Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2024, , 33 - 77, 31.12.2024


Girişimcilik, bir ülkenin ekonomik büyümesinde, inovasyonunda ve dönüşümünde önemli bir rol oynar. Önemine rağmen, birçok mezun bir dizi iç ve dış zorluk nedeniyle yeni bir iş kurma isteğini yerine getirememektedir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın temel amacı, paydaşların Umman'daki öğrenciler arasında girişimcilik gelişimini stratejize etmelerine yardımcı olan bir model geliştirmektir. Bu çalışmada, farklı literatür kaynakları ve önceki araştırmalar kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada tümdengelimli bir araştırma yaklaşımı kullanılmış ve birincil veriler, 478 yanıttan oluşan bir örneklem büyüklüğü ile olasılık dışı örnekleme tekniği aracılığıyla toplanmıştır.
Çalışma modeli, öğrenci girişimcilik büyümesini teşvik etmek amacıyla fikir aşamasından planlamaya, işletme büyümesinden kaynak tahsisine, pazar analizine ve yapısal desteğe kadar her şeyi kapsamaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma ilgili literatüre ve sektöre yeni bilgiler eklemektedir. Araştırma modeli, yeni bir iş kurma ve sürdürmenin karmaşıklıklarında gezinmek için pratik araçlar ve bilgi sağlayarak Umman'daki girişimcilik büyümesini etkileyebilir. Ayrıca, Umman'ın girişimcilik ekosistemini iyileştirme, engelleri azaltma, girişimcilik niyetlerini iyileştirme ve öğrencilerin girişimcilik çabalarının önünü açma potansiyeline sahiptir.


  • Al-Ani, W. (2016). Alternative education needs in Oman: accommodating learning diversity and meeting market demand. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 22(3), 322–336.
  • Alawamleh, M., Francis, Y. H. & Alawamleh, K. J. (2023). Entrepreneurship Challenges: The Case of Jordanian Startups. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12 (1), 21. https://doi .org/10.1186/s13731-023-00286-z.
  • Arranz, N., Arroyabe, M. F., & Fdez. de Arroyabe, J. C. (2018). Entrepreneurial Intention and Obstacles of Undergraduate Students: the case of the universities of Andalusia. Studies in Higher Education, 44(11), 2011–2024.
  • Alegario, M.S.T., Aldover, A., Bondad, J., Calpito, G., Caneso, J., Cruz, F., Olaes, G., Santos, E., & Tomas, R. (2021). The E-commerce Era: A Qualitative Study on the Growth Strategies of Online Business among Philippine School Doha Senior High School Students. International Journal of Research Publications. 69(1), 201-227. 10.47119/IJRP100691120211687.
  • Al Kharusi, S. (2016). Innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging economy versus mature economies: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(13), 8867-8875.
  • Bakheet, A. H. (2018). Student Perceptions on Business Opportunities and Barriers for Business Start-Up in Oman, International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22 (1).
  • Lope Pihie, Z. & Bagheri, A. (2012). An exploratory study of entrepreneurial attributes among Malaysian university students. Life Science Journal. 9(3). 2358-2365. https://www.
  • Babbie, E. (2010). The practice of social research. 12th Edition, Wadsworth, Belmont.
  • Bandura, A. (2012). On the functional properties of perceived self-efficacy revisited. Journal of Management, 38(1), 9-45. https://doi. org/10.1177/0149206311410606.
  • Belwal, R., Al Balushi. H., & Belwal, S. (2015). Students’ perception of entrepreneurship and enterprise education in Oman. Education & Training, 57(8/9), 924 – 947. 08/ET-12-2014-0149.
  • Belwal, R., Belwal, S., Sufian, A.B., & Al Badi, A. (2020). Project-based learning (PBL): outcomes of students’ engagement in an external consultancy project in Oman. Education + Training, 63(3), 336-359.
  • Bignotia, A., Manguerra-Mahusay, S. C., & Vaswani, J. (2022). Entrepreneurial Experiences of B.S. Entrepreneurship Graduates Batches 2015-2020 of St. Paul University Manila in the New Environment. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 6(7), 2454-6186.
  • Chaudhry, I., Maurice, J., Sultan, N., Shibli, S., & Harthy, S. (2017). Family-based enterprises in north-Sharqiyah region of Oman: opportunities and challenges. Middle East Journal of Management, 4(3), 246. DOI:10.1504/MEJM.2017.10007464.
  • Che Nawi, N. R., Arshad, M. M., Krauss, S. E. & Ismail, I. A. (2022). Challenges Faced by Youth Social Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: Career Transition to Become a Social Entrepreneur. European Journal of Training and Development, 46(3/4), 317–336.
  • Chiekezie, O., Nzewi, H., & Erhinmwionose, I. (2016). Entrepreneurial skill acquisition and job creation in Benin City, Nigeria. EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review, 4(6).
  • Cochran, T. C. (1965). The entrepreneur in economic change. Explorations in Economic History, 3(1), 25-38.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches, (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Davidsson, P., & Wiklund, J. (1997). Values, beliefs and regional variations in new firm formation rates. Journal of Economic psychology, 18(2), 179-199.
  • Drucker, P. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practices and Principles. Harper & Row, New York.
  • Fatoki, O. & Chindoga, L. (2011). An Investigation into the Obstacles to Youth Entrepreneurship in South Africa. International Business Research, 4(2): 161-169. http://doi:10.5539/ibr.v4n2 p161.
  • Fayolle, A. & Gailly, B. (2008). From craft to science: Teaching models and learning processes in entrepreneurship education. Journal of European Industrial Training, 32(7), 569-593.
  • Fong, E., Jabor, M., Zulkifli, A., & Hashim, M. (2020). Challenges Faced by New Entrepreneurs and Suggestions on How to Overcome Them. Advances in Social Science, Education, and Humanities Research, l 470. DOI:10.2991/assehr.k.200921.037.
  • Gartner, W. B. (1988). Who is an entrepreneur? Is the wrong question. American Journal of Small Business, 12, 11-32.
  • Gozun, B. & Rivera, J.P.R. (2021). Determinants of Entrepreneurial Venture Growth in the Philippines Using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. DLSU-AKI Working Paper Series, 2021-02-062. -venture-growth-in-the-philippines-using-the-global-entrepreneurship.
  • Gwija, S.A., & Iwu, C.G. (2014). Challenges and Prospects of Youth Entrepreneurship Development in a Designated Community in the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 6(1), 10-20. DOI:10.22610/JEBS.V6I1.465.
  • Hagen, E. E. (1963). How Economic Growth Begins: A Theory of Social Change. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Historical Research Reference in Entrepreneurship, Available at SSRN:
  • Ibrahim, O., Devesh, S., & Ubaidullah, V. (2017). Implication of attitude of graduate students in Oman towards entrepreneurship: An empirical study. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 7(1), 1-17.
  • Joshi, A., & Pandey, J. (2015). Planning extra - curricular activities at college level to enhance student experience and career, ICERI 2015 Proceedings, 6084-6089.
  • Kabonga, I., & Zvokuomba, K. (2021). Entrepreneurship among University Students in Bindura, Zimbabwe. Cogent Social Sciences, 7(1) 2004674. 4674 .
  • Khan, G. M., & Almoharby, D. (2007). Towards enhancing entrepreneurship development in Oman. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 15(4), 371-392. 807000198.
  • Kirby, D. A., & Ibrahim, N. (2011). Entrepreneurship education and the creation of an enterprise culture: provisional results from an experiment in Egypt. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7(2), 181–193.
  • Kothari, C. R. (2019). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. 4th Edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Kunkel, J. H. (1997). Theory of Entrepreneurship Development. Edn.1, McGraw Hill. New York. U.S.A.
  • Kurdyś-Kujawska, A., & Wojtkowska, A. (2023). To Be or Not to Be… An Entrepreneur: What Motivates and What Limits Students' Entrepreneurial Initiatives? Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology Organization and Management Series No. 188. 29119/1641-3466.2023.188.15.
  • Lougui, M. & Nyström, K. (2014). What Obstacles Do Entrepreneurs Encounter? Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 3(2), 275-291.
  • Magd, H.A.E. & McCoy, M.P. (2014). Entrepreneurship in Oman: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future, Procedia Economics and Finance, 15, 1632-1640. S2212-5671(14)00634-0.
  • McClelland, D. C. (1976). The Achievement Motive. New York, Irvington.
  • Mohammed, S., Uddin, M.A., Ahmad, M. (2016). Factors affecting entrepreneur’s development in Oman. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(2), 66-70.
  • Mohamed, Z. O., & Hammami, S. (2015). Supporting Entrepreneurship Context: The Synergy between the Government and Big Companies: A Descriptive Analysis of a Case Study in Oman. International Journal of Economic Research. 12(4). 1341-1351.
  • Morales, G.L.O., Aguilar, J.C.R. & Morales, K.Y.L. (2022). Culture as an Obstacle for Entrepreneurship. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 11(46) s13731-022-00230-7
  • Omar, A. S., Hussain, S. M., & Singh, A. V. (2017). The power of networking: Bridging the gap between HE students and entrepreneurs in Oman, 6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), Noida, India, 2017, 668-673, doi: 10.1109/ICRITO.2017.8342511.
  • Rao, T. (1975, March). Development of an Entrepreneur a Behaviouristic Model. SEDME Journal, 1(1-4).
  • Rengiah, P., & Sentosa, I. (2016). An empirical study on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in developing entrepreneurial intention among Malaysian university students. Education Journal, 5(4), 53-61.
  • Reynolds, P., Bosma, N., Autio, E., Hunt, S., De Bono. N., Servais, I., Lopez-Garcia, p., & Chin. N. (2005). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Data Collection Design and Implementation 1998-2003. Small Business Economics, 24(3): 205-31.
  • Samuel, B., & Sarprasatha, J. (2016). Entrepreneurship in Social-Media Services in Oman – A Socio-Economic Scanning of the Sultanate. Asian Social Science. 12(4), 138. DOI:10.5539/ass. v12n4p138.
  • Sandhu, M. S., Sidique, S. F., & Riaz, S. (2011). Entrepreneurship barriers and entrepreneurial inclination among Malaysian postgraduate students. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 17(4). 428–449.
  • Sarasvathy, S. D., & Venkataraman, S. (2011). Entrepreneurship as method: Open questions for an entrepreneurial future. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 35, 113–35.
  • Seikkula-Leino, J., Ruskovaara, E., Pihkala, T., Rodríguez, I., & Delfino, J. (2019). Developing entrepreneurship education in Europe: Teachers ‘commitment to entrepreneurship education in the UK, Finland and Spain. In the role and impact of entrepreneurship education. 130-145, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Seikkula-Leino, J., Satuvuori, T., Ruskovaara, E., & Hannula, H. (2015). How do Finnish teacher educators implement entrepreneurship education? Education + Training, 57(4), 392-404.
  • Shenkoya, T., Hwang, K, Y., & Sung, E, H. (2023). Student Startup: Understanding the Role of the University in Making Startups Profitable Through University—Industry Collaboration. Sage Open. 13(3).
  • Singh, S. K., & Pravesh, R. (2017). Entrepreneurship development in India: Opportunities and challenges. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 4(3), 75 -81 https://www.
  • Souitaris, V., Zerbinati, S., & Al-Laham, A. (2006). Do entrepreneurial programmes raise the entrepreneurial intention of science and engineering students? The effects of learning inspiration and resources. Journal of Business Venturing, 22(4), 566-591. jbusvent.2006.05.002.
  • Young, F. W. (1970). Reactive Subsystems. American Sociological Review, 35(2), 297–307.
  • Teng, G., & Chan, P. (2022). The Relationship between College Students’ Part-time Job Engagement and Their Professional Learning. Journal of Management World, 2022(2), 166–174.
  • Tumati, R. & Kumar, J. NVR. (2023). The Challenges Faced by Omani Students when Choosing Entrepreneurship as a Career. Journal of Tourism & Management Research, 8(1), 1077-1093. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7602538.
  • Ustyuzhina, O., Mikhaylova, A., & Abdimomynova, A. (2019). Entrepreneurial competencies in higher education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(1). https://www.abacademies .org/articles/Entrepreneurial-competencies-in-higher-education-1528-2651-22-1-292.pdf.
  • Veleva, V. (2021). The Role of Entrepreneurs in Advancing Sustainable Lifestyles: Challenges, Impacts, and Future Opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 283(2021), 124658.
  • Venesaar, U., Kolbre, E., & Piliste, T. (2006). Students’ attitudesand intentions toward entrepreneurship at Tallinn universityof technology. TUTWPE, 154, 97–114.


Yıl 2024, , 33 - 77, 31.12.2024


Entrepreneurship plays a significant role in a country's economic growth, innovation, and transformation. Despite its significance, many graduates are unable to fulfil their desire to start a new business because of a number of internal and external challenges. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to develop a model that helps stakeholders strategize entrepreneurial development among students in Oman. In this study, different literature sources and previous research were used. This study uses a deductive research approach and primary data was collected through a non-probability sampling technique, with a sample size of 478 responses
The study model covers everything from ideation to planning, business growth to resource allocation, market analysis, and structural support, with the aim of fostering student entrepreneurial growth. Thus, this study adds new information to the related literature and the industry. The research model can influence entrepreneurship growth in Oman by providing practical tools and knowledge to navigate the complexities of starting and maintaining new business. Also, it has potential to improve Oman's entrepreneurial ecosystem, reduce obstacles, improve entrepreneurial intentions, and pave the way for students’ entrepreneurial endeavours.


  • Al-Ani, W. (2016). Alternative education needs in Oman: accommodating learning diversity and meeting market demand. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 22(3), 322–336.
  • Alawamleh, M., Francis, Y. H. & Alawamleh, K. J. (2023). Entrepreneurship Challenges: The Case of Jordanian Startups. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12 (1), 21. https://doi .org/10.1186/s13731-023-00286-z.
  • Arranz, N., Arroyabe, M. F., & Fdez. de Arroyabe, J. C. (2018). Entrepreneurial Intention and Obstacles of Undergraduate Students: the case of the universities of Andalusia. Studies in Higher Education, 44(11), 2011–2024.
  • Alegario, M.S.T., Aldover, A., Bondad, J., Calpito, G., Caneso, J., Cruz, F., Olaes, G., Santos, E., & Tomas, R. (2021). The E-commerce Era: A Qualitative Study on the Growth Strategies of Online Business among Philippine School Doha Senior High School Students. International Journal of Research Publications. 69(1), 201-227. 10.47119/IJRP100691120211687.
  • Al Kharusi, S. (2016). Innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging economy versus mature economies: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(13), 8867-8875.
  • Bakheet, A. H. (2018). Student Perceptions on Business Opportunities and Barriers for Business Start-Up in Oman, International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22 (1).
  • Lope Pihie, Z. & Bagheri, A. (2012). An exploratory study of entrepreneurial attributes among Malaysian university students. Life Science Journal. 9(3). 2358-2365. https://www.
  • Babbie, E. (2010). The practice of social research. 12th Edition, Wadsworth, Belmont.
  • Bandura, A. (2012). On the functional properties of perceived self-efficacy revisited. Journal of Management, 38(1), 9-45. https://doi. org/10.1177/0149206311410606.
  • Belwal, R., Al Balushi. H., & Belwal, S. (2015). Students’ perception of entrepreneurship and enterprise education in Oman. Education & Training, 57(8/9), 924 – 947. 08/ET-12-2014-0149.
  • Belwal, R., Belwal, S., Sufian, A.B., & Al Badi, A. (2020). Project-based learning (PBL): outcomes of students’ engagement in an external consultancy project in Oman. Education + Training, 63(3), 336-359.
  • Bignotia, A., Manguerra-Mahusay, S. C., & Vaswani, J. (2022). Entrepreneurial Experiences of B.S. Entrepreneurship Graduates Batches 2015-2020 of St. Paul University Manila in the New Environment. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 6(7), 2454-6186.
  • Chaudhry, I., Maurice, J., Sultan, N., Shibli, S., & Harthy, S. (2017). Family-based enterprises in north-Sharqiyah region of Oman: opportunities and challenges. Middle East Journal of Management, 4(3), 246. DOI:10.1504/MEJM.2017.10007464.
  • Che Nawi, N. R., Arshad, M. M., Krauss, S. E. & Ismail, I. A. (2022). Challenges Faced by Youth Social Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: Career Transition to Become a Social Entrepreneur. European Journal of Training and Development, 46(3/4), 317–336.
  • Chiekezie, O., Nzewi, H., & Erhinmwionose, I. (2016). Entrepreneurial skill acquisition and job creation in Benin City, Nigeria. EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review, 4(6).
  • Cochran, T. C. (1965). The entrepreneur in economic change. Explorations in Economic History, 3(1), 25-38.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches, (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Davidsson, P., & Wiklund, J. (1997). Values, beliefs and regional variations in new firm formation rates. Journal of Economic psychology, 18(2), 179-199.
  • Drucker, P. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practices and Principles. Harper & Row, New York.
  • Fatoki, O. & Chindoga, L. (2011). An Investigation into the Obstacles to Youth Entrepreneurship in South Africa. International Business Research, 4(2): 161-169. http://doi:10.5539/ibr.v4n2 p161.
  • Fayolle, A. & Gailly, B. (2008). From craft to science: Teaching models and learning processes in entrepreneurship education. Journal of European Industrial Training, 32(7), 569-593.
  • Fong, E., Jabor, M., Zulkifli, A., & Hashim, M. (2020). Challenges Faced by New Entrepreneurs and Suggestions on How to Overcome Them. Advances in Social Science, Education, and Humanities Research, l 470. DOI:10.2991/assehr.k.200921.037.
  • Gartner, W. B. (1988). Who is an entrepreneur? Is the wrong question. American Journal of Small Business, 12, 11-32.
  • Gozun, B. & Rivera, J.P.R. (2021). Determinants of Entrepreneurial Venture Growth in the Philippines Using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. DLSU-AKI Working Paper Series, 2021-02-062. -venture-growth-in-the-philippines-using-the-global-entrepreneurship.
  • Gwija, S.A., & Iwu, C.G. (2014). Challenges and Prospects of Youth Entrepreneurship Development in a Designated Community in the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 6(1), 10-20. DOI:10.22610/JEBS.V6I1.465.
  • Hagen, E. E. (1963). How Economic Growth Begins: A Theory of Social Change. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Historical Research Reference in Entrepreneurship, Available at SSRN:
  • Ibrahim, O., Devesh, S., & Ubaidullah, V. (2017). Implication of attitude of graduate students in Oman towards entrepreneurship: An empirical study. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 7(1), 1-17.
  • Joshi, A., & Pandey, J. (2015). Planning extra - curricular activities at college level to enhance student experience and career, ICERI 2015 Proceedings, 6084-6089.
  • Kabonga, I., & Zvokuomba, K. (2021). Entrepreneurship among University Students in Bindura, Zimbabwe. Cogent Social Sciences, 7(1) 2004674. 4674 .
  • Khan, G. M., & Almoharby, D. (2007). Towards enhancing entrepreneurship development in Oman. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 15(4), 371-392. 807000198.
  • Kirby, D. A., & Ibrahim, N. (2011). Entrepreneurship education and the creation of an enterprise culture: provisional results from an experiment in Egypt. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7(2), 181–193.
  • Kothari, C. R. (2019). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. 4th Edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Kunkel, J. H. (1997). Theory of Entrepreneurship Development. Edn.1, McGraw Hill. New York. U.S.A.
  • Kurdyś-Kujawska, A., & Wojtkowska, A. (2023). To Be or Not to Be… An Entrepreneur: What Motivates and What Limits Students' Entrepreneurial Initiatives? Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology Organization and Management Series No. 188. 29119/1641-3466.2023.188.15.
  • Lougui, M. & Nyström, K. (2014). What Obstacles Do Entrepreneurs Encounter? Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 3(2), 275-291.
  • Magd, H.A.E. & McCoy, M.P. (2014). Entrepreneurship in Oman: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future, Procedia Economics and Finance, 15, 1632-1640. S2212-5671(14)00634-0.
  • McClelland, D. C. (1976). The Achievement Motive. New York, Irvington.
  • Mohammed, S., Uddin, M.A., Ahmad, M. (2016). Factors affecting entrepreneur’s development in Oman. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(2), 66-70.
  • Mohamed, Z. O., & Hammami, S. (2015). Supporting Entrepreneurship Context: The Synergy between the Government and Big Companies: A Descriptive Analysis of a Case Study in Oman. International Journal of Economic Research. 12(4). 1341-1351.
  • Morales, G.L.O., Aguilar, J.C.R. & Morales, K.Y.L. (2022). Culture as an Obstacle for Entrepreneurship. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 11(46) s13731-022-00230-7
  • Omar, A. S., Hussain, S. M., & Singh, A. V. (2017). The power of networking: Bridging the gap between HE students and entrepreneurs in Oman, 6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), Noida, India, 2017, 668-673, doi: 10.1109/ICRITO.2017.8342511.
  • Rao, T. (1975, March). Development of an Entrepreneur a Behaviouristic Model. SEDME Journal, 1(1-4).
  • Rengiah, P., & Sentosa, I. (2016). An empirical study on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in developing entrepreneurial intention among Malaysian university students. Education Journal, 5(4), 53-61.
  • Reynolds, P., Bosma, N., Autio, E., Hunt, S., De Bono. N., Servais, I., Lopez-Garcia, p., & Chin. N. (2005). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Data Collection Design and Implementation 1998-2003. Small Business Economics, 24(3): 205-31.
  • Samuel, B., & Sarprasatha, J. (2016). Entrepreneurship in Social-Media Services in Oman – A Socio-Economic Scanning of the Sultanate. Asian Social Science. 12(4), 138. DOI:10.5539/ass. v12n4p138.
  • Sandhu, M. S., Sidique, S. F., & Riaz, S. (2011). Entrepreneurship barriers and entrepreneurial inclination among Malaysian postgraduate students. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 17(4). 428–449.
  • Sarasvathy, S. D., & Venkataraman, S. (2011). Entrepreneurship as method: Open questions for an entrepreneurial future. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 35, 113–35.
  • Seikkula-Leino, J., Ruskovaara, E., Pihkala, T., Rodríguez, I., & Delfino, J. (2019). Developing entrepreneurship education in Europe: Teachers ‘commitment to entrepreneurship education in the UK, Finland and Spain. In the role and impact of entrepreneurship education. 130-145, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Seikkula-Leino, J., Satuvuori, T., Ruskovaara, E., & Hannula, H. (2015). How do Finnish teacher educators implement entrepreneurship education? Education + Training, 57(4), 392-404.
  • Shenkoya, T., Hwang, K, Y., & Sung, E, H. (2023). Student Startup: Understanding the Role of the University in Making Startups Profitable Through University—Industry Collaboration. Sage Open. 13(3).
  • Singh, S. K., & Pravesh, R. (2017). Entrepreneurship development in India: Opportunities and challenges. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 4(3), 75 -81 https://www.
  • Souitaris, V., Zerbinati, S., & Al-Laham, A. (2006). Do entrepreneurial programmes raise the entrepreneurial intention of science and engineering students? The effects of learning inspiration and resources. Journal of Business Venturing, 22(4), 566-591. jbusvent.2006.05.002.
  • Young, F. W. (1970). Reactive Subsystems. American Sociological Review, 35(2), 297–307.
  • Teng, G., & Chan, P. (2022). The Relationship between College Students’ Part-time Job Engagement and Their Professional Learning. Journal of Management World, 2022(2), 166–174.
  • Tumati, R. & Kumar, J. NVR. (2023). The Challenges Faced by Omani Students when Choosing Entrepreneurship as a Career. Journal of Tourism & Management Research, 8(1), 1077-1093. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7602538.
  • Ustyuzhina, O., Mikhaylova, A., & Abdimomynova, A. (2019). Entrepreneurial competencies in higher education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(1). https://www.abacademies .org/articles/Entrepreneurial-competencies-in-higher-education-1528-2651-22-1-292.pdf.
  • Veleva, V. (2021). The Role of Entrepreneurs in Advancing Sustainable Lifestyles: Challenges, Impacts, and Future Opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 283(2021), 124658.
  • Venesaar, U., Kolbre, E., & Piliste, T. (2006). Students’ attitudesand intentions toward entrepreneurship at Tallinn universityof technology. TUTWPE, 154, 97–114.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Raja Tumati

Mustafa Daşkın 0000-0002-2453-490X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

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