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Abicada ve Boca do Rio (Portekiz) Mozaikleri - Otuz Yıl Sonra Yeni Bir Bakış Açısı Felix

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 11, 257 - 271, 30.11.2018


Bu çalışmada deniz kıyısı yerleşimleri olan Algarve (Portekiz) ve Boca do Rio (Vila do Bispo, Faro) ile Abicada (Mexilhoreira Grande, Portimão)’da yer alan bazı mozaikler ele alınacaktır. Boca do Rio’daki mozaikler, 1870 yılında Sebastião Philippes Martins Estácio da Veiga tarafından bulunmuş ve bunlardan sadece birinin günümüze kadar korunabilmiş olmasına rağmen söz konusu mozaiklerden bazıları Amélia Claranges Lucotte tarafından hazırlanmış iki detaylı çizim ve plandan bilinmektedir. Abicada Villası, 1917 yılından beri bilinmektedir ve villanın oldukça sofistike olan pars urbanası 1937-1938 yılları arasında José Formosinho tarafından kazılmıştır. Her iki arkeolojik mevkide yer alan mozaikler, 1987 yılında Profesör José Maria Blázquez tarafından çalışılmış ve en seçkin mozaikler üzerine ilk stilistik yaklaşım önerileri yapılmıştır. Algarve’nin Roma Dönemi mimarisi ve mozaikleri üzerine son yıllarda gerçekleştirilen arkeolojik çalışmalarda elde edilen bulgular sayesinde bu mozaiklerin tekrar ele alınması ve daha geniş bir perspektif ile değerlendirilmesi mümkün hale gelmiştir. Mozaikler, stilistik ve kompozisyonel karakterleri bağlamında analiz edilirken, Milreu ve Cerro da Vila gibi en iyi bilinen örnekler ve bölgede yer alan başka kırsal yerleşimlerdeki mozaiklerle aralarındaki benzerliklere özellikle dikkat çekilmektedir. Tüm mozaiklerin belli stilistik ve teknik özellikleri paylaşması, mozaiklerin, Algarve’nin diğer Roma Dönemi yerleşimlerinin mozaik üretimi yanında, ortak bir kronolojik ve üretimsel düzlem üzerine oturtulmasına imkan sağlamaktadır. Böylelikle geometrik ve bezeme stilleri açısından yakın paralellikler gösteren birbirine komşu bölgelerdeki mozaiklerin değerlendirilmesi hem stratigrafik olarak tarihlenmemiş mozaikler için bir tarih hem de yayılmış olan mozaik üretiminin bileşenlerinin tanımlanmasında önem taşımaktadır.


  • Blanco Freijeiro 1978 A. Blanco Freijeiro, Mosaicos romanos de Itálica (I). Corpus España II, Madrid.
  • Blázquez 1994 J. M. Blázquez, “Mosaicos de Boca do Rio y Abicada (Portugal)”, JRA Supplement 9, I, 187-198.
  • Duran Kremer 2007 M. J. Duran Kremer, “A villa Romana da Abicada: uma introdução ao estudo da arquitectura e mosaicos”, XELB 8, 213-222.
  • Duran Kremer 2011 M. J. Duran Kremer, “Les mosaïques géométriques de la villa romaine de Abicada: leur rôle dans le contexte des mosaïques romaines de l’Algarve”, M. Şahin (ed.), 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Mosaics of Turkey and Parallel Developments in the Rest of the Ancient and Medieval World: Questions of Iconography, Style and Technique from the Beginnings of Mosaic until the Late Byzantine Era, 353-362.
  • Fernández Galiano et al. 1994 D. Fernández Galiano – B. Patón Lorca – C. María Batalla Carchenique, “Mosaicos de la villa de Carranque. Un programa iconográfico”, VIth Coloquio Internacional sobre Mosaico Antiguo (Palencia-Mérida, 1990), Guadalajara, 317-326.
  • Formosinho 1942 J. Formosinho, “Abicada: interessante estação arqueológica da época Romana”, Boletin da Junta da Província do Algarve, 107-110.
  • García Entero 2003 V. García Entero, Los edificios termales privados domésticos – ámbito rural y urbano – en la Hispania Romana, Madrid.
  • Lancha – Oliveira 2013 J. Lancha – C. Oliveira, Corpus dos mosaicos Romanos de Portugal II, Algarve Este. Conventus Pacensis 2, Faro.
  • Limão 2011 F. Limão, “The Vase’s Representation (Cantharus, Crater) on the Roman Mosaic in Portugal: A Significant Formal and Iconographic Path from Classic Antiquity to Late Antiquity”, M. Şahin (ed.), 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Mosaics of Turkey and Parallel Developments in the Rest of the Ancient and Medieval World: Questions of Iconography, Style and Technique from the Beginnings of Mosaic until the Late Byzantine Era, 565-579.
  • López Monteagudo 2004 G. López Monteagudo, “La musivaria en época de Trajano”, EspacioHist 15, 181-204.
  • López Monteagudo 2016 G. López Monteagudo, Los mosaicos de la plaza de la Encarnación: Roma en Sevilla, Sevilla.
  • Luzón 1988 J. M. Luzón Nogué, “La roseta de triángulos curvilíneos en el mosaico Romano”, Homenaje a García y Bellido 5, Gerión, Anejos 1, 213-241.
  • Mañas Romero 2010 I. Mañas Romero, Pavimentos decorativos de Itálica (Santiponce, Sevilla): Un estudio arqueológico, BAR 2081, Oxford.
  • Mañas Romero 2011 I. Mañas Romero, Mosaicos romanos de Itálica (II). Corpus de mosaicos romanos de España XIII, Madrid.
  • Medeiros – Bernardes 2012 I. E. Medeiros – J. Bernardes, “Boca do Rio (Budens, Vila do Bispo): Paisagem e Arqueologia de um sítio produtor de preparados de peixe”, Portugal – Revista de Arqueologia Romana em Portugal, Ano I, Nº. 0, 6-9.
  • Salies 1974 G. Salies, “Untersuchungen zu den geometrischen Gliederungsschemata römischer Mosaiken”, BJb 174, 1-178.
  • Santos 1971 M. L. A. dos Santos, Arqueologia romana do Algarve, Vol I, Lisboa.
  • Teichner 2007 F. Teichner, “Subsídios para a reconstrução da villa Romana de Abicada (Mexihoeira Grande, Algarve)”, Estudos IPPAR 10, 99-103.
  • Teichner 2008a F. Teichner, Zwischen Land und Meer – Entre tierra y mar: Studien zur Architektur und Wirtschaftsweise ländlicher Siedlungen im Süden der römischen Provinz Lusitanien. Stvdia Lvsitana 3, Merida.
  • Teichner 2008b F. Teichner, “Theile einer Badeanstalt im römischen Style: Zu den Anfängen der provinzialrömischen Forschung im südlichen Lusitanien”, Thiasos – Festschrift für E. Pochmarski, Wien, Graz, 1029-1039.
  • Teichner 2016 F. Teichner, “A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to the Maritime Economy and Palaeo-Environment of Southern Roman Lusitania”, I. Vaz Pinto (ed.), Lusitanian Amphorae: Production and Distribution. Oxford, 243-257.
  • Teichner 2017a F. Teichner, “O establecimento portuário do Cerro da Vila (Vilamoura): de aglomerado Romano a aldeia islâmica”, Catálogo de exposição “Loulé – Território, Memória e Identidade”, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, Belem, 278-291.
  • Teichner 2017b F. Teichner, “Cerro da Vila: A rural commercial harbour beyond the Pillars of Hercules”, Juan M. Campos Carrasco (ed.), Los puertos Romanos Atlánticos, Béticos y Lusitanis y su relación comercial con el Mediterráneo. Hispania Antigua Ser. Arqueológica 7, Roma, 403-435.
  • Teichner 2017c F. Teichner, “Quinta da Abicada – a Roman villa maritima on the distant shores of the mare externum”, Praetoria longe lateque lucentia. Zbornik radova posvećen Vlasti Begović povodem 65. obljetnice života, Zagreb, in print.
  • Teichner et al. 2018 F. Teichner – J. P. Bernardes – F. Hermann - R. Soares, “Boca do Rio (Algarve, Portugal) – A center of export oriented garum production on the shore of Roman Lusitania”, Akten des 19. Internat. Kongresses für Klassische Archäologie. Bonn, Köln, in print.
  • Vasconcelos 1918 J. L. de Vasconcelos, “Pelo sul de Portugal”, APort 23, 104-138.
  • Veiga 1910 S. P. E. da Veiga, “Antiguidades monumentaes do Algarve”, APort 15, 209-218.

The Mosaics from Abicada and Boca do Rio (Portugal) - A New Perspective Thirty Years Later

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 11, 257 - 271, 30.11.2018


In this paper we deal with some mosaics found in two seaside settlements in the Algarve (Portugal), Boca do Rio (Vila do Bispo, Faro) and Abicada (Mexilhoreira Grande, Portimão). Mosaics from Boca do Rio were found in 1870 by Sebastião Philippes Martins Estácio da Veiga, and just one of them is preserved today, though we know some others through two detailed drawings and a plan made by Amélia Claranges Lucotte. The villa of Abicada has been known since 1917 and its sophisticated pars urbana was excavated between 1937–38 by José Formosinho. The mosaics of both archaeological sites were studied in 1987 by Prof. José Maria Blázquez who offered a first stylistical approach to some of the most outstanding floors. The progress of research produced in current years in the fields of archaeological research, Roman architecture and mosaics of the Algarve enable us to address these mosaics again, to study them from a broader perspective. We analyse their stylistic and compositional characteristics, paying special attention to the similarities with mosaics in other rural settlements in the area, like the best-known examples of Milreu and Cerro da Vila. They all share some stylistic and technical characteristics that enable us to place them in a common chronological and productive horizon, next to the mosaic production of other Roman sites of the Algarve. Thus, close parallels of geometrical and ornamental style in neighbour mosaics is useful both for suggesting a date to these non-stratigraphically dated mosaics and for defining the features of the widespread mosaic production in the Algarve.


  • Blanco Freijeiro 1978 A. Blanco Freijeiro, Mosaicos romanos de Itálica (I). Corpus España II, Madrid.
  • Blázquez 1994 J. M. Blázquez, “Mosaicos de Boca do Rio y Abicada (Portugal)”, JRA Supplement 9, I, 187-198.
  • Duran Kremer 2007 M. J. Duran Kremer, “A villa Romana da Abicada: uma introdução ao estudo da arquitectura e mosaicos”, XELB 8, 213-222.
  • Duran Kremer 2011 M. J. Duran Kremer, “Les mosaïques géométriques de la villa romaine de Abicada: leur rôle dans le contexte des mosaïques romaines de l’Algarve”, M. Şahin (ed.), 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Mosaics of Turkey and Parallel Developments in the Rest of the Ancient and Medieval World: Questions of Iconography, Style and Technique from the Beginnings of Mosaic until the Late Byzantine Era, 353-362.
  • Fernández Galiano et al. 1994 D. Fernández Galiano – B. Patón Lorca – C. María Batalla Carchenique, “Mosaicos de la villa de Carranque. Un programa iconográfico”, VIth Coloquio Internacional sobre Mosaico Antiguo (Palencia-Mérida, 1990), Guadalajara, 317-326.
  • Formosinho 1942 J. Formosinho, “Abicada: interessante estação arqueológica da época Romana”, Boletin da Junta da Província do Algarve, 107-110.
  • García Entero 2003 V. García Entero, Los edificios termales privados domésticos – ámbito rural y urbano – en la Hispania Romana, Madrid.
  • Lancha – Oliveira 2013 J. Lancha – C. Oliveira, Corpus dos mosaicos Romanos de Portugal II, Algarve Este. Conventus Pacensis 2, Faro.
  • Limão 2011 F. Limão, “The Vase’s Representation (Cantharus, Crater) on the Roman Mosaic in Portugal: A Significant Formal and Iconographic Path from Classic Antiquity to Late Antiquity”, M. Şahin (ed.), 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Mosaics of Turkey and Parallel Developments in the Rest of the Ancient and Medieval World: Questions of Iconography, Style and Technique from the Beginnings of Mosaic until the Late Byzantine Era, 565-579.
  • López Monteagudo 2004 G. López Monteagudo, “La musivaria en época de Trajano”, EspacioHist 15, 181-204.
  • López Monteagudo 2016 G. López Monteagudo, Los mosaicos de la plaza de la Encarnación: Roma en Sevilla, Sevilla.
  • Luzón 1988 J. M. Luzón Nogué, “La roseta de triángulos curvilíneos en el mosaico Romano”, Homenaje a García y Bellido 5, Gerión, Anejos 1, 213-241.
  • Mañas Romero 2010 I. Mañas Romero, Pavimentos decorativos de Itálica (Santiponce, Sevilla): Un estudio arqueológico, BAR 2081, Oxford.
  • Mañas Romero 2011 I. Mañas Romero, Mosaicos romanos de Itálica (II). Corpus de mosaicos romanos de España XIII, Madrid.
  • Medeiros – Bernardes 2012 I. E. Medeiros – J. Bernardes, “Boca do Rio (Budens, Vila do Bispo): Paisagem e Arqueologia de um sítio produtor de preparados de peixe”, Portugal – Revista de Arqueologia Romana em Portugal, Ano I, Nº. 0, 6-9.
  • Salies 1974 G. Salies, “Untersuchungen zu den geometrischen Gliederungsschemata römischer Mosaiken”, BJb 174, 1-178.
  • Santos 1971 M. L. A. dos Santos, Arqueologia romana do Algarve, Vol I, Lisboa.
  • Teichner 2007 F. Teichner, “Subsídios para a reconstrução da villa Romana de Abicada (Mexihoeira Grande, Algarve)”, Estudos IPPAR 10, 99-103.
  • Teichner 2008a F. Teichner, Zwischen Land und Meer – Entre tierra y mar: Studien zur Architektur und Wirtschaftsweise ländlicher Siedlungen im Süden der römischen Provinz Lusitanien. Stvdia Lvsitana 3, Merida.
  • Teichner 2008b F. Teichner, “Theile einer Badeanstalt im römischen Style: Zu den Anfängen der provinzialrömischen Forschung im südlichen Lusitanien”, Thiasos – Festschrift für E. Pochmarski, Wien, Graz, 1029-1039.
  • Teichner 2016 F. Teichner, “A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to the Maritime Economy and Palaeo-Environment of Southern Roman Lusitania”, I. Vaz Pinto (ed.), Lusitanian Amphorae: Production and Distribution. Oxford, 243-257.
  • Teichner 2017a F. Teichner, “O establecimento portuário do Cerro da Vila (Vilamoura): de aglomerado Romano a aldeia islâmica”, Catálogo de exposição “Loulé – Território, Memória e Identidade”, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, Belem, 278-291.
  • Teichner 2017b F. Teichner, “Cerro da Vila: A rural commercial harbour beyond the Pillars of Hercules”, Juan M. Campos Carrasco (ed.), Los puertos Romanos Atlánticos, Béticos y Lusitanis y su relación comercial con el Mediterráneo. Hispania Antigua Ser. Arqueológica 7, Roma, 403-435.
  • Teichner 2017c F. Teichner, “Quinta da Abicada – a Roman villa maritima on the distant shores of the mare externum”, Praetoria longe lateque lucentia. Zbornik radova posvećen Vlasti Begović povodem 65. obljetnice života, Zagreb, in print.
  • Teichner et al. 2018 F. Teichner – J. P. Bernardes – F. Hermann - R. Soares, “Boca do Rio (Algarve, Portugal) – A center of export oriented garum production on the shore of Roman Lusitania”, Akten des 19. Internat. Kongresses für Klassische Archäologie. Bonn, Köln, in print.
  • Vasconcelos 1918 J. L. de Vasconcelos, “Pelo sul de Portugal”, APort 23, 104-138.
  • Veiga 1910 S. P. E. da Veiga, “Antiguidades monumentaes do Algarve”, APort 15, 209-218.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Arkeoloji
Bölüm Makele

Felix Teıchner Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4276-0983

İrene Mañas Romero Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3377-3803

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Sayı: 11

Kaynak Göster

APA Teıchner, F., & Mañas Romero, İ. (2018). The Mosaics from Abicada and Boca do Rio (Portugal) - A New Perspective Thirty Years Later. Journal of Mosaic Research(11), 257-271.
AMA Teıchner F, Mañas Romero İ. The Mosaics from Abicada and Boca do Rio (Portugal) - A New Perspective Thirty Years Later. JMR. Kasım 2018;(11):257-271. doi:10.26658/jmr.440622
Chicago Teıchner, Felix, ve İrene Mañas Romero. “The Mosaics from Abicada and Boca Do Rio (Portugal) - A New Perspective Thirty Years Later”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 11 (Kasım 2018): 257-71.
EndNote Teıchner F, Mañas Romero İ (01 Kasım 2018) The Mosaics from Abicada and Boca do Rio (Portugal) - A New Perspective Thirty Years Later. Journal of Mosaic Research 11 257–271.
IEEE F. Teıchner ve İ. Mañas Romero, “The Mosaics from Abicada and Boca do Rio (Portugal) - A New Perspective Thirty Years Later”, JMR, sy. 11, ss. 257–271, Kasım 2018, doi: 10.26658/jmr.440622.
ISNAD Teıchner, Felix - Mañas Romero, İrene. “The Mosaics from Abicada and Boca Do Rio (Portugal) - A New Perspective Thirty Years Later”. Journal of Mosaic Research 11 (Kasım 2018), 257-271.
JAMA Teıchner F, Mañas Romero İ. The Mosaics from Abicada and Boca do Rio (Portugal) - A New Perspective Thirty Years Later. JMR. 2018;:257–271.
MLA Teıchner, Felix ve İrene Mañas Romero. “The Mosaics from Abicada and Boca Do Rio (Portugal) - A New Perspective Thirty Years Later”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 11, 2018, ss. 257-71, doi:10.26658/jmr.440622.
Vancouver Teıchner F, Mañas Romero İ. The Mosaics from Abicada and Boca do Rio (Portugal) - A New Perspective Thirty Years Later. JMR. 2018(11):257-71.

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