Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 65 - 77, 06.03.2023



  • Başeşme, H. (2003). Hidroelektrik Santraller ve Hidroelektrik Santral Tesisleri (2. Baskı). Hidrolik Santraller Daire Başkanlığı Yayınları.
  • Billinton, R. & Peng Wang. (1999). Teaching distribution system reliability evaluation using Monte Carlo simulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 14(2), 397–403.
  • Boardman, J. R. (1994). Operating experience feedback report—Reliability of safety-related steam turbine-driven standby pumps (NUREG-1275; Issue NUREG-1275). US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  • Brennan, R. L. (2001). An Essay on the History and Future of Reliability from the Perspective of Rep-lications. Journal of Educational Measurement, 38(4), 295–317.
  • Brown, R. E., Gupta, S., Christie, R. D., Venkata, S. S., & Fletcher, R. (1996). Distribution system reli-ability assessment using hierarchical Markov modeling. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 11(4), 1929–1934.
  • Bulut, M., & Özcan, E. (2021). A new approach to determine maintenance periods of the most critical hydroelectric power plant equipment. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 205, 107238.
  • Cebeci, M. E. (2008). The effects of hydro power plants’ governor settings on the turkish power system frequency [M.S. - Master of Science]. Middle East Technical University.
  • Chowdhury, A. A., Bertling, L., Glover, B. P., & Haringa, G. E. (2006). A Monte Carlo Simulation Model for Multi-Area Generation Reliability Evaluation. 2006 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, 1–10.
  • Danciu, D., Popescu, D., & Rasvan, V. (2020). Stability and Control Problems in Hydropower Plants. 2020 21th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), 1–5.
  • Fleming, K. N. (1975). A reliability model for common mode failures in redundant safety systems (Technical Report GA-A–13284; Issue GA-A–13284). General Atomic Co.
  • Glavitsch, H., Reichert, K., Peneder, F., & Singh, N. (2003). Power System Operation and Control. In Electrical Engineer’s Reference Book (pp. 40-1-40–50). Elsevier.
  • Gubbala, N., & Singh, C. (1995). Models and considerations for parallel implementation of Monte Carlo simulation methods for power system reliability evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 10(2), 779–787.
  • IEC 60308. (2005). Hydraulic turbines testing of control systems. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 61025. (2006). Fault tree analysis (Second Edition). International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 61362. (2012). Guide to specification of hydraulic turbine control systems. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 61508. (2010). Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 61511. (2003). Functional Safety—Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector, Parts 1-3. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 61513. (2011). Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control important to safety-general requirements for systems. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 62061. (2005). Safety of machinery—Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEEE Std 125. (2007). Recommended practice for preparation of equipment specifications for speed-governing of hydraulic turbines, intended to drive electric generators. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer.
  • Khosravi, F., Azli, N. A., & Babaei, E. (2010). A new modeling method for reliability evaluation of Thermal Power Plants. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 555–560.
  • Kilic, L., & Basa Arsoy, A. (2013). A reliability study of medium voltage grid with private sector power plants. 2013 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, 1–4.
  • Kuznetsov, N. V., Yuldashev, M. V., & Yuldashev, R. V. (2021). Analytical-numerical analysis of closed-form dynamic model of Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant: Stability, oscillations, and accident. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 93, 105530.
  • Leonov, G. A., Kuznetsov, N. V., & Solovyeva, E. P. (2015). A simple dynamical model of hydro-power plant: Stability and oscillations. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(11), 656–661.
  • Naghizadeh, R. A., Jazebi, S., & Vahidi, B. (2012). Modeling hydro power plants and tuning hydro governors as an educational guideline. International Review on Modelling and Simulations (I.RE.MO.S.), 5(4), 1780–1790.
  • Naymushin, I. (2009, August 17). Russian dam disaster kills 10, scores missing.
  • OREDA: Offshore reliability data handbook. (2002). OREDA Participants : Distributed by Der Norske Veritas.
  • Pan, W., Zhu, Z., Liu, T., Liu, M., & Tian, W. (2021). Optimal Control for Speed Governing System of On-Grid Adjustable-Speed Pumped Storage Unit Aimed at Transient Performance Improve-ment. IEEE Access, 9, 40445–40457.
  • Perman, M., Senegacnik, A., & Tuma, M. (1997). Semi-Markov models with an application to power-plant reliability analysis. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 46(4), 526–532.
  • Rausand, M. (2014). Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems: Theory and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Stephen Nalley (Ed.). (2021). International Energy Outlook 2021 (No. IEO2021; Issue IEO 2021). U.S. Energy Information Administration.
  • Tripathi, M., Singh, L. K., Singh, S., & Singh, P. (2021). A Comparative Study on Reliability Analysis Methods for Safety Critical Systems Using Petri-Nets and Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology: A Case Study of Nuclear Power Plant. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 1–15.
  • Wang, C., Wang, D., & Zhang, J. (2021). Experimental study on isolated operation of hydro-turbine governing system of Lunzua hydropower station in Zambia. Renewable Energy, 180, 1237–1247.
  • Wang, L., Sun, W., Zhao, J., & Liu, D. (2019). A Speed-Governing System Model with Over-Frequency Protection for Nuclear Power Generating Units. Energies, 13(1), 173.
  • Yu, Y., Tong, J., Zhao, R., & Zhang, A. (2009). Reliability analysis for continuous operation system in nuclear power plant. 2009 8th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Sa-fety, 171–173.
  • Zhang, Y., Chowdhury, A. A., & Koval, D. O. (2010). Probabilistic wind energy modeling in electric generation system reliability assessment. 2010 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference - Conference Record, 1–8.
  • Zhu, L., Si, P., Liu, S., Xie, C., Zhang, T., Hu, Y., & Qiu, X. (2021). The Design of Parameter Mode-ling Software Applicable for Turbine Control Systems of Power Units Operated at Deep Sha-ving States. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2076(1), 012106.
  • Zio, E. (2013). The Monte Carlo Simulation Method for System Reliability and Risk Analysis. Springer London.

Safety Assessment of Speed Governing Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants: A Functional Safety Perspective

Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 65 - 77, 06.03.2023


In line with the advancing technology, reliability has become one of the critical factors to be taken into consideration by the operators in the energy sector to minimize losses regarding cost and time. This issue is directly related to the reliability of the elements, namely the subsystems that make up the system. This study examines the control architecture of speed governing system within the turbine control system of hydroelectric power plants, which has to be regarded as a critical system and provides an indispensable source of guidance and knowledge to researchers and also implementation engineers as well. For this perspective, a reliability analysis has been performed for the speed governing system and the risks with the control system have been revealed. Taking IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 standards as reference within this scope, the safety concepts and the related parameters have been explained and the corresponding methods for risk analysis have been mentioned. As a result, a new safety-related control system configuration overcoming the unacceptable risks with the speed governing system has also been proposed. It has been proved that safety integrity level of the proposed safety-related control system is at the desired level that can make the related safety related functions verify the identified safety level.


  • Başeşme, H. (2003). Hidroelektrik Santraller ve Hidroelektrik Santral Tesisleri (2. Baskı). Hidrolik Santraller Daire Başkanlığı Yayınları.
  • Billinton, R. & Peng Wang. (1999). Teaching distribution system reliability evaluation using Monte Carlo simulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 14(2), 397–403.
  • Boardman, J. R. (1994). Operating experience feedback report—Reliability of safety-related steam turbine-driven standby pumps (NUREG-1275; Issue NUREG-1275). US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  • Brennan, R. L. (2001). An Essay on the History and Future of Reliability from the Perspective of Rep-lications. Journal of Educational Measurement, 38(4), 295–317.
  • Brown, R. E., Gupta, S., Christie, R. D., Venkata, S. S., & Fletcher, R. (1996). Distribution system reli-ability assessment using hierarchical Markov modeling. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 11(4), 1929–1934.
  • Bulut, M., & Özcan, E. (2021). A new approach to determine maintenance periods of the most critical hydroelectric power plant equipment. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 205, 107238.
  • Cebeci, M. E. (2008). The effects of hydro power plants’ governor settings on the turkish power system frequency [M.S. - Master of Science]. Middle East Technical University.
  • Chowdhury, A. A., Bertling, L., Glover, B. P., & Haringa, G. E. (2006). A Monte Carlo Simulation Model for Multi-Area Generation Reliability Evaluation. 2006 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, 1–10.
  • Danciu, D., Popescu, D., & Rasvan, V. (2020). Stability and Control Problems in Hydropower Plants. 2020 21th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), 1–5.
  • Fleming, K. N. (1975). A reliability model for common mode failures in redundant safety systems (Technical Report GA-A–13284; Issue GA-A–13284). General Atomic Co.
  • Glavitsch, H., Reichert, K., Peneder, F., & Singh, N. (2003). Power System Operation and Control. In Electrical Engineer’s Reference Book (pp. 40-1-40–50). Elsevier.
  • Gubbala, N., & Singh, C. (1995). Models and considerations for parallel implementation of Monte Carlo simulation methods for power system reliability evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 10(2), 779–787.
  • IEC 60308. (2005). Hydraulic turbines testing of control systems. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 61025. (2006). Fault tree analysis (Second Edition). International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 61362. (2012). Guide to specification of hydraulic turbine control systems. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 61508. (2010). Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 61511. (2003). Functional Safety—Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector, Parts 1-3. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 61513. (2011). Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control important to safety-general requirements for systems. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEC 62061. (2005). Safety of machinery—Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems. International Electrical Commission.
  • IEEE Std 125. (2007). Recommended practice for preparation of equipment specifications for speed-governing of hydraulic turbines, intended to drive electric generators. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer.
  • Khosravi, F., Azli, N. A., & Babaei, E. (2010). A new modeling method for reliability evaluation of Thermal Power Plants. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 555–560.
  • Kilic, L., & Basa Arsoy, A. (2013). A reliability study of medium voltage grid with private sector power plants. 2013 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, 1–4.
  • Kuznetsov, N. V., Yuldashev, M. V., & Yuldashev, R. V. (2021). Analytical-numerical analysis of closed-form dynamic model of Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant: Stability, oscillations, and accident. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 93, 105530.
  • Leonov, G. A., Kuznetsov, N. V., & Solovyeva, E. P. (2015). A simple dynamical model of hydro-power plant: Stability and oscillations. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(11), 656–661.
  • Naghizadeh, R. A., Jazebi, S., & Vahidi, B. (2012). Modeling hydro power plants and tuning hydro governors as an educational guideline. International Review on Modelling and Simulations (I.RE.MO.S.), 5(4), 1780–1790.
  • Naymushin, I. (2009, August 17). Russian dam disaster kills 10, scores missing.
  • OREDA: Offshore reliability data handbook. (2002). OREDA Participants : Distributed by Der Norske Veritas.
  • Pan, W., Zhu, Z., Liu, T., Liu, M., & Tian, W. (2021). Optimal Control for Speed Governing System of On-Grid Adjustable-Speed Pumped Storage Unit Aimed at Transient Performance Improve-ment. IEEE Access, 9, 40445–40457.
  • Perman, M., Senegacnik, A., & Tuma, M. (1997). Semi-Markov models with an application to power-plant reliability analysis. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 46(4), 526–532.
  • Rausand, M. (2014). Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems: Theory and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Stephen Nalley (Ed.). (2021). International Energy Outlook 2021 (No. IEO2021; Issue IEO 2021). U.S. Energy Information Administration.
  • Tripathi, M., Singh, L. K., Singh, S., & Singh, P. (2021). A Comparative Study on Reliability Analysis Methods for Safety Critical Systems Using Petri-Nets and Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology: A Case Study of Nuclear Power Plant. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 1–15.
  • Wang, C., Wang, D., & Zhang, J. (2021). Experimental study on isolated operation of hydro-turbine governing system of Lunzua hydropower station in Zambia. Renewable Energy, 180, 1237–1247.
  • Wang, L., Sun, W., Zhao, J., & Liu, D. (2019). A Speed-Governing System Model with Over-Frequency Protection for Nuclear Power Generating Units. Energies, 13(1), 173.
  • Yu, Y., Tong, J., Zhao, R., & Zhang, A. (2009). Reliability analysis for continuous operation system in nuclear power plant. 2009 8th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Sa-fety, 171–173.
  • Zhang, Y., Chowdhury, A. A., & Koval, D. O. (2010). Probabilistic wind energy modeling in electric generation system reliability assessment. 2010 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference - Conference Record, 1–8.
  • Zhu, L., Si, P., Liu, S., Xie, C., Zhang, T., Hu, Y., & Qiu, X. (2021). The Design of Parameter Mode-ling Software Applicable for Turbine Control Systems of Power Units Operated at Deep Sha-ving States. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2076(1), 012106.
  • Zio, E. (2013). The Monte Carlo Simulation Method for System Reliability and Risk Analysis. Springer London.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Özgür Turay Kaymakçı 0000-0001-7553-6887

Nezihe Merve Balcı 0000-0002-9970-5494

Early Pub Date March 3, 2023
Publication Date March 6, 2023
Submission Date May 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Kaymakçı, Ö. T., & Balcı, N. M. (2023). Safety Assessment of Speed Governing Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants: A Functional Safety Perspective. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, 9(1), 65-77.
AMA Kaymakçı ÖT, Balcı NM. Safety Assessment of Speed Governing Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants: A Functional Safety Perspective. JARNAS. March 2023;9(1):65-77. doi:10.28979/jarnas.1121842
Chicago Kaymakçı, Özgür Turay, and Nezihe Merve Balcı. “Safety Assessment of Speed Governing Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants: A Functional Safety Perspective”. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences 9, no. 1 (March 2023): 65-77.
EndNote Kaymakçı ÖT, Balcı NM (March 1, 2023) Safety Assessment of Speed Governing Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants: A Functional Safety Perspective. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences 9 1 65–77.
IEEE Ö. T. Kaymakçı and N. M. Balcı, “Safety Assessment of Speed Governing Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants: A Functional Safety Perspective”, JARNAS, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 65–77, 2023, doi: 10.28979/jarnas.1121842.
ISNAD Kaymakçı, Özgür Turay - Balcı, Nezihe Merve. “Safety Assessment of Speed Governing Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants: A Functional Safety Perspective”. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences 9/1 (March 2023), 65-77.
JAMA Kaymakçı ÖT, Balcı NM. Safety Assessment of Speed Governing Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants: A Functional Safety Perspective. JARNAS. 2023;9:65–77.
MLA Kaymakçı, Özgür Turay and Nezihe Merve Balcı. “Safety Assessment of Speed Governing Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants: A Functional Safety Perspective”. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, 2023, pp. 65-77, doi:10.28979/jarnas.1121842.
Vancouver Kaymakçı ÖT, Balcı NM. Safety Assessment of Speed Governing Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants: A Functional Safety Perspective. JARNAS. 2023;9(1):65-77.

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