Bu çalışma 2013 yılı yazında Milano/İtalya’da Türkiyeli göçmenlerle yapılan yapılan saha araştırmasına dayanmaktadır ve onların uluslararası göçmenlik deneyimlerini çok boyutlu bir bakış açısıyla analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Milano’daki Türkiyeli göçmenler geniş bir grup oluşturmamakla birlikte, onların göçünün kapitalizmin küresel döneminin göçlerinin genel özelliklerini taşıdığını gözlemlemek ve bunun da ötesinde, dünya ekonomik krizine paralel olarak yeni trendler de saptamak olanaklıdır. Italyan ekonomisi 2009 yılında kendi krizi ile dünya ekonomisindeki kriz çakışınca derin bir durgunluğa girdi. Bu durum göçmen işçilerin işlerini kaybetmelerine yol açtı. Günümüzde, sadece göreli olarak yeni Türkiyeli göçmenler değil, Milano’da uzun süredir yaşayan göçmenler de kendilerine orada güvenli bir gelecek görememektedirler ve bir kez daha göç yollarına düşme hazırlığı yapmaktadırlar. Göçün süreklileşmesi olgusu, son yıllarda dünya ekonomisindeki kriz derinleştikçe ve sermaye hareketleri hızlandıkça, göçün enformelliğin artışı, göçmen kaçakçılarının artan rolü, göçmenlerin sosyo-mekansal dışlanması, vatandaşlık ve aidiyet sorunları ve göçmenlerin işçi sınıfının en zayıf kesimini oluşturması gibi diğer özelliklerine ek olarak, giderek daha belirgin bir özellik olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır.
Ambrosini, M. (2013a) “Immigration in Italy: Between Economic Acceptance and
Political Rejection”. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 14.1, 175-94.
Ambrosini, M. (2013b) “We are Against a Multiethnic Society: Policies of Exclusion
at the Urban Level in Italy”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36.1,136-55.
Bhaskar, R. (1989) Reclaiming Reality, London, Verso.
Boffe, Mario, Derinlemesine Mülakat, 14 Temmuz 2013.
Campani, G. (2007) “Migration and Integration in Italy: A complex and Moving Landscape”,http://migrationeducation.de/38.1.html?&rid=81&cHash=e5c8e1d629b6234d84577d1805d9a67b. (9 Temmuz 2014).
Dişbudak, C. ve P, Semra (2014) “Forced Migrants or Voluntary Exiles: Ethnic
Turks of Bulgaria in Turkey”, Journal of International Migration and Integration, DOI
Faist T. (2000) The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and
Transnational Spaces, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Foot, J. (1999) “Immigration and the City: Milan and Mass Immigration, 1958–98,
Modern Italy” 4:2, 159-172.
Gurak, D. T. ve Caces., F., (1992) “Migration Networks and the Shaping of Migration
Systems”, International Migration Systems: A Global Approach, Ed. Mary Kritz, Lin
Lean Lim, Hania Zlotnik, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 150-176.
Harvey, D., (2006) Spaces of Global Capitalism: Towards A Theory of Uneven
Geographical Development, London and New York, Verso.
Harvey, D. (2012) Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution,
London and New York, Verso.
Hear, N. V. (2010) “Theories of Migration and Social Change”, Journal of Ethnic
and Migration Studies, 36.10, 1531-36.
Hugo, G., J. (1981) “Village-Community Ties, Village Norms and Ethnic and Social
Networks: A Review of Evidence from the Third World”, Migration Decision Making:
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Microlevel Studies in Developed and Developing
Countries, Ed. Gordon F. DeJong ve Robert W. Gardner, New York, Pergamon Press,
ISTATa, http://www.comuni-italiani.it/statistiche/stranieri/tr.html (12 April 2015).
ISTATb, http://www.istat.it/it/lombardia/dati?q=gettable&dataset=DCIS_POPSTR
CIT1&dim=21,36,3,0,0&lang=2&tr=0&te=0 (12 April 2015).
ISTATc, http://www.cittametropolitana.milano.it/statistica/statistiche_demografiche/
index.html (15 April 2015).
ISTATd, http://dati.istat.it/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=DCIS_POPSTRBIL1&Lang=
en (15 April 2015).
Kloosterman, R. ve J. Rath (2003) “Introduction”, Immmigrant Entrepreneurs
Venturing Abroad in the Age of Globalisation, Ed. R. Kloosterman and J. Rath, Oxford,
Berg Publishing, 1-17.
Kurtuluş, H. ve S. Purkis (2009) Kuzey Kıbrıs’a Türk Göçünün Niteliği ve
Göçmenlerin Ekonomik Sosyo-Mekansal Bütünleşme Sorunları, TUBITAK Projesi,
Magatti, M. ve F. Quassoli (2003) “Italy: Between Legal Barriers and Informal
Arrangements”, Immmigrant Entrepreneurs Venturing Abroad in the Age of Globalisation,
Ed. R. Kloosterman and J. Rath, Oxford, Berg Publishing, 147-170.
Marzorati, R. ve F. Quassoli (2012) “Risotto and Zighini? Milano’s Lazaretto
Between Multiculturalism and Insecurity”, Selling Ethnic Neighborhoods The Rise of
Neighborhoods as Places of Leisure and Consumption, Ed. V. Aytar, J. Rath, New York,
Routledge, 138-155.
Massey, D. ve G. F. Espana (1987) “The Social Process of International Migration”,
Science, 237, 733-38.
Massey, S.D., J. Arango, G. Hugo, A. Kouaouci, A. Pellegrino ve J.E. Taylor (1993)
“The Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal”, Population and
Development Review, 19.3, 431-66.
Mingione, E. (1993)” New Urban Poverty and The Crisis in the Citizenship/Welfare
System: The Italian Experience”, Antipode, 25.3, 206-22.
Mingione , E. (1999) “Introduction”, International Journal of Urban and Regional
Research, 23.2, 209-11.
Portes, A. (2010) “Migration and Social Change: Some Conceptual Reflections”,
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36.10, 1537-63.
Purkis, S. (2008) “Turizmle Kalkınmada Enformel Emek Kullanımı: Marmaris
Örneğ”i, Ekonomik Yaklasim, 19.69, 107-126.
Purkis, S. ve F. Güngör, (2016) “Drifting Here and There But Going Nowhere,
Turkish Migrants in Milan in the Era of Global Economic Crisis”, (Yayınlanma sürecinde).
Quassoli, F. (1999)” Migrants in the Italian Underground Economy”, International
Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23.2, 212-31.
Quassoli, F. (2013) “Clandestino: Institutional Discourses and Practises for the
Control and Exclusion of Migrants in Contemporary Italy”, Journal of Language and
Politics, 12.2, 203-25.
Reyneri, E. (1998) “The Role of the Underground Economy in Irregular Migration
to Italy: Cause or Effect?”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 24. 2, 313-31.
Reyneri (2004) “Immigrants in a Segmented Often Undeclared Labour Market”,
Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 9.1, 71-93.
Salomoni, F. (2012) Göç Veren Ülkeden Göç Alan Ülkeye Geçiş: Akdeniz Modeli
ve İtalya Örneği, Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar, Tartışmalar, Ed. I, G. Öner and
S.A. Öner, Istanbul, İletişim. 417-38
Sassen, S. (1988) The Mobility of Labor and Capital: A Study in International
Investment and Labor Flow, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Sassen, S. (2000) “Informalization Imported Through Immigration or a Feature of
Advanced Economies”, Working USA, Vol.3(6), 6-26.
Sayer, A., (1984) Methods in Social Science, London, Routledge.
Schireup, C.U., P. Hansen and S. Castles (2006) Migration, Citizenship, and the
European Welfare State A European Dilemma, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Smith, N. (2008) Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of
Space, Athens and London, University of Georgia Press.
Stark, O. ve E. Bloom (1985) “The new Economics of Labor Migration”, American
Economic Review, Vol. 75, 173-178.
Stark, O., E. Taylor. ve S. Yitzhaki., (1986) “Remittances and Inequality”, The
Economic Journal, Vol. 96, 722-740.
Taran, A. ve Geronimi, E., (2003) “Globalization, Labor and Migration: Protection
Is Paramount”, International Migration Program, International Labour Office, Geneva.
Taylor, J. E. (1986) “Differential Migration, Networks, Information and Risk”,
Research in Human Capital and Development, Ed. Oded Stark, 4, Greenwich, Conn. JAI
Todaro, M. P, (1969) “A Model of labor Migration and Urban Unemployment in
Less Developed Countries”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 59, 138-148.
Triandafyllidou, A. ve M. Ambrosini (2011) “Irregular Immigration Control in
Italy and Greece, Strong Fencing and Weak Gate Keeping Serving the labour Market”,
European Journal of Migration and law, 13, 251-73.
Türkün, A., (2000)” Mit ve Gerçeklik Olarak Denizli-Üretim ve İşgücünün Değişen
Yapısı”, Toplum ve Bilim, Güz, 86, 91-117.
Venturini A. ve C. Villosio (2006) “Labour Market Effects of Immigration into Italy:
An Emprical Analysis”, International Labour Review, 145.1-2, 91-118.
Wacquant, L. (2011) Kent Paryaları: İleri Marjinalliğin Karşılaştırmalı Sosyolojisi,
Istanbul, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
This study bases on the field research implemented in the summer of 2013 in Italy/Milan on Turkish
Migrants from Turkey, and it aims to analyse their experiences as international migrants from a
multi-dimensional perspective. Eventhough migrants from Turkey in Milan do not form a large
group, it still is possible to observe that their migration carries general characteristics of migrations
in the global round of capitalism, and beyond that it is also possible to detect new trends in parallel
to deepening world economic crisis. Italian economy went into deep recession in 2009 when
worldwide economic crisis overlapped its own. This situation led migrant workers losing their jobs.
Currently, not only comparatively new Turkish migrants but also migrants who spent some years in
Milan cannot see a secure future there anymore and getting ready to migrate yet again. Protracted
feature of migration is becoming increasingly salient in the recent years in parallel to the deepening
world economic crisis and accelerating capital movements in addition to other features such as
informal character of migration, the role of migrant trafficers, socio-spatial exclusion of migrants,
citizenship and belonging and forming the most precarious part of working class.
Ambrosini, M. (2013a) “Immigration in Italy: Between Economic Acceptance and
Political Rejection”. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 14.1, 175-94.
Ambrosini, M. (2013b) “We are Against a Multiethnic Society: Policies of Exclusion
at the Urban Level in Italy”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36.1,136-55.
Bhaskar, R. (1989) Reclaiming Reality, London, Verso.
Boffe, Mario, Derinlemesine Mülakat, 14 Temmuz 2013.
Campani, G. (2007) “Migration and Integration in Italy: A complex and Moving Landscape”,http://migrationeducation.de/38.1.html?&rid=81&cHash=e5c8e1d629b6234d84577d1805d9a67b. (9 Temmuz 2014).
Dişbudak, C. ve P, Semra (2014) “Forced Migrants or Voluntary Exiles: Ethnic
Turks of Bulgaria in Turkey”, Journal of International Migration and Integration, DOI
Faist T. (2000) The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and
Transnational Spaces, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Foot, J. (1999) “Immigration and the City: Milan and Mass Immigration, 1958–98,
Modern Italy” 4:2, 159-172.
Gurak, D. T. ve Caces., F., (1992) “Migration Networks and the Shaping of Migration
Systems”, International Migration Systems: A Global Approach, Ed. Mary Kritz, Lin
Lean Lim, Hania Zlotnik, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 150-176.
Harvey, D., (2006) Spaces of Global Capitalism: Towards A Theory of Uneven
Geographical Development, London and New York, Verso.
Harvey, D. (2012) Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution,
London and New York, Verso.
Hear, N. V. (2010) “Theories of Migration and Social Change”, Journal of Ethnic
and Migration Studies, 36.10, 1531-36.
Hugo, G., J. (1981) “Village-Community Ties, Village Norms and Ethnic and Social
Networks: A Review of Evidence from the Third World”, Migration Decision Making:
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Microlevel Studies in Developed and Developing
Countries, Ed. Gordon F. DeJong ve Robert W. Gardner, New York, Pergamon Press,
ISTATa, http://www.comuni-italiani.it/statistiche/stranieri/tr.html (12 April 2015).
ISTATb, http://www.istat.it/it/lombardia/dati?q=gettable&dataset=DCIS_POPSTR
CIT1&dim=21,36,3,0,0&lang=2&tr=0&te=0 (12 April 2015).
ISTATc, http://www.cittametropolitana.milano.it/statistica/statistiche_demografiche/
index.html (15 April 2015).
ISTATd, http://dati.istat.it/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=DCIS_POPSTRBIL1&Lang=
en (15 April 2015).
Kloosterman, R. ve J. Rath (2003) “Introduction”, Immmigrant Entrepreneurs
Venturing Abroad in the Age of Globalisation, Ed. R. Kloosterman and J. Rath, Oxford,
Berg Publishing, 1-17.
Kurtuluş, H. ve S. Purkis (2009) Kuzey Kıbrıs’a Türk Göçünün Niteliği ve
Göçmenlerin Ekonomik Sosyo-Mekansal Bütünleşme Sorunları, TUBITAK Projesi,
Magatti, M. ve F. Quassoli (2003) “Italy: Between Legal Barriers and Informal
Arrangements”, Immmigrant Entrepreneurs Venturing Abroad in the Age of Globalisation,
Ed. R. Kloosterman and J. Rath, Oxford, Berg Publishing, 147-170.
Marzorati, R. ve F. Quassoli (2012) “Risotto and Zighini? Milano’s Lazaretto
Between Multiculturalism and Insecurity”, Selling Ethnic Neighborhoods The Rise of
Neighborhoods as Places of Leisure and Consumption, Ed. V. Aytar, J. Rath, New York,
Routledge, 138-155.
Massey, D. ve G. F. Espana (1987) “The Social Process of International Migration”,
Science, 237, 733-38.
Massey, S.D., J. Arango, G. Hugo, A. Kouaouci, A. Pellegrino ve J.E. Taylor (1993)
“The Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal”, Population and
Development Review, 19.3, 431-66.
Mingione, E. (1993)” New Urban Poverty and The Crisis in the Citizenship/Welfare
System: The Italian Experience”, Antipode, 25.3, 206-22.
Mingione , E. (1999) “Introduction”, International Journal of Urban and Regional
Research, 23.2, 209-11.
Portes, A. (2010) “Migration and Social Change: Some Conceptual Reflections”,
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36.10, 1537-63.
Purkis, S. (2008) “Turizmle Kalkınmada Enformel Emek Kullanımı: Marmaris
Örneğ”i, Ekonomik Yaklasim, 19.69, 107-126.
Purkis, S. ve F. Güngör, (2016) “Drifting Here and There But Going Nowhere,
Turkish Migrants in Milan in the Era of Global Economic Crisis”, (Yayınlanma sürecinde).
Quassoli, F. (1999)” Migrants in the Italian Underground Economy”, International
Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23.2, 212-31.
Quassoli, F. (2013) “Clandestino: Institutional Discourses and Practises for the
Control and Exclusion of Migrants in Contemporary Italy”, Journal of Language and
Politics, 12.2, 203-25.
Reyneri, E. (1998) “The Role of the Underground Economy in Irregular Migration
to Italy: Cause or Effect?”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 24. 2, 313-31.
Reyneri (2004) “Immigrants in a Segmented Often Undeclared Labour Market”,
Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 9.1, 71-93.
Salomoni, F. (2012) Göç Veren Ülkeden Göç Alan Ülkeye Geçiş: Akdeniz Modeli
ve İtalya Örneği, Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar, Tartışmalar, Ed. I, G. Öner and
S.A. Öner, Istanbul, İletişim. 417-38
Sassen, S. (1988) The Mobility of Labor and Capital: A Study in International
Investment and Labor Flow, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Sassen, S. (2000) “Informalization Imported Through Immigration or a Feature of
Advanced Economies”, Working USA, Vol.3(6), 6-26.
Sayer, A., (1984) Methods in Social Science, London, Routledge.
Schireup, C.U., P. Hansen and S. Castles (2006) Migration, Citizenship, and the
European Welfare State A European Dilemma, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Smith, N. (2008) Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of
Space, Athens and London, University of Georgia Press.
Stark, O. ve E. Bloom (1985) “The new Economics of Labor Migration”, American
Economic Review, Vol. 75, 173-178.
Stark, O., E. Taylor. ve S. Yitzhaki., (1986) “Remittances and Inequality”, The
Economic Journal, Vol. 96, 722-740.
Taran, A. ve Geronimi, E., (2003) “Globalization, Labor and Migration: Protection
Is Paramount”, International Migration Program, International Labour Office, Geneva.
Taylor, J. E. (1986) “Differential Migration, Networks, Information and Risk”,
Research in Human Capital and Development, Ed. Oded Stark, 4, Greenwich, Conn. JAI
Todaro, M. P, (1969) “A Model of labor Migration and Urban Unemployment in
Less Developed Countries”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 59, 138-148.
Triandafyllidou, A. ve M. Ambrosini (2011) “Irregular Immigration Control in
Italy and Greece, Strong Fencing and Weak Gate Keeping Serving the labour Market”,
European Journal of Migration and law, 13, 251-73.
Türkün, A., (2000)” Mit ve Gerçeklik Olarak Denizli-Üretim ve İşgücünün Değişen
Yapısı”, Toplum ve Bilim, Güz, 86, 91-117.
Venturini A. ve C. Villosio (2006) “Labour Market Effects of Immigration into Italy:
An Emprical Analysis”, International Labour Review, 145.1-2, 91-118.
Wacquant, L. (2011) Kent Paryaları: İleri Marjinalliğin Karşılaştırmalı Sosyolojisi,
Istanbul, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Purkis, S., & Güngör, F. (2016). EXPERIENCES OF MIGRANTS FROM TURKEY IN MILAN/ITALY. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi(53), 1-29.
Purkis S, Güngör F. EXPERIENCES OF MIGRANTS FROM TURKEY IN MILAN/ITALY. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi. Haziran 2016;(53):1-29.
Purkis, Semra, ve Fatih Güngör. “EXPERIENCES OF MIGRANTS FROM TURKEY IN MILAN/ITALY”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, sy. 53 (Haziran 2016): 1-29.
Purkis S, Güngör F (01 Haziran 2016) EXPERIENCES OF MIGRANTS FROM TURKEY IN MILAN/ITALY. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi 53 1–29.
S. Purkis ve F. Güngör, “EXPERIENCES OF MIGRANTS FROM TURKEY IN MILAN/ITALY”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, sy. 53, ss. 1–29, Haziran 2016.
Purkis, Semra - Güngör, Fatih. “EXPERIENCES OF MIGRANTS FROM TURKEY IN MILAN/ITALY”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi 53 (Haziran 2016), 1-29.
Purkis S, Güngör F. EXPERIENCES OF MIGRANTS FROM TURKEY IN MILAN/ITALY. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2016;:1–29.
Purkis, Semra ve Fatih Güngör. “EXPERIENCES OF MIGRANTS FROM TURKEY IN MILAN/ITALY”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, sy. 53, 2016, ss. 1-29.
Purkis S, Güngör F. EXPERIENCES OF MIGRANTS FROM TURKEY IN MILAN/ITALY. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2016(53):1-29.