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Growth, Mortality and Exploitation Rate of Round Sardinella (Sardinella aurita, Valenciennes, 1847) in the New Calabar River, Niger Delta, Nigeria

Yıl 2022, , 39 - 47, 20.07.2022


This study assessed the growth, mortality and exploitation rate of Sardinella aurita in the New Calabar River. A total of 513 specimens of S. aurita were collected from artisanal fishers and assessed between March 2020 and February 2021.For statistical analysis, FiSAT II software was used. At asymptotic length (L∞) = 21.73 cm, growth rate (K) = 0.95 yr-1, longevity (Tmax) = 2.68 yrs., theoretical age at birth (t0) = -0.48 yrs., and growth performance index (Φ′) = 2.65. Length at first capture (Lc50 = 15.06 cm) was lower than length at first maturity (Lm50 = 21.12 cm). Mortality parameters revealed a total mortality rate (Z) = 3.03 yr-1, a natural mortality rate (M) = 1.42 yr-1, and a fishing mortality rate (F) = 1.61 yr-1. This indicates that S. aurita in the study area has a fast growth rate, small attained size, delayed sexual maturation, and high natural mortality. The exploitation rate (E) was 0.53. S. aurita was found to be experiencing optimum exploitation. Therefore, to prevent overfishing, sustainable fisheries measures should be adopted, and these include monitoring of fishing efforts and implementation and enforcement of increased mesh size to sustain the fishery of S. aurita in the New Calabar river.


We thank the University of Port Harcourt, Faculty of Agriculture, Rivers State, Nigeria for providing access to the equipment and facilities during this study and to the fishermen who provided the fish samples.


  • Abowei, J.F.N, (2009). The Abundance Condition Factor and Length-Weight Relationship of some Sardinella maderensis (Jenyms, 1842) from Nkoro River, Niger Delta, Nigeria, Advanced Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1(1):65-70.
  • Abowei, J. F. N. (2000). Aspect of the fisheries of the lower Nun River. [Ph.D. Thesis. University of Port Harcourt]. 238
  • Adesulu, E. A., & Sydenham, D. H. J. (2007). The freshwater and fisheries of Nigeria. Macmillan Nigeria Publishers Limited.
  • Al-beak A.M, (2016). Fisheries management of round Sardinella aurita along North Sinai coast Journal of Coastal Life Medicine; 4(7): 505-509.
  • Aleev, Y. G. (1952). Horse Mackerel of the Black Sea, VNIRO Press.
  • Amina, D. Mardja, T. Mourad, B. Rachid, A. & Borhane, D. (2016). Growth, age and reproduction of Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) and Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) in the Algerian eastern coasts. AACL Bioflux,, (9)5.
  • Amponsah, S.K.K, Ofori-Danson P.K, Nunoo F.K.E, & Ameyaw G.A, (2017). Population dynamics of Sardinella aurita (Val., 1847) within Ghana’s coastal waters. Res. Agric. Livest., Fish., 4 (3): 215-226.
  • Anato, C. B. (1999) Les Sparidae des côtes béninoises: Milieu de vie, pêche, présentation des espèces et biologie de Dentex angolensis Poll et Maul, 1953. Thèse de Doctorat d’Etat es Sciences, Fac. Sci. 1060 Tunis, 277 p.
  • Arra S., Sylla S., Kouame A. C., Zan-BI T. T. & Ouattaraw M. (2018). Reproductive biology of the African moonfish, Selene dorsalis (Gill, 1862) (Carangidae) in continental shelf of Côte d’Ivoire fishery (West Africa). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 6(2): 358-363.
  • Baali A., Yahyaoui A., Amenzoui K., Manchih K., & Abderrazik W., (2015) A preliminary study of reproduction, age and growth of Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) in the southern of Atlantic Moroccan area. AACL Bioflux 8(6):960-974.
  • Baijot E, Moreau J, & Bouda. S (Eds), (1997). Hydrological Aspects of Fisheries in Small Reservoirs in the Sahel Region. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, Netherlands: 79–109.
  • Bard F. X., & Koranteg K. A., (1995). Dynamics and use of Sardinella resources from upwelling off Ghana and Ivory Coast. Orstom, Paris.
  • Barry, J.P & Tegner, M.J (1989). Inferring demographic processes from size frequency distributions: simple models indicate specific patterns of growth and mortality. US Fisheries Bull., 88: 13-19.
  • Bensahla-Talet, A., Mortet, Y. & Tomasini, J.A. (1988). Relations masse-longueur, sex-ratio et reproduction (saison de ponte, fécondités) de Sardinella aurita (Val. 1847) des cotes Oranaises (Algerie), Comm. Int. Mer Médit. 31 V-II: 14.
  • Beverton, R.J.H, & Holt, S.J., (1959). On the dynamics of exploited fish populations. In Fishery investigations, Series II, 19. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 533.
  • Bianchi, G., Carpenter, K.E., Roux, J.-P., Molloy, F.J., Boyer, D. & Boyer, H.J. (1999). FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. Field guide to the living marine resources of Namibia. FAO, Rome.265.
  • Branch, T.A, Kirkwood, G.P, Nicholson, S.A, Lawlor, B J. & Zara, S.T (2000). Yield Version 1.0, MRAG Ltd, London U.K.
  • Cury, P., & Fontana, A., (1988). Compétitionet nternatio démographiques nternat de deuxespèces de sardinelles (Sardinella aurita et Sardinella maderensis) des côtesouest-africaines. Aquatic Living Resources. 1:165-180.
  • Dienye, H.E., & Woke, G.N. (2015) Physico-chemical Parameters of the Upper and Lower Reach of the New Calabar River Niger Delta. Journal Fisheries & Livestock Production 3:154. Dol:10.4172/2332-2608. 1000154.
  • Diouf K., Samb B., & Sylla M., (2010) Contribution à la connaissance de la biologie des sardinelles (Sardinella aurita et Sardinella maderensis) du littoral sénégalais. Dans: Science et aménagement des petits pélagiques. Symposium sur la science et le défi de l’aménagement des pêcheries de petits pélagiques sur les stocks partagés en Afrique nord-occidentale. S. Garcia, M. Tandstad, Caramelo A. M.(eds), pp. 39–56, 11-14 mars 2008, Casablanca, Maroc. FAO Comptes rendus des pêches et de l’aquaculture, No. 18, Rome, FAO.
  • Froese R., (2006). Cube law, condition factor and weight–length relationships: history, meta-analysis and recommendations. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22:241-253.
  • Froese R., & Pauly D., (2003) Fish base. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available at:, 10 September, 2003.
  • Formacion, S.P., Rongo, J.M. & Sambilay, V.C. (1991). Extreme value theory applied to the statistical distribution of the largest lengths of fish. Asian Fisheries Science, 4: 123-135.
  • Gaamour A, Missaoui H, & Ben Abdallah L (2001). Biological parameter of round sardinella (Sardinella aurita, Valenciennes, 1847) in the region of Cap Bon, (Canal Siculo-tunisien). GFCM. 26-30 March 2001. Kavala, Greece. pp 26-30
  • Gayanilo F, Sparre P, & Pauly, D. (2005). FAO-ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools II (FiSAT II). Revised. User's guide. Computerized Information Series (Fisheries). No. 8. Revised version. FAO, Rome, 168.
  • Gulland, J. (1971). The Fish Resources of the Oceans. FAO/Fishing News Books, Surrey, 255.
  • Jobling, M., (2002). Environmental factors and rates of development and growth. Handbook of fish biology and fisheries. P. J. B. Hart and J.D. Reynolds.
  • Kartas, F., & Quignard, J. P. (1984). Contribution à l'étude de l'allache (Sardinella aurita Val. 1847) des côtes de Libye, Commission internationale de la Mer Méditerranée. 23, 157-176.
  • Kienzle M, (2005). Estimation of the population parameters of the Von Bertalanffy Growth Function for the main commercial species of the North Sea. Fisheries Research Services Internal Report. No. 05/05. Aberdeen, 34 .
  • King, R.P & Etim, L. (2004). Reproduction, growth, mortality and yield of T. mariae (Boulenger, 1899) (Cichlidae) in Nigeria rainforest wetland stream. J. of Applied Ichthyology, 20(6), 502-510.
  • Lawson, E. O., & Doseku P. A. (2013). Aspects of Biology in Round Sardinella, Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) from Majidun Creek, Lagos, Nigeria. World Journal of Fish and MarineSciences.5(5), 575581.
  • Mehanna, S.F., & Salem, M., (2011). Population dynamics of round sardine Sardinella aurita in El-Arish waters, Southeastern Mediterranean, Egypt. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 1(4), 286-294.
  • Montchowui E, Chikou A, Ovidio M, Laleye P. & Poncin, P. (2011). Population dynamics of Labeo senegalensis (Val, 1842) in the Oueme River, Benin. Journal of Fisheries International. Vol 6 (3);52 – 58.
  • Munro, J.L., & Pauly, D. (1983). A Simple Method for Comparing Growth of Fishes and Invertebrates. ICLARM Fishbyte, 1, 5-6.
  • Nabil FAEH, Attaia AO, & Mohsen SH (2012). Stock Assessment and Potential management of Sardinella aurita Fisheries in the East Mediterranean sea (North Sinai coast). Egyptian Journal Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 16(2):121-132.Crossref
  • Paugy, D. (2003). Alestidae. In D. Paugy, C. Lévêque & G. G. Teugels (Eds.), The fresh and brackish water fishes of West Africa Volume 1. Coll. faune et flore tropicales 40. Institut de recherche de développement, Paris, France, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, France and Musée royal de l’Afrique Central, Tervuren, Belgium, 457.
  • Pauly, D., (1984). Some Simple Methods for Tropical Fish Stock. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. (243): p. 52. Google Scholar
  • Pauly, D. (1980). On the Interrelations between Natural Mortality, Growth Parameters and Mean Environmental Temperature in 175 Fish Stocks. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 39, 175-192.
  • Pauly, D., (1983). Length converted catch curves. A powerful tool for fisheries research in tropics (Part-1), ICLARM Fish byte, 1:9-13.
  • Pauly, D., (1994). On the Sex of the Fish and the Gender of Scientists Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Riede, K., (2004). Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Final Report of the R and D-Project 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Germany.329.
  • Salem M, EL-Aiatt AA, & Ameran M (2010). Age, growth, mortality and Exploitation rates of round Sardinella (Sardinella aurita) from the east Mediterranean Sea (north Sinai coast). Research Journal Fisheries of Hydrobiology 5(1):32-38.
  • Sparre, P. & Venema, S.C. (1992) Introduction to Tropical Fish Stock Assessment. Part 1. Manual, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 306. No. 1, Review 1, FAO, Rome, 376 p.
  • Tsikliras A.C, & Antonopoulou, F (2006). Reproductive biology of round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) in the north-eastern Mediterranean. Sci. Mar., 70(2): 281-290.
  • Tsikliras, A.C, Koutrakis, E.T, & Stergiou, K.I (2005). Age and growth of Sardinella (Sardinella aurita) of the northeastern Mediterranean. Scientia Marina 69(2):231-240.Crossref
  • Tsikliras, A.C. (2008). Climate-related geographic shit and sudden population increase of a small pelagic fish (Sardinella aurita) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology Research. 4: 477 – 481.
  • Turner S. C., Grimes C. B., & Able K. W., (1983) Growth, mortality, and age/size structure of the fisheries for the tilefish, Lopholatilus chaemaelonticeps, in the middle Atlantic- Southern New England region. Fisheries Bulletin 81:751-763.
  • Whitehead, P.J.P., (1981). Clupeidae. In Fischer W., Bianchi G. and Scott W.B. (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Central Atlantic; fishing areas 34, 47 (in part). Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and FAO.. (2)..46.
  • Whitehead, P.J.P., (1985).FAO Species Catalogue. Clupeoid fishes of the world (suborder Clupeoidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, shads, anchovies and wolf-herrings. FAO Fish. Synopsis. 125(7/1):1-303. Rome: FAO.

Yeni Calabar Nehri’nde (Nijer Deltası, Nijerya) Yuvarlak Sardalyanın (Sardinella aurita, Valenciennes, 1847) Büyüme, Ölüm Oranı ve Sömürülme Oranı

Yıl 2022, , 39 - 47, 20.07.2022


Bu çalışma, Yeni Calabar Nehri'ndeki Sardinella aurita türünün büyüme, ölüm oranı ve yararlanma oranını değerlendirdi. Mart 2020 ile Şubat 2021 arasında ticari balıkçılardan toplam 513 S. aurita örneği toplandı ve değerlendirildi. İstatistiksel analiz için FiSAT II yazılımı kullanıldı. Asimptotik uzunluk (L∞) = 21,73 cm, büyüme katsayısı (K) = 0,95 yıl-1, maksimum ömür (Tmax) = 2,68 yıl, teorik doğum öncesi yaş (t0) = -0,48 yıl ve büyüme performans indeksi (Φ ′) = 2.65 olarak belirlendi. İlk yakalanma boyu (Lc50 = 15.06 cm), ilk eşeysel olgunluk boyundan (Lm50 = 21.12 cm) daha düşüktü. Ölüm parametreleri olan toplam ölüm oranı (Z) = 3.03 yıl-1, doğal ölüm oranı (M) = 1.42 yıl-1, balıkçılık ölüm oranı (F) = 1.61 yıl-1 olarak gerçekleşti. Bu, çalışma alanında S. aurita türünün hızlı bir büyüme oranına, küçük boyuta, geç cinsel olgunlağa ve yüksek doğal ölüm oranına sahip olduğunu gösterir. Yararlanma oranı (E) 0,53 idi. S. aurita türünün optimum şekilde yararlanıldığı bulundu. Bu nedenle, aşırı avlanmayı önlemek için sürdürülebilir balıkçılık önlemleri benimsenmelidir ve bunlar arasında balıkçılık çabalarının izlenmesi ve Yeni Calabar Nehri’nde S. aurita balıkçılığını sürdürülebilir kılmak için artan ağ gözü boyutunun uygulanması ve uygulatılması yer almaktadır.


  • Abowei, J.F.N, (2009). The Abundance Condition Factor and Length-Weight Relationship of some Sardinella maderensis (Jenyms, 1842) from Nkoro River, Niger Delta, Nigeria, Advanced Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1(1):65-70.
  • Abowei, J. F. N. (2000). Aspect of the fisheries of the lower Nun River. [Ph.D. Thesis. University of Port Harcourt]. 238
  • Adesulu, E. A., & Sydenham, D. H. J. (2007). The freshwater and fisheries of Nigeria. Macmillan Nigeria Publishers Limited.
  • Al-beak A.M, (2016). Fisheries management of round Sardinella aurita along North Sinai coast Journal of Coastal Life Medicine; 4(7): 505-509.
  • Aleev, Y. G. (1952). Horse Mackerel of the Black Sea, VNIRO Press.
  • Amina, D. Mardja, T. Mourad, B. Rachid, A. & Borhane, D. (2016). Growth, age and reproduction of Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) and Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) in the Algerian eastern coasts. AACL Bioflux,, (9)5.
  • Amponsah, S.K.K, Ofori-Danson P.K, Nunoo F.K.E, & Ameyaw G.A, (2017). Population dynamics of Sardinella aurita (Val., 1847) within Ghana’s coastal waters. Res. Agric. Livest., Fish., 4 (3): 215-226.
  • Anato, C. B. (1999) Les Sparidae des côtes béninoises: Milieu de vie, pêche, présentation des espèces et biologie de Dentex angolensis Poll et Maul, 1953. Thèse de Doctorat d’Etat es Sciences, Fac. Sci. 1060 Tunis, 277 p.
  • Arra S., Sylla S., Kouame A. C., Zan-BI T. T. & Ouattaraw M. (2018). Reproductive biology of the African moonfish, Selene dorsalis (Gill, 1862) (Carangidae) in continental shelf of Côte d’Ivoire fishery (West Africa). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 6(2): 358-363.
  • Baali A., Yahyaoui A., Amenzoui K., Manchih K., & Abderrazik W., (2015) A preliminary study of reproduction, age and growth of Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) in the southern of Atlantic Moroccan area. AACL Bioflux 8(6):960-974.
  • Baijot E, Moreau J, & Bouda. S (Eds), (1997). Hydrological Aspects of Fisheries in Small Reservoirs in the Sahel Region. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, Netherlands: 79–109.
  • Bard F. X., & Koranteg K. A., (1995). Dynamics and use of Sardinella resources from upwelling off Ghana and Ivory Coast. Orstom, Paris.
  • Barry, J.P & Tegner, M.J (1989). Inferring demographic processes from size frequency distributions: simple models indicate specific patterns of growth and mortality. US Fisheries Bull., 88: 13-19.
  • Bensahla-Talet, A., Mortet, Y. & Tomasini, J.A. (1988). Relations masse-longueur, sex-ratio et reproduction (saison de ponte, fécondités) de Sardinella aurita (Val. 1847) des cotes Oranaises (Algerie), Comm. Int. Mer Médit. 31 V-II: 14.
  • Beverton, R.J.H, & Holt, S.J., (1959). On the dynamics of exploited fish populations. In Fishery investigations, Series II, 19. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 533.
  • Bianchi, G., Carpenter, K.E., Roux, J.-P., Molloy, F.J., Boyer, D. & Boyer, H.J. (1999). FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. Field guide to the living marine resources of Namibia. FAO, Rome.265.
  • Branch, T.A, Kirkwood, G.P, Nicholson, S.A, Lawlor, B J. & Zara, S.T (2000). Yield Version 1.0, MRAG Ltd, London U.K.
  • Cury, P., & Fontana, A., (1988). Compétitionet nternatio démographiques nternat de deuxespèces de sardinelles (Sardinella aurita et Sardinella maderensis) des côtesouest-africaines. Aquatic Living Resources. 1:165-180.
  • Dienye, H.E., & Woke, G.N. (2015) Physico-chemical Parameters of the Upper and Lower Reach of the New Calabar River Niger Delta. Journal Fisheries & Livestock Production 3:154. Dol:10.4172/2332-2608. 1000154.
  • Diouf K., Samb B., & Sylla M., (2010) Contribution à la connaissance de la biologie des sardinelles (Sardinella aurita et Sardinella maderensis) du littoral sénégalais. Dans: Science et aménagement des petits pélagiques. Symposium sur la science et le défi de l’aménagement des pêcheries de petits pélagiques sur les stocks partagés en Afrique nord-occidentale. S. Garcia, M. Tandstad, Caramelo A. M.(eds), pp. 39–56, 11-14 mars 2008, Casablanca, Maroc. FAO Comptes rendus des pêches et de l’aquaculture, No. 18, Rome, FAO.
  • Froese R., (2006). Cube law, condition factor and weight–length relationships: history, meta-analysis and recommendations. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22:241-253.
  • Froese R., & Pauly D., (2003) Fish base. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available at:, 10 September, 2003.
  • Formacion, S.P., Rongo, J.M. & Sambilay, V.C. (1991). Extreme value theory applied to the statistical distribution of the largest lengths of fish. Asian Fisheries Science, 4: 123-135.
  • Gaamour A, Missaoui H, & Ben Abdallah L (2001). Biological parameter of round sardinella (Sardinella aurita, Valenciennes, 1847) in the region of Cap Bon, (Canal Siculo-tunisien). GFCM. 26-30 March 2001. Kavala, Greece. pp 26-30
  • Gayanilo F, Sparre P, & Pauly, D. (2005). FAO-ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools II (FiSAT II). Revised. User's guide. Computerized Information Series (Fisheries). No. 8. Revised version. FAO, Rome, 168.
  • Gulland, J. (1971). The Fish Resources of the Oceans. FAO/Fishing News Books, Surrey, 255.
  • Jobling, M., (2002). Environmental factors and rates of development and growth. Handbook of fish biology and fisheries. P. J. B. Hart and J.D. Reynolds.
  • Kartas, F., & Quignard, J. P. (1984). Contribution à l'étude de l'allache (Sardinella aurita Val. 1847) des côtes de Libye, Commission internationale de la Mer Méditerranée. 23, 157-176.
  • Kienzle M, (2005). Estimation of the population parameters of the Von Bertalanffy Growth Function for the main commercial species of the North Sea. Fisheries Research Services Internal Report. No. 05/05. Aberdeen, 34 .
  • King, R.P & Etim, L. (2004). Reproduction, growth, mortality and yield of T. mariae (Boulenger, 1899) (Cichlidae) in Nigeria rainforest wetland stream. J. of Applied Ichthyology, 20(6), 502-510.
  • Lawson, E. O., & Doseku P. A. (2013). Aspects of Biology in Round Sardinella, Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) from Majidun Creek, Lagos, Nigeria. World Journal of Fish and MarineSciences.5(5), 575581.
  • Mehanna, S.F., & Salem, M., (2011). Population dynamics of round sardine Sardinella aurita in El-Arish waters, Southeastern Mediterranean, Egypt. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 1(4), 286-294.
  • Montchowui E, Chikou A, Ovidio M, Laleye P. & Poncin, P. (2011). Population dynamics of Labeo senegalensis (Val, 1842) in the Oueme River, Benin. Journal of Fisheries International. Vol 6 (3);52 – 58.
  • Munro, J.L., & Pauly, D. (1983). A Simple Method for Comparing Growth of Fishes and Invertebrates. ICLARM Fishbyte, 1, 5-6.
  • Nabil FAEH, Attaia AO, & Mohsen SH (2012). Stock Assessment and Potential management of Sardinella aurita Fisheries in the East Mediterranean sea (North Sinai coast). Egyptian Journal Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 16(2):121-132.Crossref
  • Paugy, D. (2003). Alestidae. In D. Paugy, C. Lévêque & G. G. Teugels (Eds.), The fresh and brackish water fishes of West Africa Volume 1. Coll. faune et flore tropicales 40. Institut de recherche de développement, Paris, France, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, France and Musée royal de l’Afrique Central, Tervuren, Belgium, 457.
  • Pauly, D., (1984). Some Simple Methods for Tropical Fish Stock. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. (243): p. 52. Google Scholar
  • Pauly, D. (1980). On the Interrelations between Natural Mortality, Growth Parameters and Mean Environmental Temperature in 175 Fish Stocks. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 39, 175-192.
  • Pauly, D., (1983). Length converted catch curves. A powerful tool for fisheries research in tropics (Part-1), ICLARM Fish byte, 1:9-13.
  • Pauly, D., (1994). On the Sex of the Fish and the Gender of Scientists Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Riede, K., (2004). Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Final Report of the R and D-Project 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Germany.329.
  • Salem M, EL-Aiatt AA, & Ameran M (2010). Age, growth, mortality and Exploitation rates of round Sardinella (Sardinella aurita) from the east Mediterranean Sea (north Sinai coast). Research Journal Fisheries of Hydrobiology 5(1):32-38.
  • Sparre, P. & Venema, S.C. (1992) Introduction to Tropical Fish Stock Assessment. Part 1. Manual, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 306. No. 1, Review 1, FAO, Rome, 376 p.
  • Tsikliras A.C, & Antonopoulou, F (2006). Reproductive biology of round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) in the north-eastern Mediterranean. Sci. Mar., 70(2): 281-290.
  • Tsikliras, A.C, Koutrakis, E.T, & Stergiou, K.I (2005). Age and growth of Sardinella (Sardinella aurita) of the northeastern Mediterranean. Scientia Marina 69(2):231-240.Crossref
  • Tsikliras, A.C. (2008). Climate-related geographic shit and sudden population increase of a small pelagic fish (Sardinella aurita) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology Research. 4: 477 – 481.
  • Turner S. C., Grimes C. B., & Able K. W., (1983) Growth, mortality, and age/size structure of the fisheries for the tilefish, Lopholatilus chaemaelonticeps, in the middle Atlantic- Southern New England region. Fisheries Bulletin 81:751-763.
  • Whitehead, P.J.P., (1981). Clupeidae. In Fischer W., Bianchi G. and Scott W.B. (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Central Atlantic; fishing areas 34, 47 (in part). Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and FAO.. (2)..46.
  • Whitehead, P.J.P., (1985).FAO Species Catalogue. Clupeoid fishes of the world (suborder Clupeoidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, shads, anchovies and wolf-herrings. FAO Fish. Synopsis. 125(7/1):1-303. Rome: FAO.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Balıkçılık Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Henry Dienye 0000-0001-6254-9179

Olaniyi Olopade 0000-0002-9550-2956

Chijioke Ichendu 0000-0001-6232-317X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Temmuz 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Dienye, H., Olopade, O., & Ichendu, C. (2022). Growth, Mortality and Exploitation Rate of Round Sardinella (Sardinella aurita, Valenciennes, 1847) in the New Calabar River, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Journal of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, 5(1), 39-47.