Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası

Balkan Libraries Union Journal is the official publication of the Balkan Library Association and is an international peer-reviewed academic journal. International Standards for Authors are taken fun. The journal is published twice a year (May-November). Articles written in Librarianship, Librarianship History, Balkan Libraries are published in English or Turkish. The article author must be a member of the system using the link The article is installed on the system. Read the writing articles and are examined in terms of content, and the article that does not comply with the spelling rules and has translation errors should be evaluated by the referee. The articles to be sent can be prepared in accordance with the text message or in-text reference. The author must comply with the issues stated in the spelling rules. Our journal carries out blind refereeing practice. The main article file should not contain credentials of the author / s. Articles suitable for publication in the journal are sent to at least two referees. Articles accepted for referee review are queued for publication. The authors are not informed about the identities of the referees and the referees are not informed about the identities of the authors. If a correction is requested by the referee, it is reported to the author and requested to be revised and sent again. For articles for which corrections are submitted, the revised study by the author / authors must be added to the system for 1 month. The referee interview process, the filled version of the pattern requested by the editorial board was written by the authors in the summer for 7 days. If the writing is not made, the work is rejected by the Editorial Board. What will be published in the journal has not been published anywhere before. The information and responsibilities in the published articles and the legal responsibility of the articles belong to the author. It does not bind the Journal of the Balkan Libraries Union. No royalty fee is paid to the author / authors for published articles. No fee is charged from the author / authors for the published articles. The published publication right belongs to the journal.