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Albendazole Sensitive vs. Resistant Nematodes – The Mitochondrial Ultra-Structural Changes

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 41 Sayı: 1, 43 - 49, 05.01.2015


Studies on microtubule inhibitors have shown that the loss of equilibrium between tubulin and microtubules can generate a multitude of histochemical changes in mitochondria. This disruption of balance is also considered the basis of benzimidazole anthelmintic (BZ) activity. Studies have shown that BZ does not bond to the tubulin of the BZ-resistant Haemonchus contortus, as opposed to sensitive ones. This affinity alteration can be easily recognised by changes in the optical density and can help in the classification of H. contortus mitochondria, into sensitive (dark) and resistant (clear, unmodified zones). In order to confirm this hypothesis, we started our study from albendazole (ABZ) resistant and sensible H. contortus individuals, collected from the intestinal tract of sheep, aiming towards the identification of mitochondrial features, using the Electron Microscopy Transmission (EMT) technique. The EMT has confirmed that the structure of sensitive trichostrongilian populations was affected rapidly, only four hours after ABZ treatments. The main changes that appeared in the intestinal mitochondria of sensitive helminths were: cristae thickening and decreasing in number and cellular membrane thickening. Twelve hours after anthelmintic administration, a total blocking of metabolic functionality was observed, and finally, these changes completely altered the optical density of the mitochondria. In ABZ resistant populations, the optical density has remained normal; and the cristae number, size or functionality of resistant nematode mitochondria has remained unchanged.


  • Barile, M., Valenti, D., Quagliariello, E., Passarella, S., 1998. Mitochondria as cell targets of AZT (zidovudine). General Pharmacology 31, 531-538.
  • Behm, C.A., Bryant, C., 1979. Anthelmintic action - a metabolic Parasitology 5, 39-49. (a review). Veterinary
  • Borgers, M., De Nollin, S., 1975. Ultrastructural changes in Ascaris suum intestine after mebendazole treatment in vivo. Journal of Parasitology 61, 110-122.
  • Coles, G.C., Bauer, C., Borgsteede, F.H.M., Geerts, S., Klei, T.R., Taylor, M.A., Waller, P.J., 1992. World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) methods for the detection of
  • Cristina et al., J. Fac. Vet. Med. Istanbul Univ., 41 (1), 43-49, 2015 49 anthelmintic resistance in nematodes of veterinary importance. Veterinary Parasitology 44, 35-44.
  • Cosoroabă, J., Cristina, R.T., Morariu, S., Oprescu, I., Albu, I., Ciucu, C., Brudiu, I., 1996. Description of a resistance case to albendazole. Lucrări Stiintifice Medicina Veterinara Timișoara, vol. XXIX, 1996: 227-230. Rezistenţa Cristina, R.T., 1997.
  • trichostrongililor la
  • antihelmintice. (in Romanian), PhD thesis, Faculty of
  • Veterinary Medicine Timişoara, RO.
  • Dayan, A.D., 2003. Albendazole, mebendazole and praziquantel. Review of non-clinical toxicity and pharmacokinetics. Acta Tropica 86, 141-159.
  • Debatin, K.M., Poncet, D., Kroemer, G., 2002 Chemotherapy: targeting the mitochondrial cell death pathway. Oncogene 21, 8786-8803.
  • Gilleard, J.S., 2013. Haemonchus contortus as a paradigm and model to study anthelmintic drug resistance. Parasitology 140, 1506-1522.
  • Hubert, J., Kerboeuf, D., 1992. A microlarval development assay for the detection of anthelmintic resistance in sheep nematodes. Veterinary Record 130, 442-446.
  • Hunt, K.R., Taylor, M.A., 1989. Use of egg hatch assay on sheep feacal samples for the detection of benzimidazole resistant nematodes. Veterinary Record 125, 153-154.
  • Kohler, P., 2001. The biochemical basis of anthelmintic action and resistance. International Journal of Parasitology 31, 336-345.
  • Kwa, M.S., Veenstra, J.G., Roos, M.H., 1994. Benzimidazole resistance in Haemonchus contortus is correlated with a conserved mutation at amino acid 200 in beta- tubulin Parasitology 63, 299-303. and Biochemical
  • Kwa, M.S., Veenstra, J.G., Van Dijk, M., Roos, M.H., 1995. Beta-tubulin genes from the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus modulate drug resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Molecular Biology 246, 500–510.
  • Lacey, E., 1989. The role of the cytoskeletal protein, tubulin, in the mode of action and mechanism of drug resistance to Parasitology 18, 885-936. Journal of
  • Lacey, E., 1990. Mode of action benzimidazoles. Parasitology Today 6, 112-115.
  • Lacey, E., Prichard, R.K., 1986. Interaction of benzimidazole (BZ) with tubulin from BZ -sensitive and BZ resistant isolates of Haemonchus contortus. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 19, 171-181.
  • Lacey, E., Snowdon, K.L., Eagleson, G.L., Smith, E.F., 1987. Further investigations of the primary mechanism of benzimidazole resistance in Haemonchus contortus. International Journal Parasitology 17, 1921-1929.
  • Lewis, W., Dalakas, M.C., 1995. Mitochondrial toxicity of antiviral drugs. Nature Medicine 1, 417-422.
  • Lindal, S., Lund, I., Torbergsen, T., Aasly, J., Mellgren, S.I., Borud, O., Monstad, P., 1992. Mitochondrial diseases and myopathies: a series of muscle biopsy specimens with ultrastructural changes in the mitochondria. Ultrastructural Pathology 16, 263-275.
  • MAFF. 1986. Manual of Veterinary Parasitological Laboratory Techniques, Tech Bull 1986; No. 18. Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. Her Majestey’s Stationary Office, London, UK.
  • Mandelkow, E., Mandelkow, E.M., 1989. Microtubular structure and tubulin polymerization. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 1, 5-9.
  • Öztop, Y.A., Saygi, G., Öztop, H.N., 1999. In vitro effects of some anthelmintics on the malate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase enzyme activities of Taenia Saginata. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 29, 365-370.
  • Pavelka, M., Roth, J., 2005. Functional Ultrastructure – An Atlas of Tissue Biology and Pathology. The Cytoplasm: Mitochondria Peroxisomes and Peroxisomal Diseases. Springer Verlag Wien, Austria, pp. 116-126. Abnormalities;
  • Roos, M.H., 1990 The molecular nature of benzimidazole resistance in helminths. Parasitology Today 6, 125- 127.
  • Roussel, G.J., Lacey, E., 1991. Temperature dependent binding of mebendazole to tubulin in benzimidazole- susceptible and -resistant strains of Trichostrongylus colubriformis International Journal of Parasitology 21, 927-934.
  • Sant’anna, V., Vommaro, R.C., de Souza, W., 2013. Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for the screening of anthelminthic compounds: Ultrastructural study of the effects of albendazole. Experimental Parasitology 135, 1-8.
  • Schulze, E., Kirschner, M., 1988. New features of microtubule behaviour observed in vivo. Nature 334, 356-358.
  • Waller, P.J., Prichard, R.K., 1985. Drug resistance in nematodes. In: WC Campbell and RS Rew, (Eds.), Chemotherapy of Parasitic Infections, Phlenum Press, New York, USA. pp. 339-362.

Albendazol Duyarlıya Karşı Albendazol Dirençli Nematodlar - Mitokondrial Ultra-Strüktürel Değişiklikler

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 41 Sayı: 1, 43 - 49, 05.01.2015


Mikrotübül inhibitörleri üzerine yapılan çalışmalar, tübülin ve mikrotübüller arasındaki denge kaybının mitokondriyada birçok histokimyasal değişikliğe neden olabileceğini göstermiştir. Bu denge bozulmasının benzimidazol anthelmentik (BZ) aktivitesinin de temeli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Çalışmalarda BZ’nin duyarlı olanların aksine BZ-dirençli Haemonchus contortus tübülinine bağlanmadığı gösterilmiştir. Bu eğilim değişikliği optik dansitedeki değişmeler ile kolaylıkla belirlenebilir ve H.contortus mitokondriyasının duyarlı (koyu) ve dirençli (berrak, değişmemiş) zonlar şeklinde sınıflandırılmasını kolaylaştırabilir. Bu hipotezi teyit edebilmek amacıyla, biz çalışmamıza koyun intestinal sisteminden toplanan albendazol (ABZ) dirençli ve duyarlı H.contortus bireyleri ile başladık ve Elektron Mikroskopisi Transmisyonu (EMT) tekniği kullanarak mitokondriyal özellikleri tanımlamayı hedefledik. EMT, ABZ uygulamalarından sadece dört saat gibi bir süre sonra duyarlı trikostrongilianların yapısının hızla etkilenmiş olduğunu doğruladı. Duyarlı helmintlerin intestinal mitokondriyalarında görülen başlıca değişiklikler; “krista kalınlaşması ve sayıda ve hücresel membran kalınlaşmasında azalma” olarak belirlendi. Antihelmentik uygulamadan on iki saat sonra metabolik işlevsellikte tam bir blokaj gözlemlendi ve son olarak da, bu değişiklikler mitokondriyanın optik dansitesini tamamen değiştirmiştir. ABZ dirençli popülasyonlarda, optik dansite normal kalmış; krista sayısı, dirençli nematod mitokondriya işlevselliği ya da boyutu değişmemiştir.


  • Barile, M., Valenti, D., Quagliariello, E., Passarella, S., 1998. Mitochondria as cell targets of AZT (zidovudine). General Pharmacology 31, 531-538.
  • Behm, C.A., Bryant, C., 1979. Anthelmintic action - a metabolic Parasitology 5, 39-49. (a review). Veterinary
  • Borgers, M., De Nollin, S., 1975. Ultrastructural changes in Ascaris suum intestine after mebendazole treatment in vivo. Journal of Parasitology 61, 110-122.
  • Coles, G.C., Bauer, C., Borgsteede, F.H.M., Geerts, S., Klei, T.R., Taylor, M.A., Waller, P.J., 1992. World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) methods for the detection of
  • Cristina et al., J. Fac. Vet. Med. Istanbul Univ., 41 (1), 43-49, 2015 49 anthelmintic resistance in nematodes of veterinary importance. Veterinary Parasitology 44, 35-44.
  • Cosoroabă, J., Cristina, R.T., Morariu, S., Oprescu, I., Albu, I., Ciucu, C., Brudiu, I., 1996. Description of a resistance case to albendazole. Lucrări Stiintifice Medicina Veterinara Timișoara, vol. XXIX, 1996: 227-230. Rezistenţa Cristina, R.T., 1997.
  • trichostrongililor la
  • antihelmintice. (in Romanian), PhD thesis, Faculty of
  • Veterinary Medicine Timişoara, RO.
  • Dayan, A.D., 2003. Albendazole, mebendazole and praziquantel. Review of non-clinical toxicity and pharmacokinetics. Acta Tropica 86, 141-159.
  • Debatin, K.M., Poncet, D., Kroemer, G., 2002 Chemotherapy: targeting the mitochondrial cell death pathway. Oncogene 21, 8786-8803.
  • Gilleard, J.S., 2013. Haemonchus contortus as a paradigm and model to study anthelmintic drug resistance. Parasitology 140, 1506-1522.
  • Hubert, J., Kerboeuf, D., 1992. A microlarval development assay for the detection of anthelmintic resistance in sheep nematodes. Veterinary Record 130, 442-446.
  • Hunt, K.R., Taylor, M.A., 1989. Use of egg hatch assay on sheep feacal samples for the detection of benzimidazole resistant nematodes. Veterinary Record 125, 153-154.
  • Kohler, P., 2001. The biochemical basis of anthelmintic action and resistance. International Journal of Parasitology 31, 336-345.
  • Kwa, M.S., Veenstra, J.G., Roos, M.H., 1994. Benzimidazole resistance in Haemonchus contortus is correlated with a conserved mutation at amino acid 200 in beta- tubulin Parasitology 63, 299-303. and Biochemical
  • Kwa, M.S., Veenstra, J.G., Van Dijk, M., Roos, M.H., 1995. Beta-tubulin genes from the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus modulate drug resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Molecular Biology 246, 500–510.
  • Lacey, E., 1989. The role of the cytoskeletal protein, tubulin, in the mode of action and mechanism of drug resistance to Parasitology 18, 885-936. Journal of
  • Lacey, E., 1990. Mode of action benzimidazoles. Parasitology Today 6, 112-115.
  • Lacey, E., Prichard, R.K., 1986. Interaction of benzimidazole (BZ) with tubulin from BZ -sensitive and BZ resistant isolates of Haemonchus contortus. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 19, 171-181.
  • Lacey, E., Snowdon, K.L., Eagleson, G.L., Smith, E.F., 1987. Further investigations of the primary mechanism of benzimidazole resistance in Haemonchus contortus. International Journal Parasitology 17, 1921-1929.
  • Lewis, W., Dalakas, M.C., 1995. Mitochondrial toxicity of antiviral drugs. Nature Medicine 1, 417-422.
  • Lindal, S., Lund, I., Torbergsen, T., Aasly, J., Mellgren, S.I., Borud, O., Monstad, P., 1992. Mitochondrial diseases and myopathies: a series of muscle biopsy specimens with ultrastructural changes in the mitochondria. Ultrastructural Pathology 16, 263-275.
  • MAFF. 1986. Manual of Veterinary Parasitological Laboratory Techniques, Tech Bull 1986; No. 18. Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. Her Majestey’s Stationary Office, London, UK.
  • Mandelkow, E., Mandelkow, E.M., 1989. Microtubular structure and tubulin polymerization. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 1, 5-9.
  • Öztop, Y.A., Saygi, G., Öztop, H.N., 1999. In vitro effects of some anthelmintics on the malate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase enzyme activities of Taenia Saginata. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 29, 365-370.
  • Pavelka, M., Roth, J., 2005. Functional Ultrastructure – An Atlas of Tissue Biology and Pathology. The Cytoplasm: Mitochondria Peroxisomes and Peroxisomal Diseases. Springer Verlag Wien, Austria, pp. 116-126. Abnormalities;
  • Roos, M.H., 1990 The molecular nature of benzimidazole resistance in helminths. Parasitology Today 6, 125- 127.
  • Roussel, G.J., Lacey, E., 1991. Temperature dependent binding of mebendazole to tubulin in benzimidazole- susceptible and -resistant strains of Trichostrongylus colubriformis International Journal of Parasitology 21, 927-934.
  • Sant’anna, V., Vommaro, R.C., de Souza, W., 2013. Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for the screening of anthelminthic compounds: Ultrastructural study of the effects of albendazole. Experimental Parasitology 135, 1-8.
  • Schulze, E., Kirschner, M., 1988. New features of microtubule behaviour observed in vivo. Nature 334, 356-358.
  • Waller, P.J., Prichard, R.K., 1985. Drug resistance in nematodes. In: WC Campbell and RS Rew, (Eds.), Chemotherapy of Parasitic Infections, Phlenum Press, New York, USA. pp. 339-362.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Romeo T. Crıstına Bu kişi benim

Eugenia Dumıtrescu Bu kişi benim

Marius Pentea Bu kişi benim

Adrian Stancu Bu kişi benim

Florin Muselın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 41 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Crıstına, R. T., Dumıtrescu, E., Pentea, M., Stancu, A., vd. (2015). Albendazole Sensitive vs. Resistant Nematodes – The Mitochondrial Ultra-Structural Changes. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(1), 43-49.
AMA Crıstına RT, Dumıtrescu E, Pentea M, Stancu A, Muselın F. Albendazole Sensitive vs. Resistant Nematodes – The Mitochondrial Ultra-Structural Changes. iuvfd. Ocak 2015;41(1):43-49. doi:10.16988/iuvfd.2015.34662
Chicago Crıstına, Romeo T., Eugenia Dumıtrescu, Marius Pentea, Adrian Stancu, ve Florin Muselın. “Albendazole Sensitive Vs. Resistant Nematodes – The Mitochondrial Ultra-Structural Changes”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 41, sy. 1 (Ocak 2015): 43-49.
EndNote Crıstına RT, Dumıtrescu E, Pentea M, Stancu A, Muselın F (01 Ocak 2015) Albendazole Sensitive vs. Resistant Nematodes – The Mitochondrial Ultra-Structural Changes. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 41 1 43–49.
IEEE R. T. Crıstına, E. Dumıtrescu, M. Pentea, A. Stancu, ve F. Muselın, “Albendazole Sensitive vs. Resistant Nematodes – The Mitochondrial Ultra-Structural Changes”, iuvfd, c. 41, sy. 1, ss. 43–49, 2015, doi: 10.16988/iuvfd.2015.34662.
ISNAD Crıstına, Romeo T. vd. “Albendazole Sensitive Vs. Resistant Nematodes – The Mitochondrial Ultra-Structural Changes”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 41/1 (Ocak 2015), 43-49.
JAMA Crıstına RT, Dumıtrescu E, Pentea M, Stancu A, Muselın F. Albendazole Sensitive vs. Resistant Nematodes – The Mitochondrial Ultra-Structural Changes. iuvfd. 2015;41:43–49.
MLA Crıstına, Romeo T. vd. “Albendazole Sensitive Vs. Resistant Nematodes – The Mitochondrial Ultra-Structural Changes”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 41, sy. 1, 2015, ss. 43-49, doi:10.16988/iuvfd.2015.34662.
Vancouver Crıstına RT, Dumıtrescu E, Pentea M, Stancu A, Muselın F. Albendazole Sensitive vs. Resistant Nematodes – The Mitochondrial Ultra-Structural Changes. iuvfd. 2015;41(1):43-9.