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Lod Mozaikleri: Lüks Roma Konağından Kentsel ve Sosyal Değişimin Katalizörüne

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 15, 147 - 165, 09.11.2022


2021 yılının ortalarında, İsrail’in Lod kentinde şehirde keşfedilen muhteşem mozaikleri barındıran Müze ve Ziyaretçi Merkezi’nin açılışı yapılmış ve nihayet halka sergilenmeye başlanmıştır. IAA (İsrail Eski Eserler Kurumu) tarafından 25 yıldır aralıklı olarak sürdürülen kazılardan sonra, bu yayın, bulguları, araştırmanın tarihi ile bilimsel ve kamusal önemini genel olarak kısaca özetlemek için hazırlanmıştır. Bu muhteşem arkeolojik alan, dünyanın en prestijli müzelerinde sergilenen büyük bir triclinium’u döşeyen cömert renkli bir mozaik içeren büyük bir Roma domusundan oluşmaktadır. Ayrıca peristil avlusu ve tamamı lüks mozaiklerle döşenmiş çeşitli odalar barındırmaktadır. Proje (1996, 2009, 2014 ve 2018’de kazılmıştır) halkın dikkatini çekmiş ve başından beri aralıksız medyada yer almasının keyfini çıkarmıştır. Hayvanlar aleminden figürleri doğru bir şekilde betimleyen mozaikler, zamanının en iyi tarzında işlenmiştir ve imparatorluğun farklı bölgelerinden gelen etkilere sahiptir.

Makalede, mozaik ve arkeolojik buluntuları özetlemekte, aynı zamanda mütevazı yerel halkın yetkililere karşı antik eserlerin değerine karşı gösterdikleri inançsızlıktan eserlerin değerini kabullenişlerine kadar geçen süreç de sunulmaktadır. Makale ayrıca koruma yaklaşımını, müzenin planlamasının ardındaki felsefeyi ve bir aidiyet duygusu ve yerel gurur yaratmak için topluluk çerçevesine uyum umudunu da gözden geçirmektedir. 4. yüzyılda seçkin ve zengin bir malikânenin parçası olarak yaşamına başlayan Lod Mozaiği, olağanüstü arkeolojik, sanatsal ve bilimsel değerinin ötesinde, bugün sosyal değişim ve gelişme için önemli bir katalizör işlevi görebilir.


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The Lod Mosaics: From Luxurious Roman Mansion to Catalyst for Urban and Social Change

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 15, 147 - 165, 09.11.2022


In mid-2021, the Museum and Visitor Centre in the city of Lod, Israel, was inaugurated, housing the remains of the magnificent mosaics discovered in the city, to be finally exhibited to the public. This event, almost 25 years after the beginning of the sporadic excavations of the site by the IAA (Israel Antiquities Authority), seems an appropriate moment to briefly recapitulate on the findings, the history of the research and its scientific and, why not, communal significance. This spectacular site consists of a large Roman domus which includes a lavish colorful mosaic paving a large triclinium, that was exposed in the most prestigious museums in the world. Also includes a peristyle courtyard, and various rooms, all paved with luxurious mosaics. The project (excavated in 1996, 2009, 2014 and 2018) attracted the public attention and enjoyed from its beginning incessant media covering. The mosaics, which depict accurately figures from the animal kingdom, were built in the best style of the time, and boast influences from different parts of the empire.
The long process has by no means been simple and the difficulties have been numerous, starting with the chronic lack of funds to finance such a project, the initial resistance and distrust of the inhabitants of the neighborhood and the countless logistical, archaeological, and political impediments.
The article summarizes the archaeological findings at the mosaic, and also focuses on the process that went through the modest neighborhood that houses it, from the initial opposition and disbelief of the inhabitants towards the authorities to the recognition of the value of the antiquities. The article also reviews the approach to conservation, the philosophy behind the planning of the museum and the hope for integration into the community framework, to create a sense of belonging and local pride. Beyond its outstanding archaeological, artistic, and scientific value, the Lod mosaic, which began its life in the fourth century CE as part of an elitist and wealthy mansion, can today fulfil an important function as a catalyst for social change and improvement.


  • Aloni 2007 U. Aloni, “The 1927 Earthquake”. M. Inbar – Y. Porath (eds.), Natural Disasters in Israel, Haifa University, Haifa, 13-21 (Hebrew).
  • Avi-Yonah 1936 M. Avi-Yonah, “Mosaic Pavements at el Hammām” QDAP 5, 11-30.
  • Avi-Yonah 1960 M. Avi-Yonah, “The Ancient Synagogue of Maʻon (Nirim), the Mosaic Pavement”, Bulletin of the Rabinowitz Fund for the Exploration of Ancient Synagogues III, 25-36.
  • Avissar 1996 M. Avissar, “Lod - A Mosaic Floor”, Hadashot Arkheologiyot 105, 157-160 (Hebrew).
  • Avissar 1998 M. Avissar, “Lod - A Mosaic Floor”, ExcIsr 17, 169-172.
  • Avissar 1999 M. Avissar, “Lod - Mosaic Pavement”, Qadmoniot 117, 41-43 (Hebrew).
  • Avissar 2001 M. Avissar, “The Representation of Two Merchant Ships on a Late Roman Mosaic Floor in Lod (Lydda), Israel”, Tropis 6, 47-54.
  • Avissar 2008 M. Avissar, “The Floor Mosaic”, E. Stern (ed.), The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land 5 (Supplementary Volume), Jerusalem, 1915-1916.
  • Avner 1994 R. Avner, “A Roman Mosaic on Mount Zion, Jerusalem”, ‘Atiqot 25, 21*–25*, (Hebrew; summary in English, 188–189).
  • Avner 2015 R. Avner, “Jerusalem, ʻEin Yaʻal”, Hadashot Arkheologiyot, Excavations and Surveys in Israel 127 (08/10/2015, accessed 12/08/2019). <> (accessed October 15, 2021).
  • Barag 1993 D. Barag, “Maʻon (Nirim)”, E. Stern (ed.), The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land 3, Israel Exploration Society, Jerusalem, 944-946.
  • Ben-Ami – Tchekhanovetz 2019 D. Ben Ami – Y. Tchekhanovetz, “The Givati Excavation Project 2007– 2015: From the Iron Age to the Early Islamic Period”, H. Geva (ed.), Ancient Jerusalem Revealed. Archaeological Discoveries, 1998-2018, Jerusalem, 264-278.
  • Bowersock et al. 2015 G. Bowersock - A. Gorzalczany - J. Schwartz - R. A. Talgam, The Lod Mosaic: A Spectacular Roman Mosaic Floor, New York.
  • Corpus España I A. Blanco Freijeiro, Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, I, Mosaicos Romanos de Mérida, Madrid, 1978.
  • Corpus España III J. M. Blázquez, Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, III, Mosaicos Romanos de Córdoba, Jaén y Málaga, Madrid, 1981.
  • Décor I C. Balmelle - M. Blanchard Lemée - J. Christophe - J.-P. Darmon - A.-M. Guimier Sorbets - H. Lavagne - R. Prudhomme - H. Stern, Le Décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine I, Paris, 1985.
  • Décor II C. Balmelle - M. Blanchard-Lemée - J.- P. Darmon - S. Gozlan - M. P. Raynaud, Le Décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine II, Paris, 2002.
  • Dunbabin 1978 K. M. D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa: Studies in Iconography and Patronage, Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology, Oxford.
  • Dunbabin 1993 K. M. D. Dunbabin, “Wine and Water in the Roman Convivium”, JRA 6, 116-141.
  • Dunbabin 1994 K. M. D. Dunbabin, “The Use of Private Space”, X. Dupré Raventós (ed.), La Ciudad en el Mundo Romano, XIV Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Clásica, Tarragona, 165-175.
  • Dunbabin 1995 K. M. D. Dunbabin, “Scenes from the Roman Convivium: Frigida non Derit, Non Derit Calda Petenti”, O. Murray - M. Tecusan (eds.), In Vino Veritas. International Conference on Wine and Society (Rome 1991), London, 252-265.
  • Dunbabin 2003 K. M. D. Dunbabin, The Roman Banquet: Images of Conviviality, Cambridge.
  • Friedman 2004 Z. Friedman, “Ships Depicted in the Lod Mosaic Reconsidered”, IntJNautA 33, 164-168.
  • Gadot et al. 2008 Y. Gadot - K. Cytryn-Silverman - T. Deʻadle, “Lod, Khan el-Hilu – 2007”, Hadashot Arkheologiyot, Excavations and Surveys in Israel 120 (25/08/2008, accessed 19/08/2019). eng.aspx?id=874&mag_id=114 (accessed October 19, 2021).
  • Gazit – Lender 1991 D. Gazit – Y. Lender, “Horbat Beʼer Shemaʻ”, Hadashot Arkheologiyot 96, 35-37.
  • Gazit – Lender 1993 D. Gazit – Y. Lender, “The Church of Stephen at Horbat Beʼer Shemaʻ”, Y. Tsafrir (ed.), Ancient Churches Revealed, Israel Exploration Society, Jerusalem, 273-276.
  • Gendelman – Gersht 2017 P. Gendelman – R. Gersht, “The House of the Dioscuri at Caesarea”, Qadmoniot 153, 33-42 (Hebrew).
  • Glick 2006 D. Glick, “A Salvage Excavation at ʻEin ez-Zeituna in Naḥal ʻIron”, ʻAtiqot 51, 31-69.
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Toplam 93 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Amir Gorzalczany Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6910-6776

Ram Shoeff Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8126-7932

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 15

Kaynak Göster

APA Gorzalczany, A., & Shoeff, R. (2022). The Lod Mosaics: From Luxurious Roman Mansion to Catalyst for Urban and Social Change. Journal of Mosaic Research(15), 147-165.
AMA Gorzalczany A, Shoeff R. The Lod Mosaics: From Luxurious Roman Mansion to Catalyst for Urban and Social Change. JMR. Kasım 2022;(15):147-165. doi:10.26658/jmr.1143741
Chicago Gorzalczany, Amir, ve Ram Shoeff. “The Lod Mosaics: From Luxurious Roman Mansion to Catalyst for Urban and Social Change”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 15 (Kasım 2022): 147-65.
EndNote Gorzalczany A, Shoeff R (01 Kasım 2022) The Lod Mosaics: From Luxurious Roman Mansion to Catalyst for Urban and Social Change. Journal of Mosaic Research 15 147–165.
IEEE A. Gorzalczany ve R. Shoeff, “The Lod Mosaics: From Luxurious Roman Mansion to Catalyst for Urban and Social Change”, JMR, sy. 15, ss. 147–165, Kasım 2022, doi: 10.26658/jmr.1143741.
ISNAD Gorzalczany, Amir - Shoeff, Ram. “The Lod Mosaics: From Luxurious Roman Mansion to Catalyst for Urban and Social Change”. Journal of Mosaic Research 15 (Kasım 2022), 147-165.
JAMA Gorzalczany A, Shoeff R. The Lod Mosaics: From Luxurious Roman Mansion to Catalyst for Urban and Social Change. JMR. 2022;:147–165.
MLA Gorzalczany, Amir ve Ram Shoeff. “The Lod Mosaics: From Luxurious Roman Mansion to Catalyst for Urban and Social Change”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 15, 2022, ss. 147-65, doi:10.26658/jmr.1143741.
Vancouver Gorzalczany A, Shoeff R. The Lod Mosaics: From Luxurious Roman Mansion to Catalyst for Urban and Social Change. JMR. 2022(15):147-65.

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