Corpus callosum provides the flow of information between the two cerebral hemispheres. Algebraic analysis of corpus calosum curve has not been adequately studied. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the shortest path joining the ends of the two right sides of a right triangle is the hypotenuse. However, the shortest time path for a particle is the brachistochrone curve. In this study, brachicytokrone like architectures of corpus callosum and food catching time of rats were examined.
[1] Prof. Dr. Ali Sinan Sertöz Bilkent Üniversitesi - Fen Fakültesi – MatematikBölümü BilimveTeknik Mart 2017
[2] Cajori, Florian (1999). A History of Mathematics. New York: Chelsea. p. 177. ISBN 978-0-8218-2102-2.
[3] Tannery, Paul (1883), "Pour l'histoire des lignes et surfaces courbes dans l'antiquité", Bulletin des sciences mathèmatique, Paris: 284 (cited in Whitman 1943).
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[5] Pinheiro MJ. We expect this new approach to have impact in a large class of scientific and technological problems. A reformulation of mechanics and electrodynamics. Heliyon. 2017 Jul 26;3(7):e00365.
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[7] Fernández-Viadero C, González-Mandly A, Verduga R, Crespo D, Cruz-Orive LM.Stereology as a tool to estimate brain volume and cortical atrophy in elders with dementia. Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol. 2008 Jan-Feb;43(1):32-43.
[9] Takahashi K. Dynamical invariant formalism of shortcuts to adiabaticity. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2022 Dec 26;380(2239):20220301.
[10] Koike T. Quantum brachistochrone. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2022 Dec 26;380(2239):20210273.
[11] Sun P, Liu Y, Huang X. Exploring the brachistochrone (shortest-time) path in fire spread. Sci Rep. 2022 Aug 10;12(1):13600.
[1] Prof. Dr. Ali Sinan Sertöz Bilkent Üniversitesi - Fen Fakültesi – MatematikBölümü BilimveTeknik Mart 2017
[2] Cajori, Florian (1999). A History of Mathematics. New York: Chelsea. p. 177. ISBN 978-0-8218-2102-2.
[3] Tannery, Paul (1883), "Pour l'histoire des lignes et surfaces courbes dans l'antiquité", Bulletin des sciences mathèmatique, Paris: 284 (cited in Whitman 1943).
[4] Wallis, D. (1695). "An Extract of a Letter from Dr. Wallis, of May 4. 1697, Concerning the Cycloeid Known to Cardinal Cusanus, about the Year 1450; and to Carolus Bovillus about the Year 1500". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 19 (215–235): 561–566. doi:10.1098/rstl.1695.0098. (Cited in Günther, p. 5)
[5] Pinheiro MJ. We expect this new approach to have impact in a large class of scientific and technological problems. A reformulation of mechanics and electrodynamics. Heliyon. 2017 Jul 26;3(7):e00365.
[6] Acer N, Cankaya MN, Işçi O, Baş O, Camurdanoğlu M, Turgut M.Estimation of cerebral surface area using vertical sectioning and magnetic resonance imaging: a stereological study. Brain Res. 2010 Jan 15;1310:29-36.
[7] Fernández-Viadero C, González-Mandly A, Verduga R, Crespo D, Cruz-Orive LM.Stereology as a tool to estimate brain volume and cortical atrophy in elders with dementia. Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol. 2008 Jan-Feb;43(1):32-43.
[9] Takahashi K. Dynamical invariant formalism of shortcuts to adiabaticity. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2022 Dec 26;380(2239):20220301.
[10] Koike T. Quantum brachistochrone. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2022 Dec 26;380(2239):20210273.
[11] Sun P, Liu Y, Huang X. Exploring the brachistochrone (shortest-time) path in fire spread. Sci Rep. 2022 Aug 10;12(1):13600.
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Matematiksel Yöntemler ve Özel Fonksiyonlar
The Data Del)ver)ng Algebra)c Arcs (DADA-ARCS) of Corpus Callosum L)ke as Brachistochrone Curve )n Bra)n: A New Thorem
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