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Zooplankton abundance in the lower Sakarya River Basin (Turkey): Impact of environmental variables

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1, 1 - 22, 01.04.2013


Abstract In the present study the community structure and diversity of zooplankton were investigated seasonally in the polluted water of the lower Sakarya River Basin during February 2008-January 2009. The environmental variables measured were river flow, water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended particulate matter, chlorophyll a and nutrients (NO2-N, NO3-N, SiO2, PO4-P, TP). Determined environmental parameters were at the suitable intervals for habitat choice of identified zooplankton species. Thirty-two zooplankton taxa were determined , which were mostly indicators of eutrophic water of the study area. Rotifera was the most abundant group (96.4%), followed by Copepoda (2.7%) and Cladocera (1.0%). The dominant taxa were Brachionus budapestinensis Daday, Keratella cochlearis (Gosse), Polyarthra vulgaris (Carlin), Synchaeta oblonga Ehrenberg and Trichocerca ruttneri Donner from Rotifera, Copepod nauplii from Copepoda and Bosmina longirostris (Müller) from Cladocera. Depending on the station, zooplankton abundance and environmental parameters showed seasonal variation. Generally, higher zooplankton abundance and higher temperature resulted in a higher zooplankton diversity index. Statistical analyses indicated that rotifers and total zooplankton were highly associated with environmental parameters, especially water temperature and nutrients. Degree of pollution determines the quality as well as the quantity of plankton in the study area. Consequently, waste waters should be controlled, and pollution must be prevented to conserve biodiversity of zooplankton fauna and in consequence food web of the study area. All zooplankton species identified were the first records for the study area.


  • Altındağ, A., Özkurt, Ş. (1998) A study on the zooplanktonic fauna of the Dam
  • Lakes Kunduzlar and Çatören (Kırka-Eskisehir). Turkish Journal of Zoology 22: 323-3
  • Altındağ, A., Yiğit, S. (2002) The zooplankton fauna of Lake Burdur. E.U
  • Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 19: 129-132. Anderson, D. M., Gilbert, P. M., Burkholder, J. M. (2002) Harmful algal blooms and eutrophication: nutrient sources, composition, and consequences. Estuaries 25: 704-726.
  • Apaydın Yağcı, M., Ustaoğlu, M. R. (2012) Zooplankton fauna of Lake İznik
  • (Bursa, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology 36 (3): 341-350. Balcıoğlu, E. B., Öztürk, B. (2009) Oil pollution in the surface water of Sakarya
  • River. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 15: 99-108. Bekleyen, A. (2001) A taxonomical study on the rotifera fauna of Devegeçidi
  • Dam Lake (Diyarbakır-Tureky). Turkish Journal of Zoology 25: 251-255. Berzins, B., Bertilson, J. (1989) On limnic micro-crustacean and trophic degree. Hydrobiologia 185: 95-100.
  • Berzins, B., Pejler, B. (1987) Rotifer occurrence in relation to pH. Hydrobiology 147: 107-116.
  • Bozkurt, A., Sagat, Y. (2008) Vertical distribution of Birecik Dam Lake
  • (Turkey) zooplankton. Journal of Fisheries Sciences 2 (3): 332-342 (in Turkish). Brooks, J. L., Dodson, S. I. (1965) Predation, body size and the composition of plankton. Science 150: 28-35.
  • Brown, A. V., Limbeck, R. L., Schram, M. D. (1989) Trophic importance of zooplankton in streams with alluvial riffle and pool geomorphometry. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 114: 349-367.
  • Buyurgan, Ö., Altındağ, A., Kaya, M. (2010) Zooplankton community structure of Asartepe Dam Lake (Ankara, Turkey). Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sc. 10: 135-138.
  • Castro, B. B., Antunes, S. C., Pereira, R., Soares, A. M. V. M., Goncalves, F. (2005) Rotifer community structure in three shallow lakes: seasonal fluctuations and explanatory factors. Hydrobiologia 543: 221-232.
  • Deksne, R., Škute, A., Meinerte, A. (2011) Seasonal changes in zooplankton community of the Daugava River. Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 11 (1): 61-75.
  • DSI (General Directorate of the State Water) (1992) General directorate of the state water, Investigation of pollution aspects of Sakarya–Seyhan Basins and report of determination of quality classes of this basins, 5, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Dussart, B. (1967) Les Copépodes Des Eaux Continentales D’Europe
  • Occidentale, Tome I Calanoides et Harpacticoides, Ed: N.Boubée and Cie 3, Place Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6º. Dussart, B. (1969) Les Copépodes Des Eaux Continentales D’Europe
  • Occidentale, Tome II Cyclopoides et Biologie, Ed: N. Boubée and Cie 3, Place Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6º. Gannon, J. E., Stemberger, R. S. (1978) Zooplankton (especially crustaceans and rotifers) as indicators of water quality. Transactions of the American
  • Microscopical Society 97 (1): 16-35. Gillooly, J. F. (2000) Effect of body size and temperature on generation time in zooplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 22 (2): 241-251.
  • Güher, H. (2003) Zooplanktonic organisms community structure of Mert, Erikli,
  • Haman and Pedina Lakes (İğneada/Kırklareli). Ege University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 20 (1-2): 51-62 (in Turkish). Heisey, D., Porter, K. (1977) The effect of ambient oxygen concentration on filtering and respiration rates of Daphnia galeata mendotae and Daphnia magna. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22: 839-845.
  • Herzig, A. (1987) The analysis of planktonic rotifer population: a plea for long- term investigations. Hydrobiologia 147: 163-180.
  • Hynes, H. B. N. (1970) The Ecology of Running Waters. Liverpool University Press, 555 pp.
  • Kolisko, W. R. (1974) Planktonic Rotifers Biology and Taxonomy Biological
  • Station. Lunz of The Austrian Academy of Science, Stuttgart, 974 pp. Koste, W. (1978) Rotatoria Die Raedertier Mitteleuropas Ein Bestimmungwerk
  • Begründet von Max Voigt Überordnung Monogononta, Gebraider Borntraeger Berlin Stuttgart. Lawrence, D., Valiela, I., Tomasky, G. (2004) Estuarine calanoid copepod abundance in relation to season, salinity, and land-derived nitrogen loading,
  • Waquoit Bay, MA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 61: 547-557. Margaritora, F. (1983) Cladoceri (Crustacea: Cladocera), Consiglio Nazionale
  • Delle Ricerche, Guide Per IL Riconoscimento Delle Specie Animali Delle Acque Interne Italiane, Italy. Marneffe, Y., Descy, J. P., Thomé, J. P. (1996) The zooplankton of the lower river Meuse, Belgium: seasonal changes and impact of industrial and municipal discharges. Hydrobiologia 319: 1-13.
  • Mikshi, E. (1989) Rotifer distributions in relation to temparature and oxygen content. Hydrobiologia 186/187: 209-214.
  • Murtaugh, P. A. (1985) Vertical distribution of zooplankton and population dynamics of Daphnia in ameromictic lake. Hydrobiologia 123: 47-57.
  • Özbay, H., Altındağ, A. (2009) Zooplankton abundance in the River Kars,
  • Northeast Turkey: Impact of environmental variables. African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (21): 5814-5818.
  • Pace, M. L., Findlay, S. E. G., Lints, D. (1991) Zooplankton in advective environments: The Hudson river community and a comparative analysis.
  • Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49: 1060-1069.
  • Park, G. S., Marshall, H. G. (2000) The trophic contributions of rotifers in tidal freshwater and estuarine habitats. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 51: 729- 7
  • Parsons, T. R., Maita, Y., Lalli, C. M. (1984) A Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for Seawater Analysis. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK.
  • Pontin, M. R. (1978) A Key to the Freshwater Planktonic and Semi-Planktonic
  • Rotifera of the British Isles. Freshwater Biological Association Scientific Publication, No: 38. Renner, E. (1970) Mathemetisch-statistische Methoden in der prektischen
  • Anwendung, Paul Parey Verlag, Berlin-Hamburg. Richardson, W. B. (1992) Microcrustacea in flowing water: experimental analysis of washout times and a field test. Freshwater Biology 28: 217-230.
  • Saltabaş, L., Şaşal, M., Işık, S., Doğan, E. (2003) Examination of the current changes in the Lower Sakarya River. Sakarya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri
  • Enstitüsü Dergisi 7 (2): 9-15 (in Turkish). Saunders, J. F., Lewis, W. M. (1988a) Zooplankton abundance in the Caura river, Venezuela. Biotropica 20: 206-214.
  • Saunders, J. F., Lewis, W. M. (1988b) Zooplankton abundance and transport in a tropical white-water river. Hydrobiologia 162: 147-155.
  • Sharma, S., Siddique, A., Singh, K., Chouhan, M., Vyas, A., Solnki, C. M., Sharma, D., Nair, S., Sengupta, T. (2010) Population dynamics and seasonal abundance of zooplankton community in Narmada River (India). Researcher 2 (9): 1-9.
  • Sláděcek, V. (1983) Rotifers as indicators of water quality. Hydrobiologia 100 (1): 169-201.
  • Tellioğlu, A., Şen, D. (2002) A taxonomical study on the rotifer fauna of Hazar
  • Lake (Elazığ). Ege University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 19: 205-207 (in Turkish). ter Braak, C. J. F., Smilauer, P. (2002) CANOCO Software for Canonical
  • Comunity Ordination (Version 4.5). Biometris, Wageningen and Ceske Budejovice. Ustaoğlu, M. R. (2004) A check-list for zooplankton of Turkish inland waters.
  • Ege University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 21 (3-4): 191-199. van Dijk, G. M., van Zanten, B. (1995) Seasonal changes in zooplankton abundance in the lower Rhine during 1987- 1991. Hydrobiologia 304: 29-38.
  • Vranovsky, M. (1995) The effect of current velocity upon the biomass of zooplankton in the river Danube side arms. Biologia Bratislava 50: 461-464.
  • Williams, W. D. (1998) Salinity as a determinant of the structure of biological communities in salt lakes. Hydrobiologia 381: 191-201.
Yıl 2013, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1, 1 - 22, 01.04.2013



  • Altındağ, A., Özkurt, Ş. (1998) A study on the zooplanktonic fauna of the Dam
  • Lakes Kunduzlar and Çatören (Kırka-Eskisehir). Turkish Journal of Zoology 22: 323-3
  • Altındağ, A., Yiğit, S. (2002) The zooplankton fauna of Lake Burdur. E.U
  • Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 19: 129-132. Anderson, D. M., Gilbert, P. M., Burkholder, J. M. (2002) Harmful algal blooms and eutrophication: nutrient sources, composition, and consequences. Estuaries 25: 704-726.
  • Apaydın Yağcı, M., Ustaoğlu, M. R. (2012) Zooplankton fauna of Lake İznik
  • (Bursa, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology 36 (3): 341-350. Balcıoğlu, E. B., Öztürk, B. (2009) Oil pollution in the surface water of Sakarya
  • River. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 15: 99-108. Bekleyen, A. (2001) A taxonomical study on the rotifera fauna of Devegeçidi
  • Dam Lake (Diyarbakır-Tureky). Turkish Journal of Zoology 25: 251-255. Berzins, B., Bertilson, J. (1989) On limnic micro-crustacean and trophic degree. Hydrobiologia 185: 95-100.
  • Berzins, B., Pejler, B. (1987) Rotifer occurrence in relation to pH. Hydrobiology 147: 107-116.
  • Bozkurt, A., Sagat, Y. (2008) Vertical distribution of Birecik Dam Lake
  • (Turkey) zooplankton. Journal of Fisheries Sciences 2 (3): 332-342 (in Turkish). Brooks, J. L., Dodson, S. I. (1965) Predation, body size and the composition of plankton. Science 150: 28-35.
  • Brown, A. V., Limbeck, R. L., Schram, M. D. (1989) Trophic importance of zooplankton in streams with alluvial riffle and pool geomorphometry. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 114: 349-367.
  • Buyurgan, Ö., Altındağ, A., Kaya, M. (2010) Zooplankton community structure of Asartepe Dam Lake (Ankara, Turkey). Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sc. 10: 135-138.
  • Castro, B. B., Antunes, S. C., Pereira, R., Soares, A. M. V. M., Goncalves, F. (2005) Rotifer community structure in three shallow lakes: seasonal fluctuations and explanatory factors. Hydrobiologia 543: 221-232.
  • Deksne, R., Škute, A., Meinerte, A. (2011) Seasonal changes in zooplankton community of the Daugava River. Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 11 (1): 61-75.
  • DSI (General Directorate of the State Water) (1992) General directorate of the state water, Investigation of pollution aspects of Sakarya–Seyhan Basins and report of determination of quality classes of this basins, 5, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Dussart, B. (1967) Les Copépodes Des Eaux Continentales D’Europe
  • Occidentale, Tome I Calanoides et Harpacticoides, Ed: N.Boubée and Cie 3, Place Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6º. Dussart, B. (1969) Les Copépodes Des Eaux Continentales D’Europe
  • Occidentale, Tome II Cyclopoides et Biologie, Ed: N. Boubée and Cie 3, Place Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6º. Gannon, J. E., Stemberger, R. S. (1978) Zooplankton (especially crustaceans and rotifers) as indicators of water quality. Transactions of the American
  • Microscopical Society 97 (1): 16-35. Gillooly, J. F. (2000) Effect of body size and temperature on generation time in zooplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 22 (2): 241-251.
  • Güher, H. (2003) Zooplanktonic organisms community structure of Mert, Erikli,
  • Haman and Pedina Lakes (İğneada/Kırklareli). Ege University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 20 (1-2): 51-62 (in Turkish). Heisey, D., Porter, K. (1977) The effect of ambient oxygen concentration on filtering and respiration rates of Daphnia galeata mendotae and Daphnia magna. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22: 839-845.
  • Herzig, A. (1987) The analysis of planktonic rotifer population: a plea for long- term investigations. Hydrobiologia 147: 163-180.
  • Hynes, H. B. N. (1970) The Ecology of Running Waters. Liverpool University Press, 555 pp.
  • Kolisko, W. R. (1974) Planktonic Rotifers Biology and Taxonomy Biological
  • Station. Lunz of The Austrian Academy of Science, Stuttgart, 974 pp. Koste, W. (1978) Rotatoria Die Raedertier Mitteleuropas Ein Bestimmungwerk
  • Begründet von Max Voigt Überordnung Monogononta, Gebraider Borntraeger Berlin Stuttgart. Lawrence, D., Valiela, I., Tomasky, G. (2004) Estuarine calanoid copepod abundance in relation to season, salinity, and land-derived nitrogen loading,
  • Waquoit Bay, MA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 61: 547-557. Margaritora, F. (1983) Cladoceri (Crustacea: Cladocera), Consiglio Nazionale
  • Delle Ricerche, Guide Per IL Riconoscimento Delle Specie Animali Delle Acque Interne Italiane, Italy. Marneffe, Y., Descy, J. P., Thomé, J. P. (1996) The zooplankton of the lower river Meuse, Belgium: seasonal changes and impact of industrial and municipal discharges. Hydrobiologia 319: 1-13.
  • Mikshi, E. (1989) Rotifer distributions in relation to temparature and oxygen content. Hydrobiologia 186/187: 209-214.
  • Murtaugh, P. A. (1985) Vertical distribution of zooplankton and population dynamics of Daphnia in ameromictic lake. Hydrobiologia 123: 47-57.
  • Özbay, H., Altındağ, A. (2009) Zooplankton abundance in the River Kars,
  • Northeast Turkey: Impact of environmental variables. African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (21): 5814-5818.
  • Pace, M. L., Findlay, S. E. G., Lints, D. (1991) Zooplankton in advective environments: The Hudson river community and a comparative analysis.
  • Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49: 1060-1069.
  • Park, G. S., Marshall, H. G. (2000) The trophic contributions of rotifers in tidal freshwater and estuarine habitats. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 51: 729- 7
  • Parsons, T. R., Maita, Y., Lalli, C. M. (1984) A Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for Seawater Analysis. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK.
  • Pontin, M. R. (1978) A Key to the Freshwater Planktonic and Semi-Planktonic
  • Rotifera of the British Isles. Freshwater Biological Association Scientific Publication, No: 38. Renner, E. (1970) Mathemetisch-statistische Methoden in der prektischen
  • Anwendung, Paul Parey Verlag, Berlin-Hamburg. Richardson, W. B. (1992) Microcrustacea in flowing water: experimental analysis of washout times and a field test. Freshwater Biology 28: 217-230.
  • Saltabaş, L., Şaşal, M., Işık, S., Doğan, E. (2003) Examination of the current changes in the Lower Sakarya River. Sakarya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri
  • Enstitüsü Dergisi 7 (2): 9-15 (in Turkish). Saunders, J. F., Lewis, W. M. (1988a) Zooplankton abundance in the Caura river, Venezuela. Biotropica 20: 206-214.
  • Saunders, J. F., Lewis, W. M. (1988b) Zooplankton abundance and transport in a tropical white-water river. Hydrobiologia 162: 147-155.
  • Sharma, S., Siddique, A., Singh, K., Chouhan, M., Vyas, A., Solnki, C. M., Sharma, D., Nair, S., Sengupta, T. (2010) Population dynamics and seasonal abundance of zooplankton community in Narmada River (India). Researcher 2 (9): 1-9.
  • Sláděcek, V. (1983) Rotifers as indicators of water quality. Hydrobiologia 100 (1): 169-201.
  • Tellioğlu, A., Şen, D. (2002) A taxonomical study on the rotifer fauna of Hazar
  • Lake (Elazığ). Ege University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 19: 205-207 (in Turkish). ter Braak, C. J. F., Smilauer, P. (2002) CANOCO Software for Canonical
  • Comunity Ordination (Version 4.5). Biometris, Wageningen and Ceske Budejovice. Ustaoğlu, M. R. (2004) A check-list for zooplankton of Turkish inland waters.
  • Ege University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 21 (3-4): 191-199. van Dijk, G. M., van Zanten, B. (1995) Seasonal changes in zooplankton abundance in the lower Rhine during 1987- 1991. Hydrobiologia 304: 29-38.
  • Vranovsky, M. (1995) The effect of current velocity upon the biomass of zooplankton in the river Danube side arms. Biologia Bratislava 50: 461-464.
  • Williams, W. D. (1998) Salinity as a determinant of the structure of biological communities in salt lakes. Hydrobiologia 381: 191-201.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Zeynep Dorak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Dorak, Z. . (2013). Zooplankton abundance in the lower Sakarya River Basin (Turkey): Impact of environmental variables. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, 19(1), 1-22.
AMA Dorak Z. Zooplankton abundance in the lower Sakarya River Basin (Turkey): Impact of environmental variables. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. Nisan 2013;19(1):1-22.
Chicago Dorak, Zeynep. “Zooplankton Abundance in the Lower Sakarya River Basin (Turkey): Impact of Environmental Variables”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 19, sy. 1 (Nisan 2013): 1-22.
EndNote Dorak Z (01 Nisan 2013) Zooplankton abundance in the lower Sakarya River Basin (Turkey): Impact of environmental variables. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 19 1 1–22.
IEEE Z. . Dorak, “Zooplankton abundance in the lower Sakarya River Basin (Turkey): Impact of environmental variables”, Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, c. 19, sy. 1, ss. 1–22, 2013.
ISNAD Dorak, Zeynep. “Zooplankton Abundance in the Lower Sakarya River Basin (Turkey): Impact of Environmental Variables”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 19/1 (Nisan 2013), 1-22.
JAMA Dorak Z. Zooplankton abundance in the lower Sakarya River Basin (Turkey): Impact of environmental variables. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. 2013;19:1–22.
MLA Dorak, Zeynep. “Zooplankton Abundance in the Lower Sakarya River Basin (Turkey): Impact of Environmental Variables”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, c. 19, sy. 1, 2013, ss. 1-22.
Vancouver Dorak Z. Zooplankton abundance in the lower Sakarya River Basin (Turkey): Impact of environmental variables. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. 2013;19(1):1-22.