review of the literature. Twin Research, 5(03), 196-205.
  • Plomin, R., Lichtenstein, P., Pedersen, N. L., McClearn, G. E. ve Nesselroade, J. R. (1990). Genetic influence on life events during the last half of the life span. Psychology and Aging, 5(1), 25.
  • Pogrebin, A. (2010). One and the same: My life as an identical twin and what I’ve learned about everyone’s struggle to be singular. New York: Anchor
  • Sandbank, A. C. (Ed.). (2006). İkizler ve üçüzler psikolojisi. Psikolojisi dizisi. (Ö. Akbaş, Çev.). İstanbul: Morpa Kültür Yayınları A.Ş. (Orijinal eser basım tarihi: 2004)
  • Santrock, J. (2012). Yaşam boyu gelişim. (Galip Yüksel, Çev.). Ankara: Nobel. (Orijinal eser basım tarihi: 1997)
  • Schave, B. ve Ciriello, J. (1983). Identity and intimacy in twins. New York: Preager.
  • Schroeder, C. (1989). Separation-individuation and identity in college-aged twins (Doktora tezi). Erişim adresi:
  • Segal, N. (2000). Enwined lives: Twins and what they tell us about human behavior. New York: Penguin Putnam
  • Segal, N. L. ve Russell, J. M. (1992). Twins in the classroom: School policy issues and recommendations. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 3(1), 69-84.
  • Showers, J. ve McCleery, J. T. (1984). Research on twins: implications for parenting. Child Care Health Development, 10, 391-404.
  • Siemon, M. (1980). The separation-individuation process in adult twins. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 34(3), 387-400.
  • Tavşancıl, E. ve Aslan, E. A. (2001). İçerik analizi ve uygulama örnekleri. İstanbul: Epsilon
  • Vandell, D. L., Owen, M. T., Wilson, K. S. ve Henderson, V. K. (1988). Social development in infant twins: Peer and mother–twin relationships. Child Development, 59, 168–177.
  • van der Zalm, J. E. (1999). Having twins, the experience of mothers (Doktara tezi). Erişim adresi:
  • Wilson, R. S. (1975). Twins: Patterns of cognitive development as measured on the wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence. Developmental Psychology, 11(2), 126.
  • Withrow, R. ve Schwiebert, V. L. (2005). Twin loss: Implications for counselors working with surviving twins. Journal of Counseling and Development, 83(1), 21-28
  • Woodward, J. (2006). Working therapeutically with lone twins. Therapy Today, 17(4), 35-37.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. (9. Genişletilmiş Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Yüksel, P. ve Yıldırım, S. (2015). Theoretical frameworks, methods, and procedures for conducting phenomenological studies in educational settings. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 6(1), 1-20.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Şule Baştemur

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Baştemur, Ş. (2019). Tek Yumurta İkizi Ergenlerde İkiz Bağı ve Ayrışma-Bütünleşme Süreci. Psikoloji Çalışmaları, 39(1), 1-22.
AMA Baştemur Ş. Tek Yumurta İkizi Ergenlerde İkiz Bağı ve Ayrışma-Bütünleşme Süreci. Psikoloji Çalışmaları. Haziran 2019;39(1):1-22. doi:10.26650/SP2018-0016
Chicago Baştemur, Şule. “Tek Yumurta İkizi Ergenlerde İkiz Bağı Ve Ayrışma-Bütünleşme Süreci”. Psikoloji Çalışmaları 39, sy. 1 (Haziran 2019): 1-22.
EndNote Baştemur Ş (01 Haziran 2019) Tek Yumurta İkizi Ergenlerde İkiz Bağı ve Ayrışma-Bütünleşme Süreci. Psikoloji Çalışmaları 39 1 1–22.
IEEE Ş. Baştemur, “Tek Yumurta İkizi Ergenlerde İkiz Bağı ve Ayrışma-Bütünleşme Süreci”, Psikoloji Çalışmaları, c. 39, sy. 1, ss. 1–22, 2019, doi: 10.26650/SP2018-0016.
ISNAD Baştemur, Şule. “Tek Yumurta İkizi Ergenlerde İkiz Bağı Ve Ayrışma-Bütünleşme Süreci”. Psikoloji Çalışmaları 39/1 (Haziran 2019), 1-22.
JAMA Baştemur Ş. Tek Yumurta İkizi Ergenlerde İkiz Bağı ve Ayrışma-Bütünleşme Süreci. Psikoloji Çalışmaları. 2019;39:1–22.
MLA Baştemur, Şule. “Tek Yumurta İkizi Ergenlerde İkiz Bağı Ve Ayrışma-Bütünleşme Süreci”. Psikoloji Çalışmaları, c. 39, sy. 1, 2019, ss. 1-22, doi:10.26650/SP2018-0016.
Vancouver Baştemur Ş. Tek Yumurta İkizi Ergenlerde İkiz Bağı ve Ayrışma-Bütünleşme Süreci. Psikoloji Çalışmaları. 2019;39(1):1-22.

Psikoloji Çalışmaları / Studies In Psychology / ISSN- 1304-4680