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Yıl 2015, , 144 - 154, 18.05.2015


Algal by-product meals from
the Hawaiian biofuels industry were evaluated as ingredients in diets for ju­veniles
of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Four experimental diets were
formulated to fulfill fish nutri­tional requirements. The diets were made with
fish meal, soybean meal, whole diatom (Nanofrustulum
sp.) meal, or defatted green algae (Desmochloris
sp.) meal as the test ingredients. A
feeding experiment with juvenile tilapia of 2.6 ±0.1 g initial weight was
carried out in a freshwater recirculation system with each diet treatment
tested in triplicate tanks. Fish were fed the experimental diets to apparent
satiation twice a day for 12 weeks and fish weight was measured every three
weeks. Water temperature was maintained at 22.7 ±0.8 °C, salinity at 0.1
±0.0 ppt and dissolved oxygen at 5.6 ±0.5 mg/L. At the end of the experiment a significant effect (P<0.05) of diet
treatments was found in fish growth and feed utilization, with specific growth
rate, food conversion ratio, and retained nitro­gen efficiency being highest
for the green algae-based diet. Lipid content in the diets was lower than ex­pected
for the algae diets. Proximate composition analysis showed no significant difference (P>0.05)
in the protein content of the
fish bodies among the diets. Results indicate the suitability of the green
algae by-product meal as an ingredient in Nile tilapia diets. Diatom meal also
showed interesting potential for use as an ingredient in tilapia feeds.


  • Alam, M.S., Watanabe, W.O., Sullivan, K.B., Rezek, T.C. (2012): Replacement of menha¬den fish meal protein by solvent-extracted soybean meal protein in the diet of juvenile black sea bass supplemented with or without squid meal, krill meal, methionine, and ly¬sine. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 74: 251-265.
  • Amor, E.A., Jamel, K., Mensi, F. (2005): Poten¬tial use of seaweeds in Nile tilapia (Oreo¬chromis niloticus) diets. Pages 151-154 in D. Montero, B. Basurco, I. Nengas, M. Alexis, M. Izquierdo, editors. Mediterranean Fish Nutrition. Zaragoza, Spain.
  • AOAC (2000): Ash of Animal Feed. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC Internation¬al. Horwitz W. editor. 17th edition. AOAC International, Arlington, Virginia.
  • AOAC (2000): Protein (Crude) in Animal Feed. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC In-ternational. Horwitz W. editor. 17th edition. AOAC International, Arlington, Virginia.
  • AOCS (2004): Rapid Determination of oil/fat uti¬lizing high temperature solvent extraction. AOCS Official Proc. Am 5-04, in Official methods and recommended practices of the AOCS 5th edition. Champaign, Illinois.
  • Arent, D., Barnett, J., Mosey, G., Wise, A. (2009). The potential of renewable energy to reduce the dependence of the state of Hawaii on oil. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Hawaii.
  • Becker, E.W. (2007): Micro-algae as a source of protein. Biotechnology Advances, 25: 207-210.
  • Barrows, F.T., Frost, J.B. (2014): Evaluation of the nutritional quality of co-products from the nut industry, algae and an invertebrate meal for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture, 434: 315-324.
  • Brennan, L., Owende, P. (2010): Biofuels from microalgae - A review of technologies for production, processing, and extractions of biofuels and co-products. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14: 557-577.
  • El-Sayed, A.-F.M. (1992): Effects of substituting fish meal with Azolla pinnata in practical di¬ets for fingerlings and adult Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Aquacult. Fish Management, 23(2): 167-173.
  • El-Sayed, A.-F.M. (1994): Evaluation of soybean meal, spirulina meal and chicken offal meal as protein sources for silver seabream (Rhabdosargus sarba) fingerlings. Aquacul¬ture, 127: 169–176.
  • El-Sayed, A.-F.M. (1999): Alternative dietary protein sources for farmed tilapia, Oreo¬chromis spp. Aquaculture, 179: 149-168.
  • El-Sayed, A.-F.M. (2006). Tilapia culture. CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
  • El-Sayed, H.E., Dabrowski, K., El-Saidy, D., Lee, B.J. (2014): Effect of dietary phospho¬rus supplementation on utilization of algae in the grow-out diet of Nile tilapia Oreo¬chromis niloticus. Aquaculture Research, 45: 1533-1544.
  • Furuya, W.M., Hayashi, C., Furuya, V.R., Bo¬taro, D., da Silva, L.C., Neves, P.R. (2001): Exigências de metionina + cistina total e di¬gestível para alevinos revertidos de tilápia do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), basea¬das no conceito de proteína ideal. Maringá, 23: 885-889.
  • Furuya, W.M., Graciano, T.S., Oliveira Vidal, L.V., Xavier, T.O., Gongora, L.D., Righetti, J.S., Furuya, V.R. (2012): Digestible lysine requirement of Nile tilapia fingerlings fed arginine-to-lysine-balanced diets. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 41: 485-490.
  • Gatlin, D. M., Barrows, F.T., Brown, P., Dabrowski, K., Gaylord, T.J., Hardy, R.W., Herman, E., Hu, G., Krogdahl, Å., Nelson, R., Overturf, K., Rust, M., Sealey, W., Skonberg, D., Souza, E.J., Stone, D., Wil¬son, R., Wurtele, E. (2007): Expanding the utilization of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds: a review. Aquaculture Research, 38: 551-579.
  • Hardy, R.W. (2010): Utilization of plant proteins in fish diets: effects of global demand and supplies of fishmeal. Aquaculture Research, 41: 770-776.
  • Kiron, V., Phromkunthong, W., Huntley, M., Archibald, I., De Scheemaker, G. (2012): Marine microalgae from biorefinery as po¬tential feed protein source for Atlantic salm¬on, common carp and whitleg shrimp. Aqua¬culture Nutrition, 18: 521-531.
  • Leung, P.S., Matthew, L. (2008): Economic Im¬pacts of Increasing Hawaiˊi's Food Self-Sufficiency. Economic Impacts, EI-16: 1-7.
  • Maina, J.G., Beames, R.M., Higgs, D., Mbugua, P.N., Iwama, G., Kisia, S.M. (2002): Digestibility and feeding value of some feed ingredients fed to tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Aquaculture Research, 33: 853-862.
  • Mustafa, M.G., Nakagawa, H. (1995): A review: dietary benefits of algae as an additive in fish feed. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture, 47: 155-162.
  • Nandeesha, M.C., Gangadhar, B., Varghese, T.J., Keshavanath, P. (1998): Effect of feeding Spirulina platensis on the growth, proximate composition and organoleptic quality of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Aquaculture Research, 29: 305-312.
  • National Research Council (NRC) (2011): Nutrient requirements of fish and shrimp. The National Academies Press, Washington, District of Columbia.
  • Olvera-Novoa, M.A., Dominguez-Ceo, L.J., Oli¬vera-Castillo, L., Martinez-Palacios, C. (1998): Effect of the use of the microalga Spirulina maxima as fish meal replacement in diets for tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), fry. Aquaculture Research, 29: 709-715.
  • Patterson, D., Gatlin, D.M. (2013): Evaluation of whole and lipid-extracted algae meals in the diets of juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Aquaculture, 416-417: 92-98.
  • Rodrigues, A.P., Gominho-Rosa, M.D., Cargnin-Ferreira, E., De Francisco, A., Fracalossi, D.M. (2012): Different utilization of plant sources by the omnivores jundiá catfish (Rhamdia quelen) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture Nutrition, 18: 65-72.
  • Shearer, K.D., Maagec, A., Opstvedtd, J., Mund¬heimd, H. (1992): Effects of high-ash diets on growth, feed efficiency, and zinc status of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aq-uaculture, 106: 345-355.
  • Tacon, A.G., Metian, M. (2008): Global overview on the use of fish meal and fish oil in industrially compounded aquafeeds: Trends and future prospects. Aquaculture, 285: 146–158.
  • Tartiel, M.B., Ibrahim E.M., Zeinhom, M.M. (2008): Partial replacement of fish meal with dried microalga (Chlorella spp and Scenedesmus spp) in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) diets. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Cairo, Egypt.
  • Tengjaroenkul, B., Smith, B.J., Caceci, T., Smith, S.A. (2000): Distribution of intestinal enzyme activities along the intestinal tract of cultured Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L. Aquaculture, 182: 317-327.
  • Vizcaíno, A.J., López, G., Sáez, M.I., Jiménez, J.A., Barros, A., Hidalgo, L., Camacho-Rodríguez, L., Martínez, T.F., Cerón-García, M.C., Alarcón, F.J. (2014): Effects of the microalga Scenedesmus almeriensis as fishmeal alternative in diets for gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, juveniles. Aquaculture, 431: 34-43.
  • Walker, A.B., Berlinsky, D.L. (2011): Effects of partial replacement of fish meal protein by microalgae on growth, feed intake, and body composition of Atlantic cod. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 73: 76-83.
Yıl 2015, , 144 - 154, 18.05.2015



  • Alam, M.S., Watanabe, W.O., Sullivan, K.B., Rezek, T.C. (2012): Replacement of menha¬den fish meal protein by solvent-extracted soybean meal protein in the diet of juvenile black sea bass supplemented with or without squid meal, krill meal, methionine, and ly¬sine. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 74: 251-265.
  • Amor, E.A., Jamel, K., Mensi, F. (2005): Poten¬tial use of seaweeds in Nile tilapia (Oreo¬chromis niloticus) diets. Pages 151-154 in D. Montero, B. Basurco, I. Nengas, M. Alexis, M. Izquierdo, editors. Mediterranean Fish Nutrition. Zaragoza, Spain.
  • AOAC (2000): Ash of Animal Feed. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC Internation¬al. Horwitz W. editor. 17th edition. AOAC International, Arlington, Virginia.
  • AOAC (2000): Protein (Crude) in Animal Feed. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC In-ternational. Horwitz W. editor. 17th edition. AOAC International, Arlington, Virginia.
  • AOCS (2004): Rapid Determination of oil/fat uti¬lizing high temperature solvent extraction. AOCS Official Proc. Am 5-04, in Official methods and recommended practices of the AOCS 5th edition. Champaign, Illinois.
  • Arent, D., Barnett, J., Mosey, G., Wise, A. (2009). The potential of renewable energy to reduce the dependence of the state of Hawaii on oil. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Hawaii.
  • Becker, E.W. (2007): Micro-algae as a source of protein. Biotechnology Advances, 25: 207-210.
  • Barrows, F.T., Frost, J.B. (2014): Evaluation of the nutritional quality of co-products from the nut industry, algae and an invertebrate meal for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture, 434: 315-324.
  • Brennan, L., Owende, P. (2010): Biofuels from microalgae - A review of technologies for production, processing, and extractions of biofuels and co-products. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14: 557-577.
  • El-Sayed, A.-F.M. (1992): Effects of substituting fish meal with Azolla pinnata in practical di¬ets for fingerlings and adult Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Aquacult. Fish Management, 23(2): 167-173.
  • El-Sayed, A.-F.M. (1994): Evaluation of soybean meal, spirulina meal and chicken offal meal as protein sources for silver seabream (Rhabdosargus sarba) fingerlings. Aquacul¬ture, 127: 169–176.
  • El-Sayed, A.-F.M. (1999): Alternative dietary protein sources for farmed tilapia, Oreo¬chromis spp. Aquaculture, 179: 149-168.
  • El-Sayed, A.-F.M. (2006). Tilapia culture. CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
  • El-Sayed, H.E., Dabrowski, K., El-Saidy, D., Lee, B.J. (2014): Effect of dietary phospho¬rus supplementation on utilization of algae in the grow-out diet of Nile tilapia Oreo¬chromis niloticus. Aquaculture Research, 45: 1533-1544.
  • Furuya, W.M., Hayashi, C., Furuya, V.R., Bo¬taro, D., da Silva, L.C., Neves, P.R. (2001): Exigências de metionina + cistina total e di¬gestível para alevinos revertidos de tilápia do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), basea¬das no conceito de proteína ideal. Maringá, 23: 885-889.
  • Furuya, W.M., Graciano, T.S., Oliveira Vidal, L.V., Xavier, T.O., Gongora, L.D., Righetti, J.S., Furuya, V.R. (2012): Digestible lysine requirement of Nile tilapia fingerlings fed arginine-to-lysine-balanced diets. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 41: 485-490.
  • Gatlin, D. M., Barrows, F.T., Brown, P., Dabrowski, K., Gaylord, T.J., Hardy, R.W., Herman, E., Hu, G., Krogdahl, Å., Nelson, R., Overturf, K., Rust, M., Sealey, W., Skonberg, D., Souza, E.J., Stone, D., Wil¬son, R., Wurtele, E. (2007): Expanding the utilization of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds: a review. Aquaculture Research, 38: 551-579.
  • Hardy, R.W. (2010): Utilization of plant proteins in fish diets: effects of global demand and supplies of fishmeal. Aquaculture Research, 41: 770-776.
  • Kiron, V., Phromkunthong, W., Huntley, M., Archibald, I., De Scheemaker, G. (2012): Marine microalgae from biorefinery as po¬tential feed protein source for Atlantic salm¬on, common carp and whitleg shrimp. Aqua¬culture Nutrition, 18: 521-531.
  • Leung, P.S., Matthew, L. (2008): Economic Im¬pacts of Increasing Hawaiˊi's Food Self-Sufficiency. Economic Impacts, EI-16: 1-7.
  • Maina, J.G., Beames, R.M., Higgs, D., Mbugua, P.N., Iwama, G., Kisia, S.M. (2002): Digestibility and feeding value of some feed ingredients fed to tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Aquaculture Research, 33: 853-862.
  • Mustafa, M.G., Nakagawa, H. (1995): A review: dietary benefits of algae as an additive in fish feed. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture, 47: 155-162.
  • Nandeesha, M.C., Gangadhar, B., Varghese, T.J., Keshavanath, P. (1998): Effect of feeding Spirulina platensis on the growth, proximate composition and organoleptic quality of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Aquaculture Research, 29: 305-312.
  • National Research Council (NRC) (2011): Nutrient requirements of fish and shrimp. The National Academies Press, Washington, District of Columbia.
  • Olvera-Novoa, M.A., Dominguez-Ceo, L.J., Oli¬vera-Castillo, L., Martinez-Palacios, C. (1998): Effect of the use of the microalga Spirulina maxima as fish meal replacement in diets for tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), fry. Aquaculture Research, 29: 709-715.
  • Patterson, D., Gatlin, D.M. (2013): Evaluation of whole and lipid-extracted algae meals in the diets of juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Aquaculture, 416-417: 92-98.
  • Rodrigues, A.P., Gominho-Rosa, M.D., Cargnin-Ferreira, E., De Francisco, A., Fracalossi, D.M. (2012): Different utilization of plant sources by the omnivores jundiá catfish (Rhamdia quelen) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture Nutrition, 18: 65-72.
  • Shearer, K.D., Maagec, A., Opstvedtd, J., Mund¬heimd, H. (1992): Effects of high-ash diets on growth, feed efficiency, and zinc status of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aq-uaculture, 106: 345-355.
  • Tacon, A.G., Metian, M. (2008): Global overview on the use of fish meal and fish oil in industrially compounded aquafeeds: Trends and future prospects. Aquaculture, 285: 146–158.
  • Tartiel, M.B., Ibrahim E.M., Zeinhom, M.M. (2008): Partial replacement of fish meal with dried microalga (Chlorella spp and Scenedesmus spp) in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) diets. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Cairo, Egypt.
  • Tengjaroenkul, B., Smith, B.J., Caceci, T., Smith, S.A. (2000): Distribution of intestinal enzyme activities along the intestinal tract of cultured Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L. Aquaculture, 182: 317-327.
  • Vizcaíno, A.J., López, G., Sáez, M.I., Jiménez, J.A., Barros, A., Hidalgo, L., Camacho-Rodríguez, L., Martínez, T.F., Cerón-García, M.C., Alarcón, F.J. (2014): Effects of the microalga Scenedesmus almeriensis as fishmeal alternative in diets for gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, juveniles. Aquaculture, 431: 34-43.
  • Walker, A.B., Berlinsky, D.L. (2011): Effects of partial replacement of fish meal protein by microalgae on growth, feed intake, and body composition of Atlantic cod. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 73: 76-83.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Hidrobiyoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Armando García-ortega Bu kişi benim

Laura Martínez-steele Bu kişi benim

Dennis Gonsalves Bu kişi benim

Marisa M. Wall Bu kişi benim

Paul J. Sarnoski Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA García-ortega, A., Martínez-steele, L., Gonsalves, D., Wall, M. M., vd. (2015). USE OF BIOFUEL BY-PRODUCT FROM THE GREEN ALGAE Desmochloris sp. AND DIATOM Nanofrustulum sp. MEAL IN DIETS FOR NILE TILAPIA Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 1(4), 144-154.
AMA García-ortega A, Martínez-steele L, Gonsalves D, Wall MM, Sarnoski PJ. USE OF BIOFUEL BY-PRODUCT FROM THE GREEN ALGAE Desmochloris sp. AND DIATOM Nanofrustulum sp. MEAL IN DIETS FOR NILE TILAPIA Oreochromis niloticus. J Aquacult Eng Fish Res. Ekim 2015;1(4):144-154. doi:10.3153/JAEFR15016
Chicago García-ortega, Armando, Laura Martínez-steele, Dennis Gonsalves, Marisa M. Wall, ve Paul J. Sarnoski. “USE OF BIOFUEL BY-PRODUCT FROM THE GREEN ALGAE Desmochloris Sp. AND DIATOM Nanofrustulum Sp. MEAL IN DIETS FOR NILE TILAPIA Oreochromis Niloticus”. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 1, sy. 4 (Ekim 2015): 144-54.
EndNote García-ortega A, Martínez-steele L, Gonsalves D, Wall MM, Sarnoski PJ (01 Ekim 2015) USE OF BIOFUEL BY-PRODUCT FROM THE GREEN ALGAE Desmochloris sp. AND DIATOM Nanofrustulum sp. MEAL IN DIETS FOR NILE TILAPIA Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 1 4 144–154.
IEEE A. García-ortega, L. Martínez-steele, D. Gonsalves, M. M. Wall, ve P. J. Sarnoski, “USE OF BIOFUEL BY-PRODUCT FROM THE GREEN ALGAE Desmochloris sp. AND DIATOM Nanofrustulum sp. MEAL IN DIETS FOR NILE TILAPIA Oreochromis niloticus”, J Aquacult Eng Fish Res, c. 1, sy. 4, ss. 144–154, 2015, doi: 10.3153/JAEFR15016.
ISNAD García-ortega, Armando vd. “USE OF BIOFUEL BY-PRODUCT FROM THE GREEN ALGAE Desmochloris Sp. AND DIATOM Nanofrustulum Sp. MEAL IN DIETS FOR NILE TILAPIA Oreochromis Niloticus”. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 1/4 (Ekim 2015), 144-154.
JAMA García-ortega A, Martínez-steele L, Gonsalves D, Wall MM, Sarnoski PJ. USE OF BIOFUEL BY-PRODUCT FROM THE GREEN ALGAE Desmochloris sp. AND DIATOM Nanofrustulum sp. MEAL IN DIETS FOR NILE TILAPIA Oreochromis niloticus. J Aquacult Eng Fish Res. 2015;1:144–154.
MLA García-ortega, Armando vd. “USE OF BIOFUEL BY-PRODUCT FROM THE GREEN ALGAE Desmochloris Sp. AND DIATOM Nanofrustulum Sp. MEAL IN DIETS FOR NILE TILAPIA Oreochromis Niloticus”. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, c. 1, sy. 4, 2015, ss. 144-5, doi:10.3153/JAEFR15016.
Vancouver García-ortega A, Martínez-steele L, Gonsalves D, Wall MM, Sarnoski PJ. USE OF BIOFUEL BY-PRODUCT FROM THE GREEN ALGAE Desmochloris sp. AND DIATOM Nanofrustulum sp. MEAL IN DIETS FOR NILE TILAPIA Oreochromis niloticus. J Aquacult Eng Fish Res. 2015;1(4):144-5.