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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 58 Sayı: 2, 29 - 41, 01.07.2008


  • Augusta, U. and A, O. Rapp, 2003. The natural durability o f wood in different use classes, part I. Docımıent No. IRG/W P 03-10457. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stocklıolm, Svveden.
  • AW PA. 2007. Book o f Staııdards. A m erican W ood Protection Association, Birmingham, AL.
  • AW PC. 1997. Australasian W ood Preservation Com m ittee. Protocols for Assessm ent of W ood Preservatives. 24 pp.
  • Blom, A. and M . Bergstronı, 2006. Untreated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norvvay spruce (Picecı abies ) vvood-panels exposed out o f ground contact in Svveden for tvvo years. Holz als Rolı- ıınd IVerkstoff 64: 53-61.
  • Brisclıke, C. and A.O. Rapp, 2007. A roadnıap for perform ance-based specifıcation o f vvood components based on service life prediction. D ocum ent No. IRG/W P 07- 20351. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stocklıolm, Svveden.
  • CEN (1993) EN 330, W ood preservatives - Field test method for determiııing the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative exposed out of ground contact: L-joint method. European Com m ittee for Standardization, Brussels.
  • CEN (1996) ENV 12037, W ood preservatives - Field test method for determining the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative exposed out o f ground contact - Horizoııtal Lap-joint method. European Com m ittee for Standardization, Brussels.
  • CEN (1998) EN 252, Field test method for determ ining the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative in ground contact. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
  • Clausen, C.A., T.L. Highley, and D.L. Lindner, 2006. Early detectioıı and progression o f decay in L-joiııts and lap-joints in a moderate decay hazard zone. Forest Products Journal. 56 (11/12): 100-106.
  • Clem oııs, C.M . and R.E. Ibaelı, 2004. Effects o f processing method and moisture lıistory on laboratory futıgal resistaııce o f vvood-HDPE com posites. Forest Products Journal. 54 (4): 50-57.
  • De Groot, R.C. and J.W . Evans, 1998. Patterııs o f long-ternı perform ance - hovv vvell are tlıey predicted from accelerated tests and should evaluations coıısider parameters otlıer tlıan averages? Document No. IRG /W P/98-20130. International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
  • De G root, R .C . and J.W . E vans, 1999. Does more preservative ıııean a better product? Forest Products Journal. 44 (9): 59-68.
  • De Groot, R.C. and T.L. Highley, 1995. Forest Products Laboratory methodology for m onitoring decay in vvood exposed above ground. Document No. IRGAVP/95- 20074. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
  • Edlund, M .L., F. Evans and K. Ileııriksen, 2006. Testing durability o f treated vvood according to EN 252: interpretation o f data from N ordic test fıelds. N T Techııical Report, TR 591. Nordic Innovalioıı Çenter, Oslo, Norvvay.
  • Eslyn, W .E ., T.L. H iglıley, and F .F . L o m b a rd , 1985. Longevity o f untreated vvood in use above ground. Forest Products Journal. 35 (5): 28-35.
  • H iglıley, T.L., 1995. Com parative dıırability o f untreated vvood in use above ground. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 4 (3): 409-419.
  • Laks, P.E. and G .M . L ark in , 2007. Enhancing composite dıırability: understandiııg tlıe im plications and limitations o f test metlıods. In W ood Protection 2006. Proceedings, Forest Products Society meeting, M arch 21-23, 2006, Nevv Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Lebovv, S.T. and T.L. H iglıley, 2008. Chapter 6. Regional biodeterioration hazards in tlıe United States. IN “Developm ent o f Com m ercial W ood Preservatives: EfFıcacy, Environmental and Health Issues. System s”, T. Shultz, H. Miltz, M. Freeman, B. Goodell and D. Nicholas, eds. ACS Symposium Series 982. A m erican Chemical Society, W aslıington, D.C.
  • L in d e g aard , B. and N. M orsing, 2003. Natural durabiiity o f European vvood species for exterior use above ground. Document No. IRGAVP 03-10499. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
  • L ink, C .L and R. C. De G root, 1989. Statistical issues in evahıation o f stake tests. Proceedings, American W ood-Preservers’ Association. 85: 179-185.
  • M ilitz, H., M . B ro ertjes and C. J. Bloom, 1998. M oisture content development in lapjoints o f different vvood species in outside exposure trials. Docum ent No. IRGAVP 98-20143. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
  • R ap p , A .O . L. A ugusta and K. B ran d t, 2006. The natural durabiiity o f vvood in different use classes, part II. Docum ent No. IRG/W P 06-10598. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
  • V an A cker, J. and M . Stevens, 2003. Biologic dıırability o f vvood in relation to enduse- Part 2: The use o f an accelerated outdoor L-joint perform ance test. Holz als Roh-und IVerkstoff. 61:125-132.
  • W ang, W . and J. J. M o rrell, 2004. W ater sorption clıaracteristics of tvvo vvood-plastic composites. Forest Products Journal. 54 (12): 209-212.
  • Z alıo ra, A, 2002. Field testing aboveground. IN: Enhancing the Durabiiity o f Lumber and Engineered W ood Products. Proceedings, Forest Products Society meeting, February 11-13, 2002, Kissimmee, FL., USA.
Yıl 2008, Cilt: 58 Sayı: 2, 29 - 41, 01.07.2008


  • Augusta, U. and A, O. Rapp, 2003. The natural durability o f wood in different use classes, part I. Docımıent No. IRG/W P 03-10457. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stocklıolm, Svveden.
  • AW PA. 2007. Book o f Staııdards. A m erican W ood Protection Association, Birmingham, AL.
  • AW PC. 1997. Australasian W ood Preservation Com m ittee. Protocols for Assessm ent of W ood Preservatives. 24 pp.
  • Blom, A. and M . Bergstronı, 2006. Untreated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norvvay spruce (Picecı abies ) vvood-panels exposed out o f ground contact in Svveden for tvvo years. Holz als Rolı- ıınd IVerkstoff 64: 53-61.
  • Brisclıke, C. and A.O. Rapp, 2007. A roadnıap for perform ance-based specifıcation o f vvood components based on service life prediction. D ocum ent No. IRG/W P 07- 20351. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stocklıolm, Svveden.
  • CEN (1993) EN 330, W ood preservatives - Field test method for determiııing the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative exposed out of ground contact: L-joint method. European Com m ittee for Standardization, Brussels.
  • CEN (1996) ENV 12037, W ood preservatives - Field test method for determining the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative exposed out o f ground contact - Horizoııtal Lap-joint method. European Com m ittee for Standardization, Brussels.
  • CEN (1998) EN 252, Field test method for determ ining the relative protective effectiveness o f a vvood preservative in ground contact. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
  • Clausen, C.A., T.L. Highley, and D.L. Lindner, 2006. Early detectioıı and progression o f decay in L-joiııts and lap-joints in a moderate decay hazard zone. Forest Products Journal. 56 (11/12): 100-106.
  • Clem oııs, C.M . and R.E. Ibaelı, 2004. Effects o f processing method and moisture lıistory on laboratory futıgal resistaııce o f vvood-HDPE com posites. Forest Products Journal. 54 (4): 50-57.
  • De Groot, R.C. and J.W . Evans, 1998. Patterııs o f long-ternı perform ance - hovv vvell are tlıey predicted from accelerated tests and should evaluations coıısider parameters otlıer tlıan averages? Document No. IRG /W P/98-20130. International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
  • De G root, R .C . and J.W . E vans, 1999. Does more preservative ıııean a better product? Forest Products Journal. 44 (9): 59-68.
  • De Groot, R.C. and T.L. Highley, 1995. Forest Products Laboratory methodology for m onitoring decay in vvood exposed above ground. Document No. IRGAVP/95- 20074. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
  • Edlund, M .L., F. Evans and K. Ileııriksen, 2006. Testing durability o f treated vvood according to EN 252: interpretation o f data from N ordic test fıelds. N T Techııical Report, TR 591. Nordic Innovalioıı Çenter, Oslo, Norvvay.
  • Eslyn, W .E ., T.L. H iglıley, and F .F . L o m b a rd , 1985. Longevity o f untreated vvood in use above ground. Forest Products Journal. 35 (5): 28-35.
  • H iglıley, T.L., 1995. Com parative dıırability o f untreated vvood in use above ground. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 4 (3): 409-419.
  • Laks, P.E. and G .M . L ark in , 2007. Enhancing composite dıırability: understandiııg tlıe im plications and limitations o f test metlıods. In W ood Protection 2006. Proceedings, Forest Products Society meeting, M arch 21-23, 2006, Nevv Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Lebovv, S.T. and T.L. H iglıley, 2008. Chapter 6. Regional biodeterioration hazards in tlıe United States. IN “Developm ent o f Com m ercial W ood Preservatives: EfFıcacy, Environmental and Health Issues. System s”, T. Shultz, H. Miltz, M. Freeman, B. Goodell and D. Nicholas, eds. ACS Symposium Series 982. A m erican Chemical Society, W aslıington, D.C.
  • L in d e g aard , B. and N. M orsing, 2003. Natural durabiiity o f European vvood species for exterior use above ground. Document No. IRGAVP 03-10499. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
  • L ink, C .L and R. C. De G root, 1989. Statistical issues in evahıation o f stake tests. Proceedings, American W ood-Preservers’ Association. 85: 179-185.
  • M ilitz, H., M . B ro ertjes and C. J. Bloom, 1998. M oisture content development in lapjoints o f different vvood species in outside exposure trials. Docum ent No. IRGAVP 98-20143. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
  • R ap p , A .O . L. A ugusta and K. B ran d t, 2006. The natural durabiiity o f vvood in different use classes, part II. Docum ent No. IRG/W P 06-10598. International Research Group on W ood Preservation, Stockholm, Svveden.
  • V an A cker, J. and M . Stevens, 2003. Biologic dıırability o f vvood in relation to enduse- Part 2: The use o f an accelerated outdoor L-joint perform ance test. Holz als Roh-und IVerkstoff. 61:125-132.
  • W ang, W . and J. J. M o rrell, 2004. W ater sorption clıaracteristics of tvvo vvood-plastic composites. Forest Products Journal. 54 (12): 209-212.
  • Z alıo ra, A, 2002. Field testing aboveground. IN: Enhancing the Durabiiity o f Lumber and Engineered W ood Products. Proceedings, Forest Products Society meeting, February 11-13, 2002, Kissimmee, FL., USA.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

Stan Lebow Bu kişi benim

Bessie Woodward Bu kişi benim

Patricia Lebow Bu kişi benim

Carol Clausen Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 58 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Lebow, S., Woodward, B., Lebow, P., Clausen, C. (2008). Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 58(2), 29-41.
AMA Lebow S, Woodward B, Lebow P, Clausen C. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. Temmuz 2008;58(2):29-41. doi:10.17099/jffiu.55636
Chicago Lebow, Stan, Bessie Woodward, Patricia Lebow, ve Carol Clausen. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 58, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2008): 29-41.
EndNote Lebow S, Woodward B, Lebow P, Clausen C (01 Temmuz 2008) Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 58 2 29–41.
IEEE S. Lebow, B. Woodward, P. Lebow, ve C. Clausen, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, c. 58, sy. 2, ss. 29–41, 2008, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.55636.
ISNAD Lebow, Stan vd. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 58/2 (Temmuz 2008), 29-41.
JAMA Lebow S, Woodward B, Lebow P, Clausen C. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2008;58:29–41.
MLA Lebow, Stan vd. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, c. 58, sy. 2, 2008, ss. 29-41, doi:10.17099/jffiu.55636.
Vancouver Lebow S, Woodward B, Lebow P, Clausen C. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2008;58(2):29-41.