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Magnetic resonance imaging findings of sacroiliitis in patients with psoriasis

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 199 - 203, 01.06.2013


Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and characteristic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of sacroiliitis in patients with psoriasis disease. Methods: A total of 68 patients who diagnosed with pso­riasis in Dermatology department of our hospital between February-2012 and February-2013 were included to our study. All patients were underwent bilateral sacroiliac MR. MR study were performed with the sequences of the coro­nal T1 weighted turbo spin-echo, T2 weighted and STIR images using a 1,5-T MR device for all patients. Changes in the subchondral bone were classified according to MR signal features. Results: Of these patients, 37 (54.4 %) were male and 31 (45.6 %) were female. The mean age was 32.3±7.8 years, ranging from 16 to 60 years. Mean disease dura­tion was 12.4±8.6 years (2-24 years). While MR imag­ing findings were normal in 52 (76,5%) patients, signal changes consisted with sacroiliitis were observed in 16 (23.5%) patients. One or more MR lesion consisted with sacroiliitis were observed in a total of 22 sacroiliac joint of 16 patients. The signal abnormalities detected by MR imaging were as follows, Type-1 changes in 6 (27.3%) joints, Type-2 changes in 8 (36.4%) joints, Type-3 chang­es in 10 (45.5%) joints, erosions in 9 (40.9%) joints, nar­rowing the joints space in 6 (27.3%) joints and ankylosis in 5 (22.7%) joints. Conclusion: Sacroiliitis in psoriatic patients is an impor­tant clinical problem. MR imaging is a useful diagnostic modality in the diagnosis of psoriatic sacroiliitis which can demonstrate detailed anatomy of the sacroiliac joint and the changes of sacroiliitis without radiation exposure. J Clin Exp Invest 2013; 4 (2): 199-203


  • Gelfand JM, Gladman DD, Mease PJ, et al. Epidemiol- ogy of psoriatic arthritis in the population of the United States. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;53:573.
  • Shbeeb M, Uramoto KM, Gibson LE, et al. The epide- miology of psoriatic arthritis in Olmsted County, Min- nesota, USA, 1982-1991. J Rheumatol 2000;27:1247- 1250.
  • Tuncer S. Psoriatic Arthritis Türkiye Klinikleri J Int Med Sci 2005;1:32-38.
  • Camp RDR. Psoriasis. In: Champion RH, Burton JL, Burns DA, Breathnach SM, eds. Textbook of Derma- tology, Sixth edition. Oxford, Blackwell Science Publ., 1998:1589-1649.
  • Ahlström H, Felteius N, Nyman R, Hallgren R. Magnetic resonance imaging of sacroiliac joint inflammation. Ar- thritis Rheum 1990;33:1763-1769.
  • Muche B, Bollow M, Francois RJ, et al. Anatomic struc- tures involved in early- and late-stage sacroiliitis in spon-dylarthritis: a detailed analysis by contrast-en- hanced magnetic resonance imaging. Arthritis Rheum 2003;48:1374-1384.
  • Dougados M, Van der Linden S, Juhlin R, et al. The Eu- ropean Spondyloarthropathy Study Group preliminary criteria for the classification of spondyloarthropathy. Arthritis Rheum 1991;34:1218-1227.
  • Helliwell PS, Taylor WJ. Classification and diagnostic criteria for psoriatic arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2005, Suppl II:ii3-ii7.
  • Gladman DD. Psoriatic Arthritis. Rheum. Dis Clin North Am 1998;24:829-844.
  • Marsal S, Armadans-Gil L, Martinez M, et al. Clini- cal, radiographic and HLA assosiations as markers for different patterns of psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatology 1999;38:332-337.
  • Braun J, Bollow M, Seper J. Radiology and pathology of the spondyloarthropathies. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 1998;24:697-735.
  • Murphy MD, Wetzel LH, Brable JM, et al. Sacroiliitis: MR imaging findings. Radiology 1991;180:239-244.
  • Braun J, Bollow M, Seper J. Radiology and pathology of the spondyloarthropathies. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 1998;24:697-735.
  • Yu W, Feng F, Dion E, et al. Comparison of radiogra- phy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imag-ing in the detection of sacroiliitis accompanying ankylosing spondylitis. Skeletal Radiol 1998;27:311- 320.
  • Blum U, Buitrago-Tellez C, Mudinger A, et al. Mag- netic resonance imaging (MRI) for detection of active sacroiliitis: a prospective study comparing conven- tional radiography, sintigraphy and contrast-enhanced MRI. J Rheumatol 1996;23:2107-2115.
  • Battafarano DF, West SG, Rak KM, et al. Comparision of bone scan, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of active sacroili- itis. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1993;23:161-176.
  • Ahlström H, Felteius N, Nyman R, Hallgren R. Mag- netic resonance imaging of sacroiliac joint inflamma- tion. Arthritis Rheum 1990;33:1763-1769.
  • Docherty P, Mitchell MJ, MacMillan L, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of sacroiliitis. J Rheumatol 1992;19:393-401.
  • Wittram C, Whitehouse CH. Normal variation in the magnetic resonance imaging appearances of the sac- roiliac joints: pitfalls in the diagnosis of sacroiliitis. Clin Radiol 1995;50:371-376.
  • Ricci C, Cova M, Kang YS, et al. Normal age related patterns of cellular and fatty bone marrow distribution in the axial skeleton: MR imaging study. Radiology 1990;177:83-88.
  • Dawson KL, Moore SG, Rowland CM. Age related marrow changes in the pelvis: MR and anatomical findings. Radiology 1992;183:47-51.

Psöriazisli hastalarda sakroileitin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 199 - 203, 01.06.2013


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, psöriazisli hastalardaki
sakroileit sıklığını ve sakroileite ait karakteristik manyetik
rezonans (MR) görüntüleme bulgularını belirlemektir.
Yöntemler: Çalışmamıza hastanemiz Dermatoloji polikliniğinde,
Şubat 2012-Şubat 2013 tarihleri arasında klinik
ve histopatolojik olarak psöriazis tanısı konulan toplam 68
hasta dâhil edildi. Tüm hastalara bilateral sakroiliak MR
inceleme yapıldı. MR görüntüleme, 1,5 T sistemde, koronal
planda T1-ağırlıklı turbo spin-echo, T2-ağırlıklı ve
yağ-baskılı short tau inversion recovery (STIR) sekansları
ile uygulandı. Subkondral kemikteki değişiklikler MR sinyal
özelliklerine göre sınıflandırıldı.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya dâhil edilen hastaların 37’si (%54,4)
erkek, 31’i (% 45,6) kadın idi. Yaşları 16-60 yıl arasında
değişen hastaların yaş ortalaması 32,3±7,8 yıl olarak
bulundu. Hastaların ortalama hastalık süresi 12,4±8,6
yıl (dağılım 2-24 yıl) idi. Toplam 68 psöriazis hastasının
52’sinde (%76,5) sakroileit lehine herhangi bir bulgu saptanmazken,
16 hastada (%23,5) sakroileit ile uyumlu sinyal
değişiklikleri izlendi. Sakroileit saptanan 16 hastaya
ait toplam 22 sakroiliak eklemde bir ya da birden çok radyolojik
lezyonu saptadık. Manyetik rezonans incelemedeki
patolojik bulgulara göre sınıflandırıldığında 6 (%27,3)
eklemde Tip-1, 8 (%36,4) eklemde Tip-2, 10 (%45,5) eklemde
Tip-3 değişiklik bulguları, 9 (%40,9) eklemde erezyon,
6 (%27,3) eklemde eklem mesafesinde daralma ve 5
(%22,7) eklemde ankiloz bulguları izlendi.
Sonuç: Psöriazisli hastalarda sakroileit önemli bir problem
teşkil etmektedir. MR görüntüleme psöriazisli hastalardaki
sakroileit tanısında, sakroiliak eklem anatomisini
ve sakroileit lezyonlarını ayrıntılı olarak gösterebilen ve
radyasyon maruziyeti olmayan non-invaziv yararlı bir görüntüleme yöntemidir


  • Gelfand JM, Gladman DD, Mease PJ, et al. Epidemiol- ogy of psoriatic arthritis in the population of the United States. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;53:573.
  • Shbeeb M, Uramoto KM, Gibson LE, et al. The epide- miology of psoriatic arthritis in Olmsted County, Min- nesota, USA, 1982-1991. J Rheumatol 2000;27:1247- 1250.
  • Tuncer S. Psoriatic Arthritis Türkiye Klinikleri J Int Med Sci 2005;1:32-38.
  • Camp RDR. Psoriasis. In: Champion RH, Burton JL, Burns DA, Breathnach SM, eds. Textbook of Derma- tology, Sixth edition. Oxford, Blackwell Science Publ., 1998:1589-1649.
  • Ahlström H, Felteius N, Nyman R, Hallgren R. Magnetic resonance imaging of sacroiliac joint inflammation. Ar- thritis Rheum 1990;33:1763-1769.
  • Muche B, Bollow M, Francois RJ, et al. Anatomic struc- tures involved in early- and late-stage sacroiliitis in spon-dylarthritis: a detailed analysis by contrast-en- hanced magnetic resonance imaging. Arthritis Rheum 2003;48:1374-1384.
  • Dougados M, Van der Linden S, Juhlin R, et al. The Eu- ropean Spondyloarthropathy Study Group preliminary criteria for the classification of spondyloarthropathy. Arthritis Rheum 1991;34:1218-1227.
  • Helliwell PS, Taylor WJ. Classification and diagnostic criteria for psoriatic arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2005, Suppl II:ii3-ii7.
  • Gladman DD. Psoriatic Arthritis. Rheum. Dis Clin North Am 1998;24:829-844.
  • Marsal S, Armadans-Gil L, Martinez M, et al. Clini- cal, radiographic and HLA assosiations as markers for different patterns of psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatology 1999;38:332-337.
  • Braun J, Bollow M, Seper J. Radiology and pathology of the spondyloarthropathies. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 1998;24:697-735.
  • Murphy MD, Wetzel LH, Brable JM, et al. Sacroiliitis: MR imaging findings. Radiology 1991;180:239-244.
  • Braun J, Bollow M, Seper J. Radiology and pathology of the spondyloarthropathies. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 1998;24:697-735.
  • Yu W, Feng F, Dion E, et al. Comparison of radiogra- phy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imag-ing in the detection of sacroiliitis accompanying ankylosing spondylitis. Skeletal Radiol 1998;27:311- 320.
  • Blum U, Buitrago-Tellez C, Mudinger A, et al. Mag- netic resonance imaging (MRI) for detection of active sacroiliitis: a prospective study comparing conven- tional radiography, sintigraphy and contrast-enhanced MRI. J Rheumatol 1996;23:2107-2115.
  • Battafarano DF, West SG, Rak KM, et al. Comparision of bone scan, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of active sacroili- itis. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1993;23:161-176.
  • Ahlström H, Felteius N, Nyman R, Hallgren R. Mag- netic resonance imaging of sacroiliac joint inflamma- tion. Arthritis Rheum 1990;33:1763-1769.
  • Docherty P, Mitchell MJ, MacMillan L, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of sacroiliitis. J Rheumatol 1992;19:393-401.
  • Wittram C, Whitehouse CH. Normal variation in the magnetic resonance imaging appearances of the sac- roiliac joints: pitfalls in the diagnosis of sacroiliitis. Clin Radiol 1995;50:371-376.
  • Ricci C, Cova M, Kang YS, et al. Normal age related patterns of cellular and fatty bone marrow distribution in the axial skeleton: MR imaging study. Radiology 1990;177:83-88.
  • Dawson KL, Moore SG, Rowland CM. Age related marrow changes in the pelvis: MR and anatomical findings. Radiology 1992;183:47-51.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Yazısı

Mehmet Fatih İnci Bu kişi benim

Rahime İnci Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA İnci, M. F., & İnci, R. (2013). Psöriazisli hastalarda sakroileitin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 4(2), 199-203.
AMA İnci MF, İnci R. Psöriazisli hastalarda sakroileitin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları. J Clin Exp Invest. Haziran 2013;4(2):199-203. doi:10.5799/ahinjs.01.2013.02.0265
Chicago İnci, Mehmet Fatih, ve Rahime İnci. “Psöriazisli Hastalarda Sakroileitin Manyetik Rezonans görüntüleme Bulguları”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 4, sy. 2 (Haziran 2013): 199-203.
EndNote İnci MF, İnci R (01 Haziran 2013) Psöriazisli hastalarda sakroileitin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 4 2 199–203.
IEEE M. F. İnci ve R. İnci, “Psöriazisli hastalarda sakroileitin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları”, J Clin Exp Invest, c. 4, sy. 2, ss. 199–203, 2013, doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.01.2013.02.0265.
ISNAD İnci, Mehmet Fatih - İnci, Rahime. “Psöriazisli Hastalarda Sakroileitin Manyetik Rezonans görüntüleme Bulguları”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 4/2 (Haziran 2013), 199-203.
JAMA İnci MF, İnci R. Psöriazisli hastalarda sakroileitin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları. J Clin Exp Invest. 2013;4:199–203.
MLA İnci, Mehmet Fatih ve Rahime İnci. “Psöriazisli Hastalarda Sakroileitin Manyetik Rezonans görüntüleme Bulguları”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, c. 4, sy. 2, 2013, ss. 199-03, doi:10.5799/ahinjs.01.2013.02.0265.
Vancouver İnci MF, İnci R. Psöriazisli hastalarda sakroileitin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları. J Clin Exp Invest. 2013;4(2):199-203.