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Epikardiyal yağ doku ve atriyal fibrilasyon arasındaki ilişki

Yıl 2012, , 13 - 17, 01.03.2012


Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı ekokardiyografi ile ölçülen epikardiyal yağ doku (EYD) kalınlığı ile atriyal fibrilasyon (AF) ilişkisini araştırmaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışma grubu ayrıntılı ekokardiyografi yapılan 58 AF hastası ve 22 kontrol hastasından oluşmaktadır. EYD kalınlığı parasternal uzun eksen görüntüsünden elde edilen sağ ventrikül serbest duvarından ölçüldü. EYD ile AF arasındaki ilişki, AF için yapısal kalp hastalığı ve çoklu risk faktörlerinin düzenlenmesi ile incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında EYD AF hastalarda belirgin olarak kalındır (6.5 ± 1.2 mm vs 5.8 ± 1.0 mm, p=0.01). Farklı AF tiplerinin alt grup analizinde, EYD permanent AF hastalarında paroksismal ve persistant AF hastalarından daha kalın saptanmıştır (sırasıyla 6.8 ± 0.9 mm vs 6,0 ± 1.2 mm and 5.8±1.2). Ayrıca, EYD kalınlığı sinüs ritmi, paroksismal ve persistent AF da benzer bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Ekokardiyografi ile ölçülen epikardiyal yağ doku kalınlığı atriyal fibrilasyonun süresi ile ilişkilidir.


  • Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, et al. Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: the Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J 2010; 31 (19) :2369-429.
  • Kenchaiah S, Evans JC, Levy D, et al. Obesity and the risk of heart failure. N Engl J Med 2002; 347 (5):305- 13.
  • Nicolaou VN, Papadakis JE, Karatzis EN, et al. Impact of the metabolic syndrome on atrial size in patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation. Angiology 2007; 58 (1):21-5.
  • Morricone L, Malavazos AE, Coman C, et al. Echocar- diographic abnormalities in normotensive obese pa- tients: relationship with visceral fat. Obes Res 2002; 10:489-98.
  • Kopelman PG. Obesity as a medical problem. Nature 2000; 404 (6778):635-43.
  • Kim YM, Guzik TJ, Zhang YH, et al. A myocardial Nox2 containing NAD(P)H oxidase contributes to oxidative stress in human atrial fibrillation. Circ Res 2005; 97 (7):629-36.
  • Mihm MJ, Yu F, Carnes CA, et al. Impaired myofibril- lar energetics and oxidative injury during human atrial fibrillation. Circulation 2001; 104(2):174-80.
  • Chung MK, Martin DO, Sprecher D, et al. C-reactive protein elevation in patients with atrial arrhythmias: inflammatory mechanisms and persistence of atrial fibrillation. Circulation 2001; 104 (24):2886-91.
  • Kim YH, Lim DS, Lee JH, et al. Gene expression profil- ing of oxidative stress on atrial fibrillation in humans. Exp Mol Med 2003; 35(5):336-49.
  • Ford ES, Mokdad AH, Giles WH, et al. The metabolic syndrome and antioxidant concentrations: findings from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examina- tion Survey. Diabetes 2003; 52 (9):2346-52.
  • Ridker PM, Buring JE, Cook NR, et al. C-reactive protein, the metabolic syndrome, and risk of incident cardiovascular events: an 8-year follow-up of 14 719 initially healthy American women. Circulation 2003; 107 (3):391-7.
  • Boos CJ, Lip GY. The role of inflammation in atrial fibrillation. Int J Clin Pract 2005; 59:870-2.
  • Engelmann MD, Svendsen JH. Inflammation in the genesis and perpetuation of atrial fibrillation. Eur Heart J 2005; 26:2083-92.
  • Boos CJ, Anderson RA, Lip GY. Is atrial fibrillation an inflammatory disorder? Eur Heart J 2006; 27 (20):136- 49.
  • Liu T, Li L, Korantzopoulos P, et al. Meta-analysis of association between C-reactive protein and immedi- ate success of electrical cardioversion in persistent atrial fibrillation. Am J Cardiol 2008; 101(12):1749-52.
  • Mazurek T, Zhang L, Zalewski A, et al. Human epicar- dial adipose tissue is a source of inflammatory media- tors. Circulation 2003; 108 (20):2460-6.
  • Lin YK, Chen YJ, Chen SA. Potential atrial arrhythmo- genicity of adipocytes: implications for the genesis of atrial fibrillation. Med Hypotheses 2010; 74 (6):1026- 9.
  • Al Chekakie MO, Welles CC, Metoyer R, et al. Pericar- dial fat is independently associated with human atrial fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 56 (10):784-8.
  • Iacobellis G, Assael F, Ribaudo MC, et al. Epicardial fat from echocardiography: a new method for visceral adipose tissue prediction. Obes Res 2003; 11 (2):304- 10.
  • Liuba I, Ahlmroth H, Jonasson L, et al. Source of in- flammatory markers in patients with atrial fibrillation. Europace 2008; 10 (7):848-53.
  • Korantzopoulos P, Kolettis TM, Galaris D, et al. The role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and per- petuation of atrial fibrillation. Int J Cardiol 2007; 115 (2):135-43.
  • Gualillo O, Gonzalez-Juanatey JR, Lago F. The emerging role of adipokines as mediators of cardio- vascular function: physiologic and clinical perspec- tives. Trends Cardiovasc Med 2007; 17 (8):275-83.
  • Lau DC, Dhillon B, Yan H, et al. Adipokines: molecu- lar links between obesity and atheroslcerosis. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2005; 288 (5):H2031-41.
  • Fontana L, Eagon JC, Trujillo ME, et al. Visceral fat adipokine secretion is associated with systemic in- flammation in obese humans. Diabetes 2007; 56 (4):1010-3.
  • Lago F, Dieguez C, Gomez-Reino J, et al. The emerg- ing role of adipokines as mediators of inflammation and immune responses. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 2007; 18 (3):313-25.
  • Bastelica D, Morange P, Berthet B, et al. Stromal cells are the main plasminogen activator inhibitor-1-pro- ducing cells in human fat: evidence of differences between visceral and subcutaneous deposits. Arterio- scler Thromb Vasc Biol 2002; 22 (1):173-8.
  • Karlsson C, Lindell K, Ottosson M, et al. Human adi- pose tissue expresses angiotensinogen and enzymes required for its conversion to angiotensin II. J Clin En- docrinol Metab 1998; 83 (11):3925-9.
  • Fukuhara A, Matsuda M, Nishizawa M, et al. Visfatin: a protein secreted by visceral fat that mimics the ef- fects of insulin. Science 2005; 307 (1):426-30.
  • Daviaud D, Boucher J, Gesta S, et al. TNFalpha up- regulates apelin expression in human and mouse adi- pose tissue. FASEB J 2006; 20 (9):1528-30.
  • Yang RZ, Lee MJ, Hu H, et al. Identification of omentin as a novel depot-specific adipokine in human adipose tissue: possible role in modulating insulin action. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006; 290 (6):E1253-61.
  • Bozaoglu K, Bolton K, McMillan J, et al. Chemerin is a novel adipokine associated with obesity and metabol- ic syndrome. Endocrinology 2007; 148 (10):4687-94.
  • Fain JN, Madan AK, Hiler ML, et al. Comparison of the release of adipokines by adipose tissue, adipose tis- sue matrix, and adipocytes from visceral and subcu- taneous abdominal adipose tissues of obese humans. Endocrinology 2004; 145 (5):2273-82.
  • Iacobellis G, Ribaudo MC, Assael F, et al. Echocardio- graphic epicardial adipose tissue is related to anthro- pometric and clinical parameters of metabolic syn- drome: a new indicator of cardiovascular risk. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003; 88 (11):5163-8.
  • Iacobellis G, Leonetti F. Epicardial adipose tissue and insulin resistance in obese subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005; 90 (11):6300-2.
  • Iacobellis G, Willens HJ. Echocardiographic epicar- dial fat: a review of research and clinical applications. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2009; 22 (12):1311-9.
  • Fox CS, Gona P, Hoffmann U, et al. Pericardial fat, intrathoracic fat, and measures of left ventricular structure and function: the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2009; 119 (12):1586-91.

Relation between epicardial fat tissue and atrial fibrillation

Yıl 2012, , 13 - 17, 01.03.2012


Objectives: The objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship of epicardial fat thickness (EFT) assessed by echocardiography with atrial fibrillation (AF) in a clinical setting. Materials and methods: The study consisted of 58 AF patients who underwent echocardiography and a control group of 22 participants. The EFT thickness was measured on the free wall of the right ventricle from the parasternal long-axis view. The association between EFT and AF was studied by adjusting the risk factors for AF, including structural valvular diseases and multiple risk factors. Results: EFT was significantly increased in patients with AF as compared to participants in the control group (6.5 ± 1.2 mm vs. 5.8 ± 1.0 mm, p=0.01). In subgroup analysis of different types of AF, EFT was significantly increased in permanent AF in relation to paroxysmal and persistent AF (6.8 ± 0.9 mm vs. 6,0 ± 1.2 mm and 5.8±1.2 respectively). In addition, EFT measurements were comparable between sinus rhythm, paroxysmal and persistent AF. Conclusions: Epicardial fat thickness measured by echocardiography seems to be associated with the chronicity of AF.


  • Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, et al. Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: the Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J 2010; 31 (19) :2369-429.
  • Kenchaiah S, Evans JC, Levy D, et al. Obesity and the risk of heart failure. N Engl J Med 2002; 347 (5):305- 13.
  • Nicolaou VN, Papadakis JE, Karatzis EN, et al. Impact of the metabolic syndrome on atrial size in patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation. Angiology 2007; 58 (1):21-5.
  • Morricone L, Malavazos AE, Coman C, et al. Echocar- diographic abnormalities in normotensive obese pa- tients: relationship with visceral fat. Obes Res 2002; 10:489-98.
  • Kopelman PG. Obesity as a medical problem. Nature 2000; 404 (6778):635-43.
  • Kim YM, Guzik TJ, Zhang YH, et al. A myocardial Nox2 containing NAD(P)H oxidase contributes to oxidative stress in human atrial fibrillation. Circ Res 2005; 97 (7):629-36.
  • Mihm MJ, Yu F, Carnes CA, et al. Impaired myofibril- lar energetics and oxidative injury during human atrial fibrillation. Circulation 2001; 104(2):174-80.
  • Chung MK, Martin DO, Sprecher D, et al. C-reactive protein elevation in patients with atrial arrhythmias: inflammatory mechanisms and persistence of atrial fibrillation. Circulation 2001; 104 (24):2886-91.
  • Kim YH, Lim DS, Lee JH, et al. Gene expression profil- ing of oxidative stress on atrial fibrillation in humans. Exp Mol Med 2003; 35(5):336-49.
  • Ford ES, Mokdad AH, Giles WH, et al. The metabolic syndrome and antioxidant concentrations: findings from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examina- tion Survey. Diabetes 2003; 52 (9):2346-52.
  • Ridker PM, Buring JE, Cook NR, et al. C-reactive protein, the metabolic syndrome, and risk of incident cardiovascular events: an 8-year follow-up of 14 719 initially healthy American women. Circulation 2003; 107 (3):391-7.
  • Boos CJ, Lip GY. The role of inflammation in atrial fibrillation. Int J Clin Pract 2005; 59:870-2.
  • Engelmann MD, Svendsen JH. Inflammation in the genesis and perpetuation of atrial fibrillation. Eur Heart J 2005; 26:2083-92.
  • Boos CJ, Anderson RA, Lip GY. Is atrial fibrillation an inflammatory disorder? Eur Heart J 2006; 27 (20):136- 49.
  • Liu T, Li L, Korantzopoulos P, et al. Meta-analysis of association between C-reactive protein and immedi- ate success of electrical cardioversion in persistent atrial fibrillation. Am J Cardiol 2008; 101(12):1749-52.
  • Mazurek T, Zhang L, Zalewski A, et al. Human epicar- dial adipose tissue is a source of inflammatory media- tors. Circulation 2003; 108 (20):2460-6.
  • Lin YK, Chen YJ, Chen SA. Potential atrial arrhythmo- genicity of adipocytes: implications for the genesis of atrial fibrillation. Med Hypotheses 2010; 74 (6):1026- 9.
  • Al Chekakie MO, Welles CC, Metoyer R, et al. Pericar- dial fat is independently associated with human atrial fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 56 (10):784-8.
  • Iacobellis G, Assael F, Ribaudo MC, et al. Epicardial fat from echocardiography: a new method for visceral adipose tissue prediction. Obes Res 2003; 11 (2):304- 10.
  • Liuba I, Ahlmroth H, Jonasson L, et al. Source of in- flammatory markers in patients with atrial fibrillation. Europace 2008; 10 (7):848-53.
  • Korantzopoulos P, Kolettis TM, Galaris D, et al. The role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and per- petuation of atrial fibrillation. Int J Cardiol 2007; 115 (2):135-43.
  • Gualillo O, Gonzalez-Juanatey JR, Lago F. The emerging role of adipokines as mediators of cardio- vascular function: physiologic and clinical perspec- tives. Trends Cardiovasc Med 2007; 17 (8):275-83.
  • Lau DC, Dhillon B, Yan H, et al. Adipokines: molecu- lar links between obesity and atheroslcerosis. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2005; 288 (5):H2031-41.
  • Fontana L, Eagon JC, Trujillo ME, et al. Visceral fat adipokine secretion is associated with systemic in- flammation in obese humans. Diabetes 2007; 56 (4):1010-3.
  • Lago F, Dieguez C, Gomez-Reino J, et al. The emerg- ing role of adipokines as mediators of inflammation and immune responses. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 2007; 18 (3):313-25.
  • Bastelica D, Morange P, Berthet B, et al. Stromal cells are the main plasminogen activator inhibitor-1-pro- ducing cells in human fat: evidence of differences between visceral and subcutaneous deposits. Arterio- scler Thromb Vasc Biol 2002; 22 (1):173-8.
  • Karlsson C, Lindell K, Ottosson M, et al. Human adi- pose tissue expresses angiotensinogen and enzymes required for its conversion to angiotensin II. J Clin En- docrinol Metab 1998; 83 (11):3925-9.
  • Fukuhara A, Matsuda M, Nishizawa M, et al. Visfatin: a protein secreted by visceral fat that mimics the ef- fects of insulin. Science 2005; 307 (1):426-30.
  • Daviaud D, Boucher J, Gesta S, et al. TNFalpha up- regulates apelin expression in human and mouse adi- pose tissue. FASEB J 2006; 20 (9):1528-30.
  • Yang RZ, Lee MJ, Hu H, et al. Identification of omentin as a novel depot-specific adipokine in human adipose tissue: possible role in modulating insulin action. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006; 290 (6):E1253-61.
  • Bozaoglu K, Bolton K, McMillan J, et al. Chemerin is a novel adipokine associated with obesity and metabol- ic syndrome. Endocrinology 2007; 148 (10):4687-94.
  • Fain JN, Madan AK, Hiler ML, et al. Comparison of the release of adipokines by adipose tissue, adipose tis- sue matrix, and adipocytes from visceral and subcu- taneous abdominal adipose tissues of obese humans. Endocrinology 2004; 145 (5):2273-82.
  • Iacobellis G, Ribaudo MC, Assael F, et al. Echocardio- graphic epicardial adipose tissue is related to anthro- pometric and clinical parameters of metabolic syn- drome: a new indicator of cardiovascular risk. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003; 88 (11):5163-8.
  • Iacobellis G, Leonetti F. Epicardial adipose tissue and insulin resistance in obese subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005; 90 (11):6300-2.
  • Iacobellis G, Willens HJ. Echocardiographic epicar- dial fat: a review of research and clinical applications. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2009; 22 (12):1311-9.
  • Fox CS, Gona P, Hoffmann U, et al. Pericardial fat, intrathoracic fat, and measures of left ventricular structure and function: the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2009; 119 (12):1586-91.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Yazısı

Mustafa Kurt Bu kişi benim

İbrahim Halil Tanboğa Bu kişi benim

Enbiya Aksakal Bu kişi benim

Süleyman Karakoyun Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012

Kaynak Göster

APA Kurt, M., Tanboğa, İ. H., Aksakal, E., Karakoyun, S. (2012). Epikardiyal yağ doku ve atriyal fibrilasyon arasındaki ilişki. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 3(1), 13-17.
AMA Kurt M, Tanboğa İH, Aksakal E, Karakoyun S. Epikardiyal yağ doku ve atriyal fibrilasyon arasındaki ilişki. J Clin Exp Invest. Mart 2012;3(1):13-17. doi:10.5799/ahinjs.01.2012.01.0103
Chicago Kurt, Mustafa, İbrahim Halil Tanboğa, Enbiya Aksakal, ve Süleyman Karakoyun. “Epikardiyal Yağ Doku Ve Atriyal Fibrilasyon arasındaki ilişki”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 3, sy. 1 (Mart 2012): 13-17.
EndNote Kurt M, Tanboğa İH, Aksakal E, Karakoyun S (01 Mart 2012) Epikardiyal yağ doku ve atriyal fibrilasyon arasındaki ilişki. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 3 1 13–17.
IEEE M. Kurt, İ. H. Tanboğa, E. Aksakal, ve S. Karakoyun, “Epikardiyal yağ doku ve atriyal fibrilasyon arasındaki ilişki”, J Clin Exp Invest, c. 3, sy. 1, ss. 13–17, 2012, doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.01.2012.01.0103.
ISNAD Kurt, Mustafa vd. “Epikardiyal Yağ Doku Ve Atriyal Fibrilasyon arasındaki ilişki”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 3/1 (Mart 2012), 13-17.
JAMA Kurt M, Tanboğa İH, Aksakal E, Karakoyun S. Epikardiyal yağ doku ve atriyal fibrilasyon arasındaki ilişki. J Clin Exp Invest. 2012;3:13–17.
MLA Kurt, Mustafa vd. “Epikardiyal Yağ Doku Ve Atriyal Fibrilasyon arasındaki ilişki”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, c. 3, sy. 1, 2012, ss. 13-17, doi:10.5799/ahinjs.01.2012.01.0103.
Vancouver Kurt M, Tanboğa İH, Aksakal E, Karakoyun S. Epikardiyal yağ doku ve atriyal fibrilasyon arasındaki ilişki. J Clin Exp Invest. 2012;3(1):13-7.