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Development of tolerance to electrical muscle stimulations

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1-2, 23 - 26, 02.12.2015



Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) can be defined a non-conventional method as being applied electrical currents to the muscle tissues or motor points in order to performance improvement in sport. The effectiveness of EMS training method is related to the intensity of electrical currents applied during training sessions. The tolerance to electromyostimulation can be define as the ability to tolerate progressively increas­ing current intensity. Despite that very little information exists related to tolerance to electrical currents of muscle and nervous. In order to know, whether the human body develop tolerance to electrical currents or not, is important for the effective use of this method. The aim of this study is to examine that whether the tolerance against to max­imum comfortably tolerated electrical current intensity implemented during five weeks of isometric lower body electromyostimulation (LB-EMS) training program. Eighteen healthy students at sports sciences faculty between the ages of 18-27 implemented in a 5-week isometric LB-EMS training program. The results indicate that there is signifi­cant tolerance (p <0.05) were found against the electrical current. The rapid increase in tolerance at the initial phase of the 5-week EMS training has shown the tolerance against electrical current, an increase again afterwards followed by that phase, and that increase is observed a slight decrease in the last period of training followed.

Key Words: Electromyostimulation, Tolerance, Training.


  • Alon, G., Smith, G.V., Tolerance and Conditioning to Neuro-Muscular Electrical Stimulation Within and Between Sessions and Gender, J Sports Sci Med. 2005;4(4): 395-405.
  • Balogun, J.A., Onilari, O.O., Akeju, O.A., Marzouk, D.K., High voltage electrical stimulation in the augmentation of muscle strength: effects of pulse frequency, Arch. Phys. Med. Rehab., 1993;74(9): 910-916
  • Beaudreau, S.A., Finger, S., Medical electricity and mad- ness in the 18th century: The legacies of Benjamin Frank- lin and Jan Ingenhousz, Perspect. Biol. Med., 49 (3), 333 (2006).
  • Bijur, P.E., Silver, W., Gallagher, E.J., Reliability of the visual analog scale for measurement of acute pain, Acad. Emerg. Med., 8 (12), 1153-7 (2001).
  • Cardinale, M., Newton, R., Nosaka, K., Strength and Con- ditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications, Wiley–Blackwell 2010, 193-197 İ Ü Spor Bilim Derg 25
  • Delitto, A., Strube, M.J., Shulman, A.D., Minor, S.D., A Study of Discomfort with Electrical Stimulation, Phys Ther. 1992; 72(6): 410-421.
  • Dreibatia, B., Laveta, C., Pintib, A., Poumarata, G., Cha- racterization of an electric stimulation protocol for muscular exercise, Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2011;54(1): 25–35
  • Gondin, J., Cozzone, P.J., Bendahan, D., Is high-frequ- ency neuromuscular electrical stimulation a suitable tool for muscle performance improvement in both healthy humans and athletes?, Eur. J. Appl. Physiol., 2011;111(10), 2473-87
  • Gregory CM, Bickel CS. (2005). Recruitment Patterns in
  • Human Skeletal Muscle During Electrical Stimulation, Physi- cal Therapy. 85(4) 358-364. Gould, D., Kelly, D., Goldstone, L., Gammon, J., Exami- ning the validity of pressure ulcer risk assessment scales: Developing and using illustrated patient simulations to colle- ct the data, J. Clin. Nurs., 10 (5), 697-706 (2001).
  • Hartsell, H.D., Kramer, J.F., A comparison of the effe- cts of electrode placement, muscle tension, and isometric torque of the knee extensors, J. Orthop. Sports Phys. Ther., 1992;15(4),168-74
  • Henneman E, Somjen G, Carpenter DO. (1965). Excitabi- lity and inhibitability of motoneurons of different sizes. Jour- nal of Neurophysiology, 28: 599–620.
  • Kale, M., Kaçoğlu, C., Gürol, B., “Elektromyostimülasyon Antrenmanlarının Nöral Adaptasyon Ve Sportif Performans Üzerine Etkileri”, Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2014, 25:(3), 142-158
  • Maffiuletti, N.A., Cardinale, M., In: Chapter 2.7: Alternati- ve Modalities of Strength and Conditioning: Electrical Stimu- lation and Vibration, Strength and Conditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications, Cardinale, M., Newton, R., Nosaka, K. (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, UK, s.194-195
  • Miller, C.R., Webers, R.L., The Effects of Ice Massage on an Individual’s Pain Tolerance Level to Electrical Stimulation, J. Orthop. Sports Phys. Ther., 1990;12(3):105-10.
  • Vanderthommen, M., Duchateau, J., Electrical Stimulati- on as a Modality to Improve Performance of the Neuromus- cular System, Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 2007 Oct;35(4):180-185.
  • Vivodtzev, I., Debigaré, R., Gagnon, P., Mainguy, V., Saey, D., Dubé, A., Paré, M.È., Bélanger, M., Maltais, F., Functional and muscular effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in patients with severe COPD: a randomized cli- nical trial, Chest. 2012;141(3):716-25
  • Vivodtzev, I., Rivard, B., Gagnon, P., Mainguy, V., Dube, A., Belanger, M., Jean, B., Maltais, F., Tolerance and Physio- logical Correlates of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in COPD: A Pilot Study, Plos one; 2014; 9(5):1
  • Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky,William J. Kraemer, Science and Practice of Strength Training, Second Edition, Human Kineti- cs, 2006. Ss.63,132-133

Elektriksel Kas Uyarılarına Karşı Tolerans Gelişimi

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1-2, 23 - 26, 02.12.2015



 Elektromyostimülasyon (EMS), deri üzerinden kas dokusu ya da motor noktalara uygulanan elektriksel akımlarla performans gelişimi elde etme amaçlı konvansiyonel olmayan bir antrenman yöntemidir. EMS antrenmanlarının etkinliği antrenmanlar sırasın­da uygulanan elektriksel akımların şiddetiyle ilgilidir. EMS’ye tolerans, giderek artan elektriksel akımlara dayanabilme yeteneği olarak tanımlanabilir. Buna rağmen kas ve sinirlerin elektriksel akımlara toleransı ile ilgili çok az bilgi bulunmaktadır. İnsan beden­inin elektriksel akımlara tolerans geliştirip geliştirmediğini bilmek bu metodun etkililiği için önem taşımaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışmanın amacı, 18-27 yaş aralığındaki 18 sağlıklı spor bilimleri fakültesi öğrencisinin, 5 haftalık çok eklem içeren izometrik istemli kasılmalar üzerine uygulanan alt beden elektromyostimülasyon antrenmanları (AB-EMS) sırasında uygulanan maksimal tolere edilebilen akım şiddetine karşı toler­ans gelişimi gösterip göstermediklerini araştırmaktır. Sonuçlara göre EMS’ye anlamlı düzeyde (p<0.05) tolerans gelişiminin olduğu görülmüştür. Elektriksel akımlarına toleransın 5 haftalık EMS antrenmanının başlangıç aşamasında hızlı bir artış gösterdiği bu hızlı artışı kısa bir duraklamanın izlediği daha sonrasında yine bir artışın olduğu ve bu artışı takiben antrenmanın son dönemlerinde küçük bir düşüş gözlemlenmiş olduğu görülmektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Elektromyostimülasyon, Tolerans, Antrenman. 


  • Alon, G., Smith, G.V., Tolerance and Conditioning to Neuro-Muscular Electrical Stimulation Within and Between Sessions and Gender, J Sports Sci Med. 2005;4(4): 395-405.
  • Balogun, J.A., Onilari, O.O., Akeju, O.A., Marzouk, D.K., High voltage electrical stimulation in the augmentation of muscle strength: effects of pulse frequency, Arch. Phys. Med. Rehab., 1993;74(9): 910-916
  • Beaudreau, S.A., Finger, S., Medical electricity and mad- ness in the 18th century: The legacies of Benjamin Frank- lin and Jan Ingenhousz, Perspect. Biol. Med., 49 (3), 333 (2006).
  • Bijur, P.E., Silver, W., Gallagher, E.J., Reliability of the visual analog scale for measurement of acute pain, Acad. Emerg. Med., 8 (12), 1153-7 (2001).
  • Cardinale, M., Newton, R., Nosaka, K., Strength and Con- ditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications, Wiley–Blackwell 2010, 193-197 İ Ü Spor Bilim Derg 25
  • Delitto, A., Strube, M.J., Shulman, A.D., Minor, S.D., A Study of Discomfort with Electrical Stimulation, Phys Ther. 1992; 72(6): 410-421.
  • Dreibatia, B., Laveta, C., Pintib, A., Poumarata, G., Cha- racterization of an electric stimulation protocol for muscular exercise, Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2011;54(1): 25–35
  • Gondin, J., Cozzone, P.J., Bendahan, D., Is high-frequ- ency neuromuscular electrical stimulation a suitable tool for muscle performance improvement in both healthy humans and athletes?, Eur. J. Appl. Physiol., 2011;111(10), 2473-87
  • Gregory CM, Bickel CS. (2005). Recruitment Patterns in
  • Human Skeletal Muscle During Electrical Stimulation, Physi- cal Therapy. 85(4) 358-364. Gould, D., Kelly, D., Goldstone, L., Gammon, J., Exami- ning the validity of pressure ulcer risk assessment scales: Developing and using illustrated patient simulations to colle- ct the data, J. Clin. Nurs., 10 (5), 697-706 (2001).
  • Hartsell, H.D., Kramer, J.F., A comparison of the effe- cts of electrode placement, muscle tension, and isometric torque of the knee extensors, J. Orthop. Sports Phys. Ther., 1992;15(4),168-74
  • Henneman E, Somjen G, Carpenter DO. (1965). Excitabi- lity and inhibitability of motoneurons of different sizes. Jour- nal of Neurophysiology, 28: 599–620.
  • Kale, M., Kaçoğlu, C., Gürol, B., “Elektromyostimülasyon Antrenmanlarının Nöral Adaptasyon Ve Sportif Performans Üzerine Etkileri”, Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2014, 25:(3), 142-158
  • Maffiuletti, N.A., Cardinale, M., In: Chapter 2.7: Alternati- ve Modalities of Strength and Conditioning: Electrical Stimu- lation and Vibration, Strength and Conditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications, Cardinale, M., Newton, R., Nosaka, K. (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, UK, s.194-195
  • Miller, C.R., Webers, R.L., The Effects of Ice Massage on an Individual’s Pain Tolerance Level to Electrical Stimulation, J. Orthop. Sports Phys. Ther., 1990;12(3):105-10.
  • Vanderthommen, M., Duchateau, J., Electrical Stimulati- on as a Modality to Improve Performance of the Neuromus- cular System, Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 2007 Oct;35(4):180-185.
  • Vivodtzev, I., Debigaré, R., Gagnon, P., Mainguy, V., Saey, D., Dubé, A., Paré, M.È., Bélanger, M., Maltais, F., Functional and muscular effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in patients with severe COPD: a randomized cli- nical trial, Chest. 2012;141(3):716-25
  • Vivodtzev, I., Rivard, B., Gagnon, P., Mainguy, V., Dube, A., Belanger, M., Jean, B., Maltais, F., Tolerance and Physio- logical Correlates of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in COPD: A Pilot Study, Plos one; 2014; 9(5):1
  • Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky,William J. Kraemer, Science and Practice of Strength Training, Second Edition, Human Kineti- cs, 2006. Ss.63,132-133
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Celil Kaçoğlu

Mehmet Kale Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaçoğlu, C., & Kale, M. (2015). Elektriksel Kas Uyarılarına Karşı Tolerans Gelişimi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1-2), 23-26.