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Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5'-Untranslated Region (5'UTR) of Lactoferrin Gene and Its Association with Clinical Mastitis in Cattle

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 2, 131 - 138, 22.07.2014



Lactoferrin (Lf), plays an important role in the innate immune system and defence mechanism of mammary gland of milk producing animals. The amount of lactoferrin increases during inflammatory process and viral infections. Many polymorphisms have been found in the bovine Lf Gene. The present study aimed to identify single-nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) site in the 5' untranslated region (5'-UTR, position +32) of the bovine Lf gene in Holstein dairy cattle and to quantify their association with clinical mastitis using Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Blood samples were collected from 89 multiparous Holstein dairy cows with a history clinical mastitis
(n=38), and cows without mastitis as control group (n= 51). In this study, we detected type of SNP in the 5' untranslated region (5'-UTR, position +32) using a designed Allele specific PCR that validated following sequencing method. We did not found evidence for a significant association between SNP in the 5'-UTR (+32: G/G) Lf gene and the mastitis in dairy cattle in Iran. The results of this study did not provide any support to considered 5'-UTR polymorphism (position +32) as a marker for resistance/susceptibility to mastitis in dairy cattle.

Key Words: SNP - lactoferrin gene, mastitis, dairy cattle




Laktoferrin (Lf) süt üreten hayvanların doğal bağışıklık sisteminde ve meme bezinin savunma mekanizmasında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Viral enfeksiyonlar ve yangı sürecinde laktoferrin miktarında artış gözlenmektedir. Sığır Lf geninde birçok polimorfizm saptanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Siyah Alaca süt sığırında Lf geninin anlatım yapmayan 5' bölgesinde (5'-UTR, pozisyon +32) tek nükleotid polimorfizminin belirlenmesi ve Allel-spesifik polimeraz zincir reaksiyon (PCR) metodu kullanılarak klinik mastitis ile ilişkisinin ortaya koyulmasıdır. Birden çok doğum yapmış olan, klinik olarak mastitis hikayesi bulunan (n=38) ve mastitis hikayesi bulunmayan kontrol grubu (n=51) olmak üzere toplam 89 adet Siyah Alaca sütçü sığırdan kan örnekleri toplanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, sekanslama metoduyla doğrulanan tasarlanmış allel spesifik PCR yöntemi ile anlatım yapmayan 5' bölgesinde (5'-UTR, +32) SNP saptanmıştır. Lf geninin 5'-UTR (+32: G/G) bölgesinde saptanan SNP ile İran’da süt sığırlarında mastitis arasındaki ilişkinin önemli olduğuna dair bir kanıt bulunamamıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonucu 5'-UTR (pozisyon +32) polimorfizminin, süt sığırında mastitise direnç/yatkınlık işaretçisi olduğuna dair herhangi bir destek sağlamamıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: SNP - laktoferrin geni, mastitis, süt sığırı


  • Ansari-Lari, M., Abbasi, S., 2008. Study of reproductive performance and related factors in four dairy herds in Fars province (Southern Iran) by Cox proportional-hazard model. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 85 (3-4), 1581
  • Baggiolini, M., de Duve, C., Masson, P.L., Heremans, J.F., 19 Association of lactoferrin with specific granules in rabbit heterophil leukocytes. Journal of Experimental Medicine 131, 559-570. Blowey, R., Edmondson, P., 2010. Mastitis Control in Dairy Herds, 2nd Edition, CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 1-5.
  • Daly, M., Ross, P., Giblin, L., 2006. Polymorphisms within the lactoferrin gene promoter in various cattle breeds. Animal Biotechnology 17, 33-42. Diarra, M.S., Petitclerc, D., Deschenes, E., Lessard, N., Grondin, G., Talbot, B., Lacasse, P., 2003. Lactoferrin against Staphylococcus aureus mastitis lactoferrin alone or in combination withbpenicillin G on bovine polymorphonuclear function and mammary epithelial cells colonisation by Staphylococcus aureus. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 95, 33-42.
  • Fleischer, P., Metzner, M., Beyerbach, M., Hoedemaker, M., Klee, W., 2001. The relationship between milk yield and the incidence of some diseases in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 84, 2025-2035.
  • Hagiwara, S., Kawai, K., Anri, A., Nagahata, H., 200 Lactoferrin concentrations in milk from normal and subclinical mastitic cows. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 65, 3193
  • Harmon, R.J., Newbould, F.H.S., 1980. Neutrophil leukocyte as a source of lactoferrin in bovine milk. American Journal of Veterinary Research 41, 1603-1606.
  • Heringstad, B., Klemetsdal, G., Steine, T., 2003. Selection responses for clinical mastitis and protein yield in two Norwegian dairy cattle selection experiments. Journal of Dairy Science 86, 2990-2999.
  • Jinming, H., Hongmei, W., Changfa, W., Jianbin, L., Qiuling, L., Minghai, H., Jifeng, Z., 2010. Single nucleotide polymorphisms, haplotypes and combined genotypes of lactoferrin gene and their associations with mastitis in Chinese Holstein cattle. Molecular Biology Reports 37, 477-4
  • Kaminiski, S., Olenski, K., Brym, P., Malewski, T., Sazanov, A.A., 2006. Single nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter region of the lactoferrin gene and its associations with milk performance traits in Polish Holstein-Friesian cows. Russian Journal of Genetics 42, 924-927.
  • Kawai, K., Hagiwara, S., Anri, A., Nahyahata, H., 19 Lactoferrin concentration in milk of bovine clinical mastitis. Veterinary Research Communication 23, 391-398. Legrand, D., Elass, E., Pierce, A., Mazurier, J., 200 Lactoferrin and host defence: an overview of its immuno-modulating and anti inflamematory properties. Biometals 17, 225-229. Li, G.H., Zhang, Y., Sun, D.X., Li, N., 2004. Study on the polymorphism of bovine lactoferrin gene and its relationship with mastitis. Animal Biotechnology 15, 67-76.
  • O'Halloran, F., Bahar, B., Buckley, F., O'Sullivan, O., Sweeney, T., Giblin, L., 200 Characterisation of single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in the bovine lactoferrin gene sequences across a range of dairy cow breeds. Biochimie 91 (1), 68-75. Person, M.D., Person, C.N, Lester, T.D., Rorie, R.W., 2007. Effects of Milk Antimicrobial Proteins on Incidence of Mastitis in Dairy Cattle. Arkansas Animal Science 553, 54-55.
  • Plaffl, M.W., Wittmann, S.L., Meyer, H.H.D., Bruckmaier, R.M., 2003. Gene expression of immunologically important factors in blood cells, milk cells, and mammary tissue of cows. Journal of Dairy Science 86, 538-545.
  • Rainard, P., Riollet, C., 2006. Innate immunity of the bovine mammary gland. Veterinary Research 37, 369-400.
  • Rupp, R., Boichard, D., 2003. Genetics of resistance to mastitis in dairy cattle. Veterinary Research 34, 671-688.
  • Seyfert, H.M., Kuhn, C., 1994. Characterization of a first bovine lactoferrin gene variant, based on an EcoR1 polymorphism. Animal Genetics 25, 54. Teng, C.T., Gladwell, W., 2006. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in human lactoferrin gene. Biochemistry and Cell Biology 84, 3813
  • Tsuji, S., Hirata, Y., Mukai, F., Ohtagaki, S., 1989. Comparison of Lactoferrin Content in Colostrum between Different Cattle Breeds. Journal of Dairy Science 73, 125-128. Wojdak-Maksymiec, K., Kmiec, M., 200 Associations between bovine lactoferrin gene polymorphism and somatic cell count in milk. Veterinary Medicine 51, 14-20.
  • Zheng, J., Ather, J.L., Sonstegard, T.S., Kerr, D.E., 200 Characterization of the infection responsive bovine lactoferrin promoter. Gene 353, 107-117.


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 2, 131 - 138, 22.07.2014


Laktoferrin (Lf) süt üreten hayvanların doğal bağışıklık sisteminde ve meme bezinin savunma mekanizmasında
önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Viral enfeksiyonlar ve yangı sürecinde laktoferrin miktarında artış gözlenmektedir. Sığır
Lf geninde birçok polimorfizm saptanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Siyah Alaca süt sığırında Lf geninin anlatım
yapmayan 5' bölgesinde (5'-UTR, pozisyon +32) tek nükleotid polimorfizminin belirlenmesi ve Allel-spesifik
polimeraz zincir reaksiyon (PCR) metodu kullanılarak klinik mastitis ile ilişkisinin ortaya koyulmasıdır. Birden çok
doğum yapmış olan, klinik olarak mastitis hikayesi bulunan (n=38) ve mastitis hikayesi bulunmayan kontrol grubu
(n=51) olmak üzere toplam 89 adet Siyah Alaca sütçü sığırdan kan örnekleri toplanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, sekanslama
metoduyla doğrulanan tasarlanmış allel spesifik PCR yöntemi ile anlatım yapmayan 5' bölgesinde (5'-UTR, +32) SNP
saptanmıştır. Lf geninin 5'-UTR (+32: G/G) bölgesinde saptanan SNP ile İran’da süt sığırlarında mastitis arasındaki
ilişkinin önemli olduğuna dair bir kanıt bulunamamıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonucu 5'-UTR (pozisyon +32)
polimorfizminin, süt sığırında mastitise direnç/yatkınlık işaretçisi olduğuna dair herhangi bir destek sağlamamıştır.


  • Ansari-Lari, M., Abbasi, S., 2008. Study of reproductive performance and related factors in four dairy herds in Fars province (Southern Iran) by Cox proportional-hazard model. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 85 (3-4), 1581
  • Baggiolini, M., de Duve, C., Masson, P.L., Heremans, J.F., 19 Association of lactoferrin with specific granules in rabbit heterophil leukocytes. Journal of Experimental Medicine 131, 559-570. Blowey, R., Edmondson, P., 2010. Mastitis Control in Dairy Herds, 2nd Edition, CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 1-5.
  • Daly, M., Ross, P., Giblin, L., 2006. Polymorphisms within the lactoferrin gene promoter in various cattle breeds. Animal Biotechnology 17, 33-42. Diarra, M.S., Petitclerc, D., Deschenes, E., Lessard, N., Grondin, G., Talbot, B., Lacasse, P., 2003. Lactoferrin against Staphylococcus aureus mastitis lactoferrin alone or in combination withbpenicillin G on bovine polymorphonuclear function and mammary epithelial cells colonisation by Staphylococcus aureus. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 95, 33-42.
  • Fleischer, P., Metzner, M., Beyerbach, M., Hoedemaker, M., Klee, W., 2001. The relationship between milk yield and the incidence of some diseases in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 84, 2025-2035.
  • Hagiwara, S., Kawai, K., Anri, A., Nagahata, H., 200 Lactoferrin concentrations in milk from normal and subclinical mastitic cows. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 65, 3193
  • Harmon, R.J., Newbould, F.H.S., 1980. Neutrophil leukocyte as a source of lactoferrin in bovine milk. American Journal of Veterinary Research 41, 1603-1606.
  • Heringstad, B., Klemetsdal, G., Steine, T., 2003. Selection responses for clinical mastitis and protein yield in two Norwegian dairy cattle selection experiments. Journal of Dairy Science 86, 2990-2999.
  • Jinming, H., Hongmei, W., Changfa, W., Jianbin, L., Qiuling, L., Minghai, H., Jifeng, Z., 2010. Single nucleotide polymorphisms, haplotypes and combined genotypes of lactoferrin gene and their associations with mastitis in Chinese Holstein cattle. Molecular Biology Reports 37, 477-4
  • Kaminiski, S., Olenski, K., Brym, P., Malewski, T., Sazanov, A.A., 2006. Single nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter region of the lactoferrin gene and its associations with milk performance traits in Polish Holstein-Friesian cows. Russian Journal of Genetics 42, 924-927.
  • Kawai, K., Hagiwara, S., Anri, A., Nahyahata, H., 19 Lactoferrin concentration in milk of bovine clinical mastitis. Veterinary Research Communication 23, 391-398. Legrand, D., Elass, E., Pierce, A., Mazurier, J., 200 Lactoferrin and host defence: an overview of its immuno-modulating and anti inflamematory properties. Biometals 17, 225-229. Li, G.H., Zhang, Y., Sun, D.X., Li, N., 2004. Study on the polymorphism of bovine lactoferrin gene and its relationship with mastitis. Animal Biotechnology 15, 67-76.
  • O'Halloran, F., Bahar, B., Buckley, F., O'Sullivan, O., Sweeney, T., Giblin, L., 200 Characterisation of single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in the bovine lactoferrin gene sequences across a range of dairy cow breeds. Biochimie 91 (1), 68-75. Person, M.D., Person, C.N, Lester, T.D., Rorie, R.W., 2007. Effects of Milk Antimicrobial Proteins on Incidence of Mastitis in Dairy Cattle. Arkansas Animal Science 553, 54-55.
  • Plaffl, M.W., Wittmann, S.L., Meyer, H.H.D., Bruckmaier, R.M., 2003. Gene expression of immunologically important factors in blood cells, milk cells, and mammary tissue of cows. Journal of Dairy Science 86, 538-545.
  • Rainard, P., Riollet, C., 2006. Innate immunity of the bovine mammary gland. Veterinary Research 37, 369-400.
  • Rupp, R., Boichard, D., 2003. Genetics of resistance to mastitis in dairy cattle. Veterinary Research 34, 671-688.
  • Seyfert, H.M., Kuhn, C., 1994. Characterization of a first bovine lactoferrin gene variant, based on an EcoR1 polymorphism. Animal Genetics 25, 54. Teng, C.T., Gladwell, W., 2006. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in human lactoferrin gene. Biochemistry and Cell Biology 84, 3813
  • Tsuji, S., Hirata, Y., Mukai, F., Ohtagaki, S., 1989. Comparison of Lactoferrin Content in Colostrum between Different Cattle Breeds. Journal of Dairy Science 73, 125-128. Wojdak-Maksymiec, K., Kmiec, M., 200 Associations between bovine lactoferrin gene polymorphism and somatic cell count in milk. Veterinary Medicine 51, 14-20.
  • Zheng, J., Ather, J.L., Sonstegard, T.S., Kerr, D.E., 200 Characterization of the infection responsive bovine lactoferrin promoter. Gene 353, 107-117.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Abolfazl Hajıbemanı Bu kişi benim

Hassan Sharıfıyazdı Bu kişi benim

Abdolah Mırzaeı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 40 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Hajıbemanı, A., Sharıfıyazdı, H., & Mırzaeı, A. (2014). Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5’-Untranslated Region (5’UTR) of Lactoferrin Gene and Its Association with Clinical Mastitis in Cattle. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(2), 131-138.
AMA Hajıbemanı A, Sharıfıyazdı H, Mırzaeı A. Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5’-Untranslated Region (5’UTR) of Lactoferrin Gene and Its Association with Clinical Mastitis in Cattle. iuvfd. Temmuz 2014;40(2):131-138. doi:10.16988/iuvfd.25599
Chicago Hajıbemanı, Abolfazl, Hassan Sharıfıyazdı, ve Abdolah Mırzaeı. “Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5’-Untranslated Region (5’UTR) of Lactoferrin Gene and Its Association With Clinical Mastitis in Cattle”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 40, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2014): 131-38.
EndNote Hajıbemanı A, Sharıfıyazdı H, Mırzaeı A (01 Temmuz 2014) Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5’-Untranslated Region (5’UTR) of Lactoferrin Gene and Its Association with Clinical Mastitis in Cattle. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 40 2 131–138.
IEEE A. Hajıbemanı, H. Sharıfıyazdı, ve A. Mırzaeı, “Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5’-Untranslated Region (5’UTR) of Lactoferrin Gene and Its Association with Clinical Mastitis in Cattle”, iuvfd, c. 40, sy. 2, ss. 131–138, 2014, doi: 10.16988/iuvfd.25599.
ISNAD Hajıbemanı, Abolfazl vd. “Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5’-Untranslated Region (5’UTR) of Lactoferrin Gene and Its Association With Clinical Mastitis in Cattle”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 40/2 (Temmuz 2014), 131-138.
JAMA Hajıbemanı A, Sharıfıyazdı H, Mırzaeı A. Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5’-Untranslated Region (5’UTR) of Lactoferrin Gene and Its Association with Clinical Mastitis in Cattle. iuvfd. 2014;40:131–138.
MLA Hajıbemanı, Abolfazl vd. “Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5’-Untranslated Region (5’UTR) of Lactoferrin Gene and Its Association With Clinical Mastitis in Cattle”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 40, sy. 2, 2014, ss. 131-8, doi:10.16988/iuvfd.25599.
Vancouver Hajıbemanı A, Sharıfıyazdı H, Mırzaeı A. Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5’-Untranslated Region (5’UTR) of Lactoferrin Gene and Its Association with Clinical Mastitis in Cattle. iuvfd. 2014;40(2):131-8.