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Alterations in Electrocardiographic Parameters and Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in an Ovine Experimental Endotoxemia Model

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 2, 211 - 219, 22.07.2014


In order to study the cardiac health status based on electrocardiogram recording and measurement of circulating cardiac biomarkers following the induction of endotoxemia, 5 clinically healthy 1-year old Iranian fat-tailed ewes (25±1.5 kg, bodyweight) were randomly selected and lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli serotype O55:B5 was used to induce endotoxemia in ewes at 20 µg/kg. The electrocardiograms and blood samples were taken prior and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 24 hours after lipopolysaccharide injection. Values of serum homocysteine, cardiac troponin I, creatine kinase isoenzyme MB and lactate dehydrogenase were assayed during the study. The rapid and significant elevation of homocysteine, cardiac troponin I, creatine kinase isoenzyme MB and lactate dehydrogenase was seen after endotoxemia induction (P<0.05). The results showed that T duration increased significantly after endotoxemia induction and decreased near to base line levels at 6th hour after lipopolysaccharide infusion. T amplitude decreased significantly after endotoxemia induction. The significant increase in R-R, S-T and Q-T intervals were detected during endotoxemia. In conclusion, it seems that endotoxemia causes myocardial autonomic dysfunction and significant changes in ECG parameters could be interpreted in the light of concurrent cardiac biomarker changes.

Key Words: Endotoxemia, electrocardiogram, cardiac biomarkers, Iranian fat-tailed sheep



  • Ahmed, J.A., Sanyal, S., 2008. Electrocardiographic studies in Garol sheep and black Bengal goats. Research Journal of Cardiology 1, 1-8.
  • Bassit, R.A., Pinheiro, C.H., Vitzel, K.F., Sproesser, A.J., Silveira, L.R., Curi, R., 2010. Effect of short-term creatine supplementation on markers of skeletal muscle damage after strenuous contractile activity. European Journal of Applied Physiology 108, 945-955.
  • Belfort, M.A., Saade, G.R., 2011. ST segment analysis as an adjunct to electronic fetal monitoring, Part I: background, physiology, and interpretation. Clinical Perinatology 38, 1431
  • Champeroux, P., Ouillé, A., Martel, E., Fowler, J.S., Maurin, A., Jude, S., Lala, P., Le Guennec, J.Y., Richard, S., 2010. Interferences of the autonomic nervous system with drug induced QT prolongation: a point to consider in nonclinical safety studies. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Methods 61, 251-263.
  • Ciaccio, M., Bivona, G., Bellia, C., 2008. Therapeutical approach to plasma homocysteine and cardiovascular risk reduction. Journal of Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 4, 219-2
  • Coodley, E.L., 1970. Diagnosic Enzymology. 4 th ed. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Graeber, G.M., Clagett, G.P., Wolf, R.E., Cafferty, P.J., Harmon, J.W., Rich, N.M., 1990. Alterations in serum creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. Association with abdominal aortic surgery, myocardial infarction and bowel necrosis. Chest 97, 521-527.
  • Green, E.M., Adams, H.R., 1992. New perspectives in circulatory shock: pathophysiologic mediators of the mammalian response to endotoxemia and sepsis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 200, 1834-1841.
  • Harker, L.A., Harlan, J.M., Ross, R., 1983. Effect of sulfinpyrazone on homocysteine-induced endothelial injury and arteriosclerosis in baboons. Circulation Research 53, 731-739.
  • Kaneko, J.J., 1989. Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. 3 rd ed. New York, USA, Academic Press.
  • Matyas, T.A., King, M.G., 1976. Stable T wave effects during improvement of heart rate control with biofeedback. Physiology and Behavior 16, 15Mir, S.A., Nazki, A.R., Raina, R., 2007. Comparative electrocardiographic studies, and differing effects of pentazocine on ECG, heart and respiratory rates in young sheep and goats. Small Ruminant Research 37, 13-17.
  • Nygard, O., Nordrehaug, J.E., Refsum, H., Ueland, P.M., Farstad, M., Vollset, S.E., 1997. Plasma homocysteine levels and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease. The New England Journal of Medicine 337, 230-236.
  • Peek, S.F., Apple, F.S., Murakami, M.A., Crump, P.M., Semrad, S.D., 2008. Cardiac isoenzymes in healthy Holstein calves and calves with experimentally induced endotoxemia. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research 72, 356-361.
  • Perkowski, S.Z., Sloane, P.J., Spath, J.A., Elsasser, T.H., Fisher, J.K., Gee, M.H., 1996. TNFalpha and the pathophysiology of endotoxininduced acute respiratory failure in sheep. Journal of Applied Physiology 80, 564-573.
  • Pfeifer, M.A., Cook, D., Brodsky, J., Tice, D., Reenan, A., Swedine, S., Halter, J.B., Porte, D., 1982. Quantitative evaluation of cardiac parasympathetic activity in normal and diabetes man. Diabetes 31, 339-345.
  • Pichot, V., Gaspoz, J., Molliex, S., Antoniadis, A., Busso, T., Roche, F., Costes, F., Quintin, L., Lacour, J., Barthe´le´my, J., 1999. Wavelet transform to quantify heart rate variability and assess its instantaneous changes. Journal of Applied Physiology 86, 1081-1091.
  • Polena, S., Shen, K.H., Mamakos, E., Chuang, P.J., Sharma, M., Griciene, P., Ponomarev, A.A., Gintautas, J., Maniar, R., 2005. Correlation between cardiac enzyme elevation and the duration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Proceeding of the Western Pharmacology Society 48, 136-138.
  • Pourjafar, M., Badiei, K., Chalmeh, A., Sanati, A.R., Sabouri, H., 2011. Comparison of cardiac arrhythmias between late pregnancy and early post-partum periods in clinically healthy Iranian fat-tailed sheep. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 31, 309-312.
  • Pourjafar, M., Badiei, K., Chalmeh, A., Sanati, A.R., Shahbazi, A., Badkobeh, M., Bagheri, M.H., 2012. Age-related cardiac arrhythmias in clinically healthy Iranian Najdi goats. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 15, 37-43.
  • Radostits, O.M., Gay, C.C., Hinchcliff, K.W., Constable, P.D., 200 Toxemia and endotoxemia. In: Veterinary Medicine: A Text Book of the Diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs and Goats. 10 th ed. Elsevier, pp 53-60. Rezaei, S.A., Dalir-Naghadeh, B., 2009. Association of plasma and heart homocysteine and blood malondialdehyde with cardiovascular diseases induced by acute selenium deficiency in lambs. Small Ruminant Research 83, 22-28.
  • Serra, M., Papakonstantinou, S., Adamcova, M., O'Brien, P.J., 20 Veterinary and toxicological applications for the detection of cardiac injury using cardiac troponin. The Veterinary Journal 185, 50-57. Wall, R.T., Harlan, J.M., Harker, L.A., Striker, G.E., 1980. Homocysteine-induced endothelial cell injury in vitro: a model for the study of vascular injury. Thrombosis Research 18, 1131
  • Wells, S.M., Sleeper, M., 2008. Cardiac troponins. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 18, 235-245.


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 2, 211 - 219, 22.07.2014


Endotokseminin indüklemesini takiben elektrokardiyografi kayıtlarına ve dolaşımdaki kardiyak biyomarkerların ölçümüne dayandırılarak kardiyak sağlık durumu çalışılmıştır. Klinik açıdan sağlıklı 1 yaşındaki İran yağlı kuyruk
5 koyun (25±1,5 kg, ağırlık) rastgele seçilmiştir ve bu koyunlara endotoksemi oluşturmak amacıyla 20 µg/kg’dan Escherichia coli O55:B5 serotipinden lipopolisakkarid kullanılmıştır. Elektrokardiyogramlar ve kan örnekleri lipopolisakkarid enjeksiyonunun öncesinde ve 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ve 24 saat sonrasında alınmıştır. Çalışma süresince serum homocysteine, kardiyak troponin I, creatine kinase izoenzimi MB ve laktat dehidrojenaz seviyeleri ölçülmüştür. Endoksemi oluşturulduktan sonra homocysteine, kardiyak troponin I, creatine kinase izoenzimi MB ve laktat dehidrojenaz seviyelerinde hızlı ve belirgin bir yükselme (P<0,05) görülmüştür. Sonuçlar endotoksemi oluştuktan sonra T zamanının belirgin bir şekilde artığını ve lipopolisakkarid enjeksiyonundan 6 saat sonra alt çizgisiye kadar düşmüştür. T amplitüdü endotoksemi oluştuktan sonra belirgin şekilde düşer. Endotoksemi süresince R-R, S-T ve Q-T aralıklarında belirgin bir şekilde yükselme belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, endotoksemi myokardiyal otonomik fonksiyon bozukluğuna neden olur ve EKG parametrelerinde belirgin değişimler aynı zamanda yapılan kardiyak biyomarkerlar ile yorumlanabilir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Endotoksemi, elektrokardiyografi, kardiyak biyomarkerlar, İran yağlı kuyruklu koyunu


  • Ahmed, J.A., Sanyal, S., 2008. Electrocardiographic studies in Garol sheep and black Bengal goats. Research Journal of Cardiology 1, 1-8.
  • Bassit, R.A., Pinheiro, C.H., Vitzel, K.F., Sproesser, A.J., Silveira, L.R., Curi, R., 2010. Effect of short-term creatine supplementation on markers of skeletal muscle damage after strenuous contractile activity. European Journal of Applied Physiology 108, 945-955.
  • Belfort, M.A., Saade, G.R., 2011. ST segment analysis as an adjunct to electronic fetal monitoring, Part I: background, physiology, and interpretation. Clinical Perinatology 38, 1431
  • Champeroux, P., Ouillé, A., Martel, E., Fowler, J.S., Maurin, A., Jude, S., Lala, P., Le Guennec, J.Y., Richard, S., 2010. Interferences of the autonomic nervous system with drug induced QT prolongation: a point to consider in nonclinical safety studies. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Methods 61, 251-263.
  • Ciaccio, M., Bivona, G., Bellia, C., 2008. Therapeutical approach to plasma homocysteine and cardiovascular risk reduction. Journal of Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 4, 219-2
  • Coodley, E.L., 1970. Diagnosic Enzymology. 4 th ed. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Graeber, G.M., Clagett, G.P., Wolf, R.E., Cafferty, P.J., Harmon, J.W., Rich, N.M., 1990. Alterations in serum creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. Association with abdominal aortic surgery, myocardial infarction and bowel necrosis. Chest 97, 521-527.
  • Green, E.M., Adams, H.R., 1992. New perspectives in circulatory shock: pathophysiologic mediators of the mammalian response to endotoxemia and sepsis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 200, 1834-1841.
  • Harker, L.A., Harlan, J.M., Ross, R., 1983. Effect of sulfinpyrazone on homocysteine-induced endothelial injury and arteriosclerosis in baboons. Circulation Research 53, 731-739.
  • Kaneko, J.J., 1989. Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. 3 rd ed. New York, USA, Academic Press.
  • Matyas, T.A., King, M.G., 1976. Stable T wave effects during improvement of heart rate control with biofeedback. Physiology and Behavior 16, 15Mir, S.A., Nazki, A.R., Raina, R., 2007. Comparative electrocardiographic studies, and differing effects of pentazocine on ECG, heart and respiratory rates in young sheep and goats. Small Ruminant Research 37, 13-17.
  • Nygard, O., Nordrehaug, J.E., Refsum, H., Ueland, P.M., Farstad, M., Vollset, S.E., 1997. Plasma homocysteine levels and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease. The New England Journal of Medicine 337, 230-236.
  • Peek, S.F., Apple, F.S., Murakami, M.A., Crump, P.M., Semrad, S.D., 2008. Cardiac isoenzymes in healthy Holstein calves and calves with experimentally induced endotoxemia. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research 72, 356-361.
  • Perkowski, S.Z., Sloane, P.J., Spath, J.A., Elsasser, T.H., Fisher, J.K., Gee, M.H., 1996. TNFalpha and the pathophysiology of endotoxininduced acute respiratory failure in sheep. Journal of Applied Physiology 80, 564-573.
  • Pfeifer, M.A., Cook, D., Brodsky, J., Tice, D., Reenan, A., Swedine, S., Halter, J.B., Porte, D., 1982. Quantitative evaluation of cardiac parasympathetic activity in normal and diabetes man. Diabetes 31, 339-345.
  • Pichot, V., Gaspoz, J., Molliex, S., Antoniadis, A., Busso, T., Roche, F., Costes, F., Quintin, L., Lacour, J., Barthe´le´my, J., 1999. Wavelet transform to quantify heart rate variability and assess its instantaneous changes. Journal of Applied Physiology 86, 1081-1091.
  • Polena, S., Shen, K.H., Mamakos, E., Chuang, P.J., Sharma, M., Griciene, P., Ponomarev, A.A., Gintautas, J., Maniar, R., 2005. Correlation between cardiac enzyme elevation and the duration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Proceeding of the Western Pharmacology Society 48, 136-138.
  • Pourjafar, M., Badiei, K., Chalmeh, A., Sanati, A.R., Sabouri, H., 2011. Comparison of cardiac arrhythmias between late pregnancy and early post-partum periods in clinically healthy Iranian fat-tailed sheep. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 31, 309-312.
  • Pourjafar, M., Badiei, K., Chalmeh, A., Sanati, A.R., Shahbazi, A., Badkobeh, M., Bagheri, M.H., 2012. Age-related cardiac arrhythmias in clinically healthy Iranian Najdi goats. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 15, 37-43.
  • Radostits, O.M., Gay, C.C., Hinchcliff, K.W., Constable, P.D., 200 Toxemia and endotoxemia. In: Veterinary Medicine: A Text Book of the Diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs and Goats. 10 th ed. Elsevier, pp 53-60. Rezaei, S.A., Dalir-Naghadeh, B., 2009. Association of plasma and heart homocysteine and blood malondialdehyde with cardiovascular diseases induced by acute selenium deficiency in lambs. Small Ruminant Research 83, 22-28.
  • Serra, M., Papakonstantinou, S., Adamcova, M., O'Brien, P.J., 20 Veterinary and toxicological applications for the detection of cardiac injury using cardiac troponin. The Veterinary Journal 185, 50-57. Wall, R.T., Harlan, J.M., Harker, L.A., Striker, G.E., 1980. Homocysteine-induced endothelial cell injury in vitro: a model for the study of vascular injury. Thrombosis Research 18, 1131
  • Wells, S.M., Sleeper, M., 2008. Cardiac troponins. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 18, 235-245.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Aliasghar Chalmeh

Mehrdad Pourjafar Bu kişi benim

Khalil Badıeı Bu kişi benim

Saeed Nazıfı

Seyed Heıdarı Bu kişi benim

Mahdi Heıdarı Bu kişi benim

Marzieh Babazadeh Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 40 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Chalmeh, A., Pourjafar, M., Badıeı, K., Nazıfı, S., vd. (2014). Alterations in Electrocardiographic Parameters and Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in an Ovine Experimental Endotoxemia Model. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(2), 211-219.
AMA Chalmeh A, Pourjafar M, Badıeı K, Nazıfı S, Heıdarı S, Heıdarı M, Babazadeh M. Alterations in Electrocardiographic Parameters and Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in an Ovine Experimental Endotoxemia Model. iuvfd. Temmuz 2014;40(2):211-219. doi:10.16988/iuvfd.56990
Chicago Chalmeh, Aliasghar, Mehrdad Pourjafar, Khalil Badıeı, Saeed Nazıfı, Seyed Heıdarı, Mahdi Heıdarı, ve Marzieh Babazadeh. “Alterations in Electrocardiographic Parameters and Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in an Ovine Experimental Endotoxemia Model”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 40, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2014): 211-19.
EndNote Chalmeh A, Pourjafar M, Badıeı K, Nazıfı S, Heıdarı S, Heıdarı M, Babazadeh M (01 Temmuz 2014) Alterations in Electrocardiographic Parameters and Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in an Ovine Experimental Endotoxemia Model. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 40 2 211–219.
IEEE A. Chalmeh, “Alterations in Electrocardiographic Parameters and Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in an Ovine Experimental Endotoxemia Model”, iuvfd, c. 40, sy. 2, ss. 211–219, 2014, doi: 10.16988/iuvfd.56990.
ISNAD Chalmeh, Aliasghar vd. “Alterations in Electrocardiographic Parameters and Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in an Ovine Experimental Endotoxemia Model”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 40/2 (Temmuz 2014), 211-219.
JAMA Chalmeh A, Pourjafar M, Badıeı K, Nazıfı S, Heıdarı S, Heıdarı M, Babazadeh M. Alterations in Electrocardiographic Parameters and Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in an Ovine Experimental Endotoxemia Model. iuvfd. 2014;40:211–219.
MLA Chalmeh, Aliasghar vd. “Alterations in Electrocardiographic Parameters and Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in an Ovine Experimental Endotoxemia Model”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 40, sy. 2, 2014, ss. 211-9, doi:10.16988/iuvfd.56990.
Vancouver Chalmeh A, Pourjafar M, Badıeı K, Nazıfı S, Heıdarı S, Heıdarı M, Babazadeh M. Alterations in Electrocardiographic Parameters and Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in an Ovine Experimental Endotoxemia Model. iuvfd. 2014;40(2):211-9.