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Using of Enzymes in Deinking Process

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 60 Sayı: 1, 50 - 58, 18.02.2010


Recycled fibers known as secondary fibers become indispensible raw material for paper industry. In paper industry, recovered paper utilization strongly depends on developments in ink removal process which has rapidly improved. The aim of deinking which is largely a chemical process, is to detach printing inks from the fibers and to remove detached ink particles from the pulp slurry to prevent them redeposition on the fiber surface. Currently, the increase of environmental awareness and energy saving concerns forced paper industry to search a new pursuit as an alternative to chemical deinking. Enzyme applications are among the new technologies that can help the removal of ink to take into considiration of these actual concerns. Even enzymes have been used in the paper industry for various purposes for many years, it is new to use enzymes in deinking applications. Altough the exact mechanism of enzymes is stil unknown, it is certain that enzymes change fibre properties. This study presents how enzymes work to remove ink from the fibers and which parameters are important to obtain the best results. It is clear that along with the positive results in laboratory studies, the use of enzymes in industry will increase and as a result  the enzyme costs will drop to much more reasonable levels.


Key words: Recycled fibers, deinking, enzyme,  pulp properties



  • Bhat, G.R., Heitmann, J. A., Joyce, T.W., 1991. Novel techniques for enhancing the strength of secondary fibre. Tappi J. 74(9), 151- 157.
  • Bolanca, I. and Bolanca,Z., 2004. 4 th International DAAAM Conference Industrial Engineering-Innovation as Competıtıve Edge for SME 29-30th April 2004, Tannin, Estonia
  • Covarrubias, R.M., 2008. Enzymes boost the bottom line, 2008. Tissue World April/May 2008
  • Daniels, M.J. June 1992. Using biological enzymes in papermaking. Paper Technol. 33, no.6: 14-17
  • Fan, L.T., Gharpureay, M. M., and Lee, Y. H., 1987. Cellulose Hydrolysis, Biotechnology Monographs 3, Springer Verlag, Berlin
  • Fricker, A., Thompson, R., and Manning A. 2007. Novel solutions to new problems in paper deinking, Pigment& Resin Technology 36/3 141-152.
  • Heise, O.U., Unwin, J.P., Klungness, J.H., Fineran JR.,W.G., Sykes, M., and Abubakr, S., 1995. Industrial scaleup of enzyme-enhanced deinking of nonimpact printed toners , TAPPI Pulping Conference
  • Jackson, L., S., Heitmann, J. A., Joyce, T.W.,1992. Enzymatic modifications of secondary fiber, Recycling: A Tappi Press Anthology of Published Papers chapter Eight: Enzymatic Deinking (596-603)
  • Jeffries, T.W., Klungness, J.H., Sykes, M.S., et al., 1994. Comparison of enzymeenhanced with conventional deinking of xerographic and laser – printed paper TAPPI J. 77 (4), 173-179
  • Kim, T.J., OW SSK, Eom T,J. 1991. Enzymatic deinking of wastepaper, TAPPI Proceedings, 1991 p.1023-30 (1991 Pulping Conference)
  • Klungness, J.H., Sykes,M.S., Jeffries,T.W. and Abubakr,S.,1994 Enzyme Enhanced Deinking of Toners, Paper Recycling Challenge-Deinking & Bleaching p:155-160
  • Kochavi, D.; Videbaek, T.; Cedroni, D.,1990. Optimizing process conditions in enzymatic stonewashing Am. Dyestuff Reporter 79, no.9:24-28(Sept. 1990).
  • Pala, H., Mota, M., Gama, F.M.,2004. Enzymatic versus chemical deinking of nonimpact ink printed paper Journal of Biotechnology 108 (79-89)
  • Pelach, M.A., Pastor, F.J., Puig, J., Vilaseca, F., Mutje, P., 2003.Enzymic deinking of old newspapers with cellulase, Process Biochemistry 38 (1063-1067).
  • Pommier, J.C., Fuentes, J.L., Goma, G., 1989.Tappi Journal, Using enzymes to improve the process and the product quality in the recycled paper industry. Part I: the basic laboratory work” 72 (6):187
  • Prasad, D.Y., Heitmann, J.A., Joyce, T.W., 1992a. Enzyme deinking of black and white letterpress printed newsprint waste, Prog. İn Paper Recycl. 1, no:3: 21-30 May
  • Prasad, D.Y.,Heitmann,J.A., Joyce, T.W., 1992b. Progress in paper recycling Enzyme deinking of black and white letterpress printed newsprint waste 1(3): 21
  • Prasad,D.Y.,Heitmann,J.A.,Joyce, T.W. 1993a. Enzymatic deinking of colored ofset newsprint, Nordic Pulp and Paper Res. J.2:284-286 (.
  • Prasad, D.Y., Appita, (1993) b. Enzymatic deinking of laser and xerographic office waste, 46(4): 289
  • Putz, H.J., Gottsching, L., Renner, K., Jokinen, O.,1994. Enzymatic deinking in comparison with conventional deinking of ofset news, 1994. Tappi ProceedingsPulping Conference p. 877-884
  • Rutledge-Cropsey, K., Abubakr,S. , Klungness, 1995a. J Tappi Papermakers Conference Proceedings, Drying Effects of Secondary Fiber on Papermachine Runnability Tappi Press Atlanta
  • Rutledge-Cropset, K., Klungness, J., Abubakr, S. Proceedings of the 1995b. TAPPI Pulping conference; October 1-5; Chicago, IL. Atlanta, GA: TAPPI Press 639-643. Book 2.Performance of Enzymatically Deinked Wastepaper On Paper Machine Runn ability
  • Sarkar, J.M., Cosper, D.R., Hartig, E.J., 1994. Tappi Papermakers Conference Proceedings Application of enzyme and polymers for enhancing the freeness of recycled fiber Tappi Press, Atlanta, p.475.
  • Shrinath, A., Szewczak, J.T., Bowen, I.J., 1991. A Review of ink-removal techniques in current deinking technology Tappi J. 74(7), 85-93
  • Stork,G., Pereira,H., Wood,T.M., et al., 1994. Tappi Recycling Symposium Proceedings, Tappi Press, Atlanta p.107
  • Sykes, M., Jeffries, T., Abubakr, S., Klungness, J., Cropsey, K. 1992. Enzymatic Deinking of Sorted Mixed Office Waste: Recommendations For Scale-up, Recycling: A Tappi Press Anthology of Published Papers Chapter 8:592-595
  • Tyndall, M., 1992. Textile Chemist and Colorist 24(6). 23.
  • Welt, T., and Dinus,R.J., 1994. Enzymatic Deinking- A Review Paper Recycling Challenge-Deinking & Bleaching Accepted December 9, 235-246
  • Zeyer, C. , Joyce, T., et al., 1994. Chapter Eight: Enzymatic Deinking 604-612 Factors influencing enzyme deinking of recycled fiber, Recycling: A TAPPI PRESS Anthology of Published Papers Chapter 8: Enzymatic deinking 604-612 Accepted May 9

Mürekkep Giderme Sürecinde Enzimlerin Kullanılması

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 60 Sayı: 1, 50 - 58, 18.02.2010


Sekonder lif veya ikincil lif olarak adlandırılan atık kağıt lifleri, atık kağıt endüstrisi için
vazgeçilmez bir hammadde kaynağı haline gelmiştir. Kağıt endüstrisinde atık kağıtların
kullanılması mürekkep giderme işlemlerindeki gelişmelere bağlı olarak hızla artış göstermektedir.
Büyük ölçüde kimyasal bir süreç olan mürekkep gidermenin amacı, mürekkebin bağlı bulunduğu
liflerden ayrılarak uzaklaştırılması ve ayrılan taneciklerinin tekrar lifler üzerine yerleşmesinin
engellemesidir. Günümüzde çevre koruma bilincindeki duyarlılıkların ve enerji tasarrufuna yönelik
kaygıların artması, kağıt endüstrisini kimyasal mürekkep gidermeye alternatif yeni arayışlara
yönlendirmiştir. Enzimlerle yapılan uygulamalar, mürekkep gidermede bu kaygıları giderecek yeni
teknolojiler arasında yer almaktadır. Enzimlerin kağıt endüstrisinde uzun süredir çok çeşitli
amaçlarla kullanılıyor olmalarına rağmen, mürekkep giderme amacıyla kullanılmaları oldukça
yenidir. Enzimlerin nasıl bir mekanizma izledikleri tam olarak bilinmemesine rağmen, lif
özelliklerini değiştirdikleri bilinmektedir. Bu çalışma ile enzimlerin mürekkep gidermede nasıl bir
yol izledikleri ve enzimlerle yapılan çalışmalarda hangi değişkenlerin dikkate alınması gerektiği
ortaya konmaktadır. Laboratuvar çalışmalarıyla ilgili olumlu sonuçların alınması, enzimlerin
endüstride kullanımlarını artıracak ve bunun sonucu olarak da enzim maliyetleri çok daha makul
düzeylere gelecektir.


  • Bhat, G.R., Heitmann, J. A., Joyce, T.W., 1991. Novel techniques for enhancing the strength of secondary fibre. Tappi J. 74(9), 151- 157.
  • Bolanca, I. and Bolanca,Z., 2004. 4 th International DAAAM Conference Industrial Engineering-Innovation as Competıtıve Edge for SME 29-30th April 2004, Tannin, Estonia
  • Covarrubias, R.M., 2008. Enzymes boost the bottom line, 2008. Tissue World April/May 2008
  • Daniels, M.J. June 1992. Using biological enzymes in papermaking. Paper Technol. 33, no.6: 14-17
  • Fan, L.T., Gharpureay, M. M., and Lee, Y. H., 1987. Cellulose Hydrolysis, Biotechnology Monographs 3, Springer Verlag, Berlin
  • Fricker, A., Thompson, R., and Manning A. 2007. Novel solutions to new problems in paper deinking, Pigment& Resin Technology 36/3 141-152.
  • Heise, O.U., Unwin, J.P., Klungness, J.H., Fineran JR.,W.G., Sykes, M., and Abubakr, S., 1995. Industrial scaleup of enzyme-enhanced deinking of nonimpact printed toners , TAPPI Pulping Conference
  • Jackson, L., S., Heitmann, J. A., Joyce, T.W.,1992. Enzymatic modifications of secondary fiber, Recycling: A Tappi Press Anthology of Published Papers chapter Eight: Enzymatic Deinking (596-603)
  • Jeffries, T.W., Klungness, J.H., Sykes, M.S., et al., 1994. Comparison of enzymeenhanced with conventional deinking of xerographic and laser – printed paper TAPPI J. 77 (4), 173-179
  • Kim, T.J., OW SSK, Eom T,J. 1991. Enzymatic deinking of wastepaper, TAPPI Proceedings, 1991 p.1023-30 (1991 Pulping Conference)
  • Klungness, J.H., Sykes,M.S., Jeffries,T.W. and Abubakr,S.,1994 Enzyme Enhanced Deinking of Toners, Paper Recycling Challenge-Deinking & Bleaching p:155-160
  • Kochavi, D.; Videbaek, T.; Cedroni, D.,1990. Optimizing process conditions in enzymatic stonewashing Am. Dyestuff Reporter 79, no.9:24-28(Sept. 1990).
  • Pala, H., Mota, M., Gama, F.M.,2004. Enzymatic versus chemical deinking of nonimpact ink printed paper Journal of Biotechnology 108 (79-89)
  • Pelach, M.A., Pastor, F.J., Puig, J., Vilaseca, F., Mutje, P., 2003.Enzymic deinking of old newspapers with cellulase, Process Biochemistry 38 (1063-1067).
  • Pommier, J.C., Fuentes, J.L., Goma, G., 1989.Tappi Journal, Using enzymes to improve the process and the product quality in the recycled paper industry. Part I: the basic laboratory work” 72 (6):187
  • Prasad, D.Y., Heitmann, J.A., Joyce, T.W., 1992a. Enzyme deinking of black and white letterpress printed newsprint waste, Prog. İn Paper Recycl. 1, no:3: 21-30 May
  • Prasad, D.Y.,Heitmann,J.A., Joyce, T.W., 1992b. Progress in paper recycling Enzyme deinking of black and white letterpress printed newsprint waste 1(3): 21
  • Prasad,D.Y.,Heitmann,J.A.,Joyce, T.W. 1993a. Enzymatic deinking of colored ofset newsprint, Nordic Pulp and Paper Res. J.2:284-286 (.
  • Prasad, D.Y., Appita, (1993) b. Enzymatic deinking of laser and xerographic office waste, 46(4): 289
  • Putz, H.J., Gottsching, L., Renner, K., Jokinen, O.,1994. Enzymatic deinking in comparison with conventional deinking of ofset news, 1994. Tappi ProceedingsPulping Conference p. 877-884
  • Rutledge-Cropsey, K., Abubakr,S. , Klungness, 1995a. J Tappi Papermakers Conference Proceedings, Drying Effects of Secondary Fiber on Papermachine Runnability Tappi Press Atlanta
  • Rutledge-Cropset, K., Klungness, J., Abubakr, S. Proceedings of the 1995b. TAPPI Pulping conference; October 1-5; Chicago, IL. Atlanta, GA: TAPPI Press 639-643. Book 2.Performance of Enzymatically Deinked Wastepaper On Paper Machine Runn ability
  • Sarkar, J.M., Cosper, D.R., Hartig, E.J., 1994. Tappi Papermakers Conference Proceedings Application of enzyme and polymers for enhancing the freeness of recycled fiber Tappi Press, Atlanta, p.475.
  • Shrinath, A., Szewczak, J.T., Bowen, I.J., 1991. A Review of ink-removal techniques in current deinking technology Tappi J. 74(7), 85-93
  • Stork,G., Pereira,H., Wood,T.M., et al., 1994. Tappi Recycling Symposium Proceedings, Tappi Press, Atlanta p.107
  • Sykes, M., Jeffries, T., Abubakr, S., Klungness, J., Cropsey, K. 1992. Enzymatic Deinking of Sorted Mixed Office Waste: Recommendations For Scale-up, Recycling: A Tappi Press Anthology of Published Papers Chapter 8:592-595
  • Tyndall, M., 1992. Textile Chemist and Colorist 24(6). 23.
  • Welt, T., and Dinus,R.J., 1994. Enzymatic Deinking- A Review Paper Recycling Challenge-Deinking & Bleaching Accepted December 9, 235-246
  • Zeyer, C. , Joyce, T., et al., 1994. Chapter Eight: Enzymatic Deinking 604-612 Factors influencing enzyme deinking of recycled fiber, Recycling: A TAPPI PRESS Anthology of Published Papers Chapter 8: Enzymatic deinking 604-612 Accepted May 9
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Nural Yılgör

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Şubat 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 60 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılgör, N. (2010). Using of Enzymes in Deinking Process. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 60(1), 50-58.
AMA Yılgör N. Using of Enzymes in Deinking Process. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. Ocak 2010;60(1):50-58. doi:10.17099/jffiu.63509
Chicago Yılgör, Nural. “Using of Enzymes in Deinking Process”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 60, sy. 1 (Ocak 2010): 50-58.
EndNote Yılgör N (01 Ocak 2010) Using of Enzymes in Deinking Process. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 60 1 50–58.
IEEE N. Yılgör, “Using of Enzymes in Deinking Process”, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, c. 60, sy. 1, ss. 50–58, 2010, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.63509.
ISNAD Yılgör, Nural. “Using of Enzymes in Deinking Process”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 60/1 (Ocak 2010), 50-58.
JAMA Yılgör N. Using of Enzymes in Deinking Process. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2010;60:50–58.
MLA Yılgör, Nural. “Using of Enzymes in Deinking Process”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, c. 60, sy. 1, 2010, ss. 50-58, doi:10.17099/jffiu.63509.
Vancouver Yılgör N. Using of Enzymes in Deinking Process. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2010;60(1):50-8.