
Journal of Naval Sciences and Engineering

Journal of Naval Sciences and Engineering (JNSE) is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary journal in science and technology, which is published semi-annually since 2003. It publishes full research papers, review articles, technical notes, book reviews, letters to the editor, and extended versions of conference papers. Topics of interest include the following areas: Engineering and Basic Sciences. The journal aims to provide a scientific contribution to the theory and applications of naval sciences and engineering and share knowledge in relevant fields. The papers in the journal are published in English. The first issue of each year is planned to be published in June, and the second issue is planned to be published in December.

JNSE is a journal having an editor and an editorial advisory board consisting of academic members from at least five different universities.

JNSE presents a variety of scientific viewpoints. The views expressed or implied in this publication, unless otherwise noted, should not be interpreted as official positions of the Institution.

Our journal uses a double-blind review.

The articles submitted to JNSE to be published are free of charge.

Last Update Time: 11/28/24, 11:38:05 AM