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Proximal canopy sensing of twenty-two bread wheat genotypes for nutritional quality, yield attributes and grain yield under Mediterranean climate

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 347 - 358, 27.06.2024


To ensure nutritional security of rapidly increasing population, research interest has revitalized in determining the nutritional quality traits of staple food crops, especially wheat. Besides higher yield potential, research gaps exist regarding nutritional quality assessment of promising wheat genotypes grown under the Mediterranean climate. A field study was conducted to determine the relationship between yield components and quality characteristics of 22 bread wheat genotypes using the SPAD meter, GreenSeeker (NDVI), and CM-1000 chlorophyll meter at different growing stages (Stem elongation, Heading, Anthesis and Milk stage). The recorded findings revealed that G-41 genotype surpassed the rest of bread wheat genotypes by recording the maximum grain yield, whereas G-60 genotype exhibited the highest protein and wet gluten content. Among response variables, SPAD and NDVI values at the heading stage and CM-1000 values at the milk stage were found to be statistically insignificant. According to the correlation and biplot analysis, a significant positive correlation was found between the SPAD values measured for the stem elongation, anthesis and milk stage and yield and quality characteristics. Significant positive correlations were found between the NDVI values at the stem elongation, anthesis, and milk stages and the yield components, and between the CM-1000 value at the heading stage and the grain yield.

Destekleyen Kurum

This research was financially supported by Mardin Artuklu University Reseach Project Council (MAÜ.BAP.22.FBE.019)

Proje Numarası



This article was produced from the Zülküf Cebeli (2023) master’s thesis


  • Abbas, S.F., Bukhari, M.A., Raza, M.A.S., Abbasi, G.H., Ahmad, Z., Alqahtani, M.D., Almutairi, K.F., Abd_Allah. E.F., & Iqbal. M.A. (2023). Enhancing drought tolerance in wheat cultivars through nano-ZnO priming by improving leaf pigments and antioxidant activity. Sustainability, 15(7), 5835.
  • Aktar, M. (2011). Bazı ekmeklik buğday çeşitlerinde verim ve kalite özelliklerinin incelenerek Çanakkale yöresine uygun olanların belirlenmesi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Çanakkale, 78s.
  • Aktaş, H. (2014). Güneydoğu Anadolu şartlarında Bazı Ekmeklik Buğday Çeşitlerinin Kalite Yönüyle Stabilite Yetenekleri ve Mikro Element içeriklerinin Araştırılması. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, Hatay, 252s.
  • Alghawry, A., Yazar, A., Unlu, M., Çolak, Y.B., Iqbal, M.A., & Barutcular, C. (2021). Irrigation rationalization boosts wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and reduces rust incidence under arid conditions. BioMed Research International, Article ID 5535399.
  • Arısoy, H. (2011). Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği Buğday Ortak Piyasa Düzenine Uyumunun İç Anadolu Bölgesi Üreticilerine Olası Yansımaları. TEAE Yayınları, Yayın No:184.
  • Aydoğan, S., Şahin, M., Göçmen, A.A., & Taner, S. (2008). Determination of grain yield and some quality traits of bread wheat genotypes suitable in Konya condition. Bitkisel Araştırma Dergisi, 1, 1–6 (in Turkish with English abstract). .
  • Babar, M.A., Reynolds, M.P., Van Ginkel, M., Klatt, A.R., Raun, W.R., & Stone, M.L. (2006). Spectral reflectance to estimate genetic variation for in-season biomass. leaf chlorophyll. and canopy temperature in wheat. Crop Sci., 46, 1046–1057.
  • Bahar, B., & Bahar, N. (2016). Determination of the relationships among some agronomical, physiological, and technological traits of some winter bread wheat genotypes under organic conditions. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25, 24-30 (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Carlson, T.N., & Ripley, D.A. (1997). On the relation between NDVI, fractional vegetation cover, and leaf area index. Remote sensing of Environment, 62(3), 241-252.
  • Chowdhury, M.K., M.A., Hasan, M.M., Bahadur, M.R., Islam, M.A., & Iqbal. M.A. (2021). Evaluation of drought tolerance of some wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes through phenology, growth, and physiological indices. Agronomy, 11. 1792.
  • Choudhary, S.K., Kumar. V., Singhal, R.K., Bose, B., Chauhan, J., Alamri, S., Siddiqui, M.H., Javed, T., Shabbir, R., Rajendran, K., & Iqbal. M.A. (2021). Seed priming with Mg(NO3)2 and ZnSO4 salts triggers the germination and growth attributes synergistically in wheat varieties. Agronomy, 11, 2110.
  • Darwish, M.A., Ghareeb, Z.E., Iqbal, M.A., Ibrahim, A., Islam, M.S., & El Sabagh, A. (2024). Determining the gene action and combining ability of F2 bread wheat by diallel analysis. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 56(4), 1407-1414.
  • Debaeke, P., Rouet, P., & Justes, E. (2006). Relationship between the normalized SPAD index and the nitrogen nutrition index: application to durum wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 29, 75-92.
  • Elliott, G.A.A., & Regan, K.L. (1993). Use of reflectance measurements to estimate early cereal biomass production on sand plain soils. Aust. J. Exp. Agric., 33, 179–183.
  • Fotovat, R., Valizadeh, M., & Toorchi, M. (2007). Association between water-use efficiency components and total chlorophyll content (SPAD) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under well-watered and drought stress conditions. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 5(3/4), 225-227.
  • Guan, S., Fukami, K., Matsunaka, H., Okami, M., Tanaka, R., Nakano, H., Sakai, T., Nakano, K., Ohdan. H., & Takahashi, K. (2019). Assessing correlation of high-resolution NDVI with fertilizer application level and yield of rice and wheat crops using small UAVs. Remote Sens., 11,112.
  • Gündoğan, R.K.S. (2018). Alçak irtifa insansız hava araçlarının oyuntu erozyonu izlenmesinde ve toprak kayıplarının tahmin edilmesinde kullanılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Kahramanmaraş.
  • Hassan, M.A., Yang, M.J., Rasheed. A., Yang, G.J., Reynolds, M., Xia, X.C., Xiao, Y.G., & He, Z.H. (2019). A rapid monitoring of NDVI across the wheat growth cycle for grain yield prediction using a multi-spectral UAV platform. Plant Sci., 282, 95–103.
  • Iqbal, M.A., Hussain, I., Siddiqui, M.H., Ali, E., & Ahmad, Z. (2018). Probing profitability of irrigated and rainfed bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crops under foliage applied sorghum and moringa extracts in Pakistan. Custos e Agronegocio, 14(2), 2-16.
  • Iqbal, M.A. (2020). Ensuring food security amid novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: Global food supplies and Pakistan’s perspectives. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 115(2), 1-4.
  • Iqbal, M.A., Rahim, J., Naeem, W., Hassan, S., Khattab, Y., & El Sabagh, A. (2021). Rainfed winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars respond differently to integrated fertilization in Pakistan. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30(4), 3115-3121.
  • Jansone, Z., Rendenieks, Z., Lapāns, A., Tamm, I., Ingver, A., Gorash, A., Aleliūnas, A., Brazauskas, G., Shafiee, S., & Mróz, T. (2024). Phenotypic variation and relationships between grain yield. protein content and unmanned aerial vehicle-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in spring wheat in Nordic–Baltic Environments. Agronomy, 14(1), 51.
  • Karaman, M. (2017). Makarnalık buğdayda fizyolojik ve morfolojik parametrelerin verim ve kalite ile olan ilişkisinin belirlenmesi. Doktora tezi, Dicle Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Diyarbakır.
  • Karaman, M. (2019). Evaluation of yield and quality performance of some spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under rainfall conditions. Int J Agric Environ Food Sci., 4 (1), 19- 26.
  • Kendal, E., Tekdal. S., Altikat, A., Aktaş, H., & Karaman, M. (2011). Rusya orijinli bazı yazlık ekmeklik buğday çeşitlerinin Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi sulu koşullarında uyum kabiliyetlerinin belirlenmesi. Uluslararası Katılımlı I. Ali Numan Kıraç Tarım Kongresi ve Fuarı, 27-30 Nisan, Eskişehir.
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  • Kendal, E., Sayar, M.S., Tekdal, S., Aktaş, H., & Karaman, M. (2016). Assessment of the impact of ecological factors on yield and quality parameters in triticale using GGE biplot and AMMI Analysis. Pakistan Journal Botany, 48, 1903˗1913.
  • Kızılgeçi, F., Akıncı, C., Albayrak, Ö., & Yıldırım, M. (2017). Relationships of grain yield and some quality parameters with physiological parameters in some triticale advanced lines. Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. & Tech., 7(1), 337–345 (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Kizilgeci, F. (2021). Diallel analysis of salinity tolerance at germination and the early seedling stage in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum). Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(1), 23-29.
  • Kizilgeci, F., Yildirim, M., Islam, M.S., Ratnasekera, D., Iqbal, M.A., & Sabagh, A.E. (2021). Normalized difference vegetation index and chlorophyll content for precision nitrogen management in durum wheat cultivars under semi-arid condition. Sustainability, 13(7), 3725.
  • Kizilgeci, F., & Yildirim, M. (2021). The possibility to use three portable chlorophyll meters to estimate grain yield in rain-fed conditions. Presented at the 3rd International African Conference on Current Studies of Science, Technology; Social Sciences, Abomey-Calavi.
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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 347 - 358, 27.06.2024


Proje Numarası



  • Abbas, S.F., Bukhari, M.A., Raza, M.A.S., Abbasi, G.H., Ahmad, Z., Alqahtani, M.D., Almutairi, K.F., Abd_Allah. E.F., & Iqbal. M.A. (2023). Enhancing drought tolerance in wheat cultivars through nano-ZnO priming by improving leaf pigments and antioxidant activity. Sustainability, 15(7), 5835.
  • Aktar, M. (2011). Bazı ekmeklik buğday çeşitlerinde verim ve kalite özelliklerinin incelenerek Çanakkale yöresine uygun olanların belirlenmesi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Çanakkale, 78s.
  • Aktaş, H. (2014). Güneydoğu Anadolu şartlarında Bazı Ekmeklik Buğday Çeşitlerinin Kalite Yönüyle Stabilite Yetenekleri ve Mikro Element içeriklerinin Araştırılması. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, Hatay, 252s.
  • Alghawry, A., Yazar, A., Unlu, M., Çolak, Y.B., Iqbal, M.A., & Barutcular, C. (2021). Irrigation rationalization boosts wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and reduces rust incidence under arid conditions. BioMed Research International, Article ID 5535399.
  • Arısoy, H. (2011). Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği Buğday Ortak Piyasa Düzenine Uyumunun İç Anadolu Bölgesi Üreticilerine Olası Yansımaları. TEAE Yayınları, Yayın No:184.
  • Aydoğan, S., Şahin, M., Göçmen, A.A., & Taner, S. (2008). Determination of grain yield and some quality traits of bread wheat genotypes suitable in Konya condition. Bitkisel Araştırma Dergisi, 1, 1–6 (in Turkish with English abstract). .
  • Babar, M.A., Reynolds, M.P., Van Ginkel, M., Klatt, A.R., Raun, W.R., & Stone, M.L. (2006). Spectral reflectance to estimate genetic variation for in-season biomass. leaf chlorophyll. and canopy temperature in wheat. Crop Sci., 46, 1046–1057.
  • Bahar, B., & Bahar, N. (2016). Determination of the relationships among some agronomical, physiological, and technological traits of some winter bread wheat genotypes under organic conditions. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25, 24-30 (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Carlson, T.N., & Ripley, D.A. (1997). On the relation between NDVI, fractional vegetation cover, and leaf area index. Remote sensing of Environment, 62(3), 241-252.
  • Chowdhury, M.K., M.A., Hasan, M.M., Bahadur, M.R., Islam, M.A., & Iqbal. M.A. (2021). Evaluation of drought tolerance of some wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes through phenology, growth, and physiological indices. Agronomy, 11. 1792.
  • Choudhary, S.K., Kumar. V., Singhal, R.K., Bose, B., Chauhan, J., Alamri, S., Siddiqui, M.H., Javed, T., Shabbir, R., Rajendran, K., & Iqbal. M.A. (2021). Seed priming with Mg(NO3)2 and ZnSO4 salts triggers the germination and growth attributes synergistically in wheat varieties. Agronomy, 11, 2110.
  • Darwish, M.A., Ghareeb, Z.E., Iqbal, M.A., Ibrahim, A., Islam, M.S., & El Sabagh, A. (2024). Determining the gene action and combining ability of F2 bread wheat by diallel analysis. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 56(4), 1407-1414.
  • Debaeke, P., Rouet, P., & Justes, E. (2006). Relationship between the normalized SPAD index and the nitrogen nutrition index: application to durum wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 29, 75-92.
  • Elliott, G.A.A., & Regan, K.L. (1993). Use of reflectance measurements to estimate early cereal biomass production on sand plain soils. Aust. J. Exp. Agric., 33, 179–183.
  • Fotovat, R., Valizadeh, M., & Toorchi, M. (2007). Association between water-use efficiency components and total chlorophyll content (SPAD) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under well-watered and drought stress conditions. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 5(3/4), 225-227.
  • Guan, S., Fukami, K., Matsunaka, H., Okami, M., Tanaka, R., Nakano, H., Sakai, T., Nakano, K., Ohdan. H., & Takahashi, K. (2019). Assessing correlation of high-resolution NDVI with fertilizer application level and yield of rice and wheat crops using small UAVs. Remote Sens., 11,112.
  • Gündoğan, R.K.S. (2018). Alçak irtifa insansız hava araçlarının oyuntu erozyonu izlenmesinde ve toprak kayıplarının tahmin edilmesinde kullanılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Kahramanmaraş.
  • Hassan, M.A., Yang, M.J., Rasheed. A., Yang, G.J., Reynolds, M., Xia, X.C., Xiao, Y.G., & He, Z.H. (2019). A rapid monitoring of NDVI across the wheat growth cycle for grain yield prediction using a multi-spectral UAV platform. Plant Sci., 282, 95–103.
  • Iqbal, M.A., Hussain, I., Siddiqui, M.H., Ali, E., & Ahmad, Z. (2018). Probing profitability of irrigated and rainfed bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crops under foliage applied sorghum and moringa extracts in Pakistan. Custos e Agronegocio, 14(2), 2-16.
  • Iqbal, M.A. (2020). Ensuring food security amid novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: Global food supplies and Pakistan’s perspectives. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 115(2), 1-4.
  • Iqbal, M.A., Rahim, J., Naeem, W., Hassan, S., Khattab, Y., & El Sabagh, A. (2021). Rainfed winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars respond differently to integrated fertilization in Pakistan. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30(4), 3115-3121.
  • Jansone, Z., Rendenieks, Z., Lapāns, A., Tamm, I., Ingver, A., Gorash, A., Aleliūnas, A., Brazauskas, G., Shafiee, S., & Mróz, T. (2024). Phenotypic variation and relationships between grain yield. protein content and unmanned aerial vehicle-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in spring wheat in Nordic–Baltic Environments. Agronomy, 14(1), 51.
  • Karaman, M. (2017). Makarnalık buğdayda fizyolojik ve morfolojik parametrelerin verim ve kalite ile olan ilişkisinin belirlenmesi. Doktora tezi, Dicle Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Diyarbakır.
  • Karaman, M. (2019). Evaluation of yield and quality performance of some spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under rainfall conditions. Int J Agric Environ Food Sci., 4 (1), 19- 26.
  • Kendal, E., Tekdal. S., Altikat, A., Aktaş, H., & Karaman, M. (2011). Rusya orijinli bazı yazlık ekmeklik buğday çeşitlerinin Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi sulu koşullarında uyum kabiliyetlerinin belirlenmesi. Uluslararası Katılımlı I. Ali Numan Kıraç Tarım Kongresi ve Fuarı, 27-30 Nisan, Eskişehir.
  • Kendal, E., & Sayar, M. S. (2016) The stability of some spring triticale genotypes using biplot analysis. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 26, 754˗765.
  • Kendal, E., Sayar, M.S., Tekdal, S., Aktaş, H., & Karaman, M. (2016). Assessment of the impact of ecological factors on yield and quality parameters in triticale using GGE biplot and AMMI Analysis. Pakistan Journal Botany, 48, 1903˗1913.
  • Kızılgeçi, F., Akıncı, C., Albayrak, Ö., & Yıldırım, M. (2017). Relationships of grain yield and some quality parameters with physiological parameters in some triticale advanced lines. Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. & Tech., 7(1), 337–345 (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Kizilgeci, F. (2021). Diallel analysis of salinity tolerance at germination and the early seedling stage in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum). Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(1), 23-29.
  • Kizilgeci, F., Yildirim, M., Islam, M.S., Ratnasekera, D., Iqbal, M.A., & Sabagh, A.E. (2021). Normalized difference vegetation index and chlorophyll content for precision nitrogen management in durum wheat cultivars under semi-arid condition. Sustainability, 13(7), 3725.
  • Kizilgeci, F., & Yildirim, M. (2021). The possibility to use three portable chlorophyll meters to estimate grain yield in rain-fed conditions. Presented at the 3rd International African Conference on Current Studies of Science, Technology; Social Sciences, Abomey-Calavi.
  • Kiran, P. K., Chim, B.K., Griffey, C.A., Reiter, M.S., Balota, M.; & Thomason, W. (2015). Canopy spectral reflectance can predict grain nitrogen use efficiency in soft red winter wheat. Precis. Agric., 16, 405–424.
  • Koçak, N., Atlı, A., Karababa, E., & Tuncer, T. (1992). Macar-Yugoslav ekmeklik buğday çeşitlerinin kalite özellikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi,1, 1-10.
  • Lopes, M.S., & Reynolds, M.P. (2012). Stay-green in spring wheat can be determined by spectral reflectance measurements (normalized difference vegetation index) independently from phenology. J. Exp. Bot., 63, 3789–3798.
  • Ma, B.L., Dwyer, L.M., Costa, C., Cober, E.R., & Morrison, M.J. (2001). Early prediction of soybean yield from canopy reflectance measurements. Agron. J., 93, 1227–1234.
  • Marino, S., & Alvino, A. (2019). Detection of spatial and temporal variability of wheat cultivars by high-resolution vegetation indices. Agronomy (Basel), 9, 226.
  • Naser, M.A., Khosla, R., Longchamps, L., & Dahal, S. (2020). Using NDVI to differentiate wheat genotypes productivity under dryland and irrigated conditions. Remote Sens., 12, 824.
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Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Agronomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Ferhat Kızılgeçi 0000-0002-7884-5463

Zülküf Cebeli Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0574-9833

Proje Numarası MAÜ.BAP.22.FBE.019
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 13 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kızılgeçi, F., & Cebeli, Z. (2024). Proximal canopy sensing of twenty-two bread wheat genotypes for nutritional quality, yield attributes and grain yield under Mediterranean climate. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 8(2), 347-358.
AMA Kızılgeçi F, Cebeli Z. Proximal canopy sensing of twenty-two bread wheat genotypes for nutritional quality, yield attributes and grain yield under Mediterranean climate. int. j. agric. environ. food sci. Haziran 2024;8(2):347-358. doi:10.31015/jaefs.2024.2.10
Chicago Kızılgeçi, Ferhat, ve Zülküf Cebeli. “Proximal Canopy Sensing of Twenty-Two Bread Wheat Genotypes for Nutritional Quality, Yield Attributes and Grain Yield under Mediterranean Climate”. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 8, sy. 2 (Haziran 2024): 347-58.
EndNote Kızılgeçi F, Cebeli Z (01 Haziran 2024) Proximal canopy sensing of twenty-two bread wheat genotypes for nutritional quality, yield attributes and grain yield under Mediterranean climate. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 8 2 347–358.
IEEE F. Kızılgeçi ve Z. Cebeli, “Proximal canopy sensing of twenty-two bread wheat genotypes for nutritional quality, yield attributes and grain yield under Mediterranean climate”, int. j. agric. environ. food sci., c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 347–358, 2024, doi: 10.31015/jaefs.2024.2.10.
ISNAD Kızılgeçi, Ferhat - Cebeli, Zülküf. “Proximal Canopy Sensing of Twenty-Two Bread Wheat Genotypes for Nutritional Quality, Yield Attributes and Grain Yield under Mediterranean Climate”. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 8/2 (Haziran 2024), 347-358.
JAMA Kızılgeçi F, Cebeli Z. Proximal canopy sensing of twenty-two bread wheat genotypes for nutritional quality, yield attributes and grain yield under Mediterranean climate. int. j. agric. environ. food sci. 2024;8:347–358.
MLA Kızılgeçi, Ferhat ve Zülküf Cebeli. “Proximal Canopy Sensing of Twenty-Two Bread Wheat Genotypes for Nutritional Quality, Yield Attributes and Grain Yield under Mediterranean Climate”. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, c. 8, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 347-58, doi:10.31015/jaefs.2024.2.10.
Vancouver Kızılgeçi F, Cebeli Z. Proximal canopy sensing of twenty-two bread wheat genotypes for nutritional quality, yield attributes and grain yield under Mediterranean climate. int. j. agric. environ. food sci. 2024;8(2):347-58.


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