Araştırma Makalesi
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The other; multidimensionality as a cultural phenomenon in an artistic context*

Yıl 2021, , 1 - 11, 15.02.2021


The effects of globalization continue to manifest themselves under present conditions. By this nature, especially the
formation of the Other** within the artistic context of the globalized world calls for the careful consideration of questions
and judgments directed towards globalization. In this regard, the aim of this study is defined as exhibiting the ongoing
political approaches towards the global systems of art and thereby discussing the geographical and identity-oriented
tendencies of this predominant political attitude that is seen as internationalization. The extent of the matter on the Other
in this study has been restricted to displaying the relationship between globalization and the systems of art and how the
increasingly prevalent practices are shaped. As a result of all these studies, it is found that the notion of the Other is a
reflection of a hierarchical relationship and this reflection, along with the geographical and cultural implications of this
matter, justifies the argument.


  • (ACCA, N.D.). ICONS: Barbara Kruger, ‘I shop therefore I am’. Retrieved from kruger-i-shop-therefore-i-am/ (Accessed Date: 10/05/2020)
  • • ANTMEN, A. (2010). 20. Yüzyıl Batı Sanatında Akımlar. Istanbul: Sel Yayıncılık.
  • • APAYDIN, E. (2006). Levinas Felsefesinde Öznelik ve Öteki Problemi (Master’s thesis). Ankara University, Turkey.
  • • APPADURAI, A. (1990). Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy. Theory, Culture & Society, 7(2), 130.
  • • ASHCROFT, B. & AHLUWALIA, P. (2001). Edward Said. London, UK: Routledge. (Original work published 1999).
  • • AYTEKIN, C. A. & TOKDIL, E. (2016). Düşünce Sistemlerinde Ben ve Başkası Problemi, Arthur Rimbaud ve Sanatta Ötekilik Üzerine. Idil, 6(28), 17-30.
  • • BAKHTIN, M. (1999). Problem of Dostoevsky’s Poetics. (C. Emerson, Ed. & Trans.). (8th ed., pp. 376). Minneapolis, M: University of Minnesota Press. (Original work published 1984).
  • • BAUDRILLARD, J. (1995). The Transparency of Evil. (J. Benedict, Trans.). London, UK: Verso. (Original work published 1990).
  • • BAUMAN, Z. (1997). Postmodernity and Its Discontents. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
  • • BECK, U. (2002). The Cosmopolitan Society and it’s Enemies. Theory, Culture and Society, 19(1-2), 36.
  • • BENHABIB, S. (1997). Strange Multiplicities: The Politics of Identity and Difference in a Global Context. Macalester International, 4.
  • • JENSEN, S. Q. (2009). Preliminary notes on othering and agency: Marginalized young ethnic minority men negotiating identity in the terrain of otherness. (pp. 7). Aalborg: Aalborg Universitet.
  • • BUMIN, T. (1998). Hegel: Bilinç Problemi, Köle-Efendi Diyalektiği, Praksis Felsefesi. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • • POTTS, J. (2012). Theorising Global Art. The Theme of Displacement in Contemporary Art. Retrieved from https://
  • • CHAMBERS, I. (1994). Migrancy, Culture, Identity. London: Routledge.
  • • COŞKUNER, C. (2015). The Impacts of Jean Paul Sartre on Simone De Beauvoir. GSTF Journal of General Philosophy (JPhilo), 1(2), 76.
  • • DIKICI, E. (2014). Doğu-Batı Ayrımı Ekseninde Oryantalizm ve Emperyalizm. Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2)
  • • EISENBERG, J. (2009). From Neo-Enlightenment to Nihonjinron: The Politics of Anti-Multiculturalism in Japan and the Netherlands. Macalester International, (22), 94. Retrieved from cgi?article=1445&context=macintl
  • • FEYIZ, K. (2016). Diyalektiklerin Ötesi: Bataille, Foucalt ve Postmodern Transgresyon. Retrieved from deneme/dyalektklern-otes-batalle-foucalt-ve-postmode
  • • FOUCAULT, M. (2002). The Order of Things. London, UK: Routledge.
  • • GÜNER, B. (2013). Çağdaş Sanatta Müellif Sorunsalı. (The Problematic on Authorship in Contemporary Art) (pp. 91). Istanbul: FMV Işık University Graduate School of Social Sciences.
  • • HARDT, M. & NEGRI, A. (2000). Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. • HENRY, P. (2006). Africana Phenomenology: Its Philosophical Implications. Clr James Journal, 11(1), 79-112.
  • • KADER, C. (2015). Emmanuel Levinas Felsefesinde “Başkalık ve Aynılık” Problemi. Mütefekkir, 2(3), 77-91.
  • • KAZUFUMI, M. and Befu, H. (1993). Japanese Cultural Identity. Japanstudien, 4(1), p. 89-102, DOI: 10.1080/09386491.1993.11827036.
  • • NAHYA, N. Z. (2011). İmgeler ve Ötekileştirme: Cadılar, Yerliler, Avrupalılar. Atılım Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 29.
  • • OWENS, C. (2001). Art and Feminism. (H. Reckitt, & P. Phelan Eds.). Hong Kong: Phadion Press Ltd.
  • • ALSOP, R. & FITZSIMONS R., A. and Lennon, K. (2002). Theorizing Gender: An Introduction. Wiley, 51. ISBN: 978-0-7456-1944-6
  • • SOFUOĞLU, H. (1996). Ötekilik Melodramı. Retrieved from handle/11421/1020/113614.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
  • • SZTABIŃSKA, P. (2014). Contemporary Artist and The Notion Of Centre And Periphery, Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur Les Arts, (XVI), 48.
  • • ŞAHINER, R. (2015). Çağdaş Sanatta Temsiliyet Krizi. Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi, Sanat Dizisi.
  • • ŞAHINER, R. (2008). Sanatta Postmodern Kırılmalar ya da Modernin Yapıbozumu. Istanbul: Yeni İnsan Yayınevi.
  • • SPITZER, N.R. (2003). Monde Créole: The Cultural World of French Louisiana Creoles and the Creolization of World Cultures. Journal of American Folklore, 116(459), 57–72.
  • • TÜRK, D. (2013). Öteki, Düşman, Olay-Levinas, Schmitt ve Badiou’da Etik ve Siyaset. Istanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • • TURA, S. M. (1996) Freud’dan Lacan’a Psikanaliz. Istanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları
  • • ULUÇ, G.& MIKAIL BOZ, M. (2015). Karşılıklı Ötekileştirmeye bir yolculuk: “Otobüs” Filmi. Turkish Journal of Tesam Academy, 110.
  • • VARTANYAN, A., ÖZTÜRKMEN, A., MARGOSYAN, A. & KECHRIOTIS, V. (2008). Aynı Toprakta Öteki Olmak, “Eğer sürekli dostluktan bahsetme ihtiyacı hissediyorsanız, bu ortada öyle bir dostluk olmadığı anlamına gelir.” Mithat Alam Film Merkezi Söyleşi, Panel ve Sunum Yıllığı, 520. Retrieved from http://www.mafm.boun.
  • • WEISENFELD, G. (2010). Reinscribing Tradition in a Transnational Art World, Duke University.
  • • WILSON LLOYD, A. (1999). Reorienting: Japan Rediscovers Asia. Art in America, 87(10), 105.
  • • ŽIŽEK, S. (2000). The Fragile Absolute. London, UK: Verso.

The other; multidimensionality as a cultural phenomenon in an artistic context*

Yıl 2021, , 1 - 11, 15.02.2021



  • (ACCA, N.D.). ICONS: Barbara Kruger, ‘I shop therefore I am’. Retrieved from kruger-i-shop-therefore-i-am/ (Accessed Date: 10/05/2020)
  • • ANTMEN, A. (2010). 20. Yüzyıl Batı Sanatında Akımlar. Istanbul: Sel Yayıncılık.
  • • APAYDIN, E. (2006). Levinas Felsefesinde Öznelik ve Öteki Problemi (Master’s thesis). Ankara University, Turkey.
  • • APPADURAI, A. (1990). Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy. Theory, Culture & Society, 7(2), 130.
  • • ASHCROFT, B. & AHLUWALIA, P. (2001). Edward Said. London, UK: Routledge. (Original work published 1999).
  • • AYTEKIN, C. A. & TOKDIL, E. (2016). Düşünce Sistemlerinde Ben ve Başkası Problemi, Arthur Rimbaud ve Sanatta Ötekilik Üzerine. Idil, 6(28), 17-30.
  • • BAKHTIN, M. (1999). Problem of Dostoevsky’s Poetics. (C. Emerson, Ed. & Trans.). (8th ed., pp. 376). Minneapolis, M: University of Minnesota Press. (Original work published 1984).
  • • BAUDRILLARD, J. (1995). The Transparency of Evil. (J. Benedict, Trans.). London, UK: Verso. (Original work published 1990).
  • • BAUMAN, Z. (1997). Postmodernity and Its Discontents. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
  • • BECK, U. (2002). The Cosmopolitan Society and it’s Enemies. Theory, Culture and Society, 19(1-2), 36.
  • • BENHABIB, S. (1997). Strange Multiplicities: The Politics of Identity and Difference in a Global Context. Macalester International, 4.
  • • JENSEN, S. Q. (2009). Preliminary notes on othering and agency: Marginalized young ethnic minority men negotiating identity in the terrain of otherness. (pp. 7). Aalborg: Aalborg Universitet.
  • • BUMIN, T. (1998). Hegel: Bilinç Problemi, Köle-Efendi Diyalektiği, Praksis Felsefesi. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • • POTTS, J. (2012). Theorising Global Art. The Theme of Displacement in Contemporary Art. Retrieved from https://
  • • CHAMBERS, I. (1994). Migrancy, Culture, Identity. London: Routledge.
  • • COŞKUNER, C. (2015). The Impacts of Jean Paul Sartre on Simone De Beauvoir. GSTF Journal of General Philosophy (JPhilo), 1(2), 76.
  • • DIKICI, E. (2014). Doğu-Batı Ayrımı Ekseninde Oryantalizm ve Emperyalizm. Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2)
  • • EISENBERG, J. (2009). From Neo-Enlightenment to Nihonjinron: The Politics of Anti-Multiculturalism in Japan and the Netherlands. Macalester International, (22), 94. Retrieved from cgi?article=1445&context=macintl
  • • FEYIZ, K. (2016). Diyalektiklerin Ötesi: Bataille, Foucalt ve Postmodern Transgresyon. Retrieved from deneme/dyalektklern-otes-batalle-foucalt-ve-postmode
  • • FOUCAULT, M. (2002). The Order of Things. London, UK: Routledge.
  • • GÜNER, B. (2013). Çağdaş Sanatta Müellif Sorunsalı. (The Problematic on Authorship in Contemporary Art) (pp. 91). Istanbul: FMV Işık University Graduate School of Social Sciences.
  • • HARDT, M. & NEGRI, A. (2000). Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. • HENRY, P. (2006). Africana Phenomenology: Its Philosophical Implications. Clr James Journal, 11(1), 79-112.
  • • KADER, C. (2015). Emmanuel Levinas Felsefesinde “Başkalık ve Aynılık” Problemi. Mütefekkir, 2(3), 77-91.
  • • KAZUFUMI, M. and Befu, H. (1993). Japanese Cultural Identity. Japanstudien, 4(1), p. 89-102, DOI: 10.1080/09386491.1993.11827036.
  • • NAHYA, N. Z. (2011). İmgeler ve Ötekileştirme: Cadılar, Yerliler, Avrupalılar. Atılım Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 29.
  • • OWENS, C. (2001). Art and Feminism. (H. Reckitt, & P. Phelan Eds.). Hong Kong: Phadion Press Ltd.
  • • ALSOP, R. & FITZSIMONS R., A. and Lennon, K. (2002). Theorizing Gender: An Introduction. Wiley, 51. ISBN: 978-0-7456-1944-6
  • • SOFUOĞLU, H. (1996). Ötekilik Melodramı. Retrieved from handle/11421/1020/113614.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
  • • SZTABIŃSKA, P. (2014). Contemporary Artist and The Notion Of Centre And Periphery, Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur Les Arts, (XVI), 48.
  • • ŞAHINER, R. (2015). Çağdaş Sanatta Temsiliyet Krizi. Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi, Sanat Dizisi.
  • • ŞAHINER, R. (2008). Sanatta Postmodern Kırılmalar ya da Modernin Yapıbozumu. Istanbul: Yeni İnsan Yayınevi.
  • • SPITZER, N.R. (2003). Monde Créole: The Cultural World of French Louisiana Creoles and the Creolization of World Cultures. Journal of American Folklore, 116(459), 57–72.
  • • TÜRK, D. (2013). Öteki, Düşman, Olay-Levinas, Schmitt ve Badiou’da Etik ve Siyaset. Istanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • • TURA, S. M. (1996) Freud’dan Lacan’a Psikanaliz. Istanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları
  • • ULUÇ, G.& MIKAIL BOZ, M. (2015). Karşılıklı Ötekileştirmeye bir yolculuk: “Otobüs” Filmi. Turkish Journal of Tesam Academy, 110.
  • • VARTANYAN, A., ÖZTÜRKMEN, A., MARGOSYAN, A. & KECHRIOTIS, V. (2008). Aynı Toprakta Öteki Olmak, “Eğer sürekli dostluktan bahsetme ihtiyacı hissediyorsanız, bu ortada öyle bir dostluk olmadığı anlamına gelir.” Mithat Alam Film Merkezi Söyleşi, Panel ve Sunum Yıllığı, 520. Retrieved from http://www.mafm.boun.
  • • WEISENFELD, G. (2010). Reinscribing Tradition in a Transnational Art World, Duke University.
  • • WILSON LLOYD, A. (1999). Reorienting: Japan Rediscovers Asia. Art in America, 87(10), 105.
  • • ŽIŽEK, S. (2000). The Fragile Absolute. London, UK: Verso.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Barış Güner Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1229-9938

Rıfat Şahiner 0000-0003-4328-3939

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Güner, B., & Şahiner, R. (2021). The other; multidimensionality as a cultural phenomenon in an artistic context*. Journal of Arts, 4(1), 1-11.