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Artistically talented students’ perceptions of mathematics: View, interest, competence, and relevance

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 1247 - 1261, 15.09.2020


Mathematics learning in Art Vocational Schools (AVSs), the one that should be tailored to the career-related needs of young adult learners of their era, would inevitably necessitate continuous improvement. Such improvement of mathematics learning quality would be possible when considering the perceptions of Artistically Talented Students (ATSs). This research aimed to describe these students’ perceptions of mathematics in four aspects, namely view, interest, competence, and mathematics relevance to art after they attend compulsory mathematics learning for two years. This was phenomenology research involving 30 students from four different majors - painting, visual communication design, ceramic craft, and wood craft - at an AVS located in Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data were mainly collected through in-depth interviews and then triangulated with classroom observations. Content analysis methods were implemented to produce themes and their relationship, whilst to ensure reliability, two independent coders conducted the process of coding. Later, the researchers conducted a thematic analysis and drew some conclusions. The results generally showed that, first, ATSs were interested in learning mathematics though most of them labelled mathematics as mechanistic and unattractive. Second, in terms of competence, this study revealed that over half would opine that they lacked mathematics competence. Third, all of them viewed that essentially mathematics could be used in artworks. However, just under half of them considered that mathematics learning contents were relevant to their major. These findings, hence, implied that further research needs to formulate instructional contents that meet the demands of the relevant artistic jobs and students’ daily lifes.

Destekleyen Kurum

Yogyakarta State University

Proje Numarası

Individual Project - No Number


Headmaster of SMKN 3 Bantul, Yogyakarta


  • Acharya, B. R. (2017). Factors affecting difficulties in learning mathematics by mathematics learners. International Journal of Elementary Education, 6(2), 8-15.
  • Arthur, Y. D., Asiedu-Addo, S., & Assuah, C. (2017). Students’ perception and its impact on Ghanaian students’ interest in mathematics: multivariate statistical analytical approach. Asian Research Journal of Mathematics, 4(2), 1-12.
  • Arthur, Y. D., Oduro, F. T., & Boadi, R. K. (2014). Statistical analysis of Ghanaian students attitude and interest toward learning mathematics. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(6), 661-670.
  • Aziz, Z. A., & Bakar, A. Y. A. (2019). Perception and attitude of Malaysian underprivileged students in learning ESL: A preliminary case study. Journal of Education and Learning Studies, 2(1), 18-24.
  • Bakker, A. (2014). Characterising and developing vocational mathematical knowledge. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 86(2), 151-156.
  • Bandura, A. (2012). On the functional properties of perceived self-efficacy revisited. Journal of Management, 38(1), 9-44. Barnes-Svarney, P., & Svarney, T. E. (2012). The handy math answer book (2nd ed.). Visible Ink Press.
  • Bernstein, D. A., & Nash, P. W. (2008). Essentials of psychology (4th ed.). Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Blazar, D., & Kraft, M. A. (2017). Teacher and teaching effects on students’ attitude and behaviours. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 39(1), 146-170.
  • Buabeng-Andoh, C. (2019). Students’ attitudes toward mathematics in vocational education: From perspectives of a developing country. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 8(7), 43-49.
  • Clark, G., & Zimmerman, E. (2004). Teaching talented art students: Principles and practices. Teachers College Press.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Dalby, D., & Noyes, A. (2015). Connecting mathematics teaching with vocational learning. Adults Learning Mathematics: An International Journal, 10(1), 40-49.
  • Deutscher, V., & Winther, E. (2018). Instructional sensitivity in vocational education. Learning and Instruction, 53(February), 21-33.
  • Dimakos, G., Tyrlis, I., & Spyros, F. (2012). Factors that influence students to do mathematics. The Teaching of Mathematics, 15(1), 43-54.
  • Egeberg, H., & McConney, A. (2018). What do students believe about effective classroom management? A mixed-methods investigation in Western Australian High Schools. The Australian Educational Researcher, 45(2), 195-216.
  • Erdem, Y. S., & Yildirim, A. (2019). Effective teaching and learning at vocational education at tertiary level: A qualitative study of administrators’, teachers’ and students’ perceptions. In B. E. Stalder & C. Nägele (Eds.), Trends in vocational education and training research, Vol. II. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET) (pp. 366–375).
  • Erlingsson, C., & Brysiewicz, P. (2017). A hands-on guide to doing content analysis. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 7(3), 93-99.
  • Erozkan, A. (2014). Analysis of social problem solving and social self-efficacy in prospective teachers. Educational Science: Theory and Practice, 14(2), 447-455.
  • Fatimah, A. T., & Prabawanto, S. (2020). Mathematical understanding and reasoning of vocational school students in agriculture-based mathematical tasks. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 8(2), 771-782.
  • Frejd, P., & Muhrman, K. (2020). Is the mathematics classroom a suitable learning space for making workplace mathematics visible? – An analysis of a subject integrated team-teaching approach applied in different learning spaces. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 72(3), 1–19.
  • Hammersley, M. (2015). Observation, participant and nonparticipant. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), The blackwell encyclopedia of sociology.
  • Harackiewicz, J. M., & Hulleman, C. S. (2010). The importance of interest: The role of achievement goals and task values in promoting the development of interest. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 4(1), 42-52.
  • Harackiewicz, J. M., Tibbetts, Y., Canning, E., & Hyde, J. S. (2014). Harnessing values to promote motivation in education. Advances in Motivation and Achievement, 18, 71-105.
  • Heinze, A., Reiss, K., & Rudolph, F. (2005). Mathematics achievement and interest in mathematics from differential perspective. ZDM - Mathematics Education, 37(3), 212-220.
  • Koller, O., Baumert, J., & Schnabel, K. (2001). Does interest matter? The relationship between academic interest and achievement in mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 32(5), 448-470.
  • Kollosche, D. (2017). The ideology of relevance in school mathematics. In A. Chronaki (Ed.), Proceedings of Ninth International Mathematics Education and Society Conference: Mathematics Education and Life at Times of Crisis (Volume 2) (pp. 633-644). MES9.
  • Kpolovie, P. J., Joe, A. I., & Okoto, T. (2014). Academic achievement prediction: Role of interest in learning and attitude toward school. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, 1(11), 73-100.
  • Lindberg, L., & Grevholm, B. (2011). Mathematics in vocational education: Revisiting a developmental research project. Adult Learning Mathematics: An International Journal, 6(1), 41-68.
  • Liu, F., & Maitlis, S. (2010). Non-participant observation. In A. J. Mills, G. Durepos, & E. Wiebe (Eds.), Encyclopedia of case study research (Volume 2). Sage.
  • Long, C., Ming, Z., & Chen, L. (2013). The study of student motivation on english learning in junior middle school: A case study of No. 5 Middle School in Gejiu. English Language Teaching, 6(9), 136-145.
  • Loyalka, P., Huang, X., Zhang, L., Wei, J., Yi, H., Song, Y., Shi, Y., & Chu, J. (2015). The impact of vocational schooling on human capital development in developing countries: Evidence from China. The World Bank Economic Review, 30(1), 143-170.
  • Mahirda, K., & Wahyuni, H. (2016). Returning to general and vocational high-schools in Indonesia. Review of Economic and Business Studies, 9(2), 9-28.
  • Markovits, Z., & Forgasz, H. (2017). ‘Mathematic is like a lion’: Elementary students’ beliefs about mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 96, 49-64.
  • Mazana, M. Y., Montero, C. S., & Casmir, R. O. (2019). Investigating students’ attitude towards learning mathematics. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 14(1), 1-25.
  • Mega, C., Ronconi, L., & De Beni, R. (2014). What makes a good student? How emotions, self-regulated learning, and motivation contribute to academic achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106(1), 121-131.
  • Meral, M., Colak, E., & Zereyak, E. (2012). The relationship between self-efficacy and academic performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science, 46, 1143-1146.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture. (2018). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 37 Tahun 2018 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 24 Tahun 2016 tentang Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar pada Kurikulum 2013 pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah [The Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia Number 37 Year 2018 concern Amendment of Regulation of Ministry of Education and Culture Number 24 Year 2016 concern Core and Basic Competence in Curriculum 2013 on Primary and Secondary Education]. Kemendikbud RI.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture. (2019). Laporan Hasil Ujian Nasional: Capaian Nasional Satuan Pendidikan Negeri dan Swasta Tahun 2019 [Report of National Examination Results: National Achievement of Public and Private Education Unit Year 2019]. Kemendikbud RI.
  • Muhrman, K. (2015). Mathematics in agriculture and vocational education for agricultures. Proceedings of Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp.1669-1670). ERME.
  • Mutodi, P., & Ngirande, H. (2014). The influence of students’ perceptions on mathematics performance: A case of a selected high school in South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(3), 431-445.
  • Nakano, T. de C., Primi, R., Ribeiro, W. de J., & Almeida, L. S. (2016). Multidimensional assessment of giftedness: Criterion validity of battery of intelligence and creativity measures in predicting arts and academic talents. Anales De Psicología/Annals of Psychology, 32(3), 628-637.
  • Narendrati, N. (2017). Komparasi pembelajaran statistika melalui pendekatan CTL dan problem posing ditinjau dari prestasi belajar dan minat belajar matematika [Comparison of statistics learning through CTL approach viewed from learning achievement and mathematics learning interest]. Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4(1), 67-77.
  • Newhouse, D., & Suryadarma, D. (2011). The value of vocational education: High school type and labor market outcomes in Indonesia. The World Bank Economic Review, 25(2), 296-322.
  • OECD. (2019). PISA 2018 Results (Volume I): What students know and can do. OECD Publishing.
  • Ohman, S. (2015). Students’ perspectives on mathematics: An interview study of the perceived purposes of school mathematics among swedish gymnasium students [Master’s thesis, Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University].
  • Ozdemir, H., & Onder-Ozdemir, N. (2017). Vocational high school students’ perception of success in mathematics. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 12(3), 493-502.
  • Prieto, M.-D., & Ferrando, M. (2016). New horizons in the study of high ability: Gifted and talented. Anales De Psicología/Annals of Psychology, 32(3), 617-620.
  • Rintala, H., & Nokelainen, P. (2020). Standing and attractiveness of vocational education and training in Finland: Focus on learning environments. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 72(2), 1-20.
  • Rudduck, J., & Flutter, J. (2000). Pupil participation and pupil perspective: ‘Carving a new order of experience’. Cambridge Journal of Education, 30(1), 75-89.
  • Sagocak, A. M., Yilmaz, E., & Karahan, N. (2013). Knowledge, skill and creativity in vocational and technical education. The International Journal of Educational Researchers, 4(1), 13-21.
  • Schukajlow, S., & Krug, A. (2014). Are interest and enjoyment important for students’ performance? In C. Nicol, S. Oesterle, P. Liljedahl, & D. Allan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 & PME-NA 36 (Volume 5), (pp. 129-136). PME.
  • Tahir, U. F. H. M., & Shahrill, M. (2014). Mathematics in vocational and technical education: Investigating the relationship in engineering work related problems. In I. G. Chova, A. L. Martínez, & I. C. Torres (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (pp. 3282-3292). IATED Academy.
  • Thahir, A., Komarudin, K., Hasanah, U. N., & Rahmahwaty, R. (2019). MURDER learning models and self-efficacy: Impact on mathematical reflective thinking ability. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(4), 1123-1135.
  • Weber, R. P. (1990). Basic content analysis (2nd ed.). Sage.
  • Wilson, H. E. (2009). The Picasso in your classroom: How to meet the needs of talented artists in Elementary School. Gifted Child Today, 32(1), 36–45.
  • Young-Loveridge, J., Taylor, M., Sharma, S., & Hawera, N. (2006). Students’ perspectives on the nature of mathematics. In P. Grootenboer, R. Zevenbergen, & M. Chinnappan (Eds.), Proceedings of 29th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia: Identities, Cultures and Learning Spaces (Volume 2), (pp. 583-590). MERGA.
  • Zwart, D. P., Van Luit, J. E. H., Noroozi, O., & Goei, S. L. (2017). The effects of digital learning material on students’ mathematics learning in vocational education. Cogent Education, 4(1), 1–10.
Yıl 2020, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 1247 - 1261, 15.09.2020


Proje Numarası

Individual Project - No Number


  • Acharya, B. R. (2017). Factors affecting difficulties in learning mathematics by mathematics learners. International Journal of Elementary Education, 6(2), 8-15.
  • Arthur, Y. D., Asiedu-Addo, S., & Assuah, C. (2017). Students’ perception and its impact on Ghanaian students’ interest in mathematics: multivariate statistical analytical approach. Asian Research Journal of Mathematics, 4(2), 1-12.
  • Arthur, Y. D., Oduro, F. T., & Boadi, R. K. (2014). Statistical analysis of Ghanaian students attitude and interest toward learning mathematics. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(6), 661-670.
  • Aziz, Z. A., & Bakar, A. Y. A. (2019). Perception and attitude of Malaysian underprivileged students in learning ESL: A preliminary case study. Journal of Education and Learning Studies, 2(1), 18-24.
  • Bakker, A. (2014). Characterising and developing vocational mathematical knowledge. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 86(2), 151-156.
  • Bandura, A. (2012). On the functional properties of perceived self-efficacy revisited. Journal of Management, 38(1), 9-44. Barnes-Svarney, P., & Svarney, T. E. (2012). The handy math answer book (2nd ed.). Visible Ink Press.
  • Bernstein, D. A., & Nash, P. W. (2008). Essentials of psychology (4th ed.). Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Blazar, D., & Kraft, M. A. (2017). Teacher and teaching effects on students’ attitude and behaviours. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 39(1), 146-170.
  • Buabeng-Andoh, C. (2019). Students’ attitudes toward mathematics in vocational education: From perspectives of a developing country. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 8(7), 43-49.
  • Clark, G., & Zimmerman, E. (2004). Teaching talented art students: Principles and practices. Teachers College Press.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Dalby, D., & Noyes, A. (2015). Connecting mathematics teaching with vocational learning. Adults Learning Mathematics: An International Journal, 10(1), 40-49.
  • Deutscher, V., & Winther, E. (2018). Instructional sensitivity in vocational education. Learning and Instruction, 53(February), 21-33.
  • Dimakos, G., Tyrlis, I., & Spyros, F. (2012). Factors that influence students to do mathematics. The Teaching of Mathematics, 15(1), 43-54.
  • Egeberg, H., & McConney, A. (2018). What do students believe about effective classroom management? A mixed-methods investigation in Western Australian High Schools. The Australian Educational Researcher, 45(2), 195-216.
  • Erdem, Y. S., & Yildirim, A. (2019). Effective teaching and learning at vocational education at tertiary level: A qualitative study of administrators’, teachers’ and students’ perceptions. In B. E. Stalder & C. Nägele (Eds.), Trends in vocational education and training research, Vol. II. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET) (pp. 366–375).
  • Erlingsson, C., & Brysiewicz, P. (2017). A hands-on guide to doing content analysis. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 7(3), 93-99.
  • Erozkan, A. (2014). Analysis of social problem solving and social self-efficacy in prospective teachers. Educational Science: Theory and Practice, 14(2), 447-455.
  • Fatimah, A. T., & Prabawanto, S. (2020). Mathematical understanding and reasoning of vocational school students in agriculture-based mathematical tasks. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 8(2), 771-782.
  • Frejd, P., & Muhrman, K. (2020). Is the mathematics classroom a suitable learning space for making workplace mathematics visible? – An analysis of a subject integrated team-teaching approach applied in different learning spaces. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 72(3), 1–19.
  • Hammersley, M. (2015). Observation, participant and nonparticipant. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), The blackwell encyclopedia of sociology.
  • Harackiewicz, J. M., & Hulleman, C. S. (2010). The importance of interest: The role of achievement goals and task values in promoting the development of interest. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 4(1), 42-52.
  • Harackiewicz, J. M., Tibbetts, Y., Canning, E., & Hyde, J. S. (2014). Harnessing values to promote motivation in education. Advances in Motivation and Achievement, 18, 71-105.
  • Heinze, A., Reiss, K., & Rudolph, F. (2005). Mathematics achievement and interest in mathematics from differential perspective. ZDM - Mathematics Education, 37(3), 212-220.
  • Koller, O., Baumert, J., & Schnabel, K. (2001). Does interest matter? The relationship between academic interest and achievement in mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 32(5), 448-470.
  • Kollosche, D. (2017). The ideology of relevance in school mathematics. In A. Chronaki (Ed.), Proceedings of Ninth International Mathematics Education and Society Conference: Mathematics Education and Life at Times of Crisis (Volume 2) (pp. 633-644). MES9.
  • Kpolovie, P. J., Joe, A. I., & Okoto, T. (2014). Academic achievement prediction: Role of interest in learning and attitude toward school. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, 1(11), 73-100.
  • Lindberg, L., & Grevholm, B. (2011). Mathematics in vocational education: Revisiting a developmental research project. Adult Learning Mathematics: An International Journal, 6(1), 41-68.
  • Liu, F., & Maitlis, S. (2010). Non-participant observation. In A. J. Mills, G. Durepos, & E. Wiebe (Eds.), Encyclopedia of case study research (Volume 2). Sage.
  • Long, C., Ming, Z., & Chen, L. (2013). The study of student motivation on english learning in junior middle school: A case study of No. 5 Middle School in Gejiu. English Language Teaching, 6(9), 136-145.
  • Loyalka, P., Huang, X., Zhang, L., Wei, J., Yi, H., Song, Y., Shi, Y., & Chu, J. (2015). The impact of vocational schooling on human capital development in developing countries: Evidence from China. The World Bank Economic Review, 30(1), 143-170.
  • Mahirda, K., & Wahyuni, H. (2016). Returning to general and vocational high-schools in Indonesia. Review of Economic and Business Studies, 9(2), 9-28.
  • Markovits, Z., & Forgasz, H. (2017). ‘Mathematic is like a lion’: Elementary students’ beliefs about mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 96, 49-64.
  • Mazana, M. Y., Montero, C. S., & Casmir, R. O. (2019). Investigating students’ attitude towards learning mathematics. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 14(1), 1-25.
  • Mega, C., Ronconi, L., & De Beni, R. (2014). What makes a good student? How emotions, self-regulated learning, and motivation contribute to academic achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106(1), 121-131.
  • Meral, M., Colak, E., & Zereyak, E. (2012). The relationship between self-efficacy and academic performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science, 46, 1143-1146.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture. (2018). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 37 Tahun 2018 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 24 Tahun 2016 tentang Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar pada Kurikulum 2013 pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah [The Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia Number 37 Year 2018 concern Amendment of Regulation of Ministry of Education and Culture Number 24 Year 2016 concern Core and Basic Competence in Curriculum 2013 on Primary and Secondary Education]. Kemendikbud RI.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture. (2019). Laporan Hasil Ujian Nasional: Capaian Nasional Satuan Pendidikan Negeri dan Swasta Tahun 2019 [Report of National Examination Results: National Achievement of Public and Private Education Unit Year 2019]. Kemendikbud RI.
  • Muhrman, K. (2015). Mathematics in agriculture and vocational education for agricultures. Proceedings of Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp.1669-1670). ERME.
  • Mutodi, P., & Ngirande, H. (2014). The influence of students’ perceptions on mathematics performance: A case of a selected high school in South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(3), 431-445.
  • Nakano, T. de C., Primi, R., Ribeiro, W. de J., & Almeida, L. S. (2016). Multidimensional assessment of giftedness: Criterion validity of battery of intelligence and creativity measures in predicting arts and academic talents. Anales De Psicología/Annals of Psychology, 32(3), 628-637.
  • Narendrati, N. (2017). Komparasi pembelajaran statistika melalui pendekatan CTL dan problem posing ditinjau dari prestasi belajar dan minat belajar matematika [Comparison of statistics learning through CTL approach viewed from learning achievement and mathematics learning interest]. Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4(1), 67-77.
  • Newhouse, D., & Suryadarma, D. (2011). The value of vocational education: High school type and labor market outcomes in Indonesia. The World Bank Economic Review, 25(2), 296-322.
  • OECD. (2019). PISA 2018 Results (Volume I): What students know and can do. OECD Publishing.
  • Ohman, S. (2015). Students’ perspectives on mathematics: An interview study of the perceived purposes of school mathematics among swedish gymnasium students [Master’s thesis, Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University].
  • Ozdemir, H., & Onder-Ozdemir, N. (2017). Vocational high school students’ perception of success in mathematics. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 12(3), 493-502.
  • Prieto, M.-D., & Ferrando, M. (2016). New horizons in the study of high ability: Gifted and talented. Anales De Psicología/Annals of Psychology, 32(3), 617-620.
  • Rintala, H., & Nokelainen, P. (2020). Standing and attractiveness of vocational education and training in Finland: Focus on learning environments. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 72(2), 1-20.
  • Rudduck, J., & Flutter, J. (2000). Pupil participation and pupil perspective: ‘Carving a new order of experience’. Cambridge Journal of Education, 30(1), 75-89.
  • Sagocak, A. M., Yilmaz, E., & Karahan, N. (2013). Knowledge, skill and creativity in vocational and technical education. The International Journal of Educational Researchers, 4(1), 13-21.
  • Schukajlow, S., & Krug, A. (2014). Are interest and enjoyment important for students’ performance? In C. Nicol, S. Oesterle, P. Liljedahl, & D. Allan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 & PME-NA 36 (Volume 5), (pp. 129-136). PME.
  • Tahir, U. F. H. M., & Shahrill, M. (2014). Mathematics in vocational and technical education: Investigating the relationship in engineering work related problems. In I. G. Chova, A. L. Martínez, & I. C. Torres (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (pp. 3282-3292). IATED Academy.
  • Thahir, A., Komarudin, K., Hasanah, U. N., & Rahmahwaty, R. (2019). MURDER learning models and self-efficacy: Impact on mathematical reflective thinking ability. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(4), 1123-1135.
  • Weber, R. P. (1990). Basic content analysis (2nd ed.). Sage.
  • Wilson, H. E. (2009). The Picasso in your classroom: How to meet the needs of talented artists in Elementary School. Gifted Child Today, 32(1), 36–45.
  • Young-Loveridge, J., Taylor, M., Sharma, S., & Hawera, N. (2006). Students’ perspectives on the nature of mathematics. In P. Grootenboer, R. Zevenbergen, & M. Chinnappan (Eds.), Proceedings of 29th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia: Identities, Cultures and Learning Spaces (Volume 2), (pp. 583-590). MERGA.
  • Zwart, D. P., Van Luit, J. E. H., Noroozi, O., & Goei, S. L. (2017). The effects of digital learning material on students’ mathematics learning in vocational education. Cogent Education, 4(1), 1–10.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Gifted Education

Sugiman Sugiman 0000-0003-1931-7537

Ilham Rızkıanto Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9636-6001

Endar Pujıasti Bu kişi benim

Proje Numarası Individual Project - No Number
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Sugiman, S., Rızkıanto, I., & Pujıasti, E. (2020). Artistically talented students’ perceptions of mathematics: View, interest, competence, and relevance. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 8(3), 1247-1261.
AMA Sugiman S, Rızkıanto I, Pujıasti E. Artistically talented students’ perceptions of mathematics: View, interest, competence, and relevance. JEGYS. Eylül 2020;8(3):1247-1261. doi:10.17478/jegys.762677
Chicago Sugiman, Sugiman, Ilham Rızkıanto, ve Endar Pujıasti. “Artistically Talented students’ Perceptions of Mathematics: View, Interest, Competence, and Relevance”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8, sy. 3 (Eylül 2020): 1247-61.
EndNote Sugiman S, Rızkıanto I, Pujıasti E (01 Eylül 2020) Artistically talented students’ perceptions of mathematics: View, interest, competence, and relevance. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8 3 1247–1261.
IEEE S. Sugiman, I. Rızkıanto, ve E. Pujıasti, “Artistically talented students’ perceptions of mathematics: View, interest, competence, and relevance”, JEGYS, c. 8, sy. 3, ss. 1247–1261, 2020, doi: 10.17478/jegys.762677.
ISNAD Sugiman, Sugiman vd. “Artistically Talented students’ Perceptions of Mathematics: View, Interest, Competence, and Relevance”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8/3 (Eylül 2020), 1247-1261.
JAMA Sugiman S, Rızkıanto I, Pujıasti E. Artistically talented students’ perceptions of mathematics: View, interest, competence, and relevance. JEGYS. 2020;8:1247–1261.
MLA Sugiman, Sugiman vd. “Artistically Talented students’ Perceptions of Mathematics: View, Interest, Competence, and Relevance”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, c. 8, sy. 3, 2020, ss. 1247-61, doi:10.17478/jegys.762677.
Vancouver Sugiman S, Rızkıanto I, Pujıasti E. Artistically talented students’ perceptions of mathematics: View, interest, competence, and relevance. JEGYS. 2020;8(3):1247-61.