Augusta, U. and A, O. Rapp, 2003. The natural durability o f wood in different use classes, part I. Docımıent No. IRG/W P 03-10457. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stocklıolm, Svveden.
AW PA. 2007. Book o f Staııdards. A m erican W ood Protection Association, Birmingham, AL.
AW PC. 1997. Australasian W ood Preservation Com m ittee. Protocols for Assessm ent of W ood Preservatives. 24 pp.
Blom, A. and M . Bergstronı, 2006. Untreated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norvvay spruce (Picecı abies ) vvood-panels exposed out o f ground contact in Svveden for tvvo years. Holz als Rolı- ıınd IVerkstoff 64: 53-61.
Brisclıke, C. and A.O. Rapp, 2007. A roadnıap for perform ance-based specifıcation o f vvood components based on service life prediction. D ocum ent No. IRG/W P 07- 20351. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stocklıolm, Svveden.
CEN (1993) EN 330, W ood preservatives - Field test method for determiııing the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative exposed out of ground contact: L-joint method. European Com m ittee for Standardization, Brussels.
CEN (1996) ENV 12037, W ood preservatives - Field test method for determining the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative exposed out o f ground contact - Horizoııtal Lap-joint method. European Com m ittee for Standardization, Brussels.
CEN (1998) EN 252, Field test method for determ ining the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative in ground contact. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
Clausen, C.A., T.L. Highley, and D.L. Lindner, 2006. Early detectioıı and progression o f decay in L-joiııts and lap-joints in a moderate decay hazard zone. Forest Products Journal. 56 (11/12): 100-106.
Clem oııs, C.M . and R.E. Ibaelı, 2004. Effects o f processing method and moisture lıistory on laboratory futıgal resistaııce o f vvood-HDPE com posites. Forest Products Journal. 54 (4): 50-57.
De Groot, R.C. and J.W . Evans, 1998. Patterııs o f long-ternı perform ance - hovv vvell are tlıey predicted from accelerated tests and should evaluations coıısider parameters otlıer tlıan averages? Document No. IRG /W P/98-20130. International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
De G root, R .C . and J.W . E vans, 1999. Does more preservative ıııean a better product? Forest Products Journal. 44 (9): 59-68.
De Groot, R.C. and T.L. Highley, 1995. Forest Products Laboratory methodology for m onitoring decay in vvood exposed above ground. Document No. IRGAVP/95- 20074. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
Edlund, M .L., F. Evans and K. Ileııriksen, 2006. Testing durability o f treated vvood according to EN 252: interpretation o f data from N ordic test fıelds. N T Techııical Report, TR 591. Nordic Innovalioıı Çenter, Oslo, Norvvay.
Eslyn, W .E ., T.L. H iglıley, and F .F . L o m b a rd , 1985. Longevity o f untreated vvood in use above ground. Forest Products Journal. 35 (5): 28-35.
H iglıley, T.L., 1995. Com parative dıırability o f untreated vvood in use above ground. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 4 (3): 409-419.
Laks, P.E. and G .M . L ark in , 2007. Enhancing composite dıırability: understandiııg tlıe im plications and limitations o f test metlıods. In W ood Protection 2006. Proceedings, Forest Products Society meeting, M arch 21-23, 2006, Nevv Orleans, LA, USA.
Lebovv, S.T. and T.L. H iglıley, 2008. Chapter 6. Regional biodeterioration hazards in tlıe United States. IN “Developm ent o f Com m ercial W ood Preservatives: EfFıcacy, Environmental and Health Issues. System s”, T. Shultz, H. Miltz, M. Freeman, B. Goodell and D. Nicholas, eds. ACS Symposium Series 982. A m erican Chemical Society, W aslıington, D.C.
L in d e g aard , B. and N. M orsing, 2003. Natural durabiiity o f European vvood species for exterior use above ground. Document No. IRGAVP 03-10499. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
L ink, C .L and R. C. De G root, 1989. Statistical issues in evahıation o f stake tests. Proceedings, American W ood-Preservers’ Association. 85: 179-185.
M ilitz, H., M . B ro ertjes and C. J. Bloom, 1998. M oisture content development in lapjoints o f different vvood species in outside exposure trials. Docum ent No. IRGAVP 98-20143. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
R ap p , A .O . L. A ugusta and K. B ran d t, 2006. The natural durabiiity o f vvood in different use classes, part II. Docum ent No. IRG/W P 06-10598. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
V an A cker, J. and M . Stevens, 2003. Biologic dıırability o f vvood in relation to enduse- Part 2: The use o f an accelerated outdoor L-joint perform ance test. Holz als Roh-und IVerkstoff. 61:125-132.
W ang, W . and J. J. M o rrell, 2004. W ater sorption clıaracteristics of tvvo vvood-plastic composites. Forest Products Journal. 54 (12): 209-212.
Z alıo ra, A, 2002. Field testing aboveground. IN: Enhancing the Durabiiity o f Lumber and Engineered W ood Products. Proceedings, Forest Products Society meeting, February 11-13, 2002, Kissimmee, FL., USA.
Augusta, U. and A, O. Rapp, 2003. The natural durability o f wood in different use classes, part I. Docımıent No. IRG/W P 03-10457. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stocklıolm, Svveden.
AW PA. 2007. Book o f Staııdards. A m erican W ood Protection Association, Birmingham, AL.
AW PC. 1997. Australasian W ood Preservation Com m ittee. Protocols for Assessm ent of W ood Preservatives. 24 pp.
Blom, A. and M . Bergstronı, 2006. Untreated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norvvay spruce (Picecı abies ) vvood-panels exposed out o f ground contact in Svveden for tvvo years. Holz als Rolı- ıınd IVerkstoff 64: 53-61.
Brisclıke, C. and A.O. Rapp, 2007. A roadnıap for perform ance-based specifıcation o f vvood components based on service life prediction. D ocum ent No. IRG/W P 07- 20351. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stocklıolm, Svveden.
CEN (1993) EN 330, W ood preservatives - Field test method for determiııing the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative exposed out of ground contact: L-joint method. European Com m ittee for Standardization, Brussels.
CEN (1996) ENV 12037, W ood preservatives - Field test method for determining the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative exposed out o f ground contact - Horizoııtal Lap-joint method. European Com m ittee for Standardization, Brussels.
CEN (1998) EN 252, Field test method for determ ining the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative in ground contact. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
Clausen, C.A., T.L. Highley, and D.L. Lindner, 2006. Early detectioıı and progression o f decay in L-joiııts and lap-joints in a moderate decay hazard zone. Forest Products Journal. 56 (11/12): 100-106.
Clem oııs, C.M . and R.E. Ibaelı, 2004. Effects o f processing method and moisture lıistory on laboratory futıgal resistaııce o f vvood-HDPE com posites. Forest Products Journal. 54 (4): 50-57.
De Groot, R.C. and J.W . Evans, 1998. Patterııs o f long-ternı perform ance - hovv vvell are tlıey predicted from accelerated tests and should evaluations coıısider parameters otlıer tlıan averages? Document No. IRG /W P/98-20130. International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
De G root, R .C . and J.W . E vans, 1999. Does more preservative ıııean a better product? Forest Products Journal. 44 (9): 59-68.
De Groot, R.C. and T.L. Highley, 1995. Forest Products Laboratory methodology for m onitoring decay in vvood exposed above ground. Document No. IRGAVP/95- 20074. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
Edlund, M .L., F. Evans and K. Ileııriksen, 2006. Testing durability o f treated vvood according to EN 252: interpretation o f data from N ordic test fıelds. N T Techııical Report, TR 591. Nordic Innovalioıı Çenter, Oslo, Norvvay.
Eslyn, W .E ., T.L. H iglıley, and F .F . L o m b a rd , 1985. Longevity o f untreated vvood in use above ground. Forest Products Journal. 35 (5): 28-35.
H iglıley, T.L., 1995. Com parative dıırability o f untreated vvood in use above ground. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 4 (3): 409-419.
Laks, P.E. and G .M . L ark in , 2007. Enhancing composite dıırability: understandiııg tlıe im plications and limitations o f test metlıods. In W ood Protection 2006. Proceedings, Forest Products Society meeting, M arch 21-23, 2006, Nevv Orleans, LA, USA.
Lebovv, S.T. and T.L. H iglıley, 2008. Chapter 6. Regional biodeterioration hazards in tlıe United States. IN “Developm ent o f Com m ercial W ood Preservatives: EfFıcacy, Environmental and Health Issues. System s”, T. Shultz, H. Miltz, M. Freeman, B. Goodell and D. Nicholas, eds. ACS Symposium Series 982. A m erican Chemical Society, W aslıington, D.C.
L in d e g aard , B. and N. M orsing, 2003. Natural durabiiity o f European vvood species for exterior use above ground. Document No. IRGAVP 03-10499. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
L ink, C .L and R. C. De G root, 1989. Statistical issues in evahıation o f stake tests. Proceedings, American W ood-Preservers’ Association. 85: 179-185.
M ilitz, H., M . B ro ertjes and C. J. Bloom, 1998. M oisture content development in lapjoints o f different vvood species in outside exposure trials. Docum ent No. IRGAVP 98-20143. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
R ap p , A .O . L. A ugusta and K. B ran d t, 2006. The natural durabiiity o f vvood in different use classes, part II. Docum ent No. IRG/W P 06-10598. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
V an A cker, J. and M . Stevens, 2003. Biologic dıırability o f vvood in relation to enduse- Part 2: The use o f an accelerated outdoor L-joint perform ance test. Holz als Roh-und IVerkstoff. 61:125-132.
W ang, W . and J. J. M o rrell, 2004. W ater sorption clıaracteristics of tvvo vvood-plastic composites. Forest Products Journal. 54 (12): 209-212.
Z alıo ra, A, 2002. Field testing aboveground. IN: Enhancing the Durabiiity o f Lumber and Engineered W ood Products. Proceedings, Forest Products Society meeting, February 11-13, 2002, Kissimmee, FL., USA.
Lebow, S., Woodward, B., Lebow, P., Clausen, C. (2008). Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 58(2), 29-41.
Lebow S, Woodward B, Lebow P, Clausen C. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. Temmuz 2008;58(2):29-41. doi:10.17099/jffiu.55636
Lebow, Stan, Bessie Woodward, Patricia Lebow, ve Carol Clausen. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 58, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2008): 29-41.
Lebow S, Woodward B, Lebow P, Clausen C (01 Temmuz 2008) Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 58 2 29–41.
S. Lebow, B. Woodward, P. Lebow, ve C. Clausen, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, c. 58, sy. 2, ss. 29–41, 2008, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.55636.
Lebow, Stan vd. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 58/2 (Temmuz 2008), 29-41.
Lebow S, Woodward B, Lebow P, Clausen C. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2008;58:29–41.
Lebow, Stan vd. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, c. 58, sy. 2, 2008, ss. 29-41, doi:10.17099/jffiu.55636.
Lebow S, Woodward B, Lebow P, Clausen C. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2008;58(2):29-41.