Effect of Garlic Supplementation to Diet on Performance and Intestinal Morphology of Broiler Chickens under High Stocking Density
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 41 Sayı: 2, 212 - 217, 01.07.2015
Majid Shakerı
Mohsen Shakerı
Arash Omıdı
This study was designed to evaluate the impact of garlic powder (GAR) on performance and intestinal morphology when chicken were subjected to different stocking densities. A total 100 one-day old Cobb 500 male chicks were housed in cages as 10 birds/m2 and 15 birds/m2. The chicks received feed as (i) basal diet + 0 g/kg garlic powder and (ii) basal diet + 5g/kg garlic powder supplementation from 1-42d. At the end of experiment, ten chicks per treatment randomly selected to collect duodenal samples. The results showed significant improvement in body weight and villi length when diet supplemented by GAR. High stocking density (HD) had negative impact on growth performance and villi length in basal diet, but chicken supplemented by GAR diet did not affect by HD in the both parameters. In conclusion, diet supplemented by GAR can improve performance and villi length when the chickens were subjected to HD condition.
- Adibmoradi, M., Navidshad, B., Seifdavatiand, J., Royan, M., 2006. Effect of dietary garlic meal on histological structure of small intestine in broiler chickens. Journal of Poultry Science 43, 378-383. Baddeley, A.J., Gundersen,
- H.J., Cruz-Orive, M.,
- 19 Estimation of surface area from vertical sections.
- Journal of Microscopy 142, 259-276.
- Bancroft, J.D., Gamble, M., 2002.Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, London. Churchill. Livingstone, pp. 217.
- Bessei, W., 2006. Welfare of broilers: a review. Journal World Poultry Science 62, 455-466.
- Braun, N., de Lima, R., Baldisserotto, B., Dafre, A.L., de Oliveira Nuñer, A.P., 2010. Growth, biochemical and physiological responses of Salminus brasiliensis with different stocking densities and handling. Aquaculture 301, 22-30.
- Burkholder, K.M., Thompson, K.L., Einstein, T.J., Applegate, M.E., Patterson, J.A., 2008. Influence of stressors on normal intestinal microbiota, intestinal morphology, and susceptibility to Salmonella enteritidis colonization in broilers. Poultry Science 87, 1734-1741.
- Canogullari, S., Karaman, M., Erdogan, Z., Baylan, M., Kucukgul, A., Duzguner, V., Kemali Ozugur, A., 2009. Effect of garlic powder on egg yolk and serum cholesterol and performance of laying hens. Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy 53, 515-519.
- Cavallito, C.J., Bailey, J.H., 1994. Allicin, the Antibacterial Principle of Allium sativum. Isolation, Physical Properties and Antibacterial Action. Journal of American Chemical Society 66, 1950-1951.
- Choi, I.H., Park, W.Y., Kim, Y.J., 2010. Effects of dietary garlic powder and α-tocopherol supplementation on performance, serum cholesterol levels, and meat quality of chicken. Poultry Science 89, 1724-1731.
- Chowdhury, S.D., Smith, T.K., 2002. Effects of dietary garlic on cholesterol metabolism in laying hens. Poultry Science 81, 1856-1862.
- Doley, S., Gupta, J.J., Reddy, P.B., 2009. Effect of supplementation of ginger, garlic and turmeric in broiler chicken. Indian Veterinary Journal 86, 644-645.
- Dozier, W.A., Thaxton, J.P., Branton, S.L., Morgan, G.W., Miles, D.M., Roush, W.B., Vizzier-Thaxton, Y., 2005. Stocking density effects on growth performance and processing yields of heavy broilers. Poultry Science 84, 1332-1338.
- Feddes, J.J., Emmanuel, E.J., Zuidhoft, M.J., 2002. Broiler performance, body weight variance, feed and water intake, and carcass quality at different stocking densities. Poultry Science 81, 774-779.
- Imaeda, N., 2000. Influence of the stocking density and rearing season on incidence of sudden death syndrome in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 79, 201-204.
- Joerger, R.D., 2003. Alternatives to antibiotics: bacteriocins, antimicrobial peptides and bacteriophages. Poultry Science 82, 640-647.
- Khan, R.U., Nikousefat, Z., Tufarelli, V., Naz, S., Javdani, M., Laudadio, supplementation in poultry diets: effect on production and physiology. Journal World Poultry Science 68, 417- 424. Garlic (Allium sativum)
- Kocaoğlu Güçlü, B., Işcan, K.M., Uyanik, F., Eren, M., Can Ağca, A., 2004. Effect of alfalfa meal in diets of laying quails on performance, egg quality and some serum parameters. Archives of Animal Nutrition 58, 255-263.
- Lawson, L.D., Wang, Z.J., 2001. Low allicin release from garlic supplements: a major problem due to the sensitivities of alliinase activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49, 2592-2599.
- Lewis, M.R., Rose, S.P., Mackenzie, A.M., Tucker, L.A., 2003. Effects of dietary inclusion of plant extracts on the growth performance of male broiler chickens. British Poultry Science 44 (S1), 43-44.
- Marilynn, L., 2001. Effect of garlic on blood lipids in particles with coronary heart disease. American Journal of Clinic Nutrition 34, 2100-2103.
- Onibi, G.E., Adebisi, O.E., Fajemisin, A.N., Adetunji, A.V., 2009. Response of broiler chickens in terms of performance and meat quality to garlic (Allium sativum) Agriculture Research 4, 511-517. African Journal of
- Pourali, M., Mirghelenj, S.A., Kermanshahi, H., 2010. Effect of garlic powder on productive performance and immune response of broiler chickens challenged with new castle disease virus. Global Veterinary 4, 416-421.
- Rahimi, S., TeymoriZadeh, Z., Torshizi, K., Omidbaigi, R., Rokni, H., 2011. Effect of the three herbal extracts on growth performance, immune system, blood factors and intestinal selected bacterial population in broiler chickens. Journal of Agriculture Science Technology 13, 527-539.
- Salama, A.A., AbouLaila, M., Terkawi, M.A., Mousa, A., El-Sify, A., Allaam, M., Igarashi, I., 2014. Inhibitory effect of allicin on the growth of Babesia and Theileria equi parasites. Parasitology Research 113, 275-283.
- Sallam, K.I., Ishioroshi, M., Samejima, K., 2004. Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of garlic in chicken sausage. LWT-Food Science and Technology 37, 849-855.
- Škrbić, Z., Pavlovski, Z., Lukić, M., 2009. Stocking density: Factor of production performance, quality and broiler welfare. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 25, 359- 372.
- Taha, F.A., 2003. Poultry Sector in Middle-income Countries and Its Feed Requirements: The Case of Egypt: United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
- Tollba, A.A.H., Hassan, M.S.H., 2003. Using some natural additives to improve physiological and productive performance of broiler chicks under high temperature conditions. 2. Black cumin (Nigella Sativa) or garlic (Allium Sativum). Poultry Science 23, 313-326.
Yüksek Yerleşim Sıklığındaki Broyler Piliçlerde Diyete Sarımsak İlavesinin Performans ve Barsak Morfolojisi Üzerine Etkileri
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 41 Sayı: 2, 212 - 217, 01.07.2015
Majid Shakerı
Mohsen Shakerı
Arash Omıdı
Bu çalışmada, farklı yerleşim sıklığında büyütülen etlik piliçlerde sarımsak tozunun (GAR) performans ve barsak morfolojisi üzerine etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bir günlük yaştaki 100 adet Cobb 500 erkek civcivler 10 adet/m2 ve 15 adet/m2 olacak şekilde barındırılmıştır. Civcivlerin beslenmeleri (i) bazal diyet + 0 g/kg sarımsak tozu ve (ii) 1-42 günlerde bazal diyet + 5 g/kg sarımsak tozu katılması ile uygulanmıştır. Deneyin sonunda duedonal örneklerin alınması için her uygulamadan on civciv rastgele seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucu diyete GAR ilavesinin, vücut ağırlığına ve villusların uzunluklarına önemli düzeyde etkilediğini göstermiştir. Yüksek yerleşim sıklığı (HD) ise bazal diyette büyüme performansı ve villusların uzunlukları üzerine negatif etkili bulunmuştur, ancak diyetlerine GAR ilave edilen tavuklar HD’den iki parametre açısından da etkilenmemiştir. Sonuç olarak, GAR ilave edilen diyetler HD şartlarına maruz kalan tavuklarda performansı ve villusların uzunluklarını geliştirebilir.
- Adibmoradi, M., Navidshad, B., Seifdavatiand, J., Royan, M., 2006. Effect of dietary garlic meal on histological structure of small intestine in broiler chickens. Journal of Poultry Science 43, 378-383. Baddeley, A.J., Gundersen,
- H.J., Cruz-Orive, M.,
- 19 Estimation of surface area from vertical sections.
- Journal of Microscopy 142, 259-276.
- Bancroft, J.D., Gamble, M., 2002.Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, London. Churchill. Livingstone, pp. 217.
- Bessei, W., 2006. Welfare of broilers: a review. Journal World Poultry Science 62, 455-466.
- Braun, N., de Lima, R., Baldisserotto, B., Dafre, A.L., de Oliveira Nuñer, A.P., 2010. Growth, biochemical and physiological responses of Salminus brasiliensis with different stocking densities and handling. Aquaculture 301, 22-30.
- Burkholder, K.M., Thompson, K.L., Einstein, T.J., Applegate, M.E., Patterson, J.A., 2008. Influence of stressors on normal intestinal microbiota, intestinal morphology, and susceptibility to Salmonella enteritidis colonization in broilers. Poultry Science 87, 1734-1741.
- Canogullari, S., Karaman, M., Erdogan, Z., Baylan, M., Kucukgul, A., Duzguner, V., Kemali Ozugur, A., 2009. Effect of garlic powder on egg yolk and serum cholesterol and performance of laying hens. Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy 53, 515-519.
- Cavallito, C.J., Bailey, J.H., 1994. Allicin, the Antibacterial Principle of Allium sativum. Isolation, Physical Properties and Antibacterial Action. Journal of American Chemical Society 66, 1950-1951.
- Choi, I.H., Park, W.Y., Kim, Y.J., 2010. Effects of dietary garlic powder and α-tocopherol supplementation on performance, serum cholesterol levels, and meat quality of chicken. Poultry Science 89, 1724-1731.
- Chowdhury, S.D., Smith, T.K., 2002. Effects of dietary garlic on cholesterol metabolism in laying hens. Poultry Science 81, 1856-1862.
- Doley, S., Gupta, J.J., Reddy, P.B., 2009. Effect of supplementation of ginger, garlic and turmeric in broiler chicken. Indian Veterinary Journal 86, 644-645.
- Dozier, W.A., Thaxton, J.P., Branton, S.L., Morgan, G.W., Miles, D.M., Roush, W.B., Vizzier-Thaxton, Y., 2005. Stocking density effects on growth performance and processing yields of heavy broilers. Poultry Science 84, 1332-1338.
- Feddes, J.J., Emmanuel, E.J., Zuidhoft, M.J., 2002. Broiler performance, body weight variance, feed and water intake, and carcass quality at different stocking densities. Poultry Science 81, 774-779.
- Imaeda, N., 2000. Influence of the stocking density and rearing season on incidence of sudden death syndrome in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 79, 201-204.
- Joerger, R.D., 2003. Alternatives to antibiotics: bacteriocins, antimicrobial peptides and bacteriophages. Poultry Science 82, 640-647.
- Khan, R.U., Nikousefat, Z., Tufarelli, V., Naz, S., Javdani, M., Laudadio, supplementation in poultry diets: effect on production and physiology. Journal World Poultry Science 68, 417- 424. Garlic (Allium sativum)
- Kocaoğlu Güçlü, B., Işcan, K.M., Uyanik, F., Eren, M., Can Ağca, A., 2004. Effect of alfalfa meal in diets of laying quails on performance, egg quality and some serum parameters. Archives of Animal Nutrition 58, 255-263.
- Lawson, L.D., Wang, Z.J., 2001. Low allicin release from garlic supplements: a major problem due to the sensitivities of alliinase activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49, 2592-2599.
- Lewis, M.R., Rose, S.P., Mackenzie, A.M., Tucker, L.A., 2003. Effects of dietary inclusion of plant extracts on the growth performance of male broiler chickens. British Poultry Science 44 (S1), 43-44.
- Marilynn, L., 2001. Effect of garlic on blood lipids in particles with coronary heart disease. American Journal of Clinic Nutrition 34, 2100-2103.
- Onibi, G.E., Adebisi, O.E., Fajemisin, A.N., Adetunji, A.V., 2009. Response of broiler chickens in terms of performance and meat quality to garlic (Allium sativum) Agriculture Research 4, 511-517. African Journal of
- Pourali, M., Mirghelenj, S.A., Kermanshahi, H., 2010. Effect of garlic powder on productive performance and immune response of broiler chickens challenged with new castle disease virus. Global Veterinary 4, 416-421.
- Rahimi, S., TeymoriZadeh, Z., Torshizi, K., Omidbaigi, R., Rokni, H., 2011. Effect of the three herbal extracts on growth performance, immune system, blood factors and intestinal selected bacterial population in broiler chickens. Journal of Agriculture Science Technology 13, 527-539.
- Salama, A.A., AbouLaila, M., Terkawi, M.A., Mousa, A., El-Sify, A., Allaam, M., Igarashi, I., 2014. Inhibitory effect of allicin on the growth of Babesia and Theileria equi parasites. Parasitology Research 113, 275-283.
- Sallam, K.I., Ishioroshi, M., Samejima, K., 2004. Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of garlic in chicken sausage. LWT-Food Science and Technology 37, 849-855.
- Škrbić, Z., Pavlovski, Z., Lukić, M., 2009. Stocking density: Factor of production performance, quality and broiler welfare. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 25, 359- 372.
- Taha, F.A., 2003. Poultry Sector in Middle-income Countries and Its Feed Requirements: The Case of Egypt: United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
- Tollba, A.A.H., Hassan, M.S.H., 2003. Using some natural additives to improve physiological and productive performance of broiler chicks under high temperature conditions. 2. Black cumin (Nigella Sativa) or garlic (Allium Sativum). Poultry Science 23, 313-326.