Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 3/6/23

Year: 2023

Research Article

Ayırma İşlemleri, Çevresel ve Sürdürülebilir Süreçler, Enerji, Kimyasal Reaksiyon, Ürün Tasarımı
Gıda Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği
Organik Kimya
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali YÜCEL Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi 0000-0001-6956-5219
Planlamada CBS ve Bilgi Teknolojileri, Uzaktan Algılama
Asst. Prof. Dr. Gülçin ÖZCAN ATEŞ Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu 0000-0002-8467-2378
Mikoloji, Mikrobiyoloji, Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi, Tıbbi Mikoloji, Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji
Gömülü Sistemler, Kontrol Teorisi ve Uygulamaları, Mekatronik
Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları


Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Institute of Science) is an international, peer-reviewed and scientific journal that publishes research on basic and applied sciences. At least two referees who are experts in their fields are selected by the editorial board to evaluate the submitted articles. All articles go through an initial editorial review and blind review process. Since the journal is interdisciplinary, the authors are expected to write articles in a way that people from all other disciplines can understand.

The fields of study where the journal accepts submissions are listed below.

Computer Engineering
Information Systems
Environmental Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Electrical Electronics Engineering
Food Engineering
Genetic Engineering
Map Engineering
Civil Engineering
Geophysical Engineering
Geological Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Meteorological Engineering
Mining Engineering
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
Nano Technology Engineering
Fisheries Sciences and Engineering
Agriculture Engineering
Geographical Information Technologies
Natural Disaster Management
Energy Resources and Management
Occupational Health and Safety
Space Sciences and Technologies

Landscape Architecture

Writing rules

Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences (JARNAS) is the publication of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Original research articles and reviews that have not been published elsewhere within the scope of the journal (by invitation of the editor). The journal is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal and is published online four times a year, in March, June, September and December.
The aim of the journal is to transform research and development activities into scientific publications and to contribute to universal science by entering national and international indexes.

The language of publication for all articles to be published in the journal is 70% or more English and Turkish. Keywords are given in alphabetical order. English keywords (Keywords) are written considering this order.

The interface provided by DergiPark should be used in all correspondence related to the journal. Articles prepared in accordance with the journal's writing rules should be sent from the "Submit Article" tab using the Ulakbim Dergipark address, without the need for hard copy. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information in the article belongs to the author(s).
Compliance with research and publication ethics is essential in the articles to be published. "Copyright Transfer Form" must be filled and signed by all authors. Publication procedures begin after the submission of this form. Different copies of this form can be signed and sent separately by the author(s) living in other cities. The "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy" on the main page of the journal should be taken into consideration by the authors.
In researches using animals or harmful substances, the "Ethics Committee Permission Certificate" should be attached to the article. For articles containing research results in which humans are used as subjects, the author(s) must certify their compliance with the ethical standards of the “committee on human trials” and the revised Declaration of Helsinki 1983. In case the document cannot be provided, the relevant Ethics Committee Approval number should be specified.

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences (JARNAS) are first evaluated formally by the field editor, who will be directed by the editor-in-chief, based on the subject title and keywords. At this stage, similarity reports are created by using plagiarism detection software together with similarity reports from the authors. The similarity report of the candidate publication must be less than 20% in total. Then, it is decided whether the publication to be examined is suitable for the journal format. ARTICLES THAT ARE NOT PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEMPLATE are first requested to correct and if appropriate corrections are not made, they will be DIRECTLY REJECTED. Candidate publications that do not have a "Copyright Transfer Form" or are incomplete, and candidate publications that exceed the similarity ratio limits are not included in the preliminary examination. Manuscripts that pass the preliminary review stage are directed to the relevant field editor to carry out the review process.
The field editor directs the candidate publication to at least two/three referees in accordance with its subject to be evaluated in terms of scientific content. As a result of the evaluations of the referees, they can decide whether to accept, to be edited, or not to be published.
The author makes the necessary corrections regarding the articles for which correction is requested. In addition, he sends his reasoned article to the journal regarding the issues he does not agree with. If it deems necessary in the evaluation, it appoints a new referee or finalizes its decision on the article.
As a result of all evaluations, the decision of acceptance or rejection is forwarded to the author responsible for correspondence via DergiPark.
The articles that will be accepted as a result of the evaluation are directed to the spelling and language editor, and the relevant article is examined in terms of spelling and language, and its compliance in terms of journal writing rules is ensured.
Articles published in the journal cannot be published anywhere else or presented as a paper. Partially or fully published articles can not be used anywhere without showing the source. The contents of the articles submitted to the journal must be original, not previously published anywhere or sent for publication. It should be stated with a cover letter that the studies to be submitted for evaluation have not been sent to another journal or published. As of January 1, 2023, conference proceedings will not be included in our journal, except for the SPECIAL ISSUE.
If the article is not accepted for publication, the "Copyright Transfer Form" has no legal significance and is considered null and void. By signing this form, the authors waive their rights by transferring the legal right to reproduce and distribute the article in whole or in part, in addition to publishing the article in the "Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences" magazine and on the website, to Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University.

According to the information about the different publication formats and types of articles published in the journal, the points that the authors should pay attention to are as follows:
Research Articles: The primary language of the journal is English. There are two different forms in Turkish and English Articles. In Turkish articles; It should include Turkish Title, English Title, Authors, Addresses, Turkish Abstract, Turkish Keywords, English Abstract, English Keywords, Introduction, Purpose, Materials and Methods, Findings, Discussion and Results, Ethical Issues if necessary, Author Contribution and Acknowledgment, References . In English articles, no Turkish name, abstract or keywords are searched. Abstracts and results in research articles should be 200-250 words and the page length should not exceed 18 pages.
Reviews: Reviews are only accepted by invitation of the editor. Research article writing rules are valid. It should not exceed 25 pages.

Authors who will send publications to the journal for evaluation should prepare their publications taking into account the JARNAS file and upload them to the system together with other necessary documents.

For Turkish Articles


For English Articles


Download "Copy Right Release Form":



The Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences has published this guide in order for the publisher, chief editor, field editors, referees and authors to act in accordance with both ethical rules and behaviors and scientific values and principles, with a sense of scientific and academic responsibility. This guide is based on the "Journal Editors Practice Guide" published in 2011 by the International Ethical Principles and Publication Policy Publication Ethics Committee with its general principles. (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011).

Editor-in-Chief and Other Editors
Impartiality and Publication Decisions

Ensure that each study submitted to the Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences is reviewed for scientific content, regardless of the author's race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy. The Editor-in-Chief and other editors evaluate the publications submitted to the journal primarily by considering the academic qualities such as the originality of the study, its scientificness, contribution to the field, and language intelligibility, and their suitability for the scope of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief and editors are responsible for accepting, rejecting, or requesting improvements from the author. In some cases, editors may request more than one round of revisions from the author before making a decision. The editors give the evaluation results as soon as possible and finalize the final evaluation.


The Editor-in-Chief and members of the editorial board cannot share any information about a submitted article with anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, language editors, layout editor and other editorial advisors.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences Editor-in-Chief and members of the editorial board may not use unpublished materials provided in a submitted study for their own research without the express written consent of the author. The editor-in-chief appoints another member of the editorial board to carry out the preliminary review and evaluation stages of the publication in cases where there are conflicts of interest arising from cooperation or connections with the author/s, company/s or any of the institution/s.


In the Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, the evaluation process is carried out with the principle of double-blind peer-review. Reviewers do not contact authors directly. Evaluation forms and referee reports are transmitted to the author(s) through the journal management system, thanks to the editor. Peer review assists the author in developing the article and in making the editor's decision about the work through communication with the author.


All work received for review should be treated as confidential documents. It should not be displayed or discussed with others unless authorized by the editor-in-chief or the editor. The Editor-in-Chief or the editor may grant this authority only if there is an exceptional circumstance that may contribute to the peer-review.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

Information or ideas obtained through peer review should be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Reviewers should not agree to review articles where there are conflicts of interest arising from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or affiliations with any of the authors.

Objectivity Standards

The reviews by the referees should be done in an objective way. Personal criticism of the authors is not acceptable. Referees should express their views clearly with appropriate supporting arguments.

Citation of Source

Reviewers should inform the editors if they notice publications that are similar to any previously published work. In addition, if there are citations that are not cited in the study, they should notify the authors.


Authenticity, Plagiarism and Acknowledgment

Authors must confirm that the article has not been previously published elsewhere. Authors should cite works that have been used appropriately. Authors must submit a signed Article Copyright and Transfer Form stating that the work is original and preventing copyright infringement.

Authorship of the Article

All authors named in the article must have contributed significantly to the research. The corresponding author who submitted the article to the journal ensures that all contributing co-authors are included and non-contributors are not included in the list of authors. Authors are not added or removed during or after the evaluation phase of the article.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors should inform the editors of any conflict of interest that could be interpreted as affecting the article.

Hazards, Human or Animal Issues

If the work contains chemicals, procedures, or equipment that have any unusual hazards in their use, authors should clearly identify them in the manuscript. study, subject


1. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences (Formerly Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Journal of Science) is a journal established in December 2015. Our journal is a nationally refereed and internationally indexed journal that has been published regularly in four issues  (March, June, September, December) per year in the fields of science, engineering, natural and basic sciences since 2015. All articles submitted for publication are evaluated by the editor, publication, advisory board and referees.

2. Our journal publishes original research articles, reviews, technical notes, written in Turkish or English (70% English articles are preferred).

3. Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by two referees (three if necessary); It is given by the decision of acceptance-rejection. Our journal is double-blinded refereeing. The articles that are not deemed sufficient should be developed in line with the referee recommendations. After the revision, studies that are not considered scientifically adequate are rejected without explanation.

4. It is obligatory that the articles have not been published elsewhere before or sent to any journal for publication. For the articles sent to our journal, it is mandatory to fill in and send the signed Copyright Transfer Form.

5. All responsibility of the works belongs to their respective authors. Works should be prepared in accordance with internationally accepted scientific ethical rules. For clinical and experimental animal studies that require an ethics committee decision, ethical committee approval must be obtained and documented separately.

6. The articles submitted to our journal for publication are scanned with Ithenticate, which is the similarity control program, since 05.10.2017. The submission is rejected if the similarity rate is high or if quotation is not made in accordance with academic rules. Similarity rates of 20% and above, excluding references, are not accepted for articles submitted as of March 2022. Even if the similarity rate is very low (<1%), it is the authors' responsibility to ensure that the content complies with academic ethical rules.

7. The articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared according to the journal writing rules. Articles that do not comply with the journal rules (template) will be directly rejected without being processed.

8. There is no limit to the number of pages (18 pages for research article) and references for review articles, compilation publications are accepted only with the invitation of the editor.

9. The necessary changes should be made by the author and resubmitted within 30 days after the minor revision, 45 days after the major revision, and 60 days after the revision required to be rewritten.

10. The number of publications to be published in one issue has been determined as 20 after 2023. The publications in the issue are selected and published according to the article content in the number.

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