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M u rp lıy , G . and A .A . T w ad d le, 1985. T ech n iq u es for the assessm ent and control o f log value recovery in the Nevv Z ealan d forest harvesting industry. In: P roceedings o f the 9lil A nnual M eeting o f C ouncil on F orest E ngineering. M obile. A l.
O rm an G enel M ü d ü rlü ğü (O G M ), 2006. D ö n er S erm aye B ütçesi. A nkara. 127p.
P in ard , M . A . and F . E. P utz, 1996. R etain in g forest biom ass b y reducing logging dam age. Biotropica. 28: 2 7 8 -2 9 5 .
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A car, H . H . and S. Ü n ver, 2006. W ork pro d u ctio n o f extracting o f sm all size w oods by plastic chute system : its application in the G iresun R egion. Journal o f Kastamonu Faculty o f Forestry. 154-163.
A car, H . H ., H. E roğlu and M . S. Ö zkaya, 2005. D ağ lık A razide Ü retilen İnce Ç aplı O dunların P lastik O luk S istem leriyle B ö lm ed en Ç ık arılm ası İm kanları Ü zerine B ir A raştırm a. O G M P roje N o :2003A 050090. A nkara. 171 p.
A car, H . H ., 2005, Investigation O f T he E ffectiv en ess O f L ogging W ith P lastic C hutes In A rtv in Forests, T urkey, P roceeding o f the E co lo g ical, E rgonom ic and E conom ical O ptim ization o f F o rest U tilizatio n in S ustainable Forest M anagem ent, K rakow , Poland.
A lk an , A . H ., G. Ö zcan and M . E roğlu , 2005. D endroctonııs ınicans (K ugelann) (C oleoptera: S co ly tid aej’iiı zarar durum u, p o p u lasy o n d üzeyi ve m ortalite etkenleri, L adin S em pozyum u, T rabzon-T urkey, 163-173.
B ettin g er, P., L. D ., K ellogg, 1993. R esidual stand dam age from cut-to -len g th thinning o f second-grow th tim ber in C ascade R ange o f W estern O regon. Journal o f Forest Prodııct. 43 (11/12): 59-64.
B lak en ey, K .J., 1992. E nvironm entally F riendly H elico p ter L ogging in P apua N ew G uinea, in: P roceedings o f the In ternational S ym posium on H arvesting and S ilviculture F o r S ustainable F orestry in T he T ro p ics, O cto b er 1992, K uala Lum pur.
D ev let P lan lam a T eşk ilatı (D P T ), 2001. V III. B eş Y ıllık K alkınm a P lanı. O rm ancılık Ö zel İhtisas K om isyonu R aporu. A nkara. 539p.
F A O , 2007. State o f the W o rld ’s F orests 2007. IS B N 978-92-5-105586-1. R om e.
F jeld , D . and A . G ran lıu s, 1998. Injuries after selectio n h arvesting in m ulti-stored spruce stands-the influence o f operating system s and h arv est intensity. Journal o f Forest Engineering. 9 (2).
G ü rtan , H ., 1975. D ağlık ve Sarp A razili O rm an lard a K esim ve B ölm ed en Ç ıkarm a İşlerinde U ğranılan K ayıpların S aptanm ası ve B u İşlem lerin R asyonalizasyonu Ü zerine A raştırm alar. T übitak Y ayınları. N o: 250. T O A G Seri N o: 38. A nkaraT urkey.
M u rp lıy , G . and A .A . T w ad d le, 1985. T ech n iq u es for the assessm ent and control o f log value recovery in the Nevv Z ealan d forest harvesting industry. In: P roceedings o f the 9lil A nnual M eeting o f C ouncil on F orest E ngineering. M obile. A l.
O rm an G enel M ü d ü rlü ğü (O G M ), 2006. D ö n er S erm aye B ütçesi. A nkara. 127p.
P in ard , M . A . and F . E. P utz, 1996. R etain in g forest biom ass b y reducing logging dam age. Biotropica. 28: 2 7 8 -2 9 5 .
Ü n ver, S. and H . H . A car, 2006. T he effects o f w o o d ravv m aterial p roduction activities on \vood quality classes. Journal o f Artvin ForesUy Faculty. 128-134.
Acar, H. H., & Ünver, S. (2009). Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 59(1), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.33614
Acar HH, Ünver S. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. Ocak 2009;59(1):29-36. doi:10.17099/jffiu.33614
Acar, H. Hulusi, ve Saliha Ünver. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 59, sy. 1 (Ocak 2009): 29-36. https://doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.33614.
Acar HH, Ünver S (01 Ocak 2009) Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 59 1 29–36.
H. H. Acar ve S. Ünver, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, c. 59, sy. 1, ss. 29–36, 2009, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.33614.
Acar, H. Hulusi - Ünver, Saliha. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 59/1 (Ocak 2009), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.33614.
Acar HH, Ünver S. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2009;59:29–36.
Acar, H. Hulusi ve Saliha Ünver. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, c. 59, sy. 1, 2009, ss. 29-36, doi:10.17099/jffiu.33614.
Acar HH, Ünver S. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2009;59(1):29-36.