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The Effects of Unstable Trainings Applied in Soccer Players on Determination of Position Sense, Static Balance and Skill

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 1 - 6, 01.04.2020


The aim of our study is to compare the effects of training programs applied on stable and unstable floor on proprioception in
the knee, static balance and dribbling skill in soccer. A total of 36 soccer players (age:12±0.86; height:151±7.98;
weight:42.35±8.14) participated in the study with equal numbers (n=12) in each group as the balance group working on
unstable fields (DBG), plyometric group working on stable fields (PG) and control group (CG). In the study groups (DBG and
PG), the players performed 24 training programs for 12 weeks. The proprioception in the knee, Static Balance (SB) and
dribbling skill (CST; Creative Speed Test) tracks were measured. As a result of numerous cross-groups analysis done
significant improvement has been observed in DBG; SB dominant leg (%29.42), SB non-dominant leg (%31.21),
proprioception of dominant leg (%51.52) and CST measurements (%8.31), PG; only in CST measurements (%5.58), CG; in
SB dominant leg (%19.25), and CST measurements (%7.85). Significant improvement has been observed in SB non-dominant
leg measurements in DBG when compared with CG (p<0.05). Although no relation has been observed between parameters. In
conclusion, the improvement observed in DBG is important for the optimum performance considering that it is necessary to
use both legs effectively in soccer. It is thought that the increase in bilateral balance can improve the skills that determine
soccer performance such as dribbling, shooting and passing in difficult conditions.


  • Anderson, K, Behm, DG. The impact of instability resistance training on balance and stability. Sports Medicine 35 (1): 43-53, 2005.
  • Atılgan O.E., ‘Effects of trampoline training on jump, leg strenght, static and dynamic balance of boys’, Science of Gymnastics Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 2: 15 –25, (2013).
  • Bangsbo J., Mohr M., ‘Fitness testing in soccer’, Bangsbosport, Stormtryk, Rosendahls-BookPartnerMedia, ISBN 9788799488001, (2011).
  • Bernier, JN, Perrin, HD. Effect of coordination training on proprioception of the functionally unstable ankle. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 27(4): 264–275, 1998
  • Blackburn T., Cuskiewicz K.M., Petschauer M.A., Prentice W.E., ‘Balance and joint stability: the relativemcontributions of proprioception and muscular strength’ Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 9: 315 - 328, (2000).
  • Bloomfield J., Polman R., O’Donoghue P., Mcnaughton L., ‘Effective speed and agility conditioning methodology for random ıntermittent dynamic type sports’, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 21(4), 1093–1100, (2007).
  • Bozdoğan T.K., Pehlivan A., Kızılet A. ‘Effects of coordınatıon and plyometrıc traınıng on runnıng economy ın young women soccer players’, International Journal of Academic Research, Vol. 6, No 6, 2014.
  • Cobb, S.V.G., ‘Measurement of postüral stability before and after ımmersion in a virtual environment', Applied Ergonomics, 30, 47-57, (1999).
  • Daneshjoo A., Mokhtar A.H., Rahnama N., Yusof A., ‘The effects of comprehensive warm-up programs on proprioception, static and dynamic balance on male soccer players', Plos One, 7 (12): e51568, (2012).
  • Gelen, E. Acute Effects of different warm-up methods on sprint, slalom dribbling, and penalty kick performance in soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 24(4): 950 - 956, 2010.
  • Haghighi A., Moghadasi M., Nikseresht A., Torkfar A., Haghighi M., ‘Effects of plyometric versus resistance training on sprint and skill in young soccer players’, European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2 (6): 2348 - 2351, (2012).
  • Helgerud J., Engen L.C., Wisloff U., Hoff J., ‘Aerobic Endurance Training Improves Soccer Performance’, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33: 1925–1931, (2001).
  • Jakobsen, MD, Sundsrup, E, Krustrup P, Aagaard P. The effect of recreational soccer training and running on postural balance in untrained men. European Journal of Applied Physiology 111 (3): 521 – 530, 2010.
  • Kean, CO, Behm, DG, Young, WB. Fixed foot balance training increases rectus femoris activation landing and jump height in recreationally active women. Journal of Sports Sciences Medicine 5(1): 138-148, 2006.
  • Lephart, SM, Pincivero, DM, Giraldo, JL, Fu, FH. The role of proprioception in the management and rehabilitation of athletic ınjuries. The American Journal of Sports Medicine 25(1): 130-137, 1997
  • Little, T, Williams, AG. Specificity of acceleration, maximum speed, and agility in professional soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 19(1): 76–78, 2005.
  • Malina, RM, Eisenmann, JC, Cumming, SP, Ribeiro, B, Aroso, J. Maturity-associated variation in the growth and functional capacities of youth soccer (soccer) players 13–15 years. European Journal of Applied Physiology 91(5-6): 555-562, 2004.
  • Myer, GD, Ford, KR, Hewett, TE. Methodological approaches and rationale for training to prevent anterior cruciate ligament ınjuries in female athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 14(5): 275-85, 2004.
  • Nikseresht A., Taheri E., Khoshnam E., ' The effect of 8 weeks of plyometric and resistance training on agility, speed and explosive power in soccer players', European Journal of Experimental Biology, 4(1): 383 - 386, (2014).
  • Paillard, T, Noe, F, Riviere, T, Marion, V, Montaya, R, Dupui, P. Postural performance and strategy in the unipedal stance of soccer players at different levels of competition. Journal of Athletic Training 41(2): 172 – 176, 2006.
  • Ross, S, Guskiewicz, K, Prentice, W, Schneider, R, Yu, B. Comparison of biomechanical factors between the kicking and stance limbs. Journal of Sport and Rehabilitation 13: 135-150, 2004.
  • Şimşek D., Ertan H., ‘Postural kontrol ve spor: kassal yorgunluk ve postural kontrol ilişkisi’, Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 9: (4), 119-124, (2011).
  • Tropp H., Ekstrand J., Gillquist J., ‘Factors affecting stabiliometry recordings of single limb stance’, Am. J. Sports Med., 12(3):185–188, (1984).
  • Yaggie J.A., Campbell B.M., ‘Effects of balance training on selected skills’, Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 20(2), 422-428, (2006).
  • Zech, A, Hubscher, M, Vogt, L, Banzer, W, Hansel, F, Pfeifer, K. Balance training for neuromuscular control and performance enhancement: a systematic review. Journal of Athletic Training 45:4, 2010.

Futbolcularda Uygulanan Kararsız Antrenmanların Pozisyon Duygusu, Statik Denge ve Beceri Belirlenmesine Etkileri

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 1 - 6, 01.04.2020


Çalışmamızın amacı, sabit ve dengesiz zeminde uygulanan antrenman programlarının futbolda dizdeki propriyosepsiyon,
statik denge ve top sürme becerisi üzerindeki etkilerini karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmaya dengesiz sahalarda çalışan denge grubu
(DBG ), stabil alanlar (PG) ve kontrol grubu (CG) üzerinde çalışan plyometrik grup. Çalışma gruplarında (DBG ve PG)
oyuncular 12 hafta boyunca 24 antrenman programı gerçekleştirdi. Dizdeki propriyosepsiyon, Statik Denge (SB) ve top sürme
becerisi (CST; Yaratıcı Hız Testi) izleri ölçüldü. Yapılan çok sayıda çapraz grup analizi sonucunda DBG'de önemli iyileşme
gözlemlendi; SB dominant bacak (% 29.42), SB dominant olmayan bacak (% 31.21), dominant bacakta propriyosepsiyon (%
51.52) ve CST ölçümleri (% 8.31), PG; sadece CST ölçümlerinde (% 5.58), CG; SB dominant bacakta (% 19.25) ve CST
ölçümlerinde (% 7.85). DBG'de SB dominant olmayan bacak ölçümlerinde CG'ye göre anlamlı iyileşme görüldü (p <0.05).
Parametreler arasında herhangi bir ilişki gözlenmemesine rağmen. Sonuç olarak DBG'de gözlemlenen iyileşme, futbolda her
iki bacağı da etkin bir şekilde kullanmak gerektiği düşünüldüğünde optimum performans için önemlidir. İkili dengenin
artmasının zor koşullarda top sürme, şut atma ve pas verme gibi futbol performansını belirleyen becerileri geliştirebileceği


  • Anderson, K, Behm, DG. The impact of instability resistance training on balance and stability. Sports Medicine 35 (1): 43-53, 2005.
  • Atılgan O.E., ‘Effects of trampoline training on jump, leg strenght, static and dynamic balance of boys’, Science of Gymnastics Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 2: 15 –25, (2013).
  • Bangsbo J., Mohr M., ‘Fitness testing in soccer’, Bangsbosport, Stormtryk, Rosendahls-BookPartnerMedia, ISBN 9788799488001, (2011).
  • Bernier, JN, Perrin, HD. Effect of coordination training on proprioception of the functionally unstable ankle. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 27(4): 264–275, 1998
  • Blackburn T., Cuskiewicz K.M., Petschauer M.A., Prentice W.E., ‘Balance and joint stability: the relativemcontributions of proprioception and muscular strength’ Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 9: 315 - 328, (2000).
  • Bloomfield J., Polman R., O’Donoghue P., Mcnaughton L., ‘Effective speed and agility conditioning methodology for random ıntermittent dynamic type sports’, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 21(4), 1093–1100, (2007).
  • Bozdoğan T.K., Pehlivan A., Kızılet A. ‘Effects of coordınatıon and plyometrıc traınıng on runnıng economy ın young women soccer players’, International Journal of Academic Research, Vol. 6, No 6, 2014.
  • Cobb, S.V.G., ‘Measurement of postüral stability before and after ımmersion in a virtual environment', Applied Ergonomics, 30, 47-57, (1999).
  • Daneshjoo A., Mokhtar A.H., Rahnama N., Yusof A., ‘The effects of comprehensive warm-up programs on proprioception, static and dynamic balance on male soccer players', Plos One, 7 (12): e51568, (2012).
  • Gelen, E. Acute Effects of different warm-up methods on sprint, slalom dribbling, and penalty kick performance in soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 24(4): 950 - 956, 2010.
  • Haghighi A., Moghadasi M., Nikseresht A., Torkfar A., Haghighi M., ‘Effects of plyometric versus resistance training on sprint and skill in young soccer players’, European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2 (6): 2348 - 2351, (2012).
  • Helgerud J., Engen L.C., Wisloff U., Hoff J., ‘Aerobic Endurance Training Improves Soccer Performance’, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33: 1925–1931, (2001).
  • Jakobsen, MD, Sundsrup, E, Krustrup P, Aagaard P. The effect of recreational soccer training and running on postural balance in untrained men. European Journal of Applied Physiology 111 (3): 521 – 530, 2010.
  • Kean, CO, Behm, DG, Young, WB. Fixed foot balance training increases rectus femoris activation landing and jump height in recreationally active women. Journal of Sports Sciences Medicine 5(1): 138-148, 2006.
  • Lephart, SM, Pincivero, DM, Giraldo, JL, Fu, FH. The role of proprioception in the management and rehabilitation of athletic ınjuries. The American Journal of Sports Medicine 25(1): 130-137, 1997
  • Little, T, Williams, AG. Specificity of acceleration, maximum speed, and agility in professional soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 19(1): 76–78, 2005.
  • Malina, RM, Eisenmann, JC, Cumming, SP, Ribeiro, B, Aroso, J. Maturity-associated variation in the growth and functional capacities of youth soccer (soccer) players 13–15 years. European Journal of Applied Physiology 91(5-6): 555-562, 2004.
  • Myer, GD, Ford, KR, Hewett, TE. Methodological approaches and rationale for training to prevent anterior cruciate ligament ınjuries in female athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 14(5): 275-85, 2004.
  • Nikseresht A., Taheri E., Khoshnam E., ' The effect of 8 weeks of plyometric and resistance training on agility, speed and explosive power in soccer players', European Journal of Experimental Biology, 4(1): 383 - 386, (2014).
  • Paillard, T, Noe, F, Riviere, T, Marion, V, Montaya, R, Dupui, P. Postural performance and strategy in the unipedal stance of soccer players at different levels of competition. Journal of Athletic Training 41(2): 172 – 176, 2006.
  • Ross, S, Guskiewicz, K, Prentice, W, Schneider, R, Yu, B. Comparison of biomechanical factors between the kicking and stance limbs. Journal of Sport and Rehabilitation 13: 135-150, 2004.
  • Şimşek D., Ertan H., ‘Postural kontrol ve spor: kassal yorgunluk ve postural kontrol ilişkisi’, Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 9: (4), 119-124, (2011).
  • Tropp H., Ekstrand J., Gillquist J., ‘Factors affecting stabiliometry recordings of single limb stance’, Am. J. Sports Med., 12(3):185–188, (1984).
  • Yaggie J.A., Campbell B.M., ‘Effects of balance training on selected skills’, Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 20(2), 422-428, (2006).
  • Zech, A, Hubscher, M, Vogt, L, Banzer, W, Hansel, F, Pfeifer, K. Balance training for neuromuscular control and performance enhancement: a systematic review. Journal of Athletic Training 45:4, 2010.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor Hekimliği, Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Atakan Çağlayan Bu kişi benim

Ali Kızılet Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çağlayan, A., & Kızılet, A. (2020). The Effects of Unstable Trainings Applied in Soccer Players on Determination of Position Sense, Static Balance and Skill. Sağlık Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 1-6.