Conference Paper
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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 8, 48 - 63, 30.04.2019



  • Referans 1 :Aryee, S., Chen, Z. X., Sun, L. Y., ve Debrah, Y. A., (2007). Antecedents and outcomes of abusive supervision: test of a trickle-down model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(1): 191-201.
  • Referans 2 :Avolio, B. J., Gardner, W. L., Walumbwa, F. O., Luthans, F., ve May, D. R., (2004). Unlocking the mask: A look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes and behaviors. The leadership quarterly, 15(6): 801-823.
  • Referans 3:Başar, U., Sığrı, Ü., ve Basım, N., (2016). İş yerinde karanlık liderlik. İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 3(2): 65-76.
  • Referans 4 :Bass B. M (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. Collier Macmillan.
  • Referans 5: Bass B. M, Avolio B. J (2000). Manual for multifactor leadership questionnaire: Sampler set. Redwood City. CA: Mind Garden.
  • Referans 6: Bass, B. M., ve Steidlmeier, P., (1999). Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(2): 181-217.
  • Referans 7 :Brown, M. E., Treviño, L. K., ve Harrison, D. A., (2005). Ethical leadership: A social learning perspective for construct development and testing. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 97(2): 117-134.
  • Referans 8 :Burns J. M (1978). Leadership New York. NY: Harper and Row Publishers.
  • Referans 9:Çelebi, N., Güner, A. G. H., ve Yildiz, V., (2015). Toksik liderlik ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(1): 249-268.
  • Referans 10: Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Wu, T. Y., Huang, M. P., ve Farh, J. L., (2004). Paternalistic leadership and subordinate responses: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 7(1): 89-117.
  • Referans 11: Deal, T. E., ve Peterson, K. D. (1999). Shaping school culture: The heart of leadership. Adolescence, 34(136): 802.
  • Referans 12 :Dobbs J. M (2014). The relationship between perceived toxic leadership styles, leader effectiveness and organizational cynicism. University of San Diego: Doctoral dissertation.
  • Referans 13:Einarsen, S., Aasland, M. S., ve Skogstad, A., (2007). Destructive leadership behaviour: A definition and conceptual model. The Leadership Quarterly, 18(3): 207-216.
  • Referans 14: Ferris, G. R., Zinko, R., Brouer, R. L., Buckley, M. R., ve Harvey, M. G., (2007). Strategic bullying as a supplementary, balanced perspective on destructive leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 18(3): 195-206.
  • Referans 15 :Firestone J, Jatlett, R (2009). The Ethics of interpersonal relationships. London: Karnac Books.
  • Referans 16: Flynn, G. (1999). Stop toxic managers before they stop you! Workforce, 78(8): 40-44.
  • Referans 17: Gündüz, Y., & Dedekorkut, S. E. (2014). Yıkıcı liderlik. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1): 95-104.
  • Referans 18: İbicioğlu, H., (2009). Liderlik davranışı ve toplumsal norm ilişkisi: Ampirik bir çalışma. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 14(2): 3-4.
  • Referans 19: Koçel, T (2010). İşletme Yöneticiliği. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım.
  • Referans 20: Lipman-Blumen J (2004). The allure of toxic leadership: Why we follow destructive bosses and corrupt politicians and how we can survive them. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Referans 21: Lipman-Blumen, J., (2005). Toxic leadership: When grand illusions masquerade as noble visions. Leader to Leader, 36: 19-36.
  • Referans 22: Lipman-Blumen, J., (2005b). The allure of toxic leaders: Why followers rarely escape their Clutches. Ivey Business Journal, 69(3): 1-40.
  • Referans 23:McShane S. L,Von Glinow M. A (2009). Organizational behavior. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
  • Referans 24: Padilla, A., Hogan, R. ve Kaiser, R. B., (2007). The toxic triangle: Destructive leaders, susceptible followers, and conducive environments. The Leadership Quarterly, 18: 176-194.
  • Referans 25: Paunonen SV, Linnqvist JE, Verkasalo M, et al. (2006). Narcissism and emergent leadership in military cadets. Leadership Quarterly, 17(5): 475 86.
  • Referans 26: Pelletier, K. L., (2010). Leader toxicity: An empirical investigation of toxic behavior and rhetoric. Leadership, 6(4): 373-389.
  • Referans 27:Reed, G. E., ve Olsen, R. A., (2010). Toxic leadership: Part deux. Army Combined Arms Center Fort Leavenworth Ks Military Review. November-December: 58-64.
  • Referans 28: Rosenthal, S. A. Ve Pittinsky, T. L., (2006). Narcissistic leadership. The Leadership Quarterly. 17: 617-633.Shaw, J. B., Erickson, Harvey, M. (2011).A method for measuring destructive leadership and identifying types of destructive leaders in organizations. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(4): 575-590.
  • Referans 29: Schmidt, A. A., (2008). Development and validation of the toxic leadership scale (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Referans 30: Tepper, B. J., (2000). Consequences of abusive supervision. Academy Of Management Journal, 43(2): 178-190.
  • Referans 31: Thoroughgood, C. N., Padilla, A., Hunter, S. T., ve Tate, B. W., (2012). The susceptible circle: A taxonomy of followers associated with destructive leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(5): 897-917.
  • Referans 32: Titizoğlu, Ö. Ç. ve Eren, M. Ş., (2014). Dönüşümcü ve etkileşimci liderlik tarzlarının örgütsel özdeşleşme ve iş tatmini üzerindeki etkileri. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(27): 275-303.
  • Referans 33: Trevino, L. K., Brown, M. ve Hartman, L. P., (2003). A qualitative investigation of perceived executive ethical leadership: Perceptions From İnside and Outside The Executive Suite. Human Relations, 56(1): 5–37.
  • Referans 34: Van de Vliert, E., Matthiesen, S. B., Gangsøy, R., Landro, A. B., ve Einarsen, S. (2010). Winters, summers and destructive leadership cultures in rich regions. SAGE Journals, (11): 315-340.
  • Referans 35: Webster, V., Brough, P. ve Daly, K., (2016). Fight, flight or freeze: common responses for follower coping with toxic leadership. Stress and Health, 32(4): 346-354.
  • Referans 36: Williams D. F (2005). Toxic leadership in the US Army. Army War Coll Carlısle Barracks Pa.
  • Referans 37: Wilson-Starks K. Y (2003). Toxic leadership. Transleadership.
  • Referans 38: Woestman, S. D. ve Wasonga, A. T., (2015). Destructive Leadership Behaviors and Workplace Attitudes in Schools. NASSP Bulletin, 99 (2): 147-163.
  • Referans 39:Yagil, D., Ben-Zur, H. ve Tamir, I., (2011). Do employees cope effectively with abusive supervision at work? An exploratory study. International Journal of Stress Management, 18 (1): 5–23.
  • Referans 40: Zellars, K. L., Tepper, B. J., ve Duffy, M. K., (2002). Abusive supervision and subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87 (6): 10

Toxic Leadership In A Public University Hospital

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 8, 48 - 63, 30.04.2019


The Problem of the Study: Some leadership styles have negative and toxic features
such as destructive leadership, authoritarian leadership, narcissistic
leadership and brute-bullying leadership. Toxic leadership is defined as the
sum of the negative aspects of leadership which might include charisma,
personalized use of power, narcissism, negative life themes, and an ideology of


The Purpose of the Study: This study aims at contributing to the theoretical gap in Turkish literature
about destructive leadership. In this regard, first of all, the definitions of
destructive leadership made by several authors are presented in the literature.
Later, the levels of perception by 200 health workers in a university hospital
are investigated using the "Toxic Leadership Scale" and the results
of the research are analyzed. Finally, the findings are discussed and
evaluations are made for research and application.


Findings and Results: In this study, the relationship between gender, age, marital
status, education status, duty in hospital, income, occupational
status, unit variables of health workers, and toxic leadership levels were
examined in terms of both the general average of toxic leadership scale and
subscales of scale. The Cronbach-Alpha coefficient in the study was found to be
0.98. The general average of the health workers obtained from the Toxic
Leadership Scale (2.91 ± 1.03) was moderate; there were statistically significant
differences due to age and income situation; the toxic leadership perceptions
of administrative staff (3.40 ± 0.98) were higher than the average of other
health workers.


  • Referans 1 :Aryee, S., Chen, Z. X., Sun, L. Y., ve Debrah, Y. A., (2007). Antecedents and outcomes of abusive supervision: test of a trickle-down model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(1): 191-201.
  • Referans 2 :Avolio, B. J., Gardner, W. L., Walumbwa, F. O., Luthans, F., ve May, D. R., (2004). Unlocking the mask: A look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes and behaviors. The leadership quarterly, 15(6): 801-823.
  • Referans 3:Başar, U., Sığrı, Ü., ve Basım, N., (2016). İş yerinde karanlık liderlik. İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 3(2): 65-76.
  • Referans 4 :Bass B. M (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. Collier Macmillan.
  • Referans 5: Bass B. M, Avolio B. J (2000). Manual for multifactor leadership questionnaire: Sampler set. Redwood City. CA: Mind Garden.
  • Referans 6: Bass, B. M., ve Steidlmeier, P., (1999). Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(2): 181-217.
  • Referans 7 :Brown, M. E., Treviño, L. K., ve Harrison, D. A., (2005). Ethical leadership: A social learning perspective for construct development and testing. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 97(2): 117-134.
  • Referans 8 :Burns J. M (1978). Leadership New York. NY: Harper and Row Publishers.
  • Referans 9:Çelebi, N., Güner, A. G. H., ve Yildiz, V., (2015). Toksik liderlik ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(1): 249-268.
  • Referans 10: Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Wu, T. Y., Huang, M. P., ve Farh, J. L., (2004). Paternalistic leadership and subordinate responses: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 7(1): 89-117.
  • Referans 11: Deal, T. E., ve Peterson, K. D. (1999). Shaping school culture: The heart of leadership. Adolescence, 34(136): 802.
  • Referans 12 :Dobbs J. M (2014). The relationship between perceived toxic leadership styles, leader effectiveness and organizational cynicism. University of San Diego: Doctoral dissertation.
  • Referans 13:Einarsen, S., Aasland, M. S., ve Skogstad, A., (2007). Destructive leadership behaviour: A definition and conceptual model. The Leadership Quarterly, 18(3): 207-216.
  • Referans 14: Ferris, G. R., Zinko, R., Brouer, R. L., Buckley, M. R., ve Harvey, M. G., (2007). Strategic bullying as a supplementary, balanced perspective on destructive leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 18(3): 195-206.
  • Referans 15 :Firestone J, Jatlett, R (2009). The Ethics of interpersonal relationships. London: Karnac Books.
  • Referans 16: Flynn, G. (1999). Stop toxic managers before they stop you! Workforce, 78(8): 40-44.
  • Referans 17: Gündüz, Y., & Dedekorkut, S. E. (2014). Yıkıcı liderlik. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1): 95-104.
  • Referans 18: İbicioğlu, H., (2009). Liderlik davranışı ve toplumsal norm ilişkisi: Ampirik bir çalışma. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 14(2): 3-4.
  • Referans 19: Koçel, T (2010). İşletme Yöneticiliği. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım.
  • Referans 20: Lipman-Blumen J (2004). The allure of toxic leadership: Why we follow destructive bosses and corrupt politicians and how we can survive them. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Referans 21: Lipman-Blumen, J., (2005). Toxic leadership: When grand illusions masquerade as noble visions. Leader to Leader, 36: 19-36.
  • Referans 22: Lipman-Blumen, J., (2005b). The allure of toxic leaders: Why followers rarely escape their Clutches. Ivey Business Journal, 69(3): 1-40.
  • Referans 23:McShane S. L,Von Glinow M. A (2009). Organizational behavior. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
  • Referans 24: Padilla, A., Hogan, R. ve Kaiser, R. B., (2007). The toxic triangle: Destructive leaders, susceptible followers, and conducive environments. The Leadership Quarterly, 18: 176-194.
  • Referans 25: Paunonen SV, Linnqvist JE, Verkasalo M, et al. (2006). Narcissism and emergent leadership in military cadets. Leadership Quarterly, 17(5): 475 86.
  • Referans 26: Pelletier, K. L., (2010). Leader toxicity: An empirical investigation of toxic behavior and rhetoric. Leadership, 6(4): 373-389.
  • Referans 27:Reed, G. E., ve Olsen, R. A., (2010). Toxic leadership: Part deux. Army Combined Arms Center Fort Leavenworth Ks Military Review. November-December: 58-64.
  • Referans 28: Rosenthal, S. A. Ve Pittinsky, T. L., (2006). Narcissistic leadership. The Leadership Quarterly. 17: 617-633.Shaw, J. B., Erickson, Harvey, M. (2011).A method for measuring destructive leadership and identifying types of destructive leaders in organizations. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(4): 575-590.
  • Referans 29: Schmidt, A. A., (2008). Development and validation of the toxic leadership scale (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Referans 30: Tepper, B. J., (2000). Consequences of abusive supervision. Academy Of Management Journal, 43(2): 178-190.
  • Referans 31: Thoroughgood, C. N., Padilla, A., Hunter, S. T., ve Tate, B. W., (2012). The susceptible circle: A taxonomy of followers associated with destructive leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(5): 897-917.
  • Referans 32: Titizoğlu, Ö. Ç. ve Eren, M. Ş., (2014). Dönüşümcü ve etkileşimci liderlik tarzlarının örgütsel özdeşleşme ve iş tatmini üzerindeki etkileri. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(27): 275-303.
  • Referans 33: Trevino, L. K., Brown, M. ve Hartman, L. P., (2003). A qualitative investigation of perceived executive ethical leadership: Perceptions From İnside and Outside The Executive Suite. Human Relations, 56(1): 5–37.
  • Referans 34: Van de Vliert, E., Matthiesen, S. B., Gangsøy, R., Landro, A. B., ve Einarsen, S. (2010). Winters, summers and destructive leadership cultures in rich regions. SAGE Journals, (11): 315-340.
  • Referans 35: Webster, V., Brough, P. ve Daly, K., (2016). Fight, flight or freeze: common responses for follower coping with toxic leadership. Stress and Health, 32(4): 346-354.
  • Referans 36: Williams D. F (2005). Toxic leadership in the US Army. Army War Coll Carlısle Barracks Pa.
  • Referans 37: Wilson-Starks K. Y (2003). Toxic leadership. Transleadership.
  • Referans 38: Woestman, S. D. ve Wasonga, A. T., (2015). Destructive Leadership Behaviors and Workplace Attitudes in Schools. NASSP Bulletin, 99 (2): 147-163.
  • Referans 39:Yagil, D., Ben-Zur, H. ve Tamir, I., (2011). Do employees cope effectively with abusive supervision at work? An exploratory study. International Journal of Stress Management, 18 (1): 5–23.
  • Referans 40: Zellars, K. L., Tepper, B. J., ve Duffy, M. K., (2002). Abusive supervision and subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87 (6): 10
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Policy
Journal Section Articles

Cemil Örgev

Halil Demir

Publication Date April 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 5 Issue: 8


APA Örgev, C., & Demir, H. (2019). Toxic Leadership In A Public University Hospital. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, 5(8), 48-63.
AMA Örgev C, Demir H. Toxic Leadership In A Public University Hospital. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management. April 2019;5(8):48-63.
Chicago Örgev, Cemil, and Halil Demir. “Toxic Leadership In A Public University Hospital”. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 5, no. 8 (April 2019): 48-63.
EndNote Örgev C, Demir H (April 1, 2019) Toxic Leadership In A Public University Hospital. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 5 8 48–63.
IEEE C. Örgev and H. Demir, “Toxic Leadership In A Public University Hospital”, Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 48–63, 2019.
ISNAD Örgev, Cemil - Demir, Halil. “Toxic Leadership In A Public University Hospital”. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 5/8 (April 2019), 48-63.
JAMA Örgev C, Demir H. Toxic Leadership In A Public University Hospital. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management. 2019;5:48–63.
MLA Örgev, Cemil and Halil Demir. “Toxic Leadership In A Public University Hospital”. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, vol. 5, no. 8, 2019, pp. 48-63.
Vancouver Örgev C, Demir H. Toxic Leadership In A Public University Hospital. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management. 2019;5(8):48-63.