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Kornmarkt, Trier’de (Augusta Treverorum) Bulunan Leda Mozaiğini Yeniden Ziyaret Etmek

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 15, 225 - 250, 09.11.2022



  • Ashbrook-Harvey 1983 S. Ashbrook-Harvey, “Women in Early Syrian Christianity”, A. Cameron - A. Kuhrt (eds.), Images of Women in Antiquity, London, 288-298.
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  • Dasen 2019 V. Dasen, “Saltimbanques et circulation de jeux”, Archimède. Revue Archéologie et Histoire Ancienne 6, 127-143.
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  • Dunbabin 2004 K. M. D. Dunbabin, “Problems in the Iconography of roman Mime”, C. Hugoniot - F. Hurlet - S. Milanezi (eds.), Le statut de l’acteur dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine, Tours, 161-182.
  • Dunbabin 2016 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Theatre and Spectacle in Art of the Roman Empire, Ithaca-London.
  • Eiden 1950 H. Eiden, “Spätrömisches Figurenmosaik am Kornmarkt in Trier”, TrZ 19, 52-71.
  • Étienne 1951 R. Étienne, “Dionysos et les quatre saisons sur une mosaïque de Volubilis (Maroc)”, Mélanges d‘archéologie et d‘histoire 63, 93-118.
  • Fernández-Galiano 2010 D. Fernández Galiano, “El triunfo del amor: mosaico de Paris y Helena de Noheda (Cuenca)”, L. Neira (ed.), Mitología e Historia en los mosaicos romanos, Madrid, 111-136.
  • Gavrili 2006 P. Gavrili, “The οξύβαφοι (oxyvaphi) / acetabula through pictorial and philological sources Οι οξύβαφοι / acetabula μέσα από εικονογραφικές και φιλολογικές πηγές — ΠερίληψιςThe οξύβαφοι (oxyvaphi) / acetabula through pictorial and philological sources”, Imago musicae. International Yearbook of Musical Iconography, XXI-XXII, 2004-2005, Lucca, 49-64.
  • Gavrili 2010 P. Gavrili, “A New Approach to the Mosaic from Mariamin, Syria, with Female Musicians. Theatrical Performance or Private Banqueting Concert?”, [en] R. Eichmann - E. Hickmann- L. C. Koch (eds.), Studien zur Musikarchäologie VII, 9- 16.
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  • Ghetta 2007 M. Ghetta, “Das Weiterleben der alten Kulte in Trier und Umgebung”, A. Demandt - J. Engemann (eds.), Konstantin der Große. Ausstellungskatalog, 220-227, Trier, Mainz.
  • Ginsberg-Klar 1981 M. E. Ginsberg-Klar, “The Archaeology of Musical Instruments in Germany during the Roman Period”, WorldA 12, 3, Archaeology and Musical Instruments, 313-320.
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Revisiting the Leda Mosaic Found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum)

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 15, 225 - 250, 09.11.2022


This article aims to review the representations of the exceptional mosaic found in the vicinity of the Kornmarkt in Trier, which, since its discovery, has been subject to different interpretations.
Undoubtedly, the unique character and the inexplicable, at least in appearance, conjugation of the two main scenes, with various inscriptions, in the two large concave octagons that stand out in the geometric scheme of the field, that is, a scene perhaps of sleight of hand and another of mythological inspiration with the birth of Helena, have given rise to theories, among others, as opposite as the representation of a mystery cult and, in the completely opposite sense, another that identifies it as an expression of the mockery of traditional cults from the most critical Christian sectors of Augusta Treverorum.
In this paper, however, the analysis of the figures contained in the geometric compartments in the shape of a circle and a spindle, with servants and saltatrices, who are also identified by epigraphs with their own names, sheds light on the interpretation of the mosaic. In this regard, the consideration of some parallels for the figures of servants and saltatrices, as well as information from literary sources and the context of the ancient Augusta Treverorum in which the mosaic was commissioned are equally revealing when drawing our conclusions. on the identification of a banquet, including the entertainments of the comissatio.


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  • Balty 1995 J. Balty, Mosaïques antiques du Proche-Orient. Chronologie, iconographie, interpretation, Besançon.
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  • Bertacchi 1994 L. Bertacchi, Basilica, museo e scavi (Aquileia), Rome.
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  • Blanchard-Lemée et al. 1995 M. Blanchard-Lemée - G. Mermet - M. Ennaifer - H. Slim - L. Slim, Sols de l’Afrique romaine, Paris.
  • Blázquez 1990 J. M. Blázquez, La sociedad del Bajo Imperio en la obra de Salviano de Marsella, Madrid.
  • Binsfeld - Ghetta (eds.) 2019 A. Binsfeld – M. Ghetta (eds.), Ubi servi erant? Die Ikonographie von Sklaven und Freigelassenen in der römischen Kunst, Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei 43, Stuttgart. Böhm 1998 G. Böhm, “Quid acetabulorum tinnitus? Bemerkungen zum Musikantinnen-Mosaik in Hama und zu einer Miniatur der sogenannten Wiener Genesis”, MSpätAByz 1, 47-73.
  • Brandenburg 1964 H. Brandenburg, “Rezension von J. Moreau, The Trier Kornmarktmosaik (Colonia 1960)”, JAC 7, 149-155.
  • Cagiano de Azevedo 1976 M. Cagiano de Azevedo, “Il palazzo di Elena di Troia a Treviri“, P. Ducrey - C. Bérard - C. Dunant - F. Burkhalter (eds.), Mélanges d’histoire ancienne et d‘archéologie offerts à P. Collart, Cahiers d’Archéologie romande de la Bibliothèque historique vaudoise, 5, Lausanne, 89-91.
  • Chappell 1874 W. Chappell, The History of Music (Art and Sciences), From the Earliest Records to the Fall of the Roman Empire, Cambridge.
  • Cimok 2000 F. Cimok (ed.), Antioch mosaics, A corpus, İstanbul.
  • Cottet 2022 A. Cottet, “Cymbals playing in a Roman mosaic from Mariamin in Syria”, CLARA 9, 1-43.
  • Dareggi 1993 G. Dareggi, “Scena de concerto in un interno: il mosaico tardo-antico di Mariamîn”, B. Brumana - G. Ciliberti (eds.), Musica e immagine. Tra iconografia e mondo dell’opera. Studi in onore di Massimo Bogianckino, Florence, 19-29.
  • Dasen 2019 V. Dasen, “Saltimbanques et circulation de jeux”, Archimède. Revue Archéologie et Histoire Ancienne 6, 127-143.
  • Duchesne-Guillemin 1975 M. Duchesne-Guillemin, “Étude complémentaire de la “Mosaïque au concert” de Hama et étude préliminaire d’une mosaïque inédite de Soueida”, Rend. Linc. Ser. 8, 30, 99-111. Dunbabin 1999 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge.
  • Dunbabin 2003 K. M. D. Dunbabin, “The Waiting Servant in Later Roman Art”, AJPh 124, 3, 443-467.
  • Dunbabin 2004 K. M. D. Dunbabin, “Problems in the Iconography of roman Mime”, C. Hugoniot - F. Hurlet - S. Milanezi (eds.), Le statut de l’acteur dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine, Tours, 161-182.
  • Dunbabin 2016 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Theatre and Spectacle in Art of the Roman Empire, Ithaca-London.
  • Eiden 1950 H. Eiden, “Spätrömisches Figurenmosaik am Kornmarkt in Trier”, TrZ 19, 52-71.
  • Étienne 1951 R. Étienne, “Dionysos et les quatre saisons sur une mosaïque de Volubilis (Maroc)”, Mélanges d‘archéologie et d‘histoire 63, 93-118.
  • Fernández-Galiano 2010 D. Fernández Galiano, “El triunfo del amor: mosaico de Paris y Helena de Noheda (Cuenca)”, L. Neira (ed.), Mitología e Historia en los mosaicos romanos, Madrid, 111-136.
  • Gavrili 2006 P. Gavrili, “The οξύβαφοι (oxyvaphi) / acetabula through pictorial and philological sources Οι οξύβαφοι / acetabula μέσα από εικονογραφικές και φιλολογικές πηγές — ΠερίληψιςThe οξύβαφοι (oxyvaphi) / acetabula through pictorial and philological sources”, Imago musicae. International Yearbook of Musical Iconography, XXI-XXII, 2004-2005, Lucca, 49-64.
  • Gavrili 2010 P. Gavrili, “A New Approach to the Mosaic from Mariamin, Syria, with Female Musicians. Theatrical Performance or Private Banqueting Concert?”, [en] R. Eichmann - E. Hickmann- L. C. Koch (eds.), Studien zur Musikarchäologie VII, 9- 16.
  • Gebhard 1996 E. R. Gebhard, “The Theater in the City”, W.J. Slater (ed.), Roman Theatre and Society, Ann Arbor, 113-128.
  • Ghetta 2007 M. Ghetta, “Das Weiterleben der alten Kulte in Trier und Umgebung”, A. Demandt - J. Engemann (eds.), Konstantin der Große. Ausstellungskatalog, 220-227, Trier, Mainz.
  • Ginsberg-Klar 1981 M. E. Ginsberg-Klar, “The Archaeology of Musical Instruments in Germany during the Roman Period”, WorldA 12, 3, Archaeology and Musical Instruments, 313-320.
  • González Galera 2016 V. González Galera, “L’hydraulis en espectacles civils i militars: un matrimoni d’organistes d’Aquincum a CIL III, 10501 = CLE 489.”, Sylloge Epigraphica Barcinonensis (SEBarc) XIV, 109-117.
  • Green 1991 R. P. H. Green, The Works of Ausonius, Oxford.
  • Grégoire 1953 H. Grégoire, “La Nativité des Dioscures dans la mosaïque de la Johann Philippstrasse, à Trèves”, NouvClio 5, 454-457.
  • Guidobaldi 1992 M. P. Guidobaldi, Musica e danza. Vita e costumi dei Romani antichi 13, Rome.
  • Guzmán 2006 F. J. Guzmán, “El “historiador cautivo”: Amiano Marcelino frente a su auditorio senatorial romano”, Habis 37, 427-438.
  • Hannick 1980 C. Hannick, “Christian Church, Music of the Early”, S. Sadie (ed.), The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Vol. 4, London, 363–371.
  • Harto 2016 M. L. Harto, “Amiano Marcelino y las Res gestae”, Emerita LXXXIV 1, 121-144.
  • Hoffmann 1999 P. Hoffmann, Römische Mosaike im Rheinischen Landesmuseum Trier. Führer zur Dauerausstellung. Schriftenreihe des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier 16, Trier, 70.
  • Hunter 2013 J. Hunter, Identity in mosaics of the north-western Roman provinces,, 1-31, figs. 16-18. Kiilerich 1998 B. Kiilerich, The Obelisk Base in Constantinople: Court Art and Imperial Ideology, Rome.
  • Kiilerich 2011 B. Kiilerich, “The Mosaic of the Female Musicians from Mariamin”, ActaAArtHist XXII 8, 87-107.
  • Kiilerich 2017 B. Kiilerich, “Mariamin Mosaic”, [en] P.C. Finney (ed.), The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology, vol. II, 107.
  • Kondoleon 1999 C. Kondoleon, “Timing Spectacles: Roman Domestic Art & Performances”, B. A. Bergmann - C. Kondoleon (eds.), The Art of Ancient Spectacle, Washington, 320-341.
  • Kröner 1979 H.-O. Kröner, “Ausonius und Trier”, Trierer Beiträge 6, 10-18.
  • Lancha 2011 J. Lancha, “Les athlètes en Gaule Narbonnaise et en Hispanie mosaïques et peintures murales de la seconde moitiè du IIe s. au IVe s.”, Nikepohoros 24, 127-170.
  • Lancha – Le Roux 2017 J. Lancha - P. Le Roux, “MIMUS ZELOTIPI NUMTI. À propos de la mosaïque de Noheda (Villar de Domingo García, Cuenca)”, Conimbriga LVI, 199-216.
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Toplam 92 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Arkeoloji
Bölüm Makele

Luz Neira Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2421-6792

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 15

Kaynak Göster

APA Neira, L. (2022). Revisiting the Leda Mosaic Found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum). Journal of Mosaic Research(15), 225-250.
AMA Neira L. Revisiting the Leda Mosaic Found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum). JMR. Kasım 2022;(15):225-250. doi:10.26658/jmr.1143749
Chicago Neira, Luz. “Revisiting the Leda Mosaic Found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum)”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 15 (Kasım 2022): 225-50.
EndNote Neira L (01 Kasım 2022) Revisiting the Leda Mosaic Found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum). Journal of Mosaic Research 15 225–250.
IEEE L. Neira, “Revisiting the Leda Mosaic Found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum)”, JMR, sy. 15, ss. 225–250, Kasım 2022, doi: 10.26658/jmr.1143749.
ISNAD Neira, Luz. “Revisiting the Leda Mosaic Found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum)”. Journal of Mosaic Research 15 (Kasım 2022), 225-250.
JAMA Neira L. Revisiting the Leda Mosaic Found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum). JMR. 2022;:225–250.
MLA Neira, Luz. “Revisiting the Leda Mosaic Found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum)”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 15, 2022, ss. 225-50, doi:10.26658/jmr.1143749.
Vancouver Neira L. Revisiting the Leda Mosaic Found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum). JMR. 2022(15):225-50.

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