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Hanehalkı Tasarruflarının Belirleyicileri: Euro Bölgesi Analizi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 9 - 25, 30.06.2021


Bir ekonominin uzun vadeli büyümesini besleyen yatırım kaynağı olarak tasarruflar, daha yüksek yaşam standartlarına ve daha istikrarlı bir ekonomik ortama zemin hazırlar. Yetersiz tasarruflar nedeniyle yatırımların sürekli artan dış borçla finanse edilmesi, ekonomileri sürdürülemez bir yola sürükleyerek yavaş bir büyüme patikasına sokar. Çalışmanın odak noktası, hanehalkı tasarruflarının makroekonomik belirleyicilerini parasal birlik perspektifinden analiz etmektir. Bu kapsamda, Euro Bölgesinde yeralan 17 ülkenin hanehalkı tasarruflarını belirleyen faktörler, 2000-2019 yılları için iki aşamalı Sistem-GMM yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Analizden elde edilen bulgulara göre, kişi başı reel gelir, uzun vadeli faiz oranı, cari denge ve global finans krizi, net hanehalkı tasarrufları üzerinde pozitif ve anlamlı bir etkiye sahipken, işsizlik oranı, Avrupa Para Birliğine üyelik, bütçe dengesindeki artış, vergi gelirleri ve büyümenin etkisi negatiftir.


  • Aizenman, J., Cheung, Y.-W. and Ito, H. (2017). The interest rate effect on private saving: Alternative perspectives. University of Southern California and Portland State University.
  • Anderson, D., Hunt, B. and Snudden, S. (2013). Fiscal consolidation in the Euro area: How much can structural reforms ease the pain? (IMF Working Papers 13/211). Retrieved from
  • Anderson, T. W. and Hsiao, C. (1981). Estimation of dynamic models with error components. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76(375): 598–606.
  • Arellano, M. and Bond, S. (1991). Some tests of specification for panel data: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations. Review of Economic Studie, 58(2): 277–297.
  • Bilgili, Y. (2013). İktisat Okulları. İstanbul: İkinci Sayfa.
  • Blanc, J. L., Porpiglia, A., Teppa, F., Zhu, J. and Ziegelmeyer, M. (2015). Household saving behaviour and credit constraints in the Euro area (ECB Working Paper No. 1790). Retrieved from
  • Callen, T. and Thimann, C. (1997). Empirical determinants of household savings: Evidence from OECD Countries (IMF Working Paper No. 97/181). Retrieved from
  • Cohn, R.C. and Kolluri, B.R. (2003). Determinants of household saving in the G-7 countries: Recent evidence. Applied Economics, 35(10): 1199-1208.
  • Çolak, Ö.F. and Öztürkler, H. (2012). Tasarrufun belirleyicileri: Küresel tasarruf eğiliminde değişim ve Türkiye’de hanehalkı tasarruf eğiliminin analizi. Bankacılar, 23(82): 3-44.
  • Deaton, A. (2005). Franco Modigliani and The Life Cycle Theory of Consumption. BNL Quarterly Review, 58(233-234): 91-107.
  • Duessenberry, S.J. (1949). Income, saving and the theory of consumer behavior. Cambridge: MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Friedman, M. (1957). A theory of the Consumption Function. Princeton University Press.
  • Harvey, R. (2004). Comparison of household saving ratios: Euro area/United States/Japan. Retrieved from
  • Hondroyiannis, G. (2004). Estimating private savings behaviour in Greece. Journal of Economic Studies, 31(5): 457-476.
  • Hüfner, F. and Koske, I. (2010). Explaining household saving rates in G7 Countries: Implications for Germany (OECD Working Paper No. 754). Retrieved from 5kmjv81n9phc-en.pdf
  • Jappelli, T. and Padula, M. (2007). Households’ Saving and Debt in Italy (CSEF Working Paper No. 183). Retrieved from Households'_Saving_and_Debt_in_Italy
  • Kapounek, S., Korab, P. and Deltuvaite, V. (2016). (Ir)rational households’ saving behavior? An empirical investigation. Procedia Economics and Finance, 39: 625-633.
  • Kulikov, D., Paabut, A. and Staehr, K. (2007). A microeconometric analysis of household saving in Estonia: Income, wealth and financial exposure (Estonian National Bank Working Paper No. 807). Retrieved from Microeconometric analysis of household saving in Estonia: income, wealth, financial exposure
  • Meghir, C. (2002). A retrospective on Friedman’s Theory of permanent income (IFS Institute for Fiscal Studies Working Paper No. 04/01). Retrieved from A retrospective on Friedman's theory of permanent income (
  • Modigliani, F. and Brumberg, R. H. (1954). Utility analysis and the consumption function: An interpretation of cross-section data. In K.K. Kurihara (Eds.), Post Keynesian Economics (pp. 388–436). New Brunswick: NJ. Rutgers University Press.
  • Muradoğlu, G. and Taskın, F. (1996). Differences in household savings behaviour: Evidence from industrial and developing countries. The Developing Economies, 34(2): 139-153.
  • Niculescu-Arona, I. and Mihaescu, C. (2012). Determinants of household savings in EU: What policies for increasing savings? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58: 483-492.
  • Ostry, J.D. and Levy, J. (1994). Household saving in France: Stochastic income and financial deregulation (IMF Working Paper No. 94/136). Retrieved from
  • Ögren, A. (2018). Determinants behind household saving behavior -Empirical analysis on 15 OECD (Unpublished bachelor thesis). Umea University, Faculty of Social Sciences.
  • Pažický, M. and Bohdalova, M. (2019). Dynamics of household savings and consumption in the Euro Area (2019). Ekonomický C̆asopis, 67(7), 679-697.
  • Poterba, J.M. (1994). International comparisons of household saving. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Río, A.D. and Cuenca, J.A. (2019). Financial position of Euro area households in 2018. Retrieved from
  • Rocher, S. and Stierle, M.H. (2015). Household saving rates in the EU: Why do they differ so much? (European Economy Discussion Papers No. 5). Retrieved from
  • Salotti, S. (2010). Global imbalances and household savings: The role of wealth. The Social Science Journal, 47(1), 21-44.
  • Schlueter, T., Sievers, S. and Hartmann-Wendels, T. (2015). Bank funding stability, pricing strategies and the guidance of depositors. Journal of Banking & Finance, 51: 43-61.
  • Schmidt-Hebbel, K., Webb, S.B. and Corsetti, G. (1992). Household saving in developing countries: First cross-country evidence. The World Bank Economic Review, 6(3), 529-547.
  • Schrooten, M. and Stephan, S. (2002). Back on track? Savings puzzles in EU-accession. Retrieved from
  • Shefrin, M.H. and Thaler, H.R. (1988). The behavioral life-cycle hypothesis. Economic Inquiry, 26: 609-643.
  • Soylu, Ö.B. (2019). Gelir ve harcama düzeylerinin tasarruf davranışına etkisi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(38): 109-130.
  • Tatoğlu, F. (2013). İleri panel veri ekonometrisi: Stata Uygulamalı (2. b.). İstanbul: Beta Yayıncılık.
  • Thaler, R.H. and Shefrin, H.M. (1981). An economic theory of self-control. Journal of Political Economy, 89(2), 392-401.

Determinants of Household Savings: Euro Area Analysis

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 9 - 25, 30.06.2021


Savings as the investment source that feeds the long-term growth of an economy pave the way for a higher lifestyle and more stable economic environment. Financing of the investments with the increasing foreign debts because of insufficient savings leads the economies into an unsustainable and slow growth path. The main focus of the study is to analyze the macroeconomic determinants of household savings within the framework of monetary union. In this context, the factors that determine the household savings of 17 countries within Euro Zone were examined for the years 2000-2019 by means of System-GMM method. According to the findings of the analyses, real income per capita, long-term interest rate, current account balance and global financial crisis have positive effect on net household savings while the effect of unemployment rate, participation into European Monetary Union, increase in budget balance, tax incomes and growth is negative.


  • Aizenman, J., Cheung, Y.-W. and Ito, H. (2017). The interest rate effect on private saving: Alternative perspectives. University of Southern California and Portland State University.
  • Anderson, D., Hunt, B. and Snudden, S. (2013). Fiscal consolidation in the Euro area: How much can structural reforms ease the pain? (IMF Working Papers 13/211). Retrieved from
  • Anderson, T. W. and Hsiao, C. (1981). Estimation of dynamic models with error components. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76(375): 598–606.
  • Arellano, M. and Bond, S. (1991). Some tests of specification for panel data: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations. Review of Economic Studie, 58(2): 277–297.
  • Bilgili, Y. (2013). İktisat Okulları. İstanbul: İkinci Sayfa.
  • Blanc, J. L., Porpiglia, A., Teppa, F., Zhu, J. and Ziegelmeyer, M. (2015). Household saving behaviour and credit constraints in the Euro area (ECB Working Paper No. 1790). Retrieved from
  • Callen, T. and Thimann, C. (1997). Empirical determinants of household savings: Evidence from OECD Countries (IMF Working Paper No. 97/181). Retrieved from
  • Cohn, R.C. and Kolluri, B.R. (2003). Determinants of household saving in the G-7 countries: Recent evidence. Applied Economics, 35(10): 1199-1208.
  • Çolak, Ö.F. and Öztürkler, H. (2012). Tasarrufun belirleyicileri: Küresel tasarruf eğiliminde değişim ve Türkiye’de hanehalkı tasarruf eğiliminin analizi. Bankacılar, 23(82): 3-44.
  • Deaton, A. (2005). Franco Modigliani and The Life Cycle Theory of Consumption. BNL Quarterly Review, 58(233-234): 91-107.
  • Duessenberry, S.J. (1949). Income, saving and the theory of consumer behavior. Cambridge: MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Friedman, M. (1957). A theory of the Consumption Function. Princeton University Press.
  • Harvey, R. (2004). Comparison of household saving ratios: Euro area/United States/Japan. Retrieved from
  • Hondroyiannis, G. (2004). Estimating private savings behaviour in Greece. Journal of Economic Studies, 31(5): 457-476.
  • Hüfner, F. and Koske, I. (2010). Explaining household saving rates in G7 Countries: Implications for Germany (OECD Working Paper No. 754). Retrieved from 5kmjv81n9phc-en.pdf
  • Jappelli, T. and Padula, M. (2007). Households’ Saving and Debt in Italy (CSEF Working Paper No. 183). Retrieved from Households'_Saving_and_Debt_in_Italy
  • Kapounek, S., Korab, P. and Deltuvaite, V. (2016). (Ir)rational households’ saving behavior? An empirical investigation. Procedia Economics and Finance, 39: 625-633.
  • Kulikov, D., Paabut, A. and Staehr, K. (2007). A microeconometric analysis of household saving in Estonia: Income, wealth and financial exposure (Estonian National Bank Working Paper No. 807). Retrieved from Microeconometric analysis of household saving in Estonia: income, wealth, financial exposure
  • Meghir, C. (2002). A retrospective on Friedman’s Theory of permanent income (IFS Institute for Fiscal Studies Working Paper No. 04/01). Retrieved from A retrospective on Friedman's theory of permanent income (
  • Modigliani, F. and Brumberg, R. H. (1954). Utility analysis and the consumption function: An interpretation of cross-section data. In K.K. Kurihara (Eds.), Post Keynesian Economics (pp. 388–436). New Brunswick: NJ. Rutgers University Press.
  • Muradoğlu, G. and Taskın, F. (1996). Differences in household savings behaviour: Evidence from industrial and developing countries. The Developing Economies, 34(2): 139-153.
  • Niculescu-Arona, I. and Mihaescu, C. (2012). Determinants of household savings in EU: What policies for increasing savings? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58: 483-492.
  • Ostry, J.D. and Levy, J. (1994). Household saving in France: Stochastic income and financial deregulation (IMF Working Paper No. 94/136). Retrieved from
  • Ögren, A. (2018). Determinants behind household saving behavior -Empirical analysis on 15 OECD (Unpublished bachelor thesis). Umea University, Faculty of Social Sciences.
  • Pažický, M. and Bohdalova, M. (2019). Dynamics of household savings and consumption in the Euro Area (2019). Ekonomický C̆asopis, 67(7), 679-697.
  • Poterba, J.M. (1994). International comparisons of household saving. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Río, A.D. and Cuenca, J.A. (2019). Financial position of Euro area households in 2018. Retrieved from
  • Rocher, S. and Stierle, M.H. (2015). Household saving rates in the EU: Why do they differ so much? (European Economy Discussion Papers No. 5). Retrieved from
  • Salotti, S. (2010). Global imbalances and household savings: The role of wealth. The Social Science Journal, 47(1), 21-44.
  • Schlueter, T., Sievers, S. and Hartmann-Wendels, T. (2015). Bank funding stability, pricing strategies and the guidance of depositors. Journal of Banking & Finance, 51: 43-61.
  • Schmidt-Hebbel, K., Webb, S.B. and Corsetti, G. (1992). Household saving in developing countries: First cross-country evidence. The World Bank Economic Review, 6(3), 529-547.
  • Schrooten, M. and Stephan, S. (2002). Back on track? Savings puzzles in EU-accession. Retrieved from
  • Shefrin, M.H. and Thaler, H.R. (1988). The behavioral life-cycle hypothesis. Economic Inquiry, 26: 609-643.
  • Soylu, Ö.B. (2019). Gelir ve harcama düzeylerinin tasarruf davranışına etkisi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(38): 109-130.
  • Tatoğlu, F. (2013). İleri panel veri ekonometrisi: Stata Uygulamalı (2. b.). İstanbul: Beta Yayıncılık.
  • Thaler, R.H. and Shefrin, H.M. (1981). An economic theory of self-control. Journal of Political Economy, 89(2), 392-401.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Gülçin Tapşın Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2763-3049

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tapşın, G. (2021). Hanehalkı Tasarruflarının Belirleyicileri: Euro Bölgesi Analizi. Ekonomi Ve Finansal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(1), 9-25.