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Nil Nehri’nin Mozaiklerdeki Temsili: Çeşitli Bağlamlar, Çeşitli Anlamlar

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 16, 239 - 250, 03.11.2023


Roma İmparatorluğu’nun farklı bölgelerinden birkaç örneğe dayanarak Helenistik Dönem’in sonundan Geç Antik Çağ’a kadar Nil’in temsili incelenmektedir. Duruma bağlı olarak nehir, Mısır manzarasının ana unsuru olarak, fayda ve bolluk getiren hoş bir ortam olarak temsil edilir; flora ve faunasıyla karakterize edilen bu manzara, karikatür karakterlerle “Nilotik sahneler” şeklinde de tasvir edilebilir. Bazı durumlarda ise tanrı Nil kişileştirilmiş ve ona sunulan kutlamalar, zenginlik ve zevk kaynağı olan akışının bolluğunu selamlamak ve garanti altına almak için tasvir edilmiştir. Ayrıca, Nil’in kişileştirilmesinin, tanrıyı vurgulamak istemeden yalnızca nehrin bir alegorisi olarak hizmet ettiği de olur. Bu farklı ikonografik şemalar, Geç Antik Çağ’a kadar Roma İmparatorluğu’nun tüm bölgelerinde bulunur ve iç içe geçmiştir. Aynı ikonografi, bağlama bağlı olarak nasıl dini bir karaktere -bu imgeler Mısır tanrılarının kültleriyle, özellikle de Serapis’le ilişkilendirildiğinde- veya esasen yerel bir bağlamda dünyevi bir karaktere bürünebileceğini göstermektedir. Erken Hıristiyanlık döneminde, Nil cennetin nehirlerinden biri olarak kabul edilmiş ve görüntüleri hem komisyon üyeleri/görevli memurlar hem de inananlar için yeni bir anlam kazanmıştır. Aynı ikonografik öğelerin farklı bağlamlarda nasıl kullanıldığı ve bunların farklı amaçlara ve ideolojilere hizmet etmek için nasıl benimsendiği, kimi zaman da uyarlandığı gözler önüne serilmektedir.


  • Asimakopoulou-Atzaka 2019 P. Asimakopoulou-Atzaka, Psephidota dapeda, Proseggisè stèn technè tou archaiou psephidotou, Thessalonique.
  • Azarnouche et al. 2020 S. Azarnouche - H. Fragaki - F. Grenet, « De l’Egypte à la Perse : un plat sassanide du VIIe siècle », M.-D. Nenna (ed.) Alexandrina 5, ÉtAlex 50, Alexandrie, 209-220.
  • Balty 1984 J. Balty, Thèmes nilotiques dans la mosaïque tardive du Proche Orient, Alessandria e il mondo ellenistico-romano, Rome, 827-834.
  • Blas de Roblès 1999 J.-M. Blas de Roblès, Libye grecque, romaine et byzantine, Aix-en-Provence, Edisud.
  • Corteggiani 2007 J.-P. Corteggiani, L’Égypte ancienne et ses dieux, Dictionnaire illustré, Paris.
  • Croisille 2010 J.-M. Croisille, Paysages dans la peinture romaine, Aux origines d’un genre pictural, Antiqua, Paris.
  • De Caro 2001 S. De Caro, I Mosaici la Casa del Fauno, Napoli.
  • De Vos 1980 M. De Vos, L’egittomania in pitture e mosaici romano-campane della prima éta imperiale, EPRO, 84, Leyde.
  • Dunbabin 1999 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge.
  • Fragaki 2011 H. Fragaki, Images antiques d’Alexandrie, Ier s. avant J. - Ch. – VIIIe s. après J. - Ch., Etudes alexandrines 20, Le Caire, IFAO.
  • Guimier-Sorbets 2011 A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets, « Scènes nilotiques : expression de l’abondance et vision de l’autre », I. Hairy (ed.), Du Nil à Alexandrie, histoire d’eaux, exposition au Musée de Tessé, Alexandrie, 648-667.
  • Guimier-Sorbets 2019 A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets, Mosaïques d’Alexandrie, pavements d’Égypte grecque et romaine, Antiquités alexandrines 3, Alexandrie, Centre d’Études alexandrines, English Translation: Mosaics of Alexandria. Pavements of Greek and Roman Egypt. Le Caire.
  • Guimier-Sorbets - Guimier in print A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets - A. Guimier, Sur les mosaïques et les peintures, un oiseau peu (re)connu : la talève sultane (porphyrio porphyrio, purple swamphen), Convivium, Hommage to Prof. Demetrios Michaelides, BAR international, Oxford.
  • Hachlili 1998 R. Hachlili, “Iconographic Elements of Nilotic Scenes on Byzantine Mosaic Pavements in Israel”, PEQ 130, 2, 106-120.
  • Hairy 2011 I. Hairy, « Les nilomètres, outils de la mesure du Nil », I. Hairy (ed.), Histoire d‘eaux, Alexandrie, 98-111.
  • Hamarneh 1999 B. Hamarneh, “The River Nile and Egypt in the Mosaics of the Middle East”, M. Piccirillo - E. Alliata (eds.), The Madaba Mosaic centenary 1897-1997, Travelling through Byzantine Umayyad Period, Amman, Jerusalem, 185-189.
  • Işıklıkaya-Laubscher et al. 2022 Işıklıkaya-Laubscher - D. Şahin - M. Şahin, « En Turquie, des découvertes récentes et spectaculaires », La Mosaïque antique et son contexte, DossAParis 412, 18-23.
  • Jentel 1992 M.-O. Jentel, « s.v. Neilos », LIMC VI, I. 720-726, II. pl. 424-429.
  • Kolonas - Stavropoulou-Iatsi 2017 L. Kolonas - M. Stavropoulou-Iatsi, Archaiologiko Mouseio Patron, Athènes, Ypourgeio Politismou Athlètismou TAPA.
  • Lancha 1983 J. Lancha, « La mosaïque cosmologique de Mérida, étude technique et stylistique », MelCasaVelazquez 19.1, 17-68.
  • Ling 1998 R. Ling, Ancient Mosaics, Princeton.
  • Maguire 1999 H. Maguire, “The Nile and the Rivers of Paradise”, M. Piccirillo - E. Alliata (eds.), The Madaba Mosaic centenary 1897-1997, Travelling through Byzantine Umayyad Period, Amman, Jerusalem, 179-184.
  • Meyboom 1995 P. G. P. Meyboom, The Nile Mosaic of Palestrina. Early Evidence of Egyptian Religion in Italy, Leyden.
  • Nater 2011 G. Nater, Le Nil : histoire d’Eau, d’animaux et de divinités, I. Hairy (ed.), Histoire d‘eaux, Alexandrie, 74-87.
  • Ortali-Tarazi - Waliszewski 2000 R. Ortali-Tarazi -T. Waliszewski, « La mosaïque du Nil découverte à Jiyé », BAAL 4, 165-177.
  • Patacı - Laflı 2019 S. Patacı - E. Laflı, Hadrianopolis IV, Early Byzantine mosaics and frescoes from northwestern central Turkey, BAR International Series 2928, Oxford.
  • Quet 1981 M.-H. Quet, La mosaïque cosmologique de Mérida, Propositions de lecture, Paris.
  • Rozenberg 2018 S. Rozenberg, « Roman and Early Byzantine wall paintings in Israel – A Survey », Y. Dubois - U. Niffeler (dir.), Pictores per provincias II, Status quaestionis, Actes du 13e colloque de l’Association internationale pour la Peinture murale antique, Antiqua 55, Bâle, Archéologie suisse, 155-172.
  • Siebert 1999 G. Siebert, « Sur la mosaïque nilotique de Preneste. Problèmes d’iconographie, de chronologie et de style », Ktema 24, 251-258.
  • Sintès 2010 C. Sintès, Libye antique, un rêve de marbre, Paris.
  • Strocka 2021 V. M. Strocka, Pygmäen in Ägypten ? Die Widerlegung eines alten Irrtums Beevölkerte Nillandschaften in der antiken Kunst, Mainz.
  • Versluys 2000 M. J. Versluys, “Auf ein paar Stücken von Musaico im Hause Massimi, Bemerkungen zu drei römischen Mosaikfragmenten in Madrid”, MM 41, 236-252.

The Representation of the Nile on Mosaics: Various Contexts, Various Meanings

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 16, 239 - 250, 03.11.2023


Based on a few examples from different regions of the Roman Empire, we study the representation of the Nile from the end of the Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity. Depending on the case, the river is represented for itself, as a major element of the Egyptian landscape, a pleasant setting that brings benefits and abundance; this landscape, characterized by its flora and fauna, can also be depicted in “Nilotic scenes” with caricatured characters. In other representations, on the other hand, the god Nile is personified and the celebrations offered to him are shown to greet - and guarantee - the abundance of his flood, source of wealth and pleasure. It also happens that the personification of the Nile only serves as an allegory of the river, without wanting to highlight the god. These different iconographic schemes were to be found and intermingled in all regions of the Roman Empire until Late Antiquity. We show how the same iconography can take on, depending on the context, a religious character - when these images are associated with the cults of Egyptian deities, particularly Serapis - or a profane character, essentially in a domestic context. In the early Christian period, the Nile was considered one of the rivers of Paradise, and images of it took on a new meaning for both the commissioners and the faithful. We show how the same iconographic elements were used in different contexts, and how they were adopted, sometimes adapted, to serve different purposes and ideologies.


  • Asimakopoulou-Atzaka 2019 P. Asimakopoulou-Atzaka, Psephidota dapeda, Proseggisè stèn technè tou archaiou psephidotou, Thessalonique.
  • Azarnouche et al. 2020 S. Azarnouche - H. Fragaki - F. Grenet, « De l’Egypte à la Perse : un plat sassanide du VIIe siècle », M.-D. Nenna (ed.) Alexandrina 5, ÉtAlex 50, Alexandrie, 209-220.
  • Balty 1984 J. Balty, Thèmes nilotiques dans la mosaïque tardive du Proche Orient, Alessandria e il mondo ellenistico-romano, Rome, 827-834.
  • Blas de Roblès 1999 J.-M. Blas de Roblès, Libye grecque, romaine et byzantine, Aix-en-Provence, Edisud.
  • Corteggiani 2007 J.-P. Corteggiani, L’Égypte ancienne et ses dieux, Dictionnaire illustré, Paris.
  • Croisille 2010 J.-M. Croisille, Paysages dans la peinture romaine, Aux origines d’un genre pictural, Antiqua, Paris.
  • De Caro 2001 S. De Caro, I Mosaici la Casa del Fauno, Napoli.
  • De Vos 1980 M. De Vos, L’egittomania in pitture e mosaici romano-campane della prima éta imperiale, EPRO, 84, Leyde.
  • Dunbabin 1999 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge.
  • Fragaki 2011 H. Fragaki, Images antiques d’Alexandrie, Ier s. avant J. - Ch. – VIIIe s. après J. - Ch., Etudes alexandrines 20, Le Caire, IFAO.
  • Guimier-Sorbets 2011 A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets, « Scènes nilotiques : expression de l’abondance et vision de l’autre », I. Hairy (ed.), Du Nil à Alexandrie, histoire d’eaux, exposition au Musée de Tessé, Alexandrie, 648-667.
  • Guimier-Sorbets 2019 A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets, Mosaïques d’Alexandrie, pavements d’Égypte grecque et romaine, Antiquités alexandrines 3, Alexandrie, Centre d’Études alexandrines, English Translation: Mosaics of Alexandria. Pavements of Greek and Roman Egypt. Le Caire.
  • Guimier-Sorbets - Guimier in print A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets - A. Guimier, Sur les mosaïques et les peintures, un oiseau peu (re)connu : la talève sultane (porphyrio porphyrio, purple swamphen), Convivium, Hommage to Prof. Demetrios Michaelides, BAR international, Oxford.
  • Hachlili 1998 R. Hachlili, “Iconographic Elements of Nilotic Scenes on Byzantine Mosaic Pavements in Israel”, PEQ 130, 2, 106-120.
  • Hairy 2011 I. Hairy, « Les nilomètres, outils de la mesure du Nil », I. Hairy (ed.), Histoire d‘eaux, Alexandrie, 98-111.
  • Hamarneh 1999 B. Hamarneh, “The River Nile and Egypt in the Mosaics of the Middle East”, M. Piccirillo - E. Alliata (eds.), The Madaba Mosaic centenary 1897-1997, Travelling through Byzantine Umayyad Period, Amman, Jerusalem, 185-189.
  • Işıklıkaya-Laubscher et al. 2022 Işıklıkaya-Laubscher - D. Şahin - M. Şahin, « En Turquie, des découvertes récentes et spectaculaires », La Mosaïque antique et son contexte, DossAParis 412, 18-23.
  • Jentel 1992 M.-O. Jentel, « s.v. Neilos », LIMC VI, I. 720-726, II. pl. 424-429.
  • Kolonas - Stavropoulou-Iatsi 2017 L. Kolonas - M. Stavropoulou-Iatsi, Archaiologiko Mouseio Patron, Athènes, Ypourgeio Politismou Athlètismou TAPA.
  • Lancha 1983 J. Lancha, « La mosaïque cosmologique de Mérida, étude technique et stylistique », MelCasaVelazquez 19.1, 17-68.
  • Ling 1998 R. Ling, Ancient Mosaics, Princeton.
  • Maguire 1999 H. Maguire, “The Nile and the Rivers of Paradise”, M. Piccirillo - E. Alliata (eds.), The Madaba Mosaic centenary 1897-1997, Travelling through Byzantine Umayyad Period, Amman, Jerusalem, 179-184.
  • Meyboom 1995 P. G. P. Meyboom, The Nile Mosaic of Palestrina. Early Evidence of Egyptian Religion in Italy, Leyden.
  • Nater 2011 G. Nater, Le Nil : histoire d’Eau, d’animaux et de divinités, I. Hairy (ed.), Histoire d‘eaux, Alexandrie, 74-87.
  • Ortali-Tarazi - Waliszewski 2000 R. Ortali-Tarazi -T. Waliszewski, « La mosaïque du Nil découverte à Jiyé », BAAL 4, 165-177.
  • Patacı - Laflı 2019 S. Patacı - E. Laflı, Hadrianopolis IV, Early Byzantine mosaics and frescoes from northwestern central Turkey, BAR International Series 2928, Oxford.
  • Quet 1981 M.-H. Quet, La mosaïque cosmologique de Mérida, Propositions de lecture, Paris.
  • Rozenberg 2018 S. Rozenberg, « Roman and Early Byzantine wall paintings in Israel – A Survey », Y. Dubois - U. Niffeler (dir.), Pictores per provincias II, Status quaestionis, Actes du 13e colloque de l’Association internationale pour la Peinture murale antique, Antiqua 55, Bâle, Archéologie suisse, 155-172.
  • Siebert 1999 G. Siebert, « Sur la mosaïque nilotique de Preneste. Problèmes d’iconographie, de chronologie et de style », Ktema 24, 251-258.
  • Sintès 2010 C. Sintès, Libye antique, un rêve de marbre, Paris.
  • Strocka 2021 V. M. Strocka, Pygmäen in Ägypten ? Die Widerlegung eines alten Irrtums Beevölkerte Nillandschaften in der antiken Kunst, Mainz.
  • Versluys 2000 M. J. Versluys, “Auf ein paar Stücken von Musaico im Hause Massimi, Bemerkungen zu drei römischen Mosaikfragmenten in Madrid”, MM 41, 236-252.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Anne-marie Guımıer-sorbets Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1912-3230

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Kasım 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

APA Guımıer-sorbets, A.-m. (2023). The Representation of the Nile on Mosaics: Various Contexts, Various Meanings. Journal of Mosaic Research(16), 239-250.
AMA Guımıer-sorbets Am. The Representation of the Nile on Mosaics: Various Contexts, Various Meanings. JMR. Kasım 2023;(16):239-250. doi:10.26658/jmr.1376810
Chicago Guımıer-sorbets, Anne-marie. “The Representation of the Nile on Mosaics: Various Contexts, Various Meanings”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 16 (Kasım 2023): 239-50.
EndNote Guımıer-sorbets A-m (01 Kasım 2023) The Representation of the Nile on Mosaics: Various Contexts, Various Meanings. Journal of Mosaic Research 16 239–250.
IEEE A.-m. Guımıer-sorbets, “The Representation of the Nile on Mosaics: Various Contexts, Various Meanings”, JMR, sy. 16, ss. 239–250, Kasım 2023, doi: 10.26658/jmr.1376810.
ISNAD Guımıer-sorbets, Anne-marie. “The Representation of the Nile on Mosaics: Various Contexts, Various Meanings”. Journal of Mosaic Research 16 (Kasım 2023), 239-250.
JAMA Guımıer-sorbets A-m. The Representation of the Nile on Mosaics: Various Contexts, Various Meanings. JMR. 2023;:239–250.
MLA Guımıer-sorbets, Anne-marie. “The Representation of the Nile on Mosaics: Various Contexts, Various Meanings”. Journal of Mosaic Research, sy. 16, 2023, ss. 239-50, doi:10.26658/jmr.1376810.
Vancouver Guımıer-sorbets A-m. The Representation of the Nile on Mosaics: Various Contexts, Various Meanings. JMR. 2023(16):239-50.

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