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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 591 - 597, 30.12.2022



  • Agamben, G. (2013), Kutsa linsan, (Homo Sacer) çev. İsmail Türkmen, Ayrıntı yay. İst.
  • Aksoy, H.H. & Eren, E. (2017), "Teacher authority, autonomy and authoritarianism in Turkish vocational high schools". In A Language of Freedom and Teacher's Authority: Case Comparisons from Turkey and the United States (p.111-128) F. Mızıkacı & G. Senese (Eds.), London: Lexington Books.
  • Cohen, J. & Arato, A. (2013). Sivil Toplum ve Siyasal Teori, (Civil society and political theory), ed. A. Argunakdoğan, Efil yay. Ank.
  • Bobbio, N. &Texier, J. (1982). Gramsci ve Sivil Toplum, (Gramsci and Civil Society), (Çev. Arda İpek/ Kenan Somer). Ankara: SavaşYayınları.
  • Butler, J &Laclau, E. & Zizek, S. (2009). Olumsallık, Hegemonya, Evrensellik (Contingency, Hegemony, Universality) çev. Ahmet Fethi, Hil yay, ist.
  • Derrida, J. (1999). "Differance", Toplumbilim, Jacques Derrida Özel Sayısı, çev. Önay Sözer, Sayı :10, ss. 49-61, Bağlam Yay., ist.
  • Derrida, J. (2010). Gramatoloji, (Of Grammatology), (İsmet Birkan, çev.), İstanbul: BilgeSu yay.
  • Foucault, M. (2014), Özne ve İktidar. (Subject and Power), çev. I. Ergüden ve O. Akınhay, İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Foucault, M. (2015), Cinselliğin Tarihi. (History of Sexuality). çev. H.U. Tanrıöver, İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Freire, P. (2003). Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi, (Pedagogy of the Oppressed). Çev. Dilek Hattaoglu- Erol Özbek, Ayrıntı Yay. İst.
  • Gramsci, A.(1999). Selection from Prison Notebook, Essential Classics in Politics: Antonio Gramsci, edited and translated by Quentin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith, London: ElecBook
  • Hanisch, C. (1969). The Personal is Political. (01.03.2019).
  • Hardt, M. & Negri, A. (2011). Çokluk, (Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire), çev. Barış Yıldırım, Ayrıntı yay. İst.
  • Keane, J. (1993), Sivil toplum ve devlet, (Civil Society and the State) (Akın, E. E diğ. Çev.), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Kızıltepe, Z. (2015). "Alanyazın Derlemesi" (Literature Review), içinde. Nitel Araştırma: Yöntem, teknik, analiz ve yaklaşımları, (ed. Seggie, F.N. &Bayyurt, Y.), Ankara:Anı
  • Kükürt, R. O. (2020). "Türkiye'de Eğitim Politikaları Üzerine Hegemonya Mücadelesinde İktidar, Sendikalar ve Eğitimcilerin Siyasal Konumlanışları", (The Political Placement of the Political Power, Trade Unions and Educators in The Struggle of Hegemony Over the Creation of the Educational Policies), Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara
  • Laclau, E. &Mouffe, C. (2008). Hegemonya ve Sosyalist Strateji, (Hegemony and Socialist Strategy) çev. Ahmet Kardam, İletişim, ist.
  • Laclau, E. (2003), Evrensellik, Kimlik ve Özgürleşme, (Emancipation(s)), (çev. E. Başer), İstanbul: Birikim.
  • Laclau, E. (2007), Popülist Akıl Üzerine, (on Populist Reason), (çev. Nur Betül Çelik), Epos, Ankara.
  • Mouffe, C. (2010), Siyasal Üzerine, (on the Political),çev. Mehmet Ratip, iletişim, ist.
  • Ranciere, J. (2007), Siyasalın Kıyısında, (on the Shore of Politics), çev. A.U. Kılıç, İstanbul: Metis.
  • Ranciere, J. (2019). Cahil Hoca: Zihinsel Özgürleşme Üzerine Beş Ders, (The Ignorant Schoolmaster), Çev. S. Kılıç, İstanbul: Metis.
  • Samuel, J. & Mantel, J.R, (1956). Education in the Political Process, Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 34, No. 1(Jul, 1956), Published by Taylor&Francis.
  • Schmitt, C. (2006), Siyasal Kavramı, (The concept of the Political) çev. EceGöztepe, Metis, İst.
  • Schmitter, P. (1974). "Still the century of corporatism?", Rev. Polit. (36):85–131
  • Thomas, P. D. (2010). Gramsci Çağı: Felsefe-Hegemonya-Marksizm. (The Gramscian Moment), (Çev. İlker Akçay ve Ekrem Ekici). Ankara: Dipnot Yay.

The political nature of education and political placements in the struggle of hegemony in education

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4, 591 - 597, 30.12.2022


The modern political understanding defines politics only within the boundaries of a political society immanent to the state, such as parliament and political parties. Within the framework of this understanding, it is discussed whether education is included in the political field. In this direction, although formal education is planned under the control of political powers, they are trying to define it outside the political field and turn it into a unilateral hegemony device. As this limited definition of the political, the importance of civil society in politics began to increase, the political struggle first expanded to the field of hegemony between civil society structures such as Trade Unions, and then the borders of the political expanded from the field of the state to the entire social field, especially within the framework of Foucaultian biopolitics and understanding of power. As a matter of fact, Foucault draws attention to the emergence contingency of the power relation wherever there is a mode of subjectivity in a relationality while revealing himself in the subject, instead of positioning the power in the field of the state alone. Thus, wherever the power is, there is the opportunity for resistance to emerge and the boundaries of the political to expand (Foucault, 2016).
In this framework, the expansion of the borders of the political sphere towards the social sphere destroyed the one-sided perception of the concept of hegemony under the control of the state or the ruling class, and with the influence of Gramsci (1999), the concept of counter-hegemony and the struggle for hegemony emerged. The field of education should be understood as a field of political struggle as it contains many political confrontations that conflict with each other, such as power, education trade unions, education policies, educational designs such as teachers, students and families. Thus, the field of education appears, on the one hand, in the structural political struggle between the political power and "Education Trade Unions", and on the other hand, as a field of hegemony that includes particular subject movements and political subject positions, such as students and teachers.


  • Agamben, G. (2013), Kutsa linsan, (Homo Sacer) çev. İsmail Türkmen, Ayrıntı yay. İst.
  • Aksoy, H.H. & Eren, E. (2017), "Teacher authority, autonomy and authoritarianism in Turkish vocational high schools". In A Language of Freedom and Teacher's Authority: Case Comparisons from Turkey and the United States (p.111-128) F. Mızıkacı & G. Senese (Eds.), London: Lexington Books.
  • Cohen, J. & Arato, A. (2013). Sivil Toplum ve Siyasal Teori, (Civil society and political theory), ed. A. Argunakdoğan, Efil yay. Ank.
  • Bobbio, N. &Texier, J. (1982). Gramsci ve Sivil Toplum, (Gramsci and Civil Society), (Çev. Arda İpek/ Kenan Somer). Ankara: SavaşYayınları.
  • Butler, J &Laclau, E. & Zizek, S. (2009). Olumsallık, Hegemonya, Evrensellik (Contingency, Hegemony, Universality) çev. Ahmet Fethi, Hil yay, ist.
  • Derrida, J. (1999). "Differance", Toplumbilim, Jacques Derrida Özel Sayısı, çev. Önay Sözer, Sayı :10, ss. 49-61, Bağlam Yay., ist.
  • Derrida, J. (2010). Gramatoloji, (Of Grammatology), (İsmet Birkan, çev.), İstanbul: BilgeSu yay.
  • Foucault, M. (2014), Özne ve İktidar. (Subject and Power), çev. I. Ergüden ve O. Akınhay, İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Foucault, M. (2015), Cinselliğin Tarihi. (History of Sexuality). çev. H.U. Tanrıöver, İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Freire, P. (2003). Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi, (Pedagogy of the Oppressed). Çev. Dilek Hattaoglu- Erol Özbek, Ayrıntı Yay. İst.
  • Gramsci, A.(1999). Selection from Prison Notebook, Essential Classics in Politics: Antonio Gramsci, edited and translated by Quentin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith, London: ElecBook
  • Hanisch, C. (1969). The Personal is Political. (01.03.2019).
  • Hardt, M. & Negri, A. (2011). Çokluk, (Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire), çev. Barış Yıldırım, Ayrıntı yay. İst.
  • Keane, J. (1993), Sivil toplum ve devlet, (Civil Society and the State) (Akın, E. E diğ. Çev.), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Kızıltepe, Z. (2015). "Alanyazın Derlemesi" (Literature Review), içinde. Nitel Araştırma: Yöntem, teknik, analiz ve yaklaşımları, (ed. Seggie, F.N. &Bayyurt, Y.), Ankara:Anı
  • Kükürt, R. O. (2020). "Türkiye'de Eğitim Politikaları Üzerine Hegemonya Mücadelesinde İktidar, Sendikalar ve Eğitimcilerin Siyasal Konumlanışları", (The Political Placement of the Political Power, Trade Unions and Educators in The Struggle of Hegemony Over the Creation of the Educational Policies), Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara
  • Laclau, E. &Mouffe, C. (2008). Hegemonya ve Sosyalist Strateji, (Hegemony and Socialist Strategy) çev. Ahmet Kardam, İletişim, ist.
  • Laclau, E. (2003), Evrensellik, Kimlik ve Özgürleşme, (Emancipation(s)), (çev. E. Başer), İstanbul: Birikim.
  • Laclau, E. (2007), Popülist Akıl Üzerine, (on Populist Reason), (çev. Nur Betül Çelik), Epos, Ankara.
  • Mouffe, C. (2010), Siyasal Üzerine, (on the Political),çev. Mehmet Ratip, iletişim, ist.
  • Ranciere, J. (2007), Siyasalın Kıyısında, (on the Shore of Politics), çev. A.U. Kılıç, İstanbul: Metis.
  • Ranciere, J. (2019). Cahil Hoca: Zihinsel Özgürleşme Üzerine Beş Ders, (The Ignorant Schoolmaster), Çev. S. Kılıç, İstanbul: Metis.
  • Samuel, J. & Mantel, J.R, (1956). Education in the Political Process, Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 34, No. 1(Jul, 1956), Published by Taylor&Francis.
  • Schmitt, C. (2006), Siyasal Kavramı, (The concept of the Political) çev. EceGöztepe, Metis, İst.
  • Schmitter, P. (1974). "Still the century of corporatism?", Rev. Polit. (36):85–131
  • Thomas, P. D. (2010). Gramsci Çağı: Felsefe-Hegemonya-Marksizm. (The Gramscian Moment), (Çev. İlker Akçay ve Ekrem Ekici). Ankara: Dipnot Yay.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Sustainability of Education

Remzi Onur Kükürt 0000-0002-3048-9359

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Kükürt, R. O. (2022). The political nature of education and political placements in the struggle of hegemony in education. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 10(4), 591-597.
AMA Kükürt RO. The political nature of education and political placements in the struggle of hegemony in education. JEGYS. Aralık 2022;10(4):591-597. doi:10.17478/jegys.1219312
Chicago Kükürt, Remzi Onur. “The Political Nature of Education and Political Placements in the Struggle of Hegemony in Education”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 10, sy. 4 (Aralık 2022): 591-97.
EndNote Kükürt RO (01 Aralık 2022) The political nature of education and political placements in the struggle of hegemony in education. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 10 4 591–597.
IEEE R. O. Kükürt, “The political nature of education and political placements in the struggle of hegemony in education”, JEGYS, c. 10, sy. 4, ss. 591–597, 2022, doi: 10.17478/jegys.1219312.
ISNAD Kükürt, Remzi Onur. “The Political Nature of Education and Political Placements in the Struggle of Hegemony in Education”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 10/4 (Aralık 2022), 591-597.
JAMA Kükürt RO. The political nature of education and political placements in the struggle of hegemony in education. JEGYS. 2022;10:591–597.
MLA Kükürt, Remzi Onur. “The Political Nature of Education and Political Placements in the Struggle of Hegemony in Education”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, c. 10, sy. 4, 2022, ss. 591-7, doi:10.17478/jegys.1219312.
Vancouver Kükürt RO. The political nature of education and political placements in the struggle of hegemony in education. JEGYS. 2022;10(4):591-7.
By introducing the concept of the "Gifted Young Scientist," JEGYS has initiated a new research trend at the intersection of science-field education and gifted education.