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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 58 Sayı: 2, 1 - 13, 01.07.2008


  • A driaııo, D.C. 1986. Trace Elements in the Terrestrial Enviroııment. S p riııg er- Verlag, N ev v -Y o rk , Inc. 517 pp.
  • A lveteg, M. 1998. Dynamics o f Forest Soil Chemistry. D octoıal Thesis. ISSN 1104- 2877, Department o f Chemical Engineering II, Lıınd, Svveden, pp 1-81.
  • Belanovic, S. and O. Kosanin, 2005. Izmenljivi katjoni u nekim zem ljistim a Stare planine, (Exchangeable cations in some soils o f M t Stara planina) Glasnik Sumarskog fakulteta 91, U nivcrzitetu Beogradıı, Beogıad, pp. 63-76.
  • Belanovic, S. 2006. Ekoloski kvalitet zem ljista brdsko - plaııinskog podrucja istoene Srbije (Ecological Quality o f the Soil o f the H illy - mountainous Region in EastSerbia. Doctoral dissertation, Faculty o f Forestry, Belgrade) doktorska disertacija, Sumarski fakultet U niverziteta ıı Beogradu, p 210.
  • Blake, L., and K.VV.T Goulding. 2002. Effects o f atm ospheric deposition, soil pH and acidifıcation on heavy metal content in soil and vegetation o f semi-natural ecosystems at Rotham sted Experimeııtal Station, UK. Plant and Soil. 240, 235- 251.
  • De M atos, A.T, M .P.F Fontes, L.M . Da Costa, M .A M artinez, 2001. M obility o f heavy metals as related to soil Chemical and ınineralogical characteristic o f Brazilian soils. Environm entalpoîlution. 111: 429-435.
  • De Vries W and D. J Bakker, 1998. M anual for calculating critical loads o f heavy metals for terrestrial ecosystems. Guideliııes for critical limits, calculation methods and input data. W ageningen, DLO W inand Staring Centre, Report 166, 144 p.
  • D ordevic-M ilosevic, S. 1996. Dinam ika organske produkcije i kvaliteta biomase travnih zajednice razlicitih visinskih pojaseva Stare planine. Doktorska disertacija, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd, 143str.
  • H elhveg, S. 2000. Time- and Site-Dependent Life-Cycle Assessment o f Thermal W aste Treatm ent Processes. D issertation (submitted) Swiss Federal Institute o f Technology, Zürich.
  • Jobbâgy, E.G . and Jackson, R.B., 2004. The uplift o f soil nutrients by plants: Biogeochemical coıısequences across scales. Ecology. 85 (9): 2380-2389.
  • Joki-H eiskala P., M. Johansson, M . Holm berg, T. M attssoıı, M . Forsius, P. Kortelaiııen, L. Hallin, 2003. Long-term base cation balance o f forest mineral soils in Finland. IVater, A ir and Soil Pollııtion. 150: 255-273.
  • Krislıııasvvamy, J., and D.D. Riclıter, 2002. Properties o f Advanced W eathering-Stage Soils in Tropical Forests and pastures, Division S-7 - Forest and Range Soils. Soil Science Society o f America Journal. 66: 244-253.
  • K ullıavy, J. 1998. Acidification o f forest soils in two regions o f the Czech Republic. Part 1. The Drahanska Upland, 16th W orld Congress of Soil Science, Scientific registıation No 1833, M ontpellier, France
  • M isic, V. (ed) 1978. Biljııe zajednice i stanista Stare planine, SANU, posebno izdanje, Beograd.
  • P oselı,-M . and J-P. Hettelinglı, 2001. From Critical Loads to Dynamic M odelling, M odelling and M apping o f Critical Thresholds in Europe, CCE Status Report.
  • Popovic, T. 2007. Trend promena tem perature vazduha i kolicine padavina na podrucju Republike Srbije, Zbornik radova-Sum a i prom ena klime, Sumarski fakultet, Beograd str.
  • R andjelovic, M . and V, Randjelovic, 2002. Znacaj i ugıozenost flöre Stare planine u istoenoj Srbiji. 7. Sim pozijum o flori jugoisticne Srbije i susednih podrucja, Zbornik rezimea, pp. 34-35.
  • R elıfuess, K-E and J. Prietzel, 1998. indicators o f forest soil fertility - tempoıal changes and anthropogenic impact. 16th W orld Congress o f Soil Science, Scientific registration No. 265, M ontpellier, France.
  • R uark, G.A. and M .M . Sclıoeneberger, 2003. A groforestry-helping to achieve sııstainable forest management, UNFF International Experts M eeting on the role of Planted Forests in Sustainable Forest M anagem ent. 24-30 Marclı 2003, Ne\v Zealand, 1-13p.
  • Sast •, J., G.Rauret, M . Vidal, 2006. Effects o f the cationic compositioıı o f sorption solution on the quantifıcation o f sorption-desorption param eters o f heavy metals in soils. Enviroıunental Pollııtion. 140: 322-339.
  • Slıaodong, X. and H. M in, 2004. Assessm ent o f target loads for acid deposition with static and dynam ic model. Enviroıunental Archives. 2: 439-455.
  • Sparks, D.S. 1995. Environmental Soil Chemistry, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego.
  • Sparling, G., W. Rijkse, H. W ilde, L. R esearch, H. North, P. North, 2001. Im plem enting soil quality indicators for laııd. Research Report, Supported from the Sustainable M anagem ent Fund, M fE Project N um ber 5089, N ew Zealand.
  • V aıım echelen, L., R. Groenenıaııs aııd E. Van Ranst, 1997. Forest Soils Conditioıı in Europe. Results o f Large-Scale Soil Survey. 1997 Techııical Report. EC, UN / ECE, M inistry o f the Flemish Community, Brussels, Geneva. 259 pp.
  • Van Der Berg, L.J.L., P. Vergeer, J.G.M . R oelols, 2003. H eathland restoration in the Netherlands: Effects o f tu rf cutting depth on germ ination o f Arnica Montana. Applied Vegetation Science. 6 (2): 117-124.
  • ICP-FO REST 1998. Manual on' m ethods and criteria for lıarmonized sampling, assessment, monitoring and analysis o f the effects o f air pollııtion on forests, Part III, Sampling and Analysis o f Soil United Natioııals Econom ic Commissioıı lor Europe Coııvention on Long-rang Tratısboundary air Pollııtion, International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and M onitoring o f Air Pollııtion Effects on Forests, Expert Panel on Soil Forest Soil Co-ordinating Centre, Research İnstitute for Natııre and Forest, Belgium, updated 06/2006.
  • IC P-FO R EST 1988. Soil M ap o f the W orld, Revised legend, Food and Agıiculture Organization o f the United Nations, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, International Soil Reference and Information Centre, Rome, 115 pp.
Yıl 2008, Cilt: 58 Sayı: 2, 1 - 13, 01.07.2008


  • A driaııo, D.C. 1986. Trace Elements in the Terrestrial Enviroııment. S p riııg er- Verlag, N ev v -Y o rk , Inc. 517 pp.
  • A lveteg, M. 1998. Dynamics o f Forest Soil Chemistry. D octoıal Thesis. ISSN 1104- 2877, Department o f Chemical Engineering II, Lıınd, Svveden, pp 1-81.
  • Belanovic, S. and O. Kosanin, 2005. Izmenljivi katjoni u nekim zem ljistim a Stare planine, (Exchangeable cations in some soils o f M t Stara planina) Glasnik Sumarskog fakulteta 91, U nivcrzitetu Beogradıı, Beogıad, pp. 63-76.
  • Belanovic, S. 2006. Ekoloski kvalitet zem ljista brdsko - plaııinskog podrucja istoene Srbije (Ecological Quality o f the Soil o f the H illy - mountainous Region in EastSerbia. Doctoral dissertation, Faculty o f Forestry, Belgrade) doktorska disertacija, Sumarski fakultet U niverziteta ıı Beogradu, p 210.
  • Blake, L., and K.VV.T Goulding. 2002. Effects o f atm ospheric deposition, soil pH and acidifıcation on heavy metal content in soil and vegetation o f semi-natural ecosystems at Rotham sted Experimeııtal Station, UK. Plant and Soil. 240, 235- 251.
  • De M atos, A.T, M .P.F Fontes, L.M . Da Costa, M .A M artinez, 2001. M obility o f heavy metals as related to soil Chemical and ınineralogical characteristic o f Brazilian soils. Environm entalpoîlution. 111: 429-435.
  • De Vries W and D. J Bakker, 1998. M anual for calculating critical loads o f heavy metals for terrestrial ecosystems. Guideliııes for critical limits, calculation methods and input data. W ageningen, DLO W inand Staring Centre, Report 166, 144 p.
  • D ordevic-M ilosevic, S. 1996. Dinam ika organske produkcije i kvaliteta biomase travnih zajednice razlicitih visinskih pojaseva Stare planine. Doktorska disertacija, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd, 143str.
  • H elhveg, S. 2000. Time- and Site-Dependent Life-Cycle Assessment o f Thermal W aste Treatm ent Processes. D issertation (submitted) Swiss Federal Institute o f Technology, Zürich.
  • Jobbâgy, E.G . and Jackson, R.B., 2004. The uplift o f soil nutrients by plants: Biogeochemical coıısequences across scales. Ecology. 85 (9): 2380-2389.
  • Joki-H eiskala P., M. Johansson, M . Holm berg, T. M attssoıı, M . Forsius, P. Kortelaiııen, L. Hallin, 2003. Long-term base cation balance o f forest mineral soils in Finland. IVater, A ir and Soil Pollııtion. 150: 255-273.
  • Krislıııasvvamy, J., and D.D. Riclıter, 2002. Properties o f Advanced W eathering-Stage Soils in Tropical Forests and pastures, Division S-7 - Forest and Range Soils. Soil Science Society o f America Journal. 66: 244-253.
  • K ullıavy, J. 1998. Acidification o f forest soils in two regions o f the Czech Republic. Part 1. The Drahanska Upland, 16th W orld Congress of Soil Science, Scientific registıation No 1833, M ontpellier, France
  • M isic, V. (ed) 1978. Biljııe zajednice i stanista Stare planine, SANU, posebno izdanje, Beograd.
  • P oselı,-M . and J-P. Hettelinglı, 2001. From Critical Loads to Dynamic M odelling, M odelling and M apping o f Critical Thresholds in Europe, CCE Status Report.
  • Popovic, T. 2007. Trend promena tem perature vazduha i kolicine padavina na podrucju Republike Srbije, Zbornik radova-Sum a i prom ena klime, Sumarski fakultet, Beograd str.
  • R andjelovic, M . and V, Randjelovic, 2002. Znacaj i ugıozenost flöre Stare planine u istoenoj Srbiji. 7. Sim pozijum o flori jugoisticne Srbije i susednih podrucja, Zbornik rezimea, pp. 34-35.
  • R elıfuess, K-E and J. Prietzel, 1998. indicators o f forest soil fertility - tempoıal changes and anthropogenic impact. 16th W orld Congress o f Soil Science, Scientific registration No. 265, M ontpellier, France.
  • R uark, G.A. and M .M . Sclıoeneberger, 2003. A groforestry-helping to achieve sııstainable forest management, UNFF International Experts M eeting on the role of Planted Forests in Sustainable Forest M anagem ent. 24-30 Marclı 2003, Ne\v Zealand, 1-13p.
  • Sast •, J., G.Rauret, M . Vidal, 2006. Effects o f the cationic compositioıı o f sorption solution on the quantifıcation o f sorption-desorption param eters o f heavy metals in soils. Enviroıunental Pollııtion. 140: 322-339.
  • Slıaodong, X. and H. M in, 2004. Assessm ent o f target loads for acid deposition with static and dynam ic model. Enviroıunental Archives. 2: 439-455.
  • Sparks, D.S. 1995. Environmental Soil Chemistry, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego.
  • Sparling, G., W. Rijkse, H. W ilde, L. R esearch, H. North, P. North, 2001. Im plem enting soil quality indicators for laııd. Research Report, Supported from the Sustainable M anagem ent Fund, M fE Project N um ber 5089, N ew Zealand.
  • V aıım echelen, L., R. Groenenıaııs aııd E. Van Ranst, 1997. Forest Soils Conditioıı in Europe. Results o f Large-Scale Soil Survey. 1997 Techııical Report. EC, UN / ECE, M inistry o f the Flemish Community, Brussels, Geneva. 259 pp.
  • Van Der Berg, L.J.L., P. Vergeer, J.G.M . R oelols, 2003. H eathland restoration in the Netherlands: Effects o f tu rf cutting depth on germ ination o f Arnica Montana. Applied Vegetation Science. 6 (2): 117-124.
  • ICP-FO REST 1998. Manual on' m ethods and criteria for lıarmonized sampling, assessment, monitoring and analysis o f the effects o f air pollııtion on forests, Part III, Sampling and Analysis o f Soil United Natioııals Econom ic Commissioıı lor Europe Coııvention on Long-rang Tratısboundary air Pollııtion, International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and M onitoring o f Air Pollııtion Effects on Forests, Expert Panel on Soil Forest Soil Co-ordinating Centre, Research İnstitute for Natııre and Forest, Belgium, updated 06/2006.
  • IC P-FO R EST 1988. Soil M ap o f the W orld, Revised legend, Food and Agıiculture Organization o f the United Nations, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, International Soil Reference and Information Centre, Rome, 115 pp.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

S. Belanovic Bu kişi benim

O. Kosanin Bu kişi benim

M. Danilovic Bu kişi benim

R. Kadovic Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 58 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Belanovic, S., Kosanin, O., Danilovic, M., Kadovic, R. (2008). Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 58(2), 1-13.
AMA Belanovic S, Kosanin O, Danilovic M, Kadovic R. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. Temmuz 2008;58(2):1-13. doi:10.17099/jffiu.27058
Chicago Belanovic, S., O. Kosanin, M. Danilovic, ve R. Kadovic. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 58, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2008): 1-13.
EndNote Belanovic S, Kosanin O, Danilovic M, Kadovic R (01 Temmuz 2008) Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 58 2 1–13.
IEEE S. Belanovic, O. Kosanin, M. Danilovic, ve R. Kadovic, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, c. 58, sy. 2, ss. 1–13, 2008, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.27058.
ISNAD Belanovic, S. vd. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 58/2 (Temmuz 2008), 1-13.
JAMA Belanovic S, Kosanin O, Danilovic M, Kadovic R. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2008;58:1–13.
MLA Belanovic, S. vd. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, c. 58, sy. 2, 2008, ss. 1-13, doi:10.17099/jffiu.27058.
Vancouver Belanovic S, Kosanin O, Danilovic M, Kadovic R. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2008;58(2):1-13.