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Effect of imaging time on post stress left ventricular ejection fraction and volume measures by gated myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography

Yıl 2010, , 177 - 181, 01.09.2010


Objectives: Post-stress left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and LV volumes have incremental value in predicting cardiac death (CD) in patients with coronary artery disease. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of imaging time after exercise on post-stress LVEF, end-diastolic volume (EDV) and end-systolic volume (ESV) calculated by cardiac quantification software program called Quantitative Gated SPECT (QGS-Cedars-Sinai). Materials and methods: This study was consisted of 36 patient referred to Nuclear Medicine Department from Cardiology Clinics because of chest pain in ‘Elazig Research and Training Hospital\' in 2008-2009. In all patients, ECG Gated (8-bin frame mode) myocardial perfusion SPECT scintigraphy was performed 20 and 40 min later following 99mTc-Mibi injection during exercise. By means of the cardiac quantification software program called Quantitative Gated SPECT (QGS-Cedars-Sinai); LVEF, EDV and ESV were calculated. LVEF, EDV and ESV values obtained from initial and second acquisition were compared statistically. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between post-stress LVEF, EDV and ESV measures of initial and second acquisition (p>0.05). Conclusion: Left ventricular functional parameters after exercise are important for assess prognosis in patients with CAD. Post-stress LVEF, EDV and ESV measured on gated myocardial perfusion SPECT images within 20-40 min after completion of exercise give reproducible information.


  • Tout DA, Rogers A, Van Aswegen A, Underwood SR. Left ventricular function parameters obtained from gated myo- cardial perfusion SPECT imaging: a comparison of two data processing systems. Nucl Med Commun 2005;26:103-7.
  • Lavender FM, Meades RT, Al-Nahhas A, Nijran KS. Factors affecting the measurement of left ventricular ejection frac- tion in myocardial perfusion imaging. Nucl Med Commun 2009;30:350-5.
  • Ioannidis JPA, Trikalinos TA, Danias PG. Electrocardiogram- gated single-photon emission computed tomography versus cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of left Ventricular volumes and ejection fraction. JACC 2002;39:2059–68.
  • Faber TL, Vansant JP, Pettigrew RI, et al. Evaluation of left ventricular endocardial volumes and ejection frac- tions computed from gated perfusion SPECT with mag- netic imaging: comparison of two methods. J Nucl Cardiol 2001;8:645–51.
  • Vaduganathan P, He Z-X, Vick GW, Manmarian JJ, Verani MS. Evaluation of left ventricular wall motion, volumes, and ejection fraction by gated myocardial tomography with technetium 99mlabeled tetrofosmin: a comparison with cine magnetic resonance imaging. J Nucl Cardiol 1998;6:3–10.
  • Sharir T, Germano G, Kavanagh PB, et al. Incremental prognostic value of post-stress left ventricular ejection fraction and volume by gated myocardial perfusion sin- gle photon emission computed tomography. Circulation 1999;100:1035-42.
  • Hachamovitch R, Berman DS, Shaw LJ, et al. Incremental prognostic value of myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography for the prediction of car- diac death. Ciculation 1998;97:535–543.
  • Usui Y, Chikamori T, Nakajima K, Hida S, Yamashina A, Nishimura T. Prognostic value of post-ischemic stunning as assessed by gated myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography: a subanalysis of the J- ACCESS study. Circ J 2010;74:1591-9.
  • EANM/ESC procedural guidelines for myocardial perfusion imaging in nuclear cardiology (2005).
  • SNM procedure guideline for myocardial perfusion imag- ing 3.3 (2008).
  • Lynne LJ, Facc SA, Verdesca WY, et al. Postischemic Stun- ning Can Affect Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction and Re- gional Wall Motion on Post-Stress Gated Sestamibi Tomo- grams. J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;30:1641–8.
  • Sharir T, Germano G, Kang X, et al. Prediction of myo- cardial infarction versus cardiac death by gated myocar- dial perfusion SPECT: risk stratification by the amount of stress-induced ischemia and the poststress ejection fraction. J Nucl Med 2001;42:831–837.
  • Denollet J, Brutsaert DL. Personality, disease severity, and the risk of long-term cardiac events in patients with a de- creased ejection fraction after myocardial infarction. Circu- lation 1998;97:167-173.
  • Ababneh AA, Sciacca RR, Kim B, Bergmann SR. Normal limits for left ventricular ejection fraction and volumes esti- mated with gated myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with normal exercise test results: Influence of tracer, gen- der, and acquisition camera. J Nucl Cardiol 2000;7:661-8.
  • Borges-Neto S, Javaid A, Shaw LK, et al. Poststress mea- surements of left ventricular function with gated perfu- sion SPECT: comparison with resting measurements by using a same-day perfusion-function protocol. Radiology 2000;215:529-33.
  • Rozanski A, Elkayam U, Berman DS, Diamond GA, Prause J, Swan HJC. Improvement of resting myocardial asyner- gy with cessation of upright bicycle exercise. Circulation 1983;67:529 –35.
  • Nixon JV, Brown CN, Smitherman TC. Identification of transient and persistent segmental wall motion abnormali- ties in patients with unstable angina by two-dimensional echocardiography. Circulation 1982;65:1497–503.
  • Rozanski A, Berman D, Gray R, et al. Preoperative predic- tion of reversible myocardial asynergy by postexercise ra- dionuclide ventriculography. N Engl J Med 1982;307:212– 6.
  • Ambrosio G, Betocchi S, Pace L, et al. Prolonged impair- ment of regional contractile function after resolution of exercise-induced angina: evidence of myocardial stun- ning in patients with coronary artery disease. Circulation 1996;94:2455– 63.
  • Robertson S, Feigenbaum H, Armstong WF, Dillon JC, O’Donnell J, McHenry PW. Exercise echocardiography: a clinically practical addition in the evaluation of coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 1983;2:1085–91.
  • Katz A, Force T, Folland E, Aebischer N, Sharma S, Parisi A. Echocardiographic assessment of ventricular systolic function. In: Marcus ML and Braunwald E, editors. Marcus Cardiac Imaging: a Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Dis- ease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1996:297–324.

Görüntüleme zamanının gated miyokard perfüzyon tek foton emisyon bilgisayarlı tomografisi ile ölçülen sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu ve hacimleri üzerine etkisi

Yıl 2010, , 177 - 181, 01.09.2010


Amaç: Efor sonrası sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu (LVEF) ve sol ventrikül volüm değerlerinin koroner arter hastalığı bulunan hastalardaki kardiyak ölüm tahmininde katkısı vardır. Bu çalışmada, efor sonrası görüntüleme zamanının Quantitative Gated SPECT (QGS-Cedars-Sinai) programı ile hesaplanan efor sonrası LVEF, end-diastolik volüm (EDV) ve end-sistolik volüm (ESV) üzerine etkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. Hastalar ve yöntem: Bu çalışma 2008 ve 2009 yıllarında Elazığ Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Nükleer Tıp Birimine göğüs ağrısı nedeniyle Kardiyoloji Kliniğinden gönderilen 36 hasta üzerinde yapıldı. Tüm hastalara efor esnasında yapılan 99mTc-Mibi enjeksiyonunu takiben 20. ve 40. dakikalarda EKG-gated (8-bin frame modunda) miyokard perfüzyon SPECT sintigrafisi uygulandı. Kardiyak kantifikasyon yazılımı olan QGS programı kullanılarak LVEF, EDV ve ESV hesaplandı. İlk ve ikinci görüntülemelerden elde edilen LVEF, EDV ve ESV değerleri istatistiksel olarak birbirleri ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: İlk ve ikinci görüntülemelerden elde edilen LVEF, EDV ve ESV değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık bulunmadı (p>0.05). Sonuç: Efor sonrası sol ventrikül fonksiyon parametreleri koroner arter hastalığı bulunan hastalardaki prognoz değerlendirmesinde önemlidir. Efor bitiminden 20-40 dakika sonra yapılan miyokard perfüzyon SPECT sintigrafisi efor sonrası LVEF, EDV ve ESV değerleri açısından tekrarlanabilir değerler vermektedir.


  • Tout DA, Rogers A, Van Aswegen A, Underwood SR. Left ventricular function parameters obtained from gated myo- cardial perfusion SPECT imaging: a comparison of two data processing systems. Nucl Med Commun 2005;26:103-7.
  • Lavender FM, Meades RT, Al-Nahhas A, Nijran KS. Factors affecting the measurement of left ventricular ejection frac- tion in myocardial perfusion imaging. Nucl Med Commun 2009;30:350-5.
  • Ioannidis JPA, Trikalinos TA, Danias PG. Electrocardiogram- gated single-photon emission computed tomography versus cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of left Ventricular volumes and ejection fraction. JACC 2002;39:2059–68.
  • Faber TL, Vansant JP, Pettigrew RI, et al. Evaluation of left ventricular endocardial volumes and ejection frac- tions computed from gated perfusion SPECT with mag- netic imaging: comparison of two methods. J Nucl Cardiol 2001;8:645–51.
  • Vaduganathan P, He Z-X, Vick GW, Manmarian JJ, Verani MS. Evaluation of left ventricular wall motion, volumes, and ejection fraction by gated myocardial tomography with technetium 99mlabeled tetrofosmin: a comparison with cine magnetic resonance imaging. J Nucl Cardiol 1998;6:3–10.
  • Sharir T, Germano G, Kavanagh PB, et al. Incremental prognostic value of post-stress left ventricular ejection fraction and volume by gated myocardial perfusion sin- gle photon emission computed tomography. Circulation 1999;100:1035-42.
  • Hachamovitch R, Berman DS, Shaw LJ, et al. Incremental prognostic value of myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography for the prediction of car- diac death. Ciculation 1998;97:535–543.
  • Usui Y, Chikamori T, Nakajima K, Hida S, Yamashina A, Nishimura T. Prognostic value of post-ischemic stunning as assessed by gated myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography: a subanalysis of the J- ACCESS study. Circ J 2010;74:1591-9.
  • EANM/ESC procedural guidelines for myocardial perfusion imaging in nuclear cardiology (2005).
  • SNM procedure guideline for myocardial perfusion imag- ing 3.3 (2008).
  • Lynne LJ, Facc SA, Verdesca WY, et al. Postischemic Stun- ning Can Affect Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction and Re- gional Wall Motion on Post-Stress Gated Sestamibi Tomo- grams. J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;30:1641–8.
  • Sharir T, Germano G, Kang X, et al. Prediction of myo- cardial infarction versus cardiac death by gated myocar- dial perfusion SPECT: risk stratification by the amount of stress-induced ischemia and the poststress ejection fraction. J Nucl Med 2001;42:831–837.
  • Denollet J, Brutsaert DL. Personality, disease severity, and the risk of long-term cardiac events in patients with a de- creased ejection fraction after myocardial infarction. Circu- lation 1998;97:167-173.
  • Ababneh AA, Sciacca RR, Kim B, Bergmann SR. Normal limits for left ventricular ejection fraction and volumes esti- mated with gated myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with normal exercise test results: Influence of tracer, gen- der, and acquisition camera. J Nucl Cardiol 2000;7:661-8.
  • Borges-Neto S, Javaid A, Shaw LK, et al. Poststress mea- surements of left ventricular function with gated perfu- sion SPECT: comparison with resting measurements by using a same-day perfusion-function protocol. Radiology 2000;215:529-33.
  • Rozanski A, Elkayam U, Berman DS, Diamond GA, Prause J, Swan HJC. Improvement of resting myocardial asyner- gy with cessation of upright bicycle exercise. Circulation 1983;67:529 –35.
  • Nixon JV, Brown CN, Smitherman TC. Identification of transient and persistent segmental wall motion abnormali- ties in patients with unstable angina by two-dimensional echocardiography. Circulation 1982;65:1497–503.
  • Rozanski A, Berman D, Gray R, et al. Preoperative predic- tion of reversible myocardial asynergy by postexercise ra- dionuclide ventriculography. N Engl J Med 1982;307:212– 6.
  • Ambrosio G, Betocchi S, Pace L, et al. Prolonged impair- ment of regional contractile function after resolution of exercise-induced angina: evidence of myocardial stun- ning in patients with coronary artery disease. Circulation 1996;94:2455– 63.
  • Robertson S, Feigenbaum H, Armstong WF, Dillon JC, O’Donnell J, McHenry PW. Exercise echocardiography: a clinically practical addition in the evaluation of coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 1983;2:1085–91.
  • Katz A, Force T, Folland E, Aebischer N, Sharma S, Parisi A. Echocardiographic assessment of ventricular systolic function. In: Marcus ML and Braunwald E, editors. Marcus Cardiac Imaging: a Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Dis- ease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1996:297–324.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Yazısı

Zeki Dostbil Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Ali Elbey Bu kişi benim

Zuhal Arıtürk Bu kişi benim

Habib Çil Bu kişi benim

Ebru Tekbaş Bu kişi benim

Bekir Taşdemir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010

Kaynak Göster

APA Dostbil, Z., Elbey, M. A., Arıtürk, Z., Çil, H., vd. (2010). Görüntüleme zamanının gated miyokard perfüzyon tek foton emisyon bilgisayarlı tomografisi ile ölçülen sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu ve hacimleri üzerine etkisi. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 1(3), 177-181.
AMA Dostbil Z, Elbey MA, Arıtürk Z, Çil H, Tekbaş E, Taşdemir B. Görüntüleme zamanının gated miyokard perfüzyon tek foton emisyon bilgisayarlı tomografisi ile ölçülen sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu ve hacimleri üzerine etkisi. J Clin Exp Invest. Eylül 2010;1(3):177-181. doi:10.5799/ahinjs.01.2010.03.0037
Chicago Dostbil, Zeki, Mehmet Ali Elbey, Zuhal Arıtürk, Habib Çil, Ebru Tekbaş, ve Bekir Taşdemir. “Görüntüleme zamanının Gated Miyokard perfüzyon Tek Foton Emisyon Bilgisayarlı Tomografisi Ile ölçülen Sol ventrikül Ejeksiyon Fraksiyonu Ve Hacimleri üzerine Etkisi”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 1, sy. 3 (Eylül 2010): 177-81.
EndNote Dostbil Z, Elbey MA, Arıtürk Z, Çil H, Tekbaş E, Taşdemir B (01 Eylül 2010) Görüntüleme zamanının gated miyokard perfüzyon tek foton emisyon bilgisayarlı tomografisi ile ölçülen sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu ve hacimleri üzerine etkisi. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 1 3 177–181.
IEEE Z. Dostbil, M. A. Elbey, Z. Arıtürk, H. Çil, E. Tekbaş, ve B. Taşdemir, “Görüntüleme zamanının gated miyokard perfüzyon tek foton emisyon bilgisayarlı tomografisi ile ölçülen sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu ve hacimleri üzerine etkisi”, J Clin Exp Invest, c. 1, sy. 3, ss. 177–181, 2010, doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.01.2010.03.0037.
ISNAD Dostbil, Zeki vd. “Görüntüleme zamanının Gated Miyokard perfüzyon Tek Foton Emisyon Bilgisayarlı Tomografisi Ile ölçülen Sol ventrikül Ejeksiyon Fraksiyonu Ve Hacimleri üzerine Etkisi”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 1/3 (Eylül 2010), 177-181.
JAMA Dostbil Z, Elbey MA, Arıtürk Z, Çil H, Tekbaş E, Taşdemir B. Görüntüleme zamanının gated miyokard perfüzyon tek foton emisyon bilgisayarlı tomografisi ile ölçülen sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu ve hacimleri üzerine etkisi. J Clin Exp Invest. 2010;1:177–181.
MLA Dostbil, Zeki vd. “Görüntüleme zamanının Gated Miyokard perfüzyon Tek Foton Emisyon Bilgisayarlı Tomografisi Ile ölçülen Sol ventrikül Ejeksiyon Fraksiyonu Ve Hacimleri üzerine Etkisi”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, c. 1, sy. 3, 2010, ss. 177-81, doi:10.5799/ahinjs.01.2010.03.0037.
Vancouver Dostbil Z, Elbey MA, Arıtürk Z, Çil H, Tekbaş E, Taşdemir B. Görüntüleme zamanının gated miyokard perfüzyon tek foton emisyon bilgisayarlı tomografisi ile ölçülen sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu ve hacimleri üzerine etkisi. J Clin Exp Invest. 2010;1(3):177-81.