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What the Literature on Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, Midwifery, and Dentistry Reveals: An Overview of the Rapidly Approaching Metaverse

Year 2022, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 62 - 70, 31.12.2022


What is being done in the metaverse literature in a variety of health-related fields, including Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, Midwifery, and Dentistry, and what topics are explored in this literature? In this study, a content analysis of the studies linked with the term metaverse in all health-related literature is presented. The studies were carried out on the documents accessed in Web of Science and Scopus searches made with the words "Metaverse" and "metaverse" on 06/05/2022. For 312 papers, data was retrieved from the Scopus bibliometric database, and for 240 publications, data was retrieved from the Web of Science data source. In the field of health, there haven't been many direct studies on metaverse technology. This is because metaverse technology is made up of many different technologies that work together and are always getting better. Some of these technologies are augmented reality, social networks, virtual reality, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and avatar. The study also tells field researchers about metaverse studies that are important in the health sector and about changes in the literature as a whole. According to the research areas, the documents found had to do with the field of health, and only the researches in the field of health were evaluated. It is interesting to think about how metaverse technology will change scientific research, health services, and health-related processes. The study looks at the current state of the literature on metaverse technology, as well as the future of the field and what it can do. Virtual reality or augmented reality applications have defined themselves as augmented reality under the metaverse. These applications are most useful in critical situations in the health sector and in processes that are hard and must be done by trial and error. In addition to the tremendous advances in technologies (blockchain, computer vision, haptic devices, sensors, computer networks) with which metaverse technology is associated in recent years, the mechanical resolution of the sense of touch in the Nobel Peace Prize in physiology and medicine received in 2021 can be seen as one of the field's critical milestones. The growth of the field and past experiences show that many real-world applications can be moved to the metaverse universe in the future. One of the fields that will be affected the most by this interaction is health care.

Project Number





  • Ağırman, E., & Barakalı, O. C. (2022). Finans ve Finansal Hizmetlerin Geleceği: Metaverse. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(2), 329-346.
  • Andrews, C., Southworth, M. K., Silva, J. N., & Silva, J. R. (2019). Extended reality in medical practice. Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine, 21(4), 1-12.
  • Balkan, T., Konukseven, E.İ., Koku, A.B., Başer, Ö.,& Bideci, S. (2008). “Haptic” Dokunma Hisli ve Kuvvet Geri Beslemeli Arayüz Sistem Tasarımı. Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Ball, M. (2021). Framework for the Metaverse. Accessed Date: 18/06/2022.
  • Bickmore, T. W., & Picard, R. W. (2005). Establishing and maintaining long-term human-computer relationships. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 12(2), 293-327.
  • Bickmore, T., Gruber, A., & Picard, R. (2005). Establishing the computer–patient working alliance in automated health behavior change interventions. Patient education and counseling, 59(1), 21-30.
  • Bickmore, T., Vardoulakis, L., Jack, B., & Paasche-Orlow, M. (2013). Automated promotion of technology acceptance by clinicians using relational agents. In International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 68-78). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Boulos, M. N. K., & Burden, D. (2007). Web GIS in practice V: 3-D interactive and real-time mapping in Second Life. International Journal of Health Geographics, 6(51),1-16.
  • Boulos, M. N. K., Scotch, M., Cheung, K. H., & Burden, D. (2008). Web GIS in practice VI: a demo playlist of geo-mashups for public health neogeographers. International Journal of Health Geographics, 7(38), 1-16.
  • Castro, P. T., Júnior, E. A., Lopes, J., Ribeiro, G., & Werner, H. (2022). Placenta accreta: Virtual reality from 3D images of magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of clinical ultrasound: JCU, 50(1), 119-120.
  • CGTN, (2021). 2 scientists awarded 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Clegg, N. (2021). Investing in European Talent to Help Build the Metaverse. Access date: 08/11/2021,
  • Damar, M. (2021). Metaverse Shape of Your Life for Future: A bibliometric snapshot. Journal of Metaverse, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Damar, M., & Turhan Damar, H. (2021). Artırılmış Gerçeklik, Sanal Gerçeklik ve Metaverse: Hemşirelik Disiplini İçin Önemi Ve Geleceği. Varışoğlu, Y. & Vural P.I. (Ed.). Sağlık & Bilim: Hemşirelik-3. İstanbul: Efe Akademi Yayınevi.
  • Esteve, A. (2017). The business of personal data: Google, Facebook, and privacy issues in the EU and the USA. International Data Privacy Law, 7(1), 36-47.
  • Hassouneh, D.,& Brengman, M.(2015). Metaverse Retailing: Are SVW Users Ready to Buy Real Products from Virtual World Stores?. In 12th International IADIS Conference on e-Commerce and Digital Marketing (EC 2015), pp. 104-110.
  • Hawks, C. & Krasniansky, A. (2022). Digital health enters the metaverse. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.
  • Huh, S. (2022). Application of computer-based testing in the Korean Medical Licensing Examination, the emergence of the metaverse in medical education, journal metrics and statistics, and appreciation to reviewers and volunteers. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 19(2),1-6.
  • Ifdil, I., Situmorang, D. D. B., Firman, F., Zola, N., Rangka, I. B., & Fadli, R. P. (2022). Virtual reality in Metaverse for future mental health-helping profession: an alternative solution to the mental health challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Health, 2022; fdac049, 1-2.
  • Ionut-Cristian, S., & Dan-Marius, D. (2021). Using Inertial Sensors to Determine Head Motion—A Review. Journal of Imaging, 7(265), 1-20.
  • Jeon, J. H. (2021). A study on education utilizing metaverse for effective communication in a convergence subject. International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, 13(4), 129-134.
  • Kim, K. (2022). Metaverse in journal publishing. Science Editing, 9(1),1-2.
  • Koo, H. (2021). Training in lung cancer surgery through the metaverse, including extended reality, in the smart operating room of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea. Journal of educational evaluation for health professions, 18(33), 1-4.
  • Kurian, N., Cherian, J. M., & Varghese, K. G. (2022). Dentistry in the metaverse. British Dental Journal, 232(4), 191-191.
  • Kurian, N., Sabu, A. M., Subramanium, A., & Isaac, T. K. (2021). Smart glasses. British dental journal, 231(9), 532-532.
  • Kuş, O. (2021). Metaverse: ‘Dijital büyük patlamada’fırsatlar ve endişelere yönelik algılar. Intermedia International E-journal, 8(15), 245-266.
  • Kyaw, B. M., Saxena, N., Posadzki, P., Vseteckova, J., Nikolaou, C. K., George, P. P., ... & Car, L. T. (2019). Virtual reality for health professions education: systematic review and meta-analysis by the digital health education collaboration. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(1), e12959,1-13.
  • Kye, B., Han, N., Kim, E., Park, Y., & Jo, S. (2021). Educational applications of metaverse: possibilities and limitations. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 18(32), 1-13.
  • Lee, J., & Kwon, K. H. (2022). The Future Value and Direction of Cosmetics in the Era of Metaverse. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2022,00, 1-8.
  • Liu, Z., Ren, L., Xiao, C., Zhang, K., & Demian, P. (2022). Virtual Reality Aided Therapy towards Health 4.0: A Two-Decade Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1525),1-26.
  • Locurcio, L. L. (2022). Dental education in the metaverse. British Dental Journal, 232(4), 191-191.
  • Logeswaran, A., Munsch, C., Chong, Y. J., Ralph, N., & McCrossnan, J. (2021). The role of extended reality technology in healthcare education: Towards a learner-centred approach. Future healthcare journal, 8(1), e79-e84.
  • Mamun, Q. (2022). Blockchain technology in the future of healthcare. Smart Health, 23, 100223.
  • Meta, (2021). Introducing Meta: A Social Technology Company. Accessed Date: 18/06/2022.
  • Milmo, D. (2021). Enter the metaverse: the digital future Mark Zuckerberg is steering us toward. Accessed Date: 18/06/2022.
  • Mintable Editorial, (2022). 7 Metaverse Platforms You Can Join Right Now. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.
  • Mozumder, M. A. I., Sheeraz, M. M., Athar, A., Aich, S., & Kim, H. C. (2022). Overview: technology roadmap of the future trend of metaverse based on IoT, blockchain, AI technique, and medical domain metaverse activity. In 2022 24th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) (pp. 256-261). IEEE.
  • Nobel Prizes, (2014). The Nobel Prize in Physics 2014. Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Nyoni, P., & Velempini, M. (2018). Privacy and user awareness on Facebook. South African Journal of Science, 114(5-6), 1-5.
  • Palaha, J. (2022). 11 Best Metaverse Platforms To Watch Out For in 2022. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.
  • Radoff, J. (2021). The Metaverse Value-Chain. Accessed Date: 18/06/2022.
  • Remnani, M. (2022). Top three Metaverse platforms in 2022. And no, it doesn’t include Facebook. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.
  • Riva, G. (2002). Virtual reality for health care: the status of research. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 5(3), 219-225.
  • Sandıkçı, M.B. (2022). Sportif Rekreasyonel Faaliyetler ile Sağlık Açısından Metaverse ve Sanal Gerçeklik Teknolojisi. Editör Aysel Kızılkaya Namlı, Abdullah Bingölbalı (pp.65-74). Beden Eğitimi ve Sport Araştırmaları. İstanbul: Efe Akademi.
  • Son, H., Ross, A., Mendoza-Tirado, E., & Lee, L. J. (2022). Virtual Reality in Clinical Practice and Research: Viewpoint on Novel Applications for Nursing. JMIR nursing, 5(1), e34036.
  • Soulmachines, (2022). Where Deep Science & Technology Meet Real World Applications. Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Thomason, J. (2021). MetaHealth-How will the Metaverse Change Health Care?. Journal of Metaverse, 1(1), 13-16.
  • Torre, G. (2022). Top 10 startups producing digital humans. Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Türk, G. D., Bayrakcı, S., & Akçay, E. (2022). Metaverse ve Benlik Sunumu. Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 12(2), 316-333.
  • UNEEEQ, (2022). What are Digital Humans? Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Uruthiralingam, U., & Rea, P.M. (2020). Augmented and Virtual Reality in Anatomical Education – A Systematic Review. In: Rea, P. (eds) Biomedical Visualisation. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1235. Springer, Cham.
  • Veda, (2022). Top 10 Metaverse Platforms That Will Replace Social Medıa In Future. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.,have%20helped%20accelerate%20its%20growth.
  • Werner, H., Ribeiro, G., Arcoverde, V., Lopes, J., & Velho, L. (2022). The use of metaverse in fetal medicine and gynecology. European Journal of Radiology, 150, 110241-110241.
  • XRToday, (2022). The Top Metaverse Platforms in 2022 to Watch. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.
  • Yılmaz, F., Mete, A. H., Türkön, B. F., & İnce, Ö.(2022). Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Geleceğinde Metaverse Ekosistemi ve Teknolojileri: Uygulamalar, Fırsatlar ve Zorluklar. Eurasian Journal of Health Technology Assessment, 6(1), 1-22.
  • Zheng, J. M., Chan, K. W., & Gibson, I. (1998). Virtual reality. IEEE Potentials, 17(2), 20-23.
  • Liao, P. H., & Kang, S. C. J. (2022). The Mindset and Realization of Precision Care Provided by the Science of Ambient-Assisted Living. Hu Li Za Zhi, 69(2), 19-24. doi: 10.6224/JN.202204_69(2).04.
Year 2022, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 62 - 70, 31.12.2022


Project Number



  • Ağırman, E., & Barakalı, O. C. (2022). Finans ve Finansal Hizmetlerin Geleceği: Metaverse. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(2), 329-346.
  • Andrews, C., Southworth, M. K., Silva, J. N., & Silva, J. R. (2019). Extended reality in medical practice. Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine, 21(4), 1-12.
  • Balkan, T., Konukseven, E.İ., Koku, A.B., Başer, Ö.,& Bideci, S. (2008). “Haptic” Dokunma Hisli ve Kuvvet Geri Beslemeli Arayüz Sistem Tasarımı. Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Ball, M. (2021). Framework for the Metaverse. Accessed Date: 18/06/2022.
  • Bickmore, T. W., & Picard, R. W. (2005). Establishing and maintaining long-term human-computer relationships. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 12(2), 293-327.
  • Bickmore, T., Gruber, A., & Picard, R. (2005). Establishing the computer–patient working alliance in automated health behavior change interventions. Patient education and counseling, 59(1), 21-30.
  • Bickmore, T., Vardoulakis, L., Jack, B., & Paasche-Orlow, M. (2013). Automated promotion of technology acceptance by clinicians using relational agents. In International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 68-78). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Boulos, M. N. K., & Burden, D. (2007). Web GIS in practice V: 3-D interactive and real-time mapping in Second Life. International Journal of Health Geographics, 6(51),1-16.
  • Boulos, M. N. K., Scotch, M., Cheung, K. H., & Burden, D. (2008). Web GIS in practice VI: a demo playlist of geo-mashups for public health neogeographers. International Journal of Health Geographics, 7(38), 1-16.
  • Castro, P. T., Júnior, E. A., Lopes, J., Ribeiro, G., & Werner, H. (2022). Placenta accreta: Virtual reality from 3D images of magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of clinical ultrasound: JCU, 50(1), 119-120.
  • CGTN, (2021). 2 scientists awarded 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Clegg, N. (2021). Investing in European Talent to Help Build the Metaverse. Access date: 08/11/2021,
  • Damar, M. (2021). Metaverse Shape of Your Life for Future: A bibliometric snapshot. Journal of Metaverse, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Damar, M., & Turhan Damar, H. (2021). Artırılmış Gerçeklik, Sanal Gerçeklik ve Metaverse: Hemşirelik Disiplini İçin Önemi Ve Geleceği. Varışoğlu, Y. & Vural P.I. (Ed.). Sağlık & Bilim: Hemşirelik-3. İstanbul: Efe Akademi Yayınevi.
  • Esteve, A. (2017). The business of personal data: Google, Facebook, and privacy issues in the EU and the USA. International Data Privacy Law, 7(1), 36-47.
  • Hassouneh, D.,& Brengman, M.(2015). Metaverse Retailing: Are SVW Users Ready to Buy Real Products from Virtual World Stores?. In 12th International IADIS Conference on e-Commerce and Digital Marketing (EC 2015), pp. 104-110.
  • Hawks, C. & Krasniansky, A. (2022). Digital health enters the metaverse. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.
  • Huh, S. (2022). Application of computer-based testing in the Korean Medical Licensing Examination, the emergence of the metaverse in medical education, journal metrics and statistics, and appreciation to reviewers and volunteers. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 19(2),1-6.
  • Ifdil, I., Situmorang, D. D. B., Firman, F., Zola, N., Rangka, I. B., & Fadli, R. P. (2022). Virtual reality in Metaverse for future mental health-helping profession: an alternative solution to the mental health challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Health, 2022; fdac049, 1-2.
  • Ionut-Cristian, S., & Dan-Marius, D. (2021). Using Inertial Sensors to Determine Head Motion—A Review. Journal of Imaging, 7(265), 1-20.
  • Jeon, J. H. (2021). A study on education utilizing metaverse for effective communication in a convergence subject. International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, 13(4), 129-134.
  • Kim, K. (2022). Metaverse in journal publishing. Science Editing, 9(1),1-2.
  • Koo, H. (2021). Training in lung cancer surgery through the metaverse, including extended reality, in the smart operating room of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea. Journal of educational evaluation for health professions, 18(33), 1-4.
  • Kurian, N., Cherian, J. M., & Varghese, K. G. (2022). Dentistry in the metaverse. British Dental Journal, 232(4), 191-191.
  • Kurian, N., Sabu, A. M., Subramanium, A., & Isaac, T. K. (2021). Smart glasses. British dental journal, 231(9), 532-532.
  • Kuş, O. (2021). Metaverse: ‘Dijital büyük patlamada’fırsatlar ve endişelere yönelik algılar. Intermedia International E-journal, 8(15), 245-266.
  • Kyaw, B. M., Saxena, N., Posadzki, P., Vseteckova, J., Nikolaou, C. K., George, P. P., ... & Car, L. T. (2019). Virtual reality for health professions education: systematic review and meta-analysis by the digital health education collaboration. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(1), e12959,1-13.
  • Kye, B., Han, N., Kim, E., Park, Y., & Jo, S. (2021). Educational applications of metaverse: possibilities and limitations. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 18(32), 1-13.
  • Lee, J., & Kwon, K. H. (2022). The Future Value and Direction of Cosmetics in the Era of Metaverse. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2022,00, 1-8.
  • Liu, Z., Ren, L., Xiao, C., Zhang, K., & Demian, P. (2022). Virtual Reality Aided Therapy towards Health 4.0: A Two-Decade Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1525),1-26.
  • Locurcio, L. L. (2022). Dental education in the metaverse. British Dental Journal, 232(4), 191-191.
  • Logeswaran, A., Munsch, C., Chong, Y. J., Ralph, N., & McCrossnan, J. (2021). The role of extended reality technology in healthcare education: Towards a learner-centred approach. Future healthcare journal, 8(1), e79-e84.
  • Mamun, Q. (2022). Blockchain technology in the future of healthcare. Smart Health, 23, 100223.
  • Meta, (2021). Introducing Meta: A Social Technology Company. Accessed Date: 18/06/2022.
  • Milmo, D. (2021). Enter the metaverse: the digital future Mark Zuckerberg is steering us toward. Accessed Date: 18/06/2022.
  • Mintable Editorial, (2022). 7 Metaverse Platforms You Can Join Right Now. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.
  • Mozumder, M. A. I., Sheeraz, M. M., Athar, A., Aich, S., & Kim, H. C. (2022). Overview: technology roadmap of the future trend of metaverse based on IoT, blockchain, AI technique, and medical domain metaverse activity. In 2022 24th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) (pp. 256-261). IEEE.
  • Nobel Prizes, (2014). The Nobel Prize in Physics 2014. Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Nyoni, P., & Velempini, M. (2018). Privacy and user awareness on Facebook. South African Journal of Science, 114(5-6), 1-5.
  • Palaha, J. (2022). 11 Best Metaverse Platforms To Watch Out For in 2022. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.
  • Radoff, J. (2021). The Metaverse Value-Chain. Accessed Date: 18/06/2022.
  • Remnani, M. (2022). Top three Metaverse platforms in 2022. And no, it doesn’t include Facebook. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.
  • Riva, G. (2002). Virtual reality for health care: the status of research. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 5(3), 219-225.
  • Sandıkçı, M.B. (2022). Sportif Rekreasyonel Faaliyetler ile Sağlık Açısından Metaverse ve Sanal Gerçeklik Teknolojisi. Editör Aysel Kızılkaya Namlı, Abdullah Bingölbalı (pp.65-74). Beden Eğitimi ve Sport Araştırmaları. İstanbul: Efe Akademi.
  • Son, H., Ross, A., Mendoza-Tirado, E., & Lee, L. J. (2022). Virtual Reality in Clinical Practice and Research: Viewpoint on Novel Applications for Nursing. JMIR nursing, 5(1), e34036.
  • Soulmachines, (2022). Where Deep Science & Technology Meet Real World Applications. Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Thomason, J. (2021). MetaHealth-How will the Metaverse Change Health Care?. Journal of Metaverse, 1(1), 13-16.
  • Torre, G. (2022). Top 10 startups producing digital humans. Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Türk, G. D., Bayrakcı, S., & Akçay, E. (2022). Metaverse ve Benlik Sunumu. Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 12(2), 316-333.
  • UNEEEQ, (2022). What are Digital Humans? Accessed Date: 16/06/2022.
  • Uruthiralingam, U., & Rea, P.M. (2020). Augmented and Virtual Reality in Anatomical Education – A Systematic Review. In: Rea, P. (eds) Biomedical Visualisation. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1235. Springer, Cham.
  • Veda, (2022). Top 10 Metaverse Platforms That Will Replace Social Medıa In Future. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.,have%20helped%20accelerate%20its%20growth.
  • Werner, H., Ribeiro, G., Arcoverde, V., Lopes, J., & Velho, L. (2022). The use of metaverse in fetal medicine and gynecology. European Journal of Radiology, 150, 110241-110241.
  • XRToday, (2022). The Top Metaverse Platforms in 2022 to Watch. Accessed Date: 13.06.2022.
  • Yılmaz, F., Mete, A. H., Türkön, B. F., & İnce, Ö.(2022). Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Geleceğinde Metaverse Ekosistemi ve Teknolojileri: Uygulamalar, Fırsatlar ve Zorluklar. Eurasian Journal of Health Technology Assessment, 6(1), 1-22.
  • Zheng, J. M., Chan, K. W., & Gibson, I. (1998). Virtual reality. IEEE Potentials, 17(2), 20-23.
  • Liao, P. H., & Kang, S. C. J. (2022). The Mindset and Realization of Precision Care Provided by the Science of Ambient-Assisted Living. Hu Li Za Zhi, 69(2), 19-24. doi: 10.6224/JN.202204_69(2).04.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Computer Software, Software Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Muhammet Damar 0000-0002-3985-3073

Project Number -
Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date June 19, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Damar, M. (2022). What the Literature on Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, Midwifery, and Dentistry Reveals: An Overview of the Rapidly Approaching Metaverse. Journal of Metaverse, 2(2), 62-70.

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Journal of Metaverse
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