Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2021, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 59 - 70, 30.12.2021



  • Abolghasemi, A., & Varaniyab, S. T. (2010). Resilience and perceived stress: Predictors of life satisfaction in the students of success and failure. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5(2010), 748-752.
  • Antaramian, S. (2017). The importance of very high life satisfaction for students’ academic success. Cogent Education, 4(1), 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/2331186x.2017.1307622.
  • Arenas, J. C., & Man, Y. K. (2020). Academic achievement and life satisfaction of students in Mathematics in positive education intervention. The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 7(4), 5910-5918. DOI: 10.18535/ijsshi/v7i04.04.
  • Ateş, B. (2016). Üniversite öğrencilerinde akademik başarının yordayıcısı olarak psikolojik iyi oluş ve sosyal yetkinlik. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(59), 1203-1214. DOI: 10.17755/esosder.86299.
  • Barchard, K. A. (2003). Does emotional intelligence assist in the prediction of academic success? Educational and Psychological Measurement, 63(5), 840–858.
  • Beauvais, A. M., Stewart, J. G., DeNisco, S., & Beauvais, J. E. (2014). Factors related to academic success among nursing students: A descriptive correlational research study. Nurse education today, 34(6), 918-923. DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2013.12.005.
  • Chen, G. M., & Starosta, W. J. (1996). Intercultural communication competence: A synthesis. In B. R. Burleson (Ed.), Communication yearbook 19 (pp. 353–383). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Coutinho, S. A. (2007). The relationship between goals, metacognition, and academic success. Educate~, 7(1), 39-47.
  • Crede, J., Wirthwein, L., McElvany, N., & Steinmayr, R. (2015). Adolescents’ academic achievement and life satisfaction: The role of parents’ education. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(52), 1-8.
  • Datu, J. A. D., & Bernardo, A. B. (2020). The blessings of social-oriented virtues: Interpersonal character strengths are linked to increased life satisfaction and academic success among Filipino high school students. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(7), 983-990.
  • Diener, E. (1984). Subjective well-being. Psychological Bulletin, 95(3), 542–575.
  • Diener, E. (1995). A value based index for measuring national quality of life. Social indicators research, 36(2), 107-127.
  • Diener, E., & Suh, E. (1997). Measuring quality of life: Economic, social, and subjective indicators. Social indicators research, 40(1), 189-216.
  • Diener, E. D., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J., & Griffin, S. (1985). The satisfaction with life scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49(1), 71-75. DOI: 10.1207/s15327752jpa4901_13.
  • Downey, M. E. (1977). Interpersonal judgements in education. London: Harper & Row.
  • Ebrahimi, N., Sabaghian, Z., & Abolghasemi, M. (2011). Investigating relationship of hope and academic success of college students. Quarterly journal of research and planning in higher education, 17(2), 1-16.
  • Edman, J. L., & Brazil, B. (2009). Perceptions of campus climate, academic efficacy and academic success among community college students: An ethnic comparison. Social Psychology of Education, 12(3), 371-383.
  • García-Martínez, I., Landa, J. M. A., & León, S. P. (2021). The Mediating Role of Engagement on the Achievement and Quality of Life of University Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(12), 6586-6597.
  • Graziano, P. A., Reavis, R. D., Keane, S. P., & Calkins, S. D. (2007). The role of emotion regulation in children's early academic success. Journal of school psychology, 45(1), 3-19. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsp.2006.09.002.
  • Hawken, L., Duran, R. L., & Kelly, L. (1991). The relationship of interpersonal communication variables to academic success and persistence in college. Communication Quarterly, 39(4), 297-308.
  • Jeon, S., & Park, J. H. (2014). Analysis of relationships of scientific communication skills, science process skills, logical thinking skills, and academic achievement level of elementary school students. Journal of the Korean Association for Science Education, 34(7), 647-655. DOI: 10.14697/JKASE.2014.34.7.0647.
  • Johnson, D. W. (1996). Reaching out: Interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization. (6th ed.) Boston, Allyn and Bacon.
  • Jovarini, N. V., Leme, V. B. R., & Correia-Zanini, M. R. G. (2018). Influence of social skills and stressors on academic achievement in the sixth-grade. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 28(0), 1-9. DOI: 10.1590/1982-4327e2819.
  • Karasar, N. (2016). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. (31. Basım). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Khan, A., Khan, S., Zia-Ul-Islam, S., & Khan, M. (2017). Communication skills of a teacher and its role in the development of the students' academic success. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(1), 18-21. Corpus ID: 152003904.
  • Kirkcaldy, B., Furnham, A., & Siefen, G. (2004). The Relationship between Health Efficacy, Educational Attainment, and Well-Being among 30 Nations. European Psychologist, 9(2), 107–119. DOI: 10.1027/1016-9040.9.2.107.
  • Köker, S. (1991). Normal ve sorunlu ergenlerin yaşam doyumu düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması. (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from YÖK Thesis Center (Thesis No: 16802).
  • Korkut-Owen, F., & Bugay, A. (2014). İletişim Becerileri Ölçeği’nin geliştirilmesi: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(2), 51-64. Retrieved from
  • Luqman, M. (2013). Relationship of academic success of medical students with motivation and pre-admission grades. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, 23(1), 31-36. PMID: 23286620.
  • Moussa, N. M., & Ali, W. F. (2021). Exploring the Relationship between Students’ Academic Success and Happiness Levels in the Higher Education Settings during the Lockdown Period of COVID-19. Psychological Reports, 0(0), 1-25. DOI: 10.1177/0033294121994568.
  • Neugarten, B. L., Havighurst, R. J., & Tobin, S. S. (1961). The measurement of life satisfaction. Journal of Gerontology, 16(2), 134-143. DOI: 10.1093/geronj/16.2.134.
  • Ng, Z. J., Huebner, S. E., & Hills, K. J. (2015). Life satisfaction and academic performance in early adolescents: Evidence for reciprocal association. Journal of school psychology, 53(6), 479-491.
  • Obilor, E. I. (2020). Teachers' communication skills and students' academic performance. International Journal of Advanced Academic and Educational Research, 13(4), 28-41.
  • Oriol, X., Miranda, R., Oyanedel, J. C., & Torres, J. (2017). The role of self-control and grit in domains of school success in students of primary and secondary school. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(1716), 1-9.
  • Parker, J. D., Summerfeldt, L. J., Hogan, M. J., & Majeski, S. A. (2004). Emotional intelligence and academic success: Examining the transition from high school to university. Personality and individual differences, 36(1), 163-172. DOI: 10.1016/S0191-8869(03)00076-X.
  • Ridgell, S.D., & Lounsbury, J.W. (2004). Predicting academic success: General intelligence, Big Five personality traits, and work drive. College Student Journal, 38(4), 607-619.
  • Seiler, W. J., & Beall, M. L. (2005). Communication: making connections. Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
  • Sen, L. (2005). Communication skills. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited.
  • Suldo, S. M., Riley, K. N., & Shaffer, E. J. (2006). Academic correlates of children and adolescents' life satisfaction. School Psychology International, 27(5), 567-582.
  • Talebi Khansari, L. (2020). Relationship between classroom management practices and communication skills with academic achievement motivation of primary school students in Chabaksar. Management and Educational Perspective, 2(3), 113-131. DOI: 10.22034/JMEP.2020.243991.1030.
  • Verdener, R. F. (1999). Communicate! (9th Ed). Belmont CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
  • Yahaya, A., & Nordin, K. (2006). Relationship between self concepts, motivation, and parenting styles effected Students Achievements. (Unpublished article). Retrieved from Universiti Technology Malaysia (ID No: 5911).
  • Yahaya, A., & Ramli, J. (2009). The relationship between self-concept and communication skills towards academic achievement among secondary school students in Johor Bahru. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 1(2), 25-34. DOI: 10.5539/ijps.v1n2p25.

The Predictive Role of Teacher Candidates' Life Satisfaction and Communication Skills on Academic Success

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 59 - 70, 30.12.2021


In this study, the predictive role of life satisfaction and communication skills variables on teacher candidates' academic achievement teacher candidates was examined. The research was conducted based on the relational screening model. The research group consisted of 398 teacher candidates (172 males, 226 females) studying at the education faculties of different universities in Turkey in the 2020-2021 academic year. The age range of the teacher candidates in the study is between 18-25; the average age was determined as 21.20. “Life Satisfaction Scale - (Köker, 1991)”, “Communication Skills Scale - (Korkut-Owen & Bugay, 2014)” and “Personal Information Form” were used as data collection tools. The data obtained in the study were analyzed using the stepwise regression analysis method from multiple linear regression analysis. As a result of the research, it was determined that the variables of life satisfaction and communication skills significantly predicted academic achievement. It was observed that the variables of "life satisfaction" in the first place and "communication skills" in the second place significantly predicted the academic achievement of the teacher candidates.


  • Abolghasemi, A., & Varaniyab, S. T. (2010). Resilience and perceived stress: Predictors of life satisfaction in the students of success and failure. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5(2010), 748-752.
  • Antaramian, S. (2017). The importance of very high life satisfaction for students’ academic success. Cogent Education, 4(1), 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/2331186x.2017.1307622.
  • Arenas, J. C., & Man, Y. K. (2020). Academic achievement and life satisfaction of students in Mathematics in positive education intervention. The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 7(4), 5910-5918. DOI: 10.18535/ijsshi/v7i04.04.
  • Ateş, B. (2016). Üniversite öğrencilerinde akademik başarının yordayıcısı olarak psikolojik iyi oluş ve sosyal yetkinlik. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(59), 1203-1214. DOI: 10.17755/esosder.86299.
  • Barchard, K. A. (2003). Does emotional intelligence assist in the prediction of academic success? Educational and Psychological Measurement, 63(5), 840–858.
  • Beauvais, A. M., Stewart, J. G., DeNisco, S., & Beauvais, J. E. (2014). Factors related to academic success among nursing students: A descriptive correlational research study. Nurse education today, 34(6), 918-923. DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2013.12.005.
  • Chen, G. M., & Starosta, W. J. (1996). Intercultural communication competence: A synthesis. In B. R. Burleson (Ed.), Communication yearbook 19 (pp. 353–383). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Coutinho, S. A. (2007). The relationship between goals, metacognition, and academic success. Educate~, 7(1), 39-47.
  • Crede, J., Wirthwein, L., McElvany, N., & Steinmayr, R. (2015). Adolescents’ academic achievement and life satisfaction: The role of parents’ education. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(52), 1-8.
  • Datu, J. A. D., & Bernardo, A. B. (2020). The blessings of social-oriented virtues: Interpersonal character strengths are linked to increased life satisfaction and academic success among Filipino high school students. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(7), 983-990.
  • Diener, E. (1984). Subjective well-being. Psychological Bulletin, 95(3), 542–575.
  • Diener, E. (1995). A value based index for measuring national quality of life. Social indicators research, 36(2), 107-127.
  • Diener, E., & Suh, E. (1997). Measuring quality of life: Economic, social, and subjective indicators. Social indicators research, 40(1), 189-216.
  • Diener, E. D., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J., & Griffin, S. (1985). The satisfaction with life scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49(1), 71-75. DOI: 10.1207/s15327752jpa4901_13.
  • Downey, M. E. (1977). Interpersonal judgements in education. London: Harper & Row.
  • Ebrahimi, N., Sabaghian, Z., & Abolghasemi, M. (2011). Investigating relationship of hope and academic success of college students. Quarterly journal of research and planning in higher education, 17(2), 1-16.
  • Edman, J. L., & Brazil, B. (2009). Perceptions of campus climate, academic efficacy and academic success among community college students: An ethnic comparison. Social Psychology of Education, 12(3), 371-383.
  • García-Martínez, I., Landa, J. M. A., & León, S. P. (2021). The Mediating Role of Engagement on the Achievement and Quality of Life of University Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(12), 6586-6597.
  • Graziano, P. A., Reavis, R. D., Keane, S. P., & Calkins, S. D. (2007). The role of emotion regulation in children's early academic success. Journal of school psychology, 45(1), 3-19. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsp.2006.09.002.
  • Hawken, L., Duran, R. L., & Kelly, L. (1991). The relationship of interpersonal communication variables to academic success and persistence in college. Communication Quarterly, 39(4), 297-308.
  • Jeon, S., & Park, J. H. (2014). Analysis of relationships of scientific communication skills, science process skills, logical thinking skills, and academic achievement level of elementary school students. Journal of the Korean Association for Science Education, 34(7), 647-655. DOI: 10.14697/JKASE.2014.34.7.0647.
  • Johnson, D. W. (1996). Reaching out: Interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization. (6th ed.) Boston, Allyn and Bacon.
  • Jovarini, N. V., Leme, V. B. R., & Correia-Zanini, M. R. G. (2018). Influence of social skills and stressors on academic achievement in the sixth-grade. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 28(0), 1-9. DOI: 10.1590/1982-4327e2819.
  • Karasar, N. (2016). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. (31. Basım). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Khan, A., Khan, S., Zia-Ul-Islam, S., & Khan, M. (2017). Communication skills of a teacher and its role in the development of the students' academic success. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(1), 18-21. Corpus ID: 152003904.
  • Kirkcaldy, B., Furnham, A., & Siefen, G. (2004). The Relationship between Health Efficacy, Educational Attainment, and Well-Being among 30 Nations. European Psychologist, 9(2), 107–119. DOI: 10.1027/1016-9040.9.2.107.
  • Köker, S. (1991). Normal ve sorunlu ergenlerin yaşam doyumu düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması. (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from YÖK Thesis Center (Thesis No: 16802).
  • Korkut-Owen, F., & Bugay, A. (2014). İletişim Becerileri Ölçeği’nin geliştirilmesi: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(2), 51-64. Retrieved from
  • Luqman, M. (2013). Relationship of academic success of medical students with motivation and pre-admission grades. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, 23(1), 31-36. PMID: 23286620.
  • Moussa, N. M., & Ali, W. F. (2021). Exploring the Relationship between Students’ Academic Success and Happiness Levels in the Higher Education Settings during the Lockdown Period of COVID-19. Psychological Reports, 0(0), 1-25. DOI: 10.1177/0033294121994568.
  • Neugarten, B. L., Havighurst, R. J., & Tobin, S. S. (1961). The measurement of life satisfaction. Journal of Gerontology, 16(2), 134-143. DOI: 10.1093/geronj/16.2.134.
  • Ng, Z. J., Huebner, S. E., & Hills, K. J. (2015). Life satisfaction and academic performance in early adolescents: Evidence for reciprocal association. Journal of school psychology, 53(6), 479-491.
  • Obilor, E. I. (2020). Teachers' communication skills and students' academic performance. International Journal of Advanced Academic and Educational Research, 13(4), 28-41.
  • Oriol, X., Miranda, R., Oyanedel, J. C., & Torres, J. (2017). The role of self-control and grit in domains of school success in students of primary and secondary school. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(1716), 1-9.
  • Parker, J. D., Summerfeldt, L. J., Hogan, M. J., & Majeski, S. A. (2004). Emotional intelligence and academic success: Examining the transition from high school to university. Personality and individual differences, 36(1), 163-172. DOI: 10.1016/S0191-8869(03)00076-X.
  • Ridgell, S.D., & Lounsbury, J.W. (2004). Predicting academic success: General intelligence, Big Five personality traits, and work drive. College Student Journal, 38(4), 607-619.
  • Seiler, W. J., & Beall, M. L. (2005). Communication: making connections. Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
  • Sen, L. (2005). Communication skills. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited.
  • Suldo, S. M., Riley, K. N., & Shaffer, E. J. (2006). Academic correlates of children and adolescents' life satisfaction. School Psychology International, 27(5), 567-582.
  • Talebi Khansari, L. (2020). Relationship between classroom management practices and communication skills with academic achievement motivation of primary school students in Chabaksar. Management and Educational Perspective, 2(3), 113-131. DOI: 10.22034/JMEP.2020.243991.1030.
  • Verdener, R. F. (1999). Communicate! (9th Ed). Belmont CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
  • Yahaya, A., & Nordin, K. (2006). Relationship between self concepts, motivation, and parenting styles effected Students Achievements. (Unpublished article). Retrieved from Universiti Technology Malaysia (ID No: 5911).
  • Yahaya, A., & Ramli, J. (2009). The relationship between self-concept and communication skills towards academic achievement among secondary school students in Johor Bahru. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 1(2), 25-34. DOI: 10.5539/ijps.v1n2p25.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Bünyamin Ateş 0000-0003-4090-1922

Mehmet Enes Sağar 0000-0003-0941-5301

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ateş, B., & Sağar, M. E. (2021). The Predictive Role of Teacher Candidates’ Life Satisfaction and Communication Skills on Academic Success. Journal of Family Counseling and Education, 6(2), 59-70.
AMA Ateş B, Sağar ME. The Predictive Role of Teacher Candidates’ Life Satisfaction and Communication Skills on Academic Success. JFCE. Aralık 2021;6(2):59-70. doi:10.32568/jfce.1032814
Chicago Ateş, Bünyamin, ve Mehmet Enes Sağar. “The Predictive Role of Teacher Candidates’ Life Satisfaction and Communication Skills on Academic Success”. Journal of Family Counseling and Education 6, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 59-70.
EndNote Ateş B, Sağar ME (01 Aralık 2021) The Predictive Role of Teacher Candidates’ Life Satisfaction and Communication Skills on Academic Success. Journal of Family Counseling and Education 6 2 59–70.
IEEE B. Ateş ve M. E. Sağar, “The Predictive Role of Teacher Candidates’ Life Satisfaction and Communication Skills on Academic Success”, JFCE, c. 6, sy. 2, ss. 59–70, 2021, doi: 10.32568/jfce.1032814.
ISNAD Ateş, Bünyamin - Sağar, Mehmet Enes. “The Predictive Role of Teacher Candidates’ Life Satisfaction and Communication Skills on Academic Success”. Journal of Family Counseling and Education 6/2 (Aralık 2021), 59-70.
JAMA Ateş B, Sağar ME. The Predictive Role of Teacher Candidates’ Life Satisfaction and Communication Skills on Academic Success. JFCE. 2021;6:59–70.
MLA Ateş, Bünyamin ve Mehmet Enes Sağar. “The Predictive Role of Teacher Candidates’ Life Satisfaction and Communication Skills on Academic Success”. Journal of Family Counseling and Education, c. 6, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 59-70, doi:10.32568/jfce.1032814.
Vancouver Ateş B, Sağar ME. The Predictive Role of Teacher Candidates’ Life Satisfaction and Communication Skills on Academic Success. JFCE. 2021;6(2):59-70.