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Yaban Hayatının Korunması: Türkiye'de Dönemlerin Mevzuat Analizi

Yıl 2021, , 168 - 181, 30.08.2021


The first legal arrangements concerning hunting and wildlife were held in “Mecelle (Ottoman code of civil law)” was declared in 1976 and was abolished in 1926. Prior to this date, hunting was carried out freely, and game animals were regarded as “waif” and there were no legal re-strictive regulations. Only it was forbidden to enter the hunting areas of the Sultan and this ac-tivitis were punished. When analyzed Mecelle seen that there were made general regulations on hunting and game animals about catch or ownership .
The first basic arrangement on hunting and wild animals in Turkish law was made in 1937 by the Law of Hunting, Numbered 3167. Law No: 3167 had provisions as definition of hunting animals, hunting principles and prohibitions, it was abolished in 2003 by the with the current law which numbered 4915. Law No 4915 is more detailed law than the 3167 with regards to con-servation provisions and at the same time in terms of compliance with international agreements related to wildlife and biodiversty.
In this study will be discussed the process and developmet of the legislation related wildlife and hunting from 1900 to the present day and analyzed in terms of international agreements. These are Mecelle, Constitutions, Civil Laws, Criminal Laws, Land Hunting Laws, Forest Laws, Fish-ery Law and Environmental Law.


  • Akdemir, H., 2008 Kur’an Acisindan Ekolojik Denge ve Avlanma. Harran Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Dergisi, 20(20), 193-200.
  • (Aksungur, M. 2004) Ulkemiz Su Urunleri Teskilat Yapisi Tarihi Gelisimi. Yunus Arastirma Bulteni, 2004(1).
  • (Ayan, M.,2012) Esya Hukuku II, Mulkiyet, 4. Baski, Konya, s. 521-522.
  • (Aydin A., 2009) Idare Hukuku Acisindan Merkez Av Komisyonu, Kazanci Hukuk Dergisi, ss.23-29, 2009
  • (Aydin, M. A., 2003) Mecelle-i Ahkâm-i Adliyye. TDV Islam ansiklopedisi (DIA), 28, 231-235.
  • (Berki, A. H., 1982) Aciklamali Mecelle (Mecelle-i Ahkam-i Adliyye), ucuncu baski.
  • (Dartma, B., 2014) Kur’ân ve Sunnet Baglaminda Avin Ekolojik Dengeye Olumsuz Etkisi Uzerine.
  • (Erguney, H., 1965) Izahli ve Mukayeseli Mecelle Kulli Kaideleri. Yenilik.
  • (Guven, O., Herguner, G., 1999) Turk Kulturunde Avciligin Temel Dayanaklari. Pamukkale Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 5(5), 32-49.
  • (Hus, S., 1974) Av Hayvanlari Ve Avcilik. Istanbul Universitesi.
  • (Kochisarlioglu, C., Erisgin, Ö., 2013) Hayvanin Hukuki Konumu. Journal of Yasar University, 8 (Özel), 1691-1724.
  • (Kucukosmanoglu, A., Arslangundogdu, Z., 2009) Turkiye’de Avciligin Gelecegi. Acta Turcica, Cevrimici Tematik Turkoloji Dergisi.
  • (Milli Egitim Bakanligi., 2008) MEGEP, Denizcilik, Balikcilik ve Su Urunleri, Mevzuati, ANKARA 2008
  • (Özer, O., 2015) Av Turizmi ve Görsel Medya: Yaban TV’nin Turkiye’deki Yerli Turist Avcilarin Tutumlarina Yönelik Etkileri, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Izmir Katip Çelebi Universitesi
  • (Sukru Y., 1988) Islamda Avcilik. Gelisim Matbaasi, Ankara, 1-19.
  • (Turkmen, M. N., 2009) Osmanlida Av Seferleri. Acta Turcica Cevrimici Tematik Turkoloji Dergisi, Turk Kulturunde Av, 1, 22-32.

Protection Of Wildlife: Analysis Of Legislative Periods In Turkey

Yıl 2021, , 168 - 181, 30.08.2021


The first legal arrangements concerning hunting and wildlife were held in “Mecelle (Ottoman code of civil law)” was declared in 1976 and was abolished in 1926. Prior to this date, hunting was carried out freely, and game animals were regarded as “waif” and there were no legal re-strictive regulations. Only it was forbidden to enter the hunting areas of the Sultan and this ac-tivitis were punished. When analyzed Mecelle seen that there were made general regulations on hunting and game animals about catch or ownership .
The first basic arrangement on hunting and wild animals in Turkish law was made in 1937 by the Law of Hunting, Numbered 3167. Law No: 3167 had provisions as definition of hunting animals, hunting principles and prohibitions, it was abolished in 2003 by the with the current law which numbered 4915. Law No 4915 is more detailed law than the 3167 with regards to con-servation provisions and at the same time in terms of compliance with international agreements related to wildlife and biodiversty.
In this study will be discussed the process and developmet of the legislation related wildlife and hunting from 1900 to the present day and analyzed in terms of international agreements. These are Mecelle, Constitutions, Civil Laws, Criminal Laws, Land Hunting Laws, Forest Laws, Fish-ery Law and Environmental Law.


  • Akdemir, H., 2008 Kur’an Acisindan Ekolojik Denge ve Avlanma. Harran Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Dergisi, 20(20), 193-200.
  • (Aksungur, M. 2004) Ulkemiz Su Urunleri Teskilat Yapisi Tarihi Gelisimi. Yunus Arastirma Bulteni, 2004(1).
  • (Ayan, M.,2012) Esya Hukuku II, Mulkiyet, 4. Baski, Konya, s. 521-522.
  • (Aydin A., 2009) Idare Hukuku Acisindan Merkez Av Komisyonu, Kazanci Hukuk Dergisi, ss.23-29, 2009
  • (Aydin, M. A., 2003) Mecelle-i Ahkâm-i Adliyye. TDV Islam ansiklopedisi (DIA), 28, 231-235.
  • (Berki, A. H., 1982) Aciklamali Mecelle (Mecelle-i Ahkam-i Adliyye), ucuncu baski.
  • (Dartma, B., 2014) Kur’ân ve Sunnet Baglaminda Avin Ekolojik Dengeye Olumsuz Etkisi Uzerine.
  • (Erguney, H., 1965) Izahli ve Mukayeseli Mecelle Kulli Kaideleri. Yenilik.
  • (Guven, O., Herguner, G., 1999) Turk Kulturunde Avciligin Temel Dayanaklari. Pamukkale Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 5(5), 32-49.
  • (Hus, S., 1974) Av Hayvanlari Ve Avcilik. Istanbul Universitesi.
  • (Kochisarlioglu, C., Erisgin, Ö., 2013) Hayvanin Hukuki Konumu. Journal of Yasar University, 8 (Özel), 1691-1724.
  • (Kucukosmanoglu, A., Arslangundogdu, Z., 2009) Turkiye’de Avciligin Gelecegi. Acta Turcica, Cevrimici Tematik Turkoloji Dergisi.
  • (Milli Egitim Bakanligi., 2008) MEGEP, Denizcilik, Balikcilik ve Su Urunleri, Mevzuati, ANKARA 2008
  • (Özer, O., 2015) Av Turizmi ve Görsel Medya: Yaban TV’nin Turkiye’deki Yerli Turist Avcilarin Tutumlarina Yönelik Etkileri, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Izmir Katip Çelebi Universitesi
  • (Sukru Y., 1988) Islamda Avcilik. Gelisim Matbaasi, Ankara, 1-19.
  • (Turkmen, M. N., 2009) Osmanlida Av Seferleri. Acta Turcica Cevrimici Tematik Turkoloji Dergisi, Turk Kulturunde Av, 1, 22-32.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çevre ve Kültür
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nimet Velioğlu 0000-0003-0031-5697

Osman Devrim Elvan 0000-0001-7751-5916

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Velioğlu, N., & Elvan, O. D. (2021). Protection Of Wildlife: Analysis Of Legislative Periods In Turkey. JENAS Journal of Environmental and Natural Studies, 3(2), 168-181.

JENAS | Journal of Environmental and Natural Studies