B io d iv ersity offsets and opportunities; International F in an ce C orporation, W o rld B ank G roup.
K ate, K . T., J. B ishop and R. B ayon, 2004. B io d iv ersity offsets: vievvs, experience and the business case.
B T C P ro ject E SIA G eorgia, draft for disclosure, 2002.
B T C P ro ject E SIA G eorgia, response to co m m ents (fro m E SIA public disclosure phase), 2002.
B T C P ipeline P roject, G eorgia. K odiana P rojects. E m ergency D rain Dovvn Facility (E D D F ) E nvironm ental and S ocial E valuation R eport, 2006.
B T C P ipeline P roject, G eorgia. S econdary C o n tain m en t P roject. E nvironm ental and S ocial E valuation R eport, 2007.
C aucasus m ixed forests (P A 0408), W W F.
D raft "M em orandum o f U nderstanding betvveen B T C C o. and the M inistry o f E nvironm ent P rotection and N atural R esources o f G eorgia for F orest EcoC om pensation" (V ersion B T C Co. o f 12 N o v em b er, 2004; R evised b y EA, M oE, G IO C ).
G arrod, G. and K . G. W illis, 1999. E conom ic valuation o f the environm ent, m ethods and case studies.
H o st G ov ern m en t A greem ent for B T C p ipeline; G eorgia, 1996.
P ollution probe, exploring applications o f the net g ain prin cip le, 2004.
G vritishvili, M . and M . K im eridze. R ep o rt on literatüre revievv and fıeld survey o f flora and vegetation along the B ak u -T b ilisi-C ey h an m ajö r ex p o rt pipeline p roject route.
Saktkyproekti (G eorgian F orestry P roject) d etailed fo rest in v en to ry on the State F orest F und inside the 44 m right o f vvay fo r the B ak u -T b ilisi-C ey h an P ipeline, 2003 and secondary containm ent p ro ject and E D D F ete. 2005.
Status revievv o f b iodiversity conservation in the C aucasus: A chieving 2010 goals (G eorgia).
T he F o rest C ode o f G eorgia, 1999.
F reem ann, A . M . III, 2003. T he m easurem ent o f en v iro n m en tal and resource values;
T he v egetation o f G eorgia (C aucasus); G orgi N ak h u tsrish v ili; 1999.
V eg etatio n Q uality A ssessm ent M anual - G uidelines for applying tlıe habitat-hectares scoring m ethod; D epartm ent o f S ustain ab ility and E n vironm ent, G overnm ent o f V ictoria; 2004.
V ictoria's native v egetation m anagem ent - a fram evvork for aetion, 2002
B io d iv ersity offsets and opportunities; International F in an ce C orporation, W o rld B ank G roup.
K ate, K . T., J. B ishop and R. B ayon, 2004. B io d iv ersity offsets: vievvs, experience and the business case.
B T C P ro ject E SIA G eorgia, draft for disclosure, 2002.
B T C P ro ject E SIA G eorgia, response to co m m ents (fro m E SIA public disclosure phase), 2002.
B T C P ipeline P roject, G eorgia. K odiana P rojects. E m ergency D rain Dovvn Facility (E D D F ) E nvironm ental and S ocial E valuation R eport, 2006.
B T C P ipeline P roject, G eorgia. S econdary C o n tain m en t P roject. E nvironm ental and S ocial E valuation R eport, 2007.
C aucasus m ixed forests (P A 0408), W W F.
D raft "M em orandum o f U nderstanding betvveen B T C C o. and the M inistry o f E nvironm ent P rotection and N atural R esources o f G eorgia for F orest EcoC om pensation" (V ersion B T C Co. o f 12 N o v em b er, 2004; R evised b y EA, M oE, G IO C ).
G arrod, G. and K . G. W illis, 1999. E conom ic valuation o f the environm ent, m ethods and case studies.
H o st G ov ern m en t A greem ent for B T C p ipeline; G eorgia, 1996.
P ollution probe, exploring applications o f the net g ain prin cip le, 2004.
G vritishvili, M . and M . K im eridze. R ep o rt on literatüre revievv and fıeld survey o f flora and vegetation along the B ak u -T b ilisi-C ey h an m ajö r ex p o rt pipeline p roject route.
Saktkyproekti (G eorgian F orestry P roject) d etailed fo rest in v en to ry on the State F orest F und inside the 44 m right o f vvay fo r the B ak u -T b ilisi-C ey h an P ipeline, 2003 and secondary containm ent p ro ject and E D D F ete. 2005.
Status revievv o f b iodiversity conservation in the C aucasus: A chieving 2010 goals (G eorgia).
T he F o rest C ode o f G eorgia, 1999.
F reem ann, A . M . III, 2003. T he m easurem ent o f en v iro n m en tal and resource values;
T he v egetation o f G eorgia (C aucasus); G orgi N ak h u tsrish v ili; 1999.
V eg etatio n Q uality A ssessm ent M anual - G uidelines for applying tlıe habitat-hectares scoring m ethod; D epartm ent o f S ustain ab ility and E n vironm ent, G overnm ent o f V ictoria; 2004.
V ictoria's native v egetation m anagem ent - a fram evvork for aetion, 2002
Herbst, P., Kimeridze, M., & Susan, C. (2009). Forest eco-compensation in the context of pipeline constructions Georgia. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 59(1), 37-54. https://doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.23401
Herbst P, Kimeridze M, Susan C. Forest eco-compensation in the context of pipeline constructions Georgia. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. Ocak 2009;59(1):37-54. doi:10.17099/jffiu.23401
Herbst, Peter, Mariam Kimeridze, ve Christian Susan. “Forest Eco-Compensation in the Context of Pipeline Constructions Georgia”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 59, sy. 1 (Ocak 2009): 37-54. https://doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.23401.
Herbst P, Kimeridze M, Susan C (01 Ocak 2009) Forest eco-compensation in the context of pipeline constructions Georgia. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 59 1 37–54.
P. Herbst, M. Kimeridze, ve C. Susan, “Forest eco-compensation in the context of pipeline constructions Georgia”, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, c. 59, sy. 1, ss. 37–54, 2009, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.23401.
Herbst, Peter vd. “Forest Eco-Compensation in the Context of Pipeline Constructions Georgia”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 59/1 (Ocak 2009), 37-54. https://doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.23401.
Herbst P, Kimeridze M, Susan C. Forest eco-compensation in the context of pipeline constructions Georgia. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2009;59:37–54.
Herbst, Peter vd. “Forest Eco-Compensation in the Context of Pipeline Constructions Georgia”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, c. 59, sy. 1, 2009, ss. 37-54, doi:10.17099/jffiu.23401.
Herbst P, Kimeridze M, Susan C. Forest eco-compensation in the context of pipeline constructions Georgia. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2009;59(1):37-54.