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Sağlık çalışanlarının iş doyumunu etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 116 - 127, 31.12.2024


Sağlık çalışanları, kişilerin yaşamsal işlevlerini yerine getirmede önemli rolleri bulunmakta ve bu görevlerini yaparken iş doyumunun yüksek tutulması gerekmektedir. Sağlık çalışanlarının iş doyumunun sağlanmasıyla bakımın kalitesi, hasta memnuniyeti artabilecek ve tıbbi hatalarda azalma mümkün olabilmektedir. Sağlık çalışanlarının iş doyumunu etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenip iş doyumunu artırabilecek uygulamaların hayata geçirilmesi oldukça önemli olmaktadır. İş tatminini etkileyen bireysel faktörler arasında kişilik özellikleri, eğitim düzeyi, statü, deneyim, iş-yaşam dengesi, stres yönetimi, kariyer gelişimi, iş rolü uyumu, işyeri ilişkileri, sağlık ve refah, motivasyon ve hedefler, ücret ve ek haklar ve özerklik yer almaktadır. Ayrıca, iş tatminini etkileyen örgütsel faktörler arasında işin niteliği, çalışma ortamı ve koşulları, çalışma arkadaşları, ücret, iletişim, terfi, iş güvenliği ve şiddet, ödül ve yönetim yer almaktadır. Sağlık hizmeti sunan sağlık çalışanlarının işlerinden memnun kalmaları için yöneticilerin sağlık çalışanlarının ihtiyaçlarını belirlemesi ve karşılaması, yaşam kalitesini iyileştirmesi ve sağlık çalışanlarının motivasyonunu artırması gerekmektedir. Bu derlemenin amacı, sağlık çalışanlarının iş doyumunu etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesidir.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışma derleme çalışması olduğu için etik kurul onayına gerek yoktur.


  • Afşar, H., Karateke, Y., İnce, S., & Dursun Ergezen, F. (2019). Determination of the job satisfaction of nurses of different generations. Acibadem University Journal of Health Sciences, 10(4), 720-726.
  • Alhaqqas, N. H., & Sulaiman, A. A. (2024). Job satisfaction and associated factors among primary healthcare workers: A cross-sectional study from qassim region, Saudi Arabia. Cureus, 16(6), e62969.
  • Alnıaçık, E., Pamuk, M., & Alnıaçık, Ü. (2020). Effects of corporate image on commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intentions: A study on healthcare professionals. Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 43-55.
  • Amini, K., Negarandeh, R., Ramezani‐Badr, F., Moosaeifard, M., & Fallah, R. (2015). Nurses’ autonomy level in teaching hospitals and its relationship with the underlying factors. International journal of nursing practice, 21(1), 52-59.
  • Arpacıoğlu, M. S., Baltacı, Z., & Ünübol, B. (2021). Burnout, fear of Covid, depression, occupational satisfaction levels and related factors in healthcare professionals in the COVID-19 pandemic. Cukurova Medical Journal, 46(1), 88-100.
  • Arslanoğlu, A., Bektemur, G., & Gemlik, N. (2020). The effect of internal marketing on work satisfaction of employees. Journal of Health and Social Welfare Research, 2(2), 22-34.
  • Aslam, S., Saleem, A., Kumar, T., & Parveen, K. (2022). New normal: Emergence of situational leadership during covıd-19 and ıts ımpact on work motivation and job satisfaction. Front. Psychol, 13, 1-5.
  • Aylaz, R., Aydoğmuş, N., & Yayan, E. H. (2017). Determination of job satisfaction levels of nurses. Annals of Health Sciences Research, 6(1), 12-17.
  • Bahar, A., Şahin, S., Akkaya, Z., & Alkayiş, M. (2015). Investigation of effects of exposure to violence and affecting factors on job satisfaction of emergency nurses. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 6(2), 57-64.
  • Bhardwaj, A., Mishra, S., & Kumar Jain, T. (2021). An analysis to understanding the job satisfaction of employees in banking industry. Materials Today: Proceedings, 37, 170-174.
  • Bilgin, S., Yalçınöz Baysal, H., & Hendekçi̇, A. (2019). Determination of job satisfaction and opinion about occupational health and safety for healthcare personnel at hospitals. Health and Society, 2, 43-49.
  • Bingöl, Ü., Bilgin, N., Çetinkaya, A., & Kutlu, A. (2024). Variables that predict nurses’ job stress and intention to leave during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1-9.
  • Bulut, A., & Özdemir, B. N. (2024). Relationship between perceived career barriers and job satisfaction among nurses. Ordu University Journal of Nursing Studies, 7(2), 399-414.
  • Büyükaslan, H., & Eri̇ş, H. (2019). The effect of job stress and burnout levels on job satisfaction of emergency department workers. Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty, 16(2), 290-294.
  • Choi, E.-K. (Cindy), & Joung, H.-W. (2017). Employee job satisfaction and customer-oriented behavior: A study of frontline employees in the foodservice industry. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 16(3), 235-251.
  • Çelik, A., & Karaca, A. (2017). Evaluating the relationship between teamwork and motivation in nurses and affecting factors. Journal Of Education & Research In Nursing, 14(4), 254-263.
  • Çelik, Y., & Kılıç, İ. (2019). The relationships between job satisfaction, professional burnout and quality of life in nurses. Kocatepe Medical Journal, 20(4), 230-238.
  • Diana, Eliyana, A., Mukhtadi, & Anwar, A. (2022). Creating the path for quality of work life: A study on nurse performance. Heliyon, 8(1), 1-21.
  • Ejigu, Y., Abera, N., Haileselassie, W., Berhanu, N., Haile, B. T., Nigatu, F., Tewfik, N., Kiflie, Y., Medhin, G., Walelign, F., Demissie, M., Tigabu, S., Taddesse, D., Dadi, T. L., & Teklu, A. (2023). Motivation and job satisfaction of community health workers in Ethiopia: A mixed-methods approach. Human Resources for Health, 21(1), 35.
  • Ekingen, E. (2021). Adaptation of occupational safety performance scale into Turkish: Validity and reliability study. BANU Journal of Health Science and Research, 3(2), 110-117.
  • Eraydın, C., Kardaş Kin, Ö., Andık, S., & Türk, U. (2021). Investigation of job satisfaction of nurses. Journal of Health and Nursing Management, 8(1), 54-64.
  • Esen, H., & Aykal, G. (2020). Assessment of violence in health institutions: The case of training and research hospital. Health Care Acad J, 7(1), 1-9.
  • Gausvik, C., Lautar, A., Miller, L., Pallerla, H., & Schlaudecker, J. (2015). Structured nursing communication on interdisciplinary acute care teams improves perceptions of safety, efficiency, understanding of care plan and teamwork as well as job satisfaction. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 8, 33-37.
  • Gökaslan, S., & Kanad, N. (2020). Factors affecting job satisfaction and motivation of assistant and specialist doctors in a university hospital. Kocatepe Medical Journal, 21(1), 92-97.
  • Gönültaş, T., Aytaç, N., & Akbaba, M. (2018). Research on job satisfaction in nurses working in Cukurova University Balcalı Hospital. Sakarya Med J, 8(1), 20-29.
  • Güdücü Tüfekci̇, F., Kurudi̇rek, F., & Baran, G. (2015). The levels of job satisfaction and description of pediatric nurses. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 4(1), 70-83.
  • Günday F., Taş, A., Abacigi̇l, F., & Arslantaş, H. (2022). Factors affecting job satisfaction and quality of work life in nurses: A crosssectional study. Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty, 6(2), 216-232.
  • Hassoy, D., & Özvurmaz, S. (2019). Job satisfaction of health workers and factors affecting. Journal of Nursing Science, 2(3), 27-32.
  • Hıdıroğlu, S., Tanrıöver, Ö., Tosun, M., Turan, C. A., Günaydın, B. S., Eser, B., Htoo, K. M., & Karavuş, M. (2019). Job satisfaction of primary health care professionals in primary health care and their exposure levels to violence. The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 10(4), 173-184.
  • Hwang, E. (2019). Effects of the organizational culture type, job satisfaction, and job stress on nurses’ happiness: A cross-sectional study of the long-term care hospitals of South Korea. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 16(3), 263-273.
  • Kailay, M., Paposa, K. K., & Chhibber, P. (2024). Challenges and motivators for nurses' well-being during and post-COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative exploration. The TQM Journal.
  • Karaferis, D., Aletras, V., & Niakas, D. (2022). Determining dimensions of job satisfaction in healthcare using factor analysis. BMC Psychology, 10(1), 240.
  • Karakuş, Ç. (2019). Job satisfaction and work stress in working life: in a private hospital nurses on research. Politics, Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal of Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, 3(1), 92-104.
  • Kılınç, E. (2020). Investigation of the effects of health employees’ perfections on training and development activities on job satisfaction in career management. Journal of Social Sciences of Mus Alparslan University, 8(2), 353-361.
  • Kinman, G., Teoh, K., & Harriss, A. (2020). Supporting the well-being of healthcare workers during and after COVID-19. Occupational Medicine, 70(5), 294–296.
  • Ki̇şmi̇r, Ş., & İrge, N. T. (2020). The ımpact of compassion fatigue on employees motivation and job satisfaction: An application on non-physician healthcare workers and a public-private hospital comparison. R&S - Research Studies Anatolia Journal, 3(1), 1-18.
  • Küçükkendirci, H., Batı, S., Gök, T., & Güler, Y. R. (2017). Determining of job satisfaction level at health personnel. Journal of Performance and Quality in Health, 13, 37-66.
  • Küsbeci, P. (2022). A literature review on job satisfaction of health sector employee. Journal of Health and Social Welfare Research, 4(1), 50-64.
  • Labrague, L. J., McEnroe‐Petitte, D. M., & Tsaras, K. (2018). Predictors and outcomes of nurse professional autonomy: A cross‐sectional study. International journal of nursing practice, 25(1), 1-8.
  • Lu, Y., Hu, X.-M., Huang, X.-L., Zhuang, X.-D., Guo, P., Feng, L.-F., Hu, W., Chen, L., & Hao, Y.-T. (2016). Job satisfaction and associated factors among healthcare staff: A cross-sectional study in Guangdong Province, China. BMJ Open, 6(7), e011388.
  • Maniscalco, L., Enea, M., de Vries, N., Mazzucco, W., Boone, A., Lavreysen, O., Baranski, K., Miceli, S., Savatteri, A., Fruscione, S., Kowalska, M., de Winter, P., Szemik, S., Godderis, L., & Matranga, D. (2024). Intention to leave, depersonalisation and job satisfaction in physicians and nurses: a cross-sectional study in Europe. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1-10.
  • Mawardi, M. C. (2022). Alternative work arrangements, work environment, and job stress on job satisfaction and turnover intention. Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, 2(1), 27-39.
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Examination of factors affecting job satisfaction of healthcare professionals

Yıl 2024, , 116 - 127, 31.12.2024


Healthcare professionals play an important role in fulfilling the vital functions of people, and job satisfaction should be maintained while performing these duties. Increasing the quality of care, increasing patient satisfaction, and reducing medical errors could be achieved by improving the job satisfaction of healthcare professionals. It is important to determine the factors that affect the job satisfaction of healthcare professionals and to implement practises that can increase job satisfaction. Individual factors affecting job satisfaction include personality traits, education level, status, experience, work-life balance, stress management, career development, job role fit, workplace relationships, health and well-being, motivation and goals, compensation and benefits, and autonomy. Moreover, organisational factors affecting job satisfaction include the nature of work, working environment and conditions, work colleagues, payment, communication, promotion, occupational safety and violence, awards, and governance. For healthcare professionals providing health services to be satisfied with their work, managers should identify and meet the needs of healthcare professionals, improve the quality of life, and increase motivation of healthcare professionals. This literature review aims to examine the factors that affect the job satisfaction of healthcare professionals.

Etik Beyan

Ethics committee approval was not required for this review study.


  • Afşar, H., Karateke, Y., İnce, S., & Dursun Ergezen, F. (2019). Determination of the job satisfaction of nurses of different generations. Acibadem University Journal of Health Sciences, 10(4), 720-726.
  • Alhaqqas, N. H., & Sulaiman, A. A. (2024). Job satisfaction and associated factors among primary healthcare workers: A cross-sectional study from qassim region, Saudi Arabia. Cureus, 16(6), e62969.
  • Alnıaçık, E., Pamuk, M., & Alnıaçık, Ü. (2020). Effects of corporate image on commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intentions: A study on healthcare professionals. Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 43-55.
  • Amini, K., Negarandeh, R., Ramezani‐Badr, F., Moosaeifard, M., & Fallah, R. (2015). Nurses’ autonomy level in teaching hospitals and its relationship with the underlying factors. International journal of nursing practice, 21(1), 52-59.
  • Arpacıoğlu, M. S., Baltacı, Z., & Ünübol, B. (2021). Burnout, fear of Covid, depression, occupational satisfaction levels and related factors in healthcare professionals in the COVID-19 pandemic. Cukurova Medical Journal, 46(1), 88-100.
  • Arslanoğlu, A., Bektemur, G., & Gemlik, N. (2020). The effect of internal marketing on work satisfaction of employees. Journal of Health and Social Welfare Research, 2(2), 22-34.
  • Aslam, S., Saleem, A., Kumar, T., & Parveen, K. (2022). New normal: Emergence of situational leadership during covıd-19 and ıts ımpact on work motivation and job satisfaction. Front. Psychol, 13, 1-5.
  • Aylaz, R., Aydoğmuş, N., & Yayan, E. H. (2017). Determination of job satisfaction levels of nurses. Annals of Health Sciences Research, 6(1), 12-17.
  • Bahar, A., Şahin, S., Akkaya, Z., & Alkayiş, M. (2015). Investigation of effects of exposure to violence and affecting factors on job satisfaction of emergency nurses. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 6(2), 57-64.
  • Bhardwaj, A., Mishra, S., & Kumar Jain, T. (2021). An analysis to understanding the job satisfaction of employees in banking industry. Materials Today: Proceedings, 37, 170-174.
  • Bilgin, S., Yalçınöz Baysal, H., & Hendekçi̇, A. (2019). Determination of job satisfaction and opinion about occupational health and safety for healthcare personnel at hospitals. Health and Society, 2, 43-49.
  • Bingöl, Ü., Bilgin, N., Çetinkaya, A., & Kutlu, A. (2024). Variables that predict nurses’ job stress and intention to leave during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1-9.
  • Bulut, A., & Özdemir, B. N. (2024). Relationship between perceived career barriers and job satisfaction among nurses. Ordu University Journal of Nursing Studies, 7(2), 399-414.
  • Büyükaslan, H., & Eri̇ş, H. (2019). The effect of job stress and burnout levels on job satisfaction of emergency department workers. Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty, 16(2), 290-294.
  • Choi, E.-K. (Cindy), & Joung, H.-W. (2017). Employee job satisfaction and customer-oriented behavior: A study of frontline employees in the foodservice industry. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 16(3), 235-251.
  • Çelik, A., & Karaca, A. (2017). Evaluating the relationship between teamwork and motivation in nurses and affecting factors. Journal Of Education & Research In Nursing, 14(4), 254-263.
  • Çelik, Y., & Kılıç, İ. (2019). The relationships between job satisfaction, professional burnout and quality of life in nurses. Kocatepe Medical Journal, 20(4), 230-238.
  • Diana, Eliyana, A., Mukhtadi, & Anwar, A. (2022). Creating the path for quality of work life: A study on nurse performance. Heliyon, 8(1), 1-21.
  • Ejigu, Y., Abera, N., Haileselassie, W., Berhanu, N., Haile, B. T., Nigatu, F., Tewfik, N., Kiflie, Y., Medhin, G., Walelign, F., Demissie, M., Tigabu, S., Taddesse, D., Dadi, T. L., & Teklu, A. (2023). Motivation and job satisfaction of community health workers in Ethiopia: A mixed-methods approach. Human Resources for Health, 21(1), 35.
  • Ekingen, E. (2021). Adaptation of occupational safety performance scale into Turkish: Validity and reliability study. BANU Journal of Health Science and Research, 3(2), 110-117.
  • Eraydın, C., Kardaş Kin, Ö., Andık, S., & Türk, U. (2021). Investigation of job satisfaction of nurses. Journal of Health and Nursing Management, 8(1), 54-64.
  • Esen, H., & Aykal, G. (2020). Assessment of violence in health institutions: The case of training and research hospital. Health Care Acad J, 7(1), 1-9.
  • Gausvik, C., Lautar, A., Miller, L., Pallerla, H., & Schlaudecker, J. (2015). Structured nursing communication on interdisciplinary acute care teams improves perceptions of safety, efficiency, understanding of care plan and teamwork as well as job satisfaction. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 8, 33-37.
  • Gökaslan, S., & Kanad, N. (2020). Factors affecting job satisfaction and motivation of assistant and specialist doctors in a university hospital. Kocatepe Medical Journal, 21(1), 92-97.
  • Gönültaş, T., Aytaç, N., & Akbaba, M. (2018). Research on job satisfaction in nurses working in Cukurova University Balcalı Hospital. Sakarya Med J, 8(1), 20-29.
  • Güdücü Tüfekci̇, F., Kurudi̇rek, F., & Baran, G. (2015). The levels of job satisfaction and description of pediatric nurses. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 4(1), 70-83.
  • Günday F., Taş, A., Abacigi̇l, F., & Arslantaş, H. (2022). Factors affecting job satisfaction and quality of work life in nurses: A crosssectional study. Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty, 6(2), 216-232.
  • Hassoy, D., & Özvurmaz, S. (2019). Job satisfaction of health workers and factors affecting. Journal of Nursing Science, 2(3), 27-32.
  • Hıdıroğlu, S., Tanrıöver, Ö., Tosun, M., Turan, C. A., Günaydın, B. S., Eser, B., Htoo, K. M., & Karavuş, M. (2019). Job satisfaction of primary health care professionals in primary health care and their exposure levels to violence. The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 10(4), 173-184.
  • Hwang, E. (2019). Effects of the organizational culture type, job satisfaction, and job stress on nurses’ happiness: A cross-sectional study of the long-term care hospitals of South Korea. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 16(3), 263-273.
  • Kailay, M., Paposa, K. K., & Chhibber, P. (2024). Challenges and motivators for nurses' well-being during and post-COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative exploration. The TQM Journal.
  • Karaferis, D., Aletras, V., & Niakas, D. (2022). Determining dimensions of job satisfaction in healthcare using factor analysis. BMC Psychology, 10(1), 240.
  • Karakuş, Ç. (2019). Job satisfaction and work stress in working life: in a private hospital nurses on research. Politics, Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal of Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, 3(1), 92-104.
  • Kılınç, E. (2020). Investigation of the effects of health employees’ perfections on training and development activities on job satisfaction in career management. Journal of Social Sciences of Mus Alparslan University, 8(2), 353-361.
  • Kinman, G., Teoh, K., & Harriss, A. (2020). Supporting the well-being of healthcare workers during and after COVID-19. Occupational Medicine, 70(5), 294–296.
  • Ki̇şmi̇r, Ş., & İrge, N. T. (2020). The ımpact of compassion fatigue on employees motivation and job satisfaction: An application on non-physician healthcare workers and a public-private hospital comparison. R&S - Research Studies Anatolia Journal, 3(1), 1-18.
  • Küçükkendirci, H., Batı, S., Gök, T., & Güler, Y. R. (2017). Determining of job satisfaction level at health personnel. Journal of Performance and Quality in Health, 13, 37-66.
  • Küsbeci, P. (2022). A literature review on job satisfaction of health sector employee. Journal of Health and Social Welfare Research, 4(1), 50-64.
  • Labrague, L. J., McEnroe‐Petitte, D. M., & Tsaras, K. (2018). Predictors and outcomes of nurse professional autonomy: A cross‐sectional study. International journal of nursing practice, 25(1), 1-8.
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Toplam 72 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Kadriye Olğaç 0009-0006-8957-2524

Ahmet Bütün 0000-0002-6856-9389

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 18 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Olğaç, K., & Bütün, A. (2024). Examination of factors affecting job satisfaction of healthcare professionals. Journal of Medical Topics and Updates, 3(3), 116-127.