The aim of the study is to explain the share of Turkey in Intra-Industry Trade (IIT) by analyzing the import and export transaction of similar products belonging to similar industry, which is realized with Germany, the country which has the most intense foreign trade relations among the OECD founding countries. Turkey needs to increase its IIT ratios (share) in order to play an active role among the strong players in the global market, to perform technological development and transformation in the economic structure and maneuvers that will increase its efficiency. With the contribution of IIT, which has become increasingly important, the growth to be activated by foreign trade, which cannot be analyzed with the conventional theory of comparative advantage, has been explained by considering the factors of product differentiation and economies of scale in the industry. In the study, Intra–Industry measurement methods are examined through theoretical and empirical approaches related to IIT. Foreign trade between Turkey and Germany has been classified within the scope of five-digit product groups as industrial and primary products, whose mobility is monitored according to the SITC Rev.3 classification. The creation of competitive and strong markets shows that it is necessary to repeat the supportive analyses. For Intra-Industry measurement, the adjusted Grubel-Llyod index has been calculated to determine the IIT levels between Turkey and Germany data, covering the period from 2015 to 2020.