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Roma Mozaiklerinde Mevsim Hayvanları

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 15, 335 - 366, 09.11.2022


Hayvanlar, birçok bağlamda yer alan Roma mozaikleri için popüler konular arasındadır. David Parrish’in etkileyici kitabı Season Mosaics of Roman North Africa’da, mevsimleri simgeleyen, ya kişileştirmelerle ortaya çıkan ya da Mevsimleri kendi başlarına temsil eden hayvanlar hakkında kısa bir bölüm yer almaktadır.
Bu makale tartışmayı genişletmekte ve Kuzey Afrika’nın ötesini ele almaktadır. Hangi hayvanların mevsimsel çağrışımlar taşıdığının gösterilebileceğini ve bu hayvanların birden fazla hayvanla ilişkilendirilip ilişkilendirilmediğini analiz etmek amacıyla, mevsimlerin kişileştirmelerinin hayvanlara bindiği mozaikleri inceleyerek başlanacak ve ilişkilendirmenin giderek daha az doğrudan olduğu mozaiklerle devam edilecektir.
Mevsimleri temsil edip etmediklerini değerlendirmek için dört hayvanın kişileştirilmeden göründüğü mozaikler de dikkate alınmıştır. Diğer mevsimsel görüntülerin varlığı durumu desteklerken, hayvanların göründüğü bağlam ve gösterildikleri sıra gibi faktörler şu ya da bu şekilde bir cevap verebilir.
Makalenin amacı, bir mozaikte dört hayvan tasvir edildiğinde, bunların mevsimsel birlikteliklerinin olup olmadığını düşünmeye değer olduğunu göstermek, ancak bunun her durumda böyle olmayacağının farkında olmaktır.


  • Abad Casal 1990a L. Abad Casal, ‘Horae’, LIMC V, 510-538.
  • Abad Casal 1990b L. Abad Casal, ‘Kairoi/Tempora Anni’, LIMC V, 891-920.
  • Balmelle - Darmon 2017 C. Balmelle - J.-P. Darmon, La Mosaïque dans les Gaules Romaines, Paris.
  • Balty 1995 J. Balty, Mosaïques Antiques du Proche Orient, Paris.
  • Bertacchi 1964 L. Bertacchi, ‘Attività delle Soprintendenze Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Aquileia (Udine)’, BdA XLIX, 257-262.
  • Bertacchi 1980 L. Bertacchi, ‘Architettura e mosaico’, Da Aquileia a Venezia. Una mediazione tra l’Europa e l’Oriente dal II secolo a.C. al VI secolo d.C., Milan, 97-336.
  • Biévelet 1943 H. Biévelet, ‘L’exploration archéologique de Bavai’, Gallia 1(2), 159-189.
  • Biévelet 1956 H. Biévelet, ‘L’exploration archéologique de Bavai: dallages de marbres, mosaïques et peintures murales à Bavai’, Latomus XV, 567-584.
  • Blake 1936 M. E. Blake, ‘Roman Mosaics of the Second Century in Italy’, MemAmAc XIII, 67-214.
  • Blazquez 1981 J. M. Blazquez, Mosaicos Romanos de Cordoba, Jaen y Malaga, Corpus de Mosaicos de España III, Madrid.
  • Carandini – Ricci - de Vos 1982 A. Carandini - A. Ricci - M. de Vos, Filosofiana. The Villa of Piazza Armerina, Palermo.
  • Chéhab 1957-1959 M. H. Chéhab, ‘Mosaïques du Liban’, Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth, XIV-XV.
  • Cosh - Neal 2005 S. R. Cosh - D. S. Neal, Roman Mosaics of Britain, Volume II, South-West Britain, London.
  • Cosh - Neal 2010 S. R. Cosh - D. S. Neal, Roman Mosaics of Britain, Volume IV, Western Britain, London.
  • Darmon 1994 J.-P. Darmon, Recueil Général des Mosaïques de la Gaule. II – Lyonnaise – 5, Paris.
  • Darmon 2003 J.-P. Darmon, “Review of David S. Neal and Stephen R. Cosh, Roman Mosaics of Britain, I, Northern Britain”, BAssMosAnt 19, 303-306.
  • Darmon 2005 J.-P. Darmon, “Review of D.J. Smith, Roman Mosaics at Hull (3rd edition)”, BAssMosAnt 20, 309.
  • Daszewski - Michaelides 1988 W. A. Daszewski - D. Michaelides, Mosaic Floors in Cyprus, Ravenna.
  • Decriaud 2011 A.-S. Decriaud, ‘Les Saisons personnifiées sur les mosaïques romaines tardives (IVe-VIe siècles) de la partie orientale du Bassin méditerranéen (Turquie, Syrie, Liban, Israël, Jordanie)’, M. Şahin (ed.), 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Bursa, 309-332.
  • Dunbabin 1978 K. M. D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa. Studies in Iconography and Patronage, Oxford.
  • Dunbabin 1999 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge.
  • Ennaïfer 1995 M. Ennaïfer, ‘Xenia et banquets’, M. Blanchard-Lemée - M. Ennaïfer - H. Slim - L. Slim (eds.), Sols de l’Afrique Romaine, Paris, 65-85.
  • Février 1975 P. -A. Février, ‘Remarques sur des mosaïques de Fréjus’, CMGR II, 291-300.
  • Foucher 1963 L. Foucher, La Maison de la Procession Dionysiaque a El Jem, Paris.
  • Ghedini 1994 F. Ghedini, ‘La manière africaine’, M. H. Fantar (ed.), La Mosaïque en Tunisie, Paris and Tunis, 238-259.
  • Hanfmann 1951 G. Hanfmann, The Season Sarcophagus in Dumbarton Oaks, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Hanoune 1976 R. Hanoune, ‘Un témoignage du XVIIIe siècle sur une mosaïque de Bavay’, 101e Congrès national des Sociétés savantes, Lille, archéologie, 191-201.
  • Hoffmann – Hupe - Goethert 1999 P. Hoffmann - J. Hupe - K. Goethert, Römische Mosaike aus Trier, Mainz am Rhein.
  • Jones 1926 H. S. Jones, A Catalogue of the Ancient Sculptures preserved in the Municipal Collections of Rome, The Sculptures of the Palazzo Conservatori, Oxford.
  • Kolarik 2011 R. E. Kolarik, ‘Seasonal animals in the narthex mosaic of the Large Basilica, Heraclea Lyncestis’, O Mosaico Romano nos Centros e nas Periferias, Actas do X Colóquio Internacional da Associação Internacional para o Estudo do Mosaico Antigo (AIEMA), Conimbriga, 2005, 137-146.
  • Lancha 1981 J. Lancha, Recueil Général des Mosaïques de la Gaule. III – Narbonnaise – 2, Vienne, Paris.
  • Lavagne 2000 H. Lavagne, Recueil Général des Mosaïques de la Gaule. III – Narbonnaise – 3, Paris.
  • López Ruiz 2005 U. López Ruiz, ‘Hallazgo de un Mosaico de Temática Estacional en Astigi (Écija, Sevilla)’, Spal 14, 301-313.
  • Lysons 1813-1817 S. Lysons, Reliquiae Britannico-Romanae, London.
  • Maguire 1987 H. Maguire, Earth and Ocean, The Terrestrial World in Early Byzantine Art, London.
  • Markoulaki 2011 S. Markoulaki, ‘Mosaïques romaines de Crète’, DossAParis 346, 54-59.
  • Michaelides 1992 D. Michaelides, Cypriot Mosaics, Nicosia.
  • Neal 2005 D. S. Neal, ‘The Caerwent “Seasons” mosaic’, Mosaic 32, 12-14.
  • Neal - Cosh 2002 D. S. Neal - S. R. Cosh, Roman Mosaics of Britain, Volume I, Northern Britain incorporating the Midlands and East Anglia, London.
  • Neal - Cosh 2009 D. S. Neal - S. R. Cosh, Roman Mosaics of Britain, Volume III, South-East Britain, London.
  • Painter 1989 K. S. Painter, ‘183. Seau’, F. Baratte (ed.), Trésors d’Orfèvrerie Gallo-Romains, Paris, 224-225.
  • Parlasca 1959 K. Parlasca, Die Römischen Mosaiken in Deutschland, Berlin.
  • Parrish 1984 D. Parrish, Season Mosaics of Roman North Africa, Rome.
  • Parrish 1992 D. Parrish, ‘Menses’, LIMC VI, 479-500.
  • Parrish 1995 D. Parrish, ‘The Mosaic of Aion and the Seasons from Haïdra (Tunisia): An Interpretation of its Meaning and Importance’, AntTard 3, 167-191.
  • Payne 1935 H. G. G. Payne, ‘Archaeology in Greece 1934-1935’, JHS 55, 147-171.
  • Rueda Roigé 2011 F.-J. de Rueda Roigé, ‘Iconografía de las Estaciones en la musivaria de la Hispania romana’, O Mosaico Romano nos Centros e nas Periferias, Actas do X Colóquio Internacional da Associação Internacional para o Estudo do Mosaico Antigo (AIEMA), Conimbriga, 2005, 157-174.
  • Rueda Roigé - López Ruiz 2011 F.-J. de Rueda Roigé - U. López Ruiz, ‘Hallazgo de nuevos mosaicos romanos en Écija (Sevilla)’, O Mosaico Romano nos Centros e nas Periferias, Actas do X Colóquio Internacional da Associação Internacional para o Estudo do Mosaico Antigo (AIEMA), Conimbriga, 2005, 787-801.
  • Sanders 1982 I. F. Sanders, Roman Crete, Warminster.
  • Slim 1995a H. Slim, ‘L’Afrique, Rome et l’Empire’, M. Blanchard-Lemée - M. Ennaïfer - H. Slim - L. Slim (eds.), Sols de l’Afrique Romaine, Paris, 16-35.
  • Slim 1995b H. Slim, ‘Temps éternel, temps cyclique’, M. Blanchard-Lemée - M. Ennaïfer - H. Slim - L. Slim (eds.), Sols de l’Afrique Romaine, Paris, 37-63.
  • Slim 1995c H. Slim, ‘Dionysos’, M. Blanchard-Lemée - M. Ennaïfer - H. Slim - L. Slim (eds.), Sols de l’Afrique Romaine, Paris, 87-119.
  • Smith 1977 D. J. Smith, ‘Mythological figures and scenes in Romano-British mosaics’, J. Munby - M. Henig (eds.), Roman Life and Art in Britain, BAR British Series 41(i), Oxford, 105-193.
  • Smith 1980 D. J. Smith, ‘Mosaics’, I. M. Stead (ed.), Rudston Roman Villa, Leeds, 131-138.
  • Smith 1984 D. J. Smith, ‘The mosaic of the Lion’, P. Crummy, Excavations at Lion Walk, Balkerne Lane, and Middleborough, Colchester, Essex, Colchester, 57-62.
  • Smith 2005 D. J. Smith, Roman Mosaics at Hull, Hull.
  • Steer 2003 C. E. Steer, ‘Interpreting Winter in the Mosaic of Neptune and the Seasons: another look’, Mouseion Series 3.III, 363-376.
  • Steger 2017 B. Steger, Piazza Armerina, La villa romaine du Casale en Sicilie, Paris.
  • Stern 1953 H. Stern, Le Calendrier de 354, Étude sur son texte et ses illustrations, Paris.
  • Stern 1957 H. Stern, Recueil Général des Mosaïques de la Gaule. I – Gaule Belgique – 1, Paris.
  • Sweetman 2013 R. J. Sweetman, The Mosaics of Roman Crete. Art, Archaeology and Social Change, Cambridge.
  • Tomašević 1975 G. Tomašević, ‘Mosaïques Paléochrétiennes récemment découvertes à Héracléa Lynkestis’, CMGR II, 385-399.
  • Toynbee 1981 J. M. C. Toynbee, ‘Apollo, Beasts and Seasons: some thoughts on the Littlecote Mosaic’, Britannia XII, 1-5.
  • Vargas Vázquez - López Monteagudo - García-Dils de la Vega 2017 S. Vargas Vázquez - G. López Monteagudo - S. García-Dils de la Vega, Mosaicos Romanos de Écija (Sevilla). Corpus de Mosaicos de España XIV, Madrid.
  • Vielliard undated J. Vielliard, ‘The Purple Gallinule in the marismas of the Guadalquivir’, (, accessed 14 January 2022), 230-236.
  • Vollkommer 2001 R. Vollkommer, ‘Considérations sur la mosaïque de La Chebba en Tunisie’, CMGR VIII(2), 215-227.
  • Walters 1921 H. B. Walters, Catalogue of the Silver Plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum, London.
  • Walters 1984 B. Walters, ‘The “Orpheus” mosaic in Littlecote Park, England’, R. F. Farioli Campanati (ed.), III Colloquio Internazionale sul Mosaic Antico, Ravenna, 1980, 433-442.
  • Witts 2011 P. Witts, ‘Seasonal animals in Romano-British mosaics’, O Mosaico Romano nos Centros e nas Periferias, Actas do X Colóquio Internacional da Associação Internacional para o Estudo do Mosaico Antigo (AIEMA), Conimbriga, 2005, 147-156.
  • Witts 2016 P. Witts, A Mosaic Menagerie. Creatures of Land, Sea and Sky in Romano-British Mosaics, BAR British Series 625, Oxford.
  • Yacoub 1993 M. Yacoub, Le Musée du Bardo (Départements antiques), Tunis.

Seasonal Animals in Roman Mosaics

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 15, 335 - 366, 09.11.2022


Animals were popular subjects for Roman mosaics, featuring in many contexts. In his influential book, Season Mosaics of Roman North Africa, David Parrish included a short section on animals symbolising the Seasons, appearing either with personifications or representing the Seasons by themselves.
This article widens the discussion and looks beyond North Africa. It begins by examining mosaics on which personifications of the Seasons ride animals and continues with those in which the association is progressively less direct, with a view to analysing which animals can be shown to carry seasonal connotations and whether those animals were associated with more than one season.
Mosaics in which four animals appear without personifications are also considered in order to assess whether or not they represented the Seasons. The presence of other seasonal imagery supports this idea, while factors such as the context in which the animals appear and the order in which they are shown can suggest an answer one way or the other.
The aim of the article is to demonstrate that whenever four animals are depicted in a mosaic it is worth considering whether they might have seasonal associations, while bearing in mind that this will not necessarily be the case in every instance.


  • Abad Casal 1990a L. Abad Casal, ‘Horae’, LIMC V, 510-538.
  • Abad Casal 1990b L. Abad Casal, ‘Kairoi/Tempora Anni’, LIMC V, 891-920.
  • Balmelle - Darmon 2017 C. Balmelle - J.-P. Darmon, La Mosaïque dans les Gaules Romaines, Paris.
  • Balty 1995 J. Balty, Mosaïques Antiques du Proche Orient, Paris.
  • Bertacchi 1964 L. Bertacchi, ‘Attività delle Soprintendenze Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Aquileia (Udine)’, BdA XLIX, 257-262.
  • Bertacchi 1980 L. Bertacchi, ‘Architettura e mosaico’, Da Aquileia a Venezia. Una mediazione tra l’Europa e l’Oriente dal II secolo a.C. al VI secolo d.C., Milan, 97-336.
  • Biévelet 1943 H. Biévelet, ‘L’exploration archéologique de Bavai’, Gallia 1(2), 159-189.
  • Biévelet 1956 H. Biévelet, ‘L’exploration archéologique de Bavai: dallages de marbres, mosaïques et peintures murales à Bavai’, Latomus XV, 567-584.
  • Blake 1936 M. E. Blake, ‘Roman Mosaics of the Second Century in Italy’, MemAmAc XIII, 67-214.
  • Blazquez 1981 J. M. Blazquez, Mosaicos Romanos de Cordoba, Jaen y Malaga, Corpus de Mosaicos de España III, Madrid.
  • Carandini – Ricci - de Vos 1982 A. Carandini - A. Ricci - M. de Vos, Filosofiana. The Villa of Piazza Armerina, Palermo.
  • Chéhab 1957-1959 M. H. Chéhab, ‘Mosaïques du Liban’, Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth, XIV-XV.
  • Cosh - Neal 2005 S. R. Cosh - D. S. Neal, Roman Mosaics of Britain, Volume II, South-West Britain, London.
  • Cosh - Neal 2010 S. R. Cosh - D. S. Neal, Roman Mosaics of Britain, Volume IV, Western Britain, London.
  • Darmon 1994 J.-P. Darmon, Recueil Général des Mosaïques de la Gaule. II – Lyonnaise – 5, Paris.
  • Darmon 2003 J.-P. Darmon, “Review of David S. Neal and Stephen R. Cosh, Roman Mosaics of Britain, I, Northern Britain”, BAssMosAnt 19, 303-306.
  • Darmon 2005 J.-P. Darmon, “Review of D.J. Smith, Roman Mosaics at Hull (3rd edition)”, BAssMosAnt 20, 309.
  • Daszewski - Michaelides 1988 W. A. Daszewski - D. Michaelides, Mosaic Floors in Cyprus, Ravenna.
  • Decriaud 2011 A.-S. Decriaud, ‘Les Saisons personnifiées sur les mosaïques romaines tardives (IVe-VIe siècles) de la partie orientale du Bassin méditerranéen (Turquie, Syrie, Liban, Israël, Jordanie)’, M. Şahin (ed.), 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Bursa, 309-332.
  • Dunbabin 1978 K. M. D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa. Studies in Iconography and Patronage, Oxford.
  • Dunbabin 1999 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge.
  • Ennaïfer 1995 M. Ennaïfer, ‘Xenia et banquets’, M. Blanchard-Lemée - M. Ennaïfer - H. Slim - L. Slim (eds.), Sols de l’Afrique Romaine, Paris, 65-85.
  • Février 1975 P. -A. Février, ‘Remarques sur des mosaïques de Fréjus’, CMGR II, 291-300.
  • Foucher 1963 L. Foucher, La Maison de la Procession Dionysiaque a El Jem, Paris.
  • Ghedini 1994 F. Ghedini, ‘La manière africaine’, M. H. Fantar (ed.), La Mosaïque en Tunisie, Paris and Tunis, 238-259.
  • Hanfmann 1951 G. Hanfmann, The Season Sarcophagus in Dumbarton Oaks, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Hanoune 1976 R. Hanoune, ‘Un témoignage du XVIIIe siècle sur une mosaïque de Bavay’, 101e Congrès national des Sociétés savantes, Lille, archéologie, 191-201.
  • Hoffmann – Hupe - Goethert 1999 P. Hoffmann - J. Hupe - K. Goethert, Römische Mosaike aus Trier, Mainz am Rhein.
  • Jones 1926 H. S. Jones, A Catalogue of the Ancient Sculptures preserved in the Municipal Collections of Rome, The Sculptures of the Palazzo Conservatori, Oxford.
  • Kolarik 2011 R. E. Kolarik, ‘Seasonal animals in the narthex mosaic of the Large Basilica, Heraclea Lyncestis’, O Mosaico Romano nos Centros e nas Periferias, Actas do X Colóquio Internacional da Associação Internacional para o Estudo do Mosaico Antigo (AIEMA), Conimbriga, 2005, 137-146.
  • Lancha 1981 J. Lancha, Recueil Général des Mosaïques de la Gaule. III – Narbonnaise – 2, Vienne, Paris.
  • Lavagne 2000 H. Lavagne, Recueil Général des Mosaïques de la Gaule. III – Narbonnaise – 3, Paris.
  • López Ruiz 2005 U. López Ruiz, ‘Hallazgo de un Mosaico de Temática Estacional en Astigi (Écija, Sevilla)’, Spal 14, 301-313.
  • Lysons 1813-1817 S. Lysons, Reliquiae Britannico-Romanae, London.
  • Maguire 1987 H. Maguire, Earth and Ocean, The Terrestrial World in Early Byzantine Art, London.
  • Markoulaki 2011 S. Markoulaki, ‘Mosaïques romaines de Crète’, DossAParis 346, 54-59.
  • Michaelides 1992 D. Michaelides, Cypriot Mosaics, Nicosia.
  • Neal 2005 D. S. Neal, ‘The Caerwent “Seasons” mosaic’, Mosaic 32, 12-14.
  • Neal - Cosh 2002 D. S. Neal - S. R. Cosh, Roman Mosaics of Britain, Volume I, Northern Britain incorporating the Midlands and East Anglia, London.
  • Neal - Cosh 2009 D. S. Neal - S. R. Cosh, Roman Mosaics of Britain, Volume III, South-East Britain, London.
  • Painter 1989 K. S. Painter, ‘183. Seau’, F. Baratte (ed.), Trésors d’Orfèvrerie Gallo-Romains, Paris, 224-225.
  • Parlasca 1959 K. Parlasca, Die Römischen Mosaiken in Deutschland, Berlin.
  • Parrish 1984 D. Parrish, Season Mosaics of Roman North Africa, Rome.
  • Parrish 1992 D. Parrish, ‘Menses’, LIMC VI, 479-500.
  • Parrish 1995 D. Parrish, ‘The Mosaic of Aion and the Seasons from Haïdra (Tunisia): An Interpretation of its Meaning and Importance’, AntTard 3, 167-191.
  • Payne 1935 H. G. G. Payne, ‘Archaeology in Greece 1934-1935’, JHS 55, 147-171.
  • Rueda Roigé 2011 F.-J. de Rueda Roigé, ‘Iconografía de las Estaciones en la musivaria de la Hispania romana’, O Mosaico Romano nos Centros e nas Periferias, Actas do X Colóquio Internacional da Associação Internacional para o Estudo do Mosaico Antigo (AIEMA), Conimbriga, 2005, 157-174.
  • Rueda Roigé - López Ruiz 2011 F.-J. de Rueda Roigé - U. López Ruiz, ‘Hallazgo de nuevos mosaicos romanos en Écija (Sevilla)’, O Mosaico Romano nos Centros e nas Periferias, Actas do X Colóquio Internacional da Associação Internacional para o Estudo do Mosaico Antigo (AIEMA), Conimbriga, 2005, 787-801.
  • Sanders 1982 I. F. Sanders, Roman Crete, Warminster.
  • Slim 1995a H. Slim, ‘L’Afrique, Rome et l’Empire’, M. Blanchard-Lemée - M. Ennaïfer - H. Slim - L. Slim (eds.), Sols de l’Afrique Romaine, Paris, 16-35.
  • Slim 1995b H. Slim, ‘Temps éternel, temps cyclique’, M. Blanchard-Lemée - M. Ennaïfer - H. Slim - L. Slim (eds.), Sols de l’Afrique Romaine, Paris, 37-63.
  • Slim 1995c H. Slim, ‘Dionysos’, M. Blanchard-Lemée - M. Ennaïfer - H. Slim - L. Slim (eds.), Sols de l’Afrique Romaine, Paris, 87-119.
  • Smith 1977 D. J. Smith, ‘Mythological figures and scenes in Romano-British mosaics’, J. Munby - M. Henig (eds.), Roman Life and Art in Britain, BAR British Series 41(i), Oxford, 105-193.
  • Smith 1980 D. J. Smith, ‘Mosaics’, I. M. Stead (ed.), Rudston Roman Villa, Leeds, 131-138.
  • Smith 1984 D. J. Smith, ‘The mosaic of the Lion’, P. Crummy, Excavations at Lion Walk, Balkerne Lane, and Middleborough, Colchester, Essex, Colchester, 57-62.
  • Smith 2005 D. J. Smith, Roman Mosaics at Hull, Hull.
  • Steer 2003 C. E. Steer, ‘Interpreting Winter in the Mosaic of Neptune and the Seasons: another look’, Mouseion Series 3.III, 363-376.
  • Steger 2017 B. Steger, Piazza Armerina, La villa romaine du Casale en Sicilie, Paris.
  • Stern 1953 H. Stern, Le Calendrier de 354, Étude sur son texte et ses illustrations, Paris.
  • Stern 1957 H. Stern, Recueil Général des Mosaïques de la Gaule. I – Gaule Belgique – 1, Paris.
  • Sweetman 2013 R. J. Sweetman, The Mosaics of Roman Crete. Art, Archaeology and Social Change, Cambridge.
  • Tomašević 1975 G. Tomašević, ‘Mosaïques Paléochrétiennes récemment découvertes à Héracléa Lynkestis’, CMGR II, 385-399.
  • Toynbee 1981 J. M. C. Toynbee, ‘Apollo, Beasts and Seasons: some thoughts on the Littlecote Mosaic’, Britannia XII, 1-5.
  • Vargas Vázquez - López Monteagudo - García-Dils de la Vega 2017 S. Vargas Vázquez - G. López Monteagudo - S. García-Dils de la Vega, Mosaicos Romanos de Écija (Sevilla). Corpus de Mosaicos de España XIV, Madrid.
  • Vielliard undated J. Vielliard, ‘The Purple Gallinule in the marismas of the Guadalquivir’, (, accessed 14 January 2022), 230-236.
  • Vollkommer 2001 R. Vollkommer, ‘Considérations sur la mosaïque de La Chebba en Tunisie’, CMGR VIII(2), 215-227.
  • Walters 1921 H. B. Walters, Catalogue of the Silver Plate (Greek, Etruscan and Roman) in the British Museum, London.
  • Walters 1984 B. Walters, ‘The “Orpheus” mosaic in Littlecote Park, England’, R. F. Farioli Campanati (ed.), III Colloquio Internazionale sul Mosaic Antico, Ravenna, 1980, 433-442.
  • Witts 2011 P. Witts, ‘Seasonal animals in Romano-British mosaics’, O Mosaico Romano nos Centros e nas Periferias, Actas do X Colóquio Internacional da Associação Internacional para o Estudo do Mosaico Antigo (AIEMA), Conimbriga, 2005, 147-156.
  • Witts 2016 P. Witts, A Mosaic Menagerie. Creatures of Land, Sea and Sky in Romano-British Mosaics, BAR British Series 625, Oxford.
  • Yacoub 1993 M. Yacoub, Le Musée du Bardo (Départements antiques), Tunis.
Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Arkeoloji
Bölüm Makele

Patricia Witts Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7103-3817

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 15

Kaynak Göster

APA Witts, P. (2022). Seasonal Animals in Roman Mosaics. Journal of Mosaic Research(15), 335-366.
AMA Witts P. Seasonal Animals in Roman Mosaics. JMR. Kasım 2022;(15):335-366. doi:10.26658/jmr.1143766
Chicago Witts, Patricia. “Seasonal Animals in Roman Mosaics”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 15 (Kasım 2022): 335-66.
EndNote Witts P (01 Kasım 2022) Seasonal Animals in Roman Mosaics. Journal of Mosaic Research 15 335–366.
IEEE P. Witts, “Seasonal Animals in Roman Mosaics”, JMR, sy. 15, ss. 335–366, Kasım 2022, doi: 10.26658/jmr.1143766.
ISNAD Witts, Patricia. “Seasonal Animals in Roman Mosaics”. Journal of Mosaic Research 15 (Kasım 2022), 335-366.
JAMA Witts P. Seasonal Animals in Roman Mosaics. JMR. 2022;:335–366.
MLA Witts, Patricia. “Seasonal Animals in Roman Mosaics”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 15, 2022, ss. 335-66, doi:10.26658/jmr.1143766.
Vancouver Witts P. Seasonal Animals in Roman Mosaics. JMR. 2022(15):335-66.

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