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Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat, Israel

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 15, 167 - 184, 09.11.2022


The mosaic floors of the church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat in Israel were uncovered in the nave, along the southern aisle, at the eastern end of the northern aisle, between the columns separating the southern aisle and the nave and in the liturgical space. Some of the panels were removed and are now stored in the Rockefeller Museum, some left in situ. The mosaic floors were laid in the early phase of the church, and they continued in use during the late phase with repairs and changes made of tesserae larger than those of the original floors.
All the carpets and panels exhibit geometric and floral patterns made in a variety of colored tesserae. These patterns include geometric grids and interlaces, some of which create trompe-l’oeil effects.
In the late phase, the western part of the nave’s mosaic floor and the northern edge of the westernmost mosaic panel between the columns were replaced by a white carpet with an orange cross. The findings of the cross in the floor will be discussed in the framework of the prohibition (Edict of Emperor Theodosius II, AD 427) against depicting crosses on floors.
The early basilica-type dated to the second half of the 5th century AD, and a later phase dated to the end of Byzantine and Umayyad periods (7th–8th centuries), when the church underwent changes and its dimensions were reduced. The church fell out of use during the Abbasid period.


  • Abel 1925 F-M. Abel, “Église byzantine au Khirbet Hebeileh”, RB 34, 279-282.
  • Abu Dalu 1994 R. Abu Dalu, “Final Report on the Results of the Hufa al-Wastiyah Excavation, 1992”, ADAJ 38, 5-19 (Arabic).
  • ‘Ad et al. 2020 U. ‘Ad – O. Segal – O. Shmueli – R. Cohen, “A Byzantine-Period Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat”, Atiqot 101, 93*-118* (Hebrew); English abstract, 141-144.
  • Aharoni 1954 Y. Aharoni, “Excavations at Beth-Hashitta”, Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 18.3/4, 209-215 (Hebrew).
  • Amir 2012 R. Amir, “Mosaic Floors in Judea and Southern Samaria”, N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Christianity III: Churches and Monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea (JSP 15), Jerusalem, 445-488.
  • Aviam 1990 M. Aviam, “Ḥorvath Ḥesheq – A Unique Church in Upper Galilee: Preliminary Report”, G. C. Bottini – E. Alliata – L. Di Segni (eds.), Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries: Essays in Honour of V. C. Corbo, OFM (SBF, Collectio Maior 36), Jerusalem, 351-378.
  • Aviam 1993 M. Aviam, “Ḥorvat Ḥesheq: A Church in Upper Galilee”, Y. Tsafrir (ed.), Ancient Churches Revealed, Jerusalem, 54-65.
  • Avi-Yonah 1933 M. Avi-Yonah, “Mosaic Pavements in Palestine”, QDAP 2, 136-181.
  • Avi-Yonah 1934a M. Avi-Yonah, “Mosaic Pavements in Palestine”, QDAP 3, 26-73.
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  • Avi-Yonah 1957 M. Avi-Yonah, “Places of Worship in the Roman and Byzantine Period”, AntSurv 2.2/3, 262-272.
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  • Bordowicz 2007 I. Bordowicz, Christian Settlement in the South Hebron Hills in the Byzantine Period in Light of the Archaeological Findings at Horvath Yattir, Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan (Hebrew).
  • Brandenburg 1969 H. Brandenburg, “Christussymbole in frühchristlichen Bodenmosaiken”, Römische Quartalschriften 64.1-4, 74-138.
  • Bujard et al. 1992 J. Bujard – M. Piccirillo – M. Poiatti-Haldimann, “Les églises géminées d’Umm er-Rasas: Fouilles de la mission archéologique suisse (Fondation Max van Berechem)”, ADAJ 36, 291-306. Chambon – Strus 1992 A. Chambon – A. Strus, “Une installation agricole Byzantine à ‛Ain Fattier”, RB 99.2, 425-439.
  • Chambon – Strus 1993 A. Chambon – A. Strus, “‛Ain Fattier”, Hadashot Arkheologiyot 99, 74-76 (Hebrew).
  • Cimok 2000 F. Cimok (ed.), Antioch Mosaics, İstanbul.
  • Dahari 2012 U. Dahari, “The Church of St. Bacchus near Ḥorvat Tinshemet”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, ofm (SBF, Collectio Maior 52), Milano, 105-124.
  • Dauphin 1976 C. Dauphin, “A New Method of Studying Early Byzantine Mosaic Pavements (Coding and a Computed Cluster Analysis) with Special Reference to the Levant”, Levant 8, 113-149.
  • Décor I C. Balmelle - M. Blanchard Lemée - J. Christophe - J.-P. Darmon - A.-M. Guimier Sorbets - H. Lavagne - R. Prudhomme - H. Stern, Le Décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine I, Paris, 1985.
  • Décor II C. Balmelle - M. Blanchard-Lemée - J.- P. Darmon - S. Gozlan - M. P. Raynaud, Le Décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine II, Paris, 2002.
  • Di Segni 2020 L. Di Segni, “A Greek Inscription from the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat”, Atiqot 101, 121-126.
  • Donceel-Voûte 1988 P. Donceel-Voûte, Les pavements des églises byzantines de Syrie et du Liban, Décor, archéologie et liturgie, 2 Vols., (Publications d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie de l’Uinversité catholique de Louvain LXIX), Louvain la-Neuve.
  • Dothan 1955 M. Dothan, “Excavation of a Monastery near Sha‛ar ha-‛Aliya”, IEJ 5, 96-102.
  • Ergeç 2007 R. Ergeç (ed.), Belkis/Zeugma and Its Mosaics, İstanbul.
  • Eshel - Magness - Shenhav 2000 H. Eshel – J. Magness, – E. Shenhav, “Khirbet Yattir, 1995–1999: Preliminary Report”, IEJ 50, 153-168.
  • Finkielsztejn 2005 G. Finkielsztejn, “Les mosaïques de la komopolis de Porphyreon du sud (Kfar Samir; Haïfa, Israël): un évêché (?) entre village et cite”, H. Morlier (ed.), La mosaïque gréco-romaine 9, Rome, 435-452.
  • Gawlikowski – Musa 1986 M. Gawlikowski – A. Musa, “The Church of Bishop Marianos”, F. Zayadine (ed.), Jerash Archaeological Project 1981-1983, Vol. I, Amman, 137-162.
  • Habas 2005 L. Habas, The Byzantine Churches of Provincia Arabia: Architectural Structure and their Relationship with the Compositional Scheme and Iconographic Program of Mosaic Pavements, 2 Vols., Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Hebrew).
  • Habas 2015 L. Habas, “Crosses in the Mosaic Floors of Churches in Provincia Arabia and Nearby Territories, Against the Background of the Edict of Theodosius II”, JMR 8, 33-60.
  • Habas 2016 L. Habas, “The Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem”, J. Patrich – O. Peleg Barkat – E. Ben-Yosef (eds.), Arise, walk through the Land, Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on Tenth Anniversary of his Demise, Jerusalem, 273-290 (Hebrew).
  • Habas 2019 L. Habas, “The Mosaic Floors and Liturgical Furniture of the Church of Hazor-Ashdod”, O. Peleg Barkat – U. Leibner – J. Ashkenazi – M. Aviam – R. Talgam (eds.), Between Sea and the Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks - Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich (Land of Galilee 5), Tzemach, 99*-123* (Hebrew); English Abstract, 267-268.
  • Habas 2020a L. Habas, “Mosaic Floors, Liturgical Furniture and Architectural Sculpture from the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat”, Atiqot 101, 119*-134* (Hebrew); English abstract, 145-146.
  • Habas 2020b L. Habas, “The Appearance of Crosses in Mosaic Floors in the Churches of Israel, and the Edict of Emperor Theodosius II. Rule and Reality”, A. Coniglio – A. Ricco (eds.), Holy Land: Archaeology on either side. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Eugenio Alliata, ofm (SBF, Collectio Maior 57), Milano, 155-157.
  • Habas forthcoming Habas, “The Mosaic Floors of the Churches”, R. Chachy – Y. Kalman – R. Porat (eds.), with Contribution by the Late Ehud Netzer, Lower Herodium, HERODIUM II: Final Reports of the 1972–2010 Excavations Directed by Ehud Netzer, Jerusalem.
  • Hachlili 2009 R. Hachlili, Ancient Mosaic Pavements, Themes, Issues, and Trends, Leiden–Boston.
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İsrail‘deki Ḥorbat Ḥadat Kilisesi’nin Mozaik Zeminleri

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 15, 167 - 184, 09.11.2022


İsrail’de Horbat Hadat’taki kilisenin mozaik tabanları, nefte, güney nef boyunca, kuzey nefin doğu ucunda, güney nef ve nefi ayıran sütunlar arasında ve ayin boşluğunda ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Panellerin bazıları kaldırılmıştır ve günümüzde Rockefeller Müzesi’nde muhafaza edilmektedir, bazıları ise in situ olarak bırakılmıştır. Mozaikler kilisenin erken evresinde döşenmiş, geç evrede orijinal döşemelerden daha büyük tesseralardan yapılan onarım ve değişikliklerle kullanılmaya devam etmiştir.
Tüm döşemeler ve paneller, çeşitli renklerdeki tesseralardan yapılmış geometrik ve çiçek desenlerini içermektedir. Bu desenler, bazıları trompe-l’oeil etkisi oluşturan geometrik ızgaraları ve iç içe geçmeleri içermektedir.
Geç evrede, nefin mozaik zemininin batı kısmı ve sütunlar arasında en batıdaki mozaik panonun kuzey kenarı turuncu haçlı beyaz bir döşeme ile değiştirilmiştir. Zemindeki haç buluntuları, zeminlerde haç tasvirinin yasaklanması (İmparator II. Theodosius Fermanı, İS 427) çerçevesinde tartışılacaktır.
Erken bazilika tipi İS 5. yüzyılım ikinci yarısına, daha sonraki bir evre ise kilisenin değişikliğe uğradığı ve boyutlarının küçüldüğü Bizans ve Emevi dönemlerinin (7.-8. yüzyıl) sonlarına tarihlenmektedir. Kilise Abbasiler döneminde ise kullanım dışı kalmıştır.


  • Abel 1925 F-M. Abel, “Église byzantine au Khirbet Hebeileh”, RB 34, 279-282.
  • Abu Dalu 1994 R. Abu Dalu, “Final Report on the Results of the Hufa al-Wastiyah Excavation, 1992”, ADAJ 38, 5-19 (Arabic).
  • ‘Ad et al. 2020 U. ‘Ad – O. Segal – O. Shmueli – R. Cohen, “A Byzantine-Period Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat”, Atiqot 101, 93*-118* (Hebrew); English abstract, 141-144.
  • Aharoni 1954 Y. Aharoni, “Excavations at Beth-Hashitta”, Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 18.3/4, 209-215 (Hebrew).
  • Amir 2012 R. Amir, “Mosaic Floors in Judea and Southern Samaria”, N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Christianity III: Churches and Monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea (JSP 15), Jerusalem, 445-488.
  • Aviam 1990 M. Aviam, “Ḥorvath Ḥesheq – A Unique Church in Upper Galilee: Preliminary Report”, G. C. Bottini – E. Alliata – L. Di Segni (eds.), Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries: Essays in Honour of V. C. Corbo, OFM (SBF, Collectio Maior 36), Jerusalem, 351-378.
  • Aviam 1993 M. Aviam, “Ḥorvat Ḥesheq: A Church in Upper Galilee”, Y. Tsafrir (ed.), Ancient Churches Revealed, Jerusalem, 54-65.
  • Avi-Yonah 1933 M. Avi-Yonah, “Mosaic Pavements in Palestine”, QDAP 2, 136-181.
  • Avi-Yonah 1934a M. Avi-Yonah, “Mosaic Pavements in Palestine”, QDAP 3, 26-73.
  • Avi-Yonah 1934b M. Avi-Yonah, “The Byzantine Church at Suhmātā”, QDAP 3, 92-105.
  • Avi-Yonah 1940 M. Avi-Yonah, “Abbreviations in Greek Inscriptions (The Near East, 200 B.C. – AD 1100)”, Supplement to QDAP 9.
  • Avi-Yonah 1957 M. Avi-Yonah, “Places of Worship in the Roman and Byzantine Period”, AntSurv 2.2/3, 262-272.
  • Avi-Yonah 1967 M. Avi-Yonah, “The Mosaic Pavement”, M. W. Prausnitz (ed.), Excavations at Shavei Zion (Monografie de archeologia e d’arte 2), Roma, 47-63.
  • Baramki 1936 D. C. Baramki, “An Early Byzantine Basilica at Tell Ḥassān, Jericho”, QDAP 5, 82-88.
  • Biebel 1938 F. M. Biebel, “Mosaics”, C. H. Kraeling (ed.), Gerasa, City of the Decapolis, New Haven, 297-351.
  • Bordowicz 2007 I. Bordowicz, Christian Settlement in the South Hebron Hills in the Byzantine Period in Light of the Archaeological Findings at Horvath Yattir, Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan (Hebrew).
  • Brandenburg 1969 H. Brandenburg, “Christussymbole in frühchristlichen Bodenmosaiken”, Römische Quartalschriften 64.1-4, 74-138.
  • Bujard et al. 1992 J. Bujard – M. Piccirillo – M. Poiatti-Haldimann, “Les églises géminées d’Umm er-Rasas: Fouilles de la mission archéologique suisse (Fondation Max van Berechem)”, ADAJ 36, 291-306. Chambon – Strus 1992 A. Chambon – A. Strus, “Une installation agricole Byzantine à ‛Ain Fattier”, RB 99.2, 425-439.
  • Chambon – Strus 1993 A. Chambon – A. Strus, “‛Ain Fattier”, Hadashot Arkheologiyot 99, 74-76 (Hebrew).
  • Cimok 2000 F. Cimok (ed.), Antioch Mosaics, İstanbul.
  • Dahari 2012 U. Dahari, “The Church of St. Bacchus near Ḥorvat Tinshemet”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, ofm (SBF, Collectio Maior 52), Milano, 105-124.
  • Dauphin 1976 C. Dauphin, “A New Method of Studying Early Byzantine Mosaic Pavements (Coding and a Computed Cluster Analysis) with Special Reference to the Levant”, Levant 8, 113-149.
  • Décor I C. Balmelle - M. Blanchard Lemée - J. Christophe - J.-P. Darmon - A.-M. Guimier Sorbets - H. Lavagne - R. Prudhomme - H. Stern, Le Décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine I, Paris, 1985.
  • Décor II C. Balmelle - M. Blanchard-Lemée - J.- P. Darmon - S. Gozlan - M. P. Raynaud, Le Décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine II, Paris, 2002.
  • Di Segni 2020 L. Di Segni, “A Greek Inscription from the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat”, Atiqot 101, 121-126.
  • Donceel-Voûte 1988 P. Donceel-Voûte, Les pavements des églises byzantines de Syrie et du Liban, Décor, archéologie et liturgie, 2 Vols., (Publications d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie de l’Uinversité catholique de Louvain LXIX), Louvain la-Neuve.
  • Dothan 1955 M. Dothan, “Excavation of a Monastery near Sha‛ar ha-‛Aliya”, IEJ 5, 96-102.
  • Ergeç 2007 R. Ergeç (ed.), Belkis/Zeugma and Its Mosaics, İstanbul.
  • Eshel - Magness - Shenhav 2000 H. Eshel – J. Magness, – E. Shenhav, “Khirbet Yattir, 1995–1999: Preliminary Report”, IEJ 50, 153-168.
  • Finkielsztejn 2005 G. Finkielsztejn, “Les mosaïques de la komopolis de Porphyreon du sud (Kfar Samir; Haïfa, Israël): un évêché (?) entre village et cite”, H. Morlier (ed.), La mosaïque gréco-romaine 9, Rome, 435-452.
  • Gawlikowski – Musa 1986 M. Gawlikowski – A. Musa, “The Church of Bishop Marianos”, F. Zayadine (ed.), Jerash Archaeological Project 1981-1983, Vol. I, Amman, 137-162.
  • Habas 2005 L. Habas, The Byzantine Churches of Provincia Arabia: Architectural Structure and their Relationship with the Compositional Scheme and Iconographic Program of Mosaic Pavements, 2 Vols., Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Hebrew).
  • Habas 2015 L. Habas, “Crosses in the Mosaic Floors of Churches in Provincia Arabia and Nearby Territories, Against the Background of the Edict of Theodosius II”, JMR 8, 33-60.
  • Habas 2016 L. Habas, “The Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem”, J. Patrich – O. Peleg Barkat – E. Ben-Yosef (eds.), Arise, walk through the Land, Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on Tenth Anniversary of his Demise, Jerusalem, 273-290 (Hebrew).
  • Habas 2019 L. Habas, “The Mosaic Floors and Liturgical Furniture of the Church of Hazor-Ashdod”, O. Peleg Barkat – U. Leibner – J. Ashkenazi – M. Aviam – R. Talgam (eds.), Between Sea and the Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks - Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich (Land of Galilee 5), Tzemach, 99*-123* (Hebrew); English Abstract, 267-268.
  • Habas 2020a L. Habas, “Mosaic Floors, Liturgical Furniture and Architectural Sculpture from the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat”, Atiqot 101, 119*-134* (Hebrew); English abstract, 145-146.
  • Habas 2020b L. Habas, “The Appearance of Crosses in Mosaic Floors in the Churches of Israel, and the Edict of Emperor Theodosius II. Rule and Reality”, A. Coniglio – A. Ricco (eds.), Holy Land: Archaeology on either side. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Eugenio Alliata, ofm (SBF, Collectio Maior 57), Milano, 155-157.
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Toplam 83 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Arkeoloji
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Lihi Habas Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0544-7066

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 15

Kaynak Göster

APA Habas, L. (2022). Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat, Israel. Journal of Mosaic Research(15), 167-184.
AMA Habas L. Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat, Israel. JMR. Kasım 2022;(15):167-184. doi:10.26658/jmr.1143743
Chicago Habas, Lihi. “Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat, Israel”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 15 (Kasım 2022): 167-84.
EndNote Habas L (01 Kasım 2022) Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat, Israel. Journal of Mosaic Research 15 167–184.
IEEE L. Habas, “Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat, Israel”, JMR, sy. 15, ss. 167–184, Kasım 2022, doi: 10.26658/jmr.1143743.
ISNAD Habas, Lihi. “Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat, Israel”. Journal of Mosaic Research 15 (Kasım 2022), 167-184.
JAMA Habas L. Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat, Israel. JMR. 2022;:167–184.
MLA Habas, Lihi. “Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat, Israel”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 15, 2022, ss. 167-84, doi:10.26658/jmr.1143743.
Vancouver Habas L. Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat, Israel. JMR. 2022(15):167-84.

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