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Towards the theoreticalization of materials as a speech act in the art of sculpture

Yıl 2021, , 25 - 36, 15.02.2021


This study focuses on the historical and cultural aspects that are decisive in the sculptors choice of materials in the context of art of sculpture. The visual and tactile qualities of the materials guide the selection of the subject, individual and period styles as well as the aesthetic perception. Physical properties have enabled the development of tools and technologies by artists who transform materials into depictions and representations. While the values of the materials make them political actors as they embody power and grandeur, their lack of value has turned them into symbols of sobriety in theological debates. Therefore, it can be said that materials have a decisive role in the meaning of the work in the art of sculpture. In this context, it is clearly seen that when a material is selected / used, it is actually a form of communication and therefore corresponds to a series of transferences related to language, based on the idea that conscious or unconscious processes work behind the orientation of sculptors to a particular material. According to this; sculptors not only do something by carving stone and wood or forging iron, but also say something by choosing a certain type of material.


  • • ADORNO, T. W. (1997). Aesthetic Theory. London: Continuum.
  • • ALTINÖRS, A. (2001). Anlam, Doğrulama ve Edimsellik: Austin Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Alfa Yayınları, İstanbul
  • • ANDREWS, J. (1999). The Sculpture of David Nash. Los Angeles: University of California Press.
  • • AUSTIN, J. L. (2009). Söylemek ve Yapmak Harvard Üniversitesi 1955 William James Dersleri. Çev: R. Levent Aysever, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları
  • • BAKER, M. (2010). Shifting Materials, Shifting Values? Contemporary Responses To The Materials Of Eighteenth-Century Sculpture, Ed: Clerbois, Sébastien. Revival And Invention: Sculpture Through its Material Histories / Sébastien Clerbois And Martina Droth. Germany: Peter Lang A.G.
  • • BARASSI, S., & COPPER, J. (2015), Henry Moore and Stone: Methods and Materials, in Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity. Tate Reasearch Publication • BARRY, F. (2010). A Whiter Shade of Pale: Relative and Absolute White in Roman Sculpture and Architecture, Ed: Clerbois, Sébastien. Revival And Invention: Sculpture Through its Material Histories / Sébastien Clerbois And Martina Droth. Germany: Peter Lang A.G
  • • BUCHLOCH, B. H. D. (1983). Michael Asher and the Conclusion of Modernist Sculpture
  • • CHESTNOVA, E. (2018), Substantial Differences: Semper’s Stoffwechsel and Truth to Materials, in: Architecture and Knowledge, Ed: Sonja Hildebrand, Daniela Mondini, Roberta Grignolo, Roma: Mendrisio Academy Press
  • • DIXON, D. L. (2018). Alterpieces: Artworks as Shifting Speech Acts, Doktora Tezi, Peterhouse, University of Cambridge
  • • DUCHAMP, M. (1975). The Essential Writings of Marcel Duchamp: Marchand du Sell, Ed: Michel Sanouillet – Elmer Peterson, London: Thames & Hudson Press
  • • FEIN, K. (2019). The Sense of Nearness”: Harriet Hosmer’s Clasped Hands and the Materials and Bodies of Nineteenth-Century Life Casting, British Art Studies, Issue 14
  • • FOSTER, H. (2017). Yeni Kötü Günler: Sanat Eleştiri, Acil Durum, İngilizceden çeviren: Ferit Burak Aydar, İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • • HAGBERG, G. (1995). Art as Language: Wittgenstein, Meaning, and Aesthetic Theory. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
  • • HEIDEGGER, M. (2007). Sanat Eserinin Kökeni, Çev: Fatih Tepebaşılı. Ankara: De Kİ Basım Yayım Ltd. Şti
  • • HERRMANN, D. F. (2005). Material Matters, Materialasthetik. Quellentexte zu Kunst, Design und Architektur. Ed. Dietmar Rubel, Monika Wagner and Vera Wolff, Berlin: Reimer Verlag
  • • HILDEBRAND, A. V. (2016). Resim ve Heykelde Biçim Sorunu. Çev: Hakan Anay, İstanbul: Janus Yayıncılık.
  • • KJØRUP, S. (1978), Pictorial Speech Acts. Erkenntnis 12, 55 -71
  • • KRAUSS, R. (1981). Passages in Modern Sculpture. London: MIT Press
  • • LEHMANN, A-S. (2012). How Materials Make Meaning, Netherlands Yearbook For History of Art. Volume 62, Netherlands: The Foundation for Dutch Art Historical Publications.
  • • LESSING, G. E. (1935). Laocoon. Çev: Suut Kemal Yetkin, İstanbul: Vakit Gazete Matbaa.
  • • LIPIŃSKA, A. (2019). Stone To Ensure 2 Victory And To Generate Friendshıps. On The Meaning Of Alabaster. England: Boydell Press.
  • • MARTIN, F. D. (1979). Sculpture and ‘Truth to Things’. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 13(2)
  • • MATTUSCH, C. (2010). The Privilege of Bronze: Modern Perception of Classical Materials, Ed: Clerbois, Sébastien. Revival And Invention: Sculpture Through its Material Histories / Sébastien Clerbois And Martina Droth. Germany: Peter Lang A.G..
  • • PENNY, N. (1993). The Materials of Sculpture. London: Yale University Press. • READ, H. (ed.) (1934), Unit One: The Modern Movement in English Architecture London.
  • • READ, H. (1961). The Art of Sculpture. New York: Pantheon Books.
  • • RUSKIN, J. (2016). Sanat Üzerine Düşünceler / Seçme Yazılar II, Çev: Ali N. Tezel, İstanbul: Corpus Yayınları.
  • • SEARLE, J. R. (2000). Söz Edimleri. Çev: R. Levent Aysever, Ankara: Ayraç Yayınevi.
  • • SERRA, R. (1994). Writings and Interviews. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
  • • SERRA, R. & FOSTER, H. (2018). Conversations About Sculpture, New Haven London: Yale University Press.
  • • SHEEDY, L. R.E. (2016). Michelangelo’s Bruges Madonna in the Service of Devotion. Arts & Sciences Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 708.
  • • TAYLOR, A. J. (2019). Rusting Giant: U.S. Steel and the Promotional Material of Sculpture, Corporate Patronage of Art and Architecture in the United States. Late 19th Century to the Present, edited by Monica E. Jovanovich and Melissa Renn, USA: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • • authority.20110803105953905 (Erişim Tarihi: 1/5/2020

Heykel sanatında malzemelerin birer söz edimi olarak kuramsallaştırılmasına doğru

Yıl 2021, , 25 - 36, 15.02.2021


Bu çalışma heykel sanatı bağlamında heykeltıraşların malzeme seçiminde belirleyici olan tarihsel ve kültürel yönlere odaklanmaktadır. Malzemelerin görsel ve dokunsal nitelikleri, konunun, bireysel ve dönemsel uslupların yanı sıra estetik algının seçiminde de yol göstericidir. Fiziksel özellikleri, malzemeleri tasvir ve temsillere dönüştüren sanatçılar tarafından aletlerin ve teknolojilerin gelişmesine olanak sağlamıştır. Malzemlerin değerleri, gücü ve ihtişamı cisimleştirdiği için onları politik aktörler yaparken, değersizlikleri, onları, teolojik tartışmalarda ölçülülüğün sembolüne dönüştürmüştür. Bu bağlamda, heykeltıraşların belli bir malzemeye olan yönelimlerinin ardında bilinçli ya da bilinçdışı süreçlerin işlediği düşüncesinden hareketle bir malzeme seçildiğinde/kullanıldığında aslında bunun bir tür iletişim olduğu ve dolayısıyla da dil ile bağlantılı bir dizi aktarıma karşılık geldiği açıkça görülmektedir. Buna göre; heykeltıraşlar sadece taşı, ahşabı yontarak ya da demiri döverek bir şey yapmaz aynı zamanda belli bir malzeme türünü seçerek bir şey de söylerler.


  • • ADORNO, T. W. (1997). Aesthetic Theory. London: Continuum.
  • • ALTINÖRS, A. (2001). Anlam, Doğrulama ve Edimsellik: Austin Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Alfa Yayınları, İstanbul
  • • ANDREWS, J. (1999). The Sculpture of David Nash. Los Angeles: University of California Press.
  • • AUSTIN, J. L. (2009). Söylemek ve Yapmak Harvard Üniversitesi 1955 William James Dersleri. Çev: R. Levent Aysever, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları
  • • BAKER, M. (2010). Shifting Materials, Shifting Values? Contemporary Responses To The Materials Of Eighteenth-Century Sculpture, Ed: Clerbois, Sébastien. Revival And Invention: Sculpture Through its Material Histories / Sébastien Clerbois And Martina Droth. Germany: Peter Lang A.G.
  • • BARASSI, S., & COPPER, J. (2015), Henry Moore and Stone: Methods and Materials, in Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity. Tate Reasearch Publication • BARRY, F. (2010). A Whiter Shade of Pale: Relative and Absolute White in Roman Sculpture and Architecture, Ed: Clerbois, Sébastien. Revival And Invention: Sculpture Through its Material Histories / Sébastien Clerbois And Martina Droth. Germany: Peter Lang A.G
  • • BUCHLOCH, B. H. D. (1983). Michael Asher and the Conclusion of Modernist Sculpture
  • • CHESTNOVA, E. (2018), Substantial Differences: Semper’s Stoffwechsel and Truth to Materials, in: Architecture and Knowledge, Ed: Sonja Hildebrand, Daniela Mondini, Roberta Grignolo, Roma: Mendrisio Academy Press
  • • DIXON, D. L. (2018). Alterpieces: Artworks as Shifting Speech Acts, Doktora Tezi, Peterhouse, University of Cambridge
  • • DUCHAMP, M. (1975). The Essential Writings of Marcel Duchamp: Marchand du Sell, Ed: Michel Sanouillet – Elmer Peterson, London: Thames & Hudson Press
  • • FEIN, K. (2019). The Sense of Nearness”: Harriet Hosmer’s Clasped Hands and the Materials and Bodies of Nineteenth-Century Life Casting, British Art Studies, Issue 14
  • • FOSTER, H. (2017). Yeni Kötü Günler: Sanat Eleştiri, Acil Durum, İngilizceden çeviren: Ferit Burak Aydar, İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • • HAGBERG, G. (1995). Art as Language: Wittgenstein, Meaning, and Aesthetic Theory. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
  • • HEIDEGGER, M. (2007). Sanat Eserinin Kökeni, Çev: Fatih Tepebaşılı. Ankara: De Kİ Basım Yayım Ltd. Şti
  • • HERRMANN, D. F. (2005). Material Matters, Materialasthetik. Quellentexte zu Kunst, Design und Architektur. Ed. Dietmar Rubel, Monika Wagner and Vera Wolff, Berlin: Reimer Verlag
  • • HILDEBRAND, A. V. (2016). Resim ve Heykelde Biçim Sorunu. Çev: Hakan Anay, İstanbul: Janus Yayıncılık.
  • • KJØRUP, S. (1978), Pictorial Speech Acts. Erkenntnis 12, 55 -71
  • • KRAUSS, R. (1981). Passages in Modern Sculpture. London: MIT Press
  • • LEHMANN, A-S. (2012). How Materials Make Meaning, Netherlands Yearbook For History of Art. Volume 62, Netherlands: The Foundation for Dutch Art Historical Publications.
  • • LESSING, G. E. (1935). Laocoon. Çev: Suut Kemal Yetkin, İstanbul: Vakit Gazete Matbaa.
  • • LIPIŃSKA, A. (2019). Stone To Ensure 2 Victory And To Generate Friendshıps. On The Meaning Of Alabaster. England: Boydell Press.
  • • MARTIN, F. D. (1979). Sculpture and ‘Truth to Things’. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 13(2)
  • • MATTUSCH, C. (2010). The Privilege of Bronze: Modern Perception of Classical Materials, Ed: Clerbois, Sébastien. Revival And Invention: Sculpture Through its Material Histories / Sébastien Clerbois And Martina Droth. Germany: Peter Lang A.G..
  • • PENNY, N. (1993). The Materials of Sculpture. London: Yale University Press. • READ, H. (ed.) (1934), Unit One: The Modern Movement in English Architecture London.
  • • READ, H. (1961). The Art of Sculpture. New York: Pantheon Books.
  • • RUSKIN, J. (2016). Sanat Üzerine Düşünceler / Seçme Yazılar II, Çev: Ali N. Tezel, İstanbul: Corpus Yayınları.
  • • SEARLE, J. R. (2000). Söz Edimleri. Çev: R. Levent Aysever, Ankara: Ayraç Yayınevi.
  • • SERRA, R. (1994). Writings and Interviews. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
  • • SERRA, R. & FOSTER, H. (2018). Conversations About Sculpture, New Haven London: Yale University Press.
  • • SHEEDY, L. R.E. (2016). Michelangelo’s Bruges Madonna in the Service of Devotion. Arts & Sciences Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 708.
  • • TAYLOR, A. J. (2019). Rusting Giant: U.S. Steel and the Promotional Material of Sculpture, Corporate Patronage of Art and Architecture in the United States. Late 19th Century to the Present, edited by Monica E. Jovanovich and Melissa Renn, USA: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • • authority.20110803105953905 (Erişim Tarihi: 1/5/2020
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ömer Emre Yavuz 0000-0002-1404-4739

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Yavuz, Ö. E. (2021). Heykel sanatında malzemelerin birer söz edimi olarak kuramsallaştırılmasına doğru. Journal of Arts, 4(1), 25-36.